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Zen Archer

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Everything posted by Zen Archer

  1. Re: Car Shark, Asylums, Eldritch horrors and Fell's Point: A couple questions 4e Underworld Enemies deals heavily with something called "The Asylum" and its inhabitants. It isn't called Toddbury and it isn't placed in a specific city, opting to let GMs handle that.
  2. Re: Mutant with Hyper-Intelligence and a Computer Brain Gotcha. If you're going to be publically active as a superhero, though, you will have in some way already revealed yourself to the people of Earth.
  3. Re: Mutant with Hyper-Intelligence and a Computer Brain Start with "why". Why was he sent to study Earth in the first place? To see if we're sufficiently morally developed to join the Interdimensional Federation? As a warm up for an invasion? Scientific curiosity? Does your character even know, or is he just following orders? Is he studying the planet as a whole, or does he have a specific focus, like genetics or history? That would have an influence on the skills you pick. Or vice versa. Are you the first alien to come to your GM's world?
  4. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? "Shame on Me" by The Bottle Rockets.
  5. Re: Mutant with Hyper-Intelligence and a Computer Brain That's a decent start, but either you or the GM or both of you together will need to work out more detail. Like what the character's superiors hope to do with the info, and how acting as a superhero might help or hinder those goals. Or whether or not the study is a secret from the entire world, or do the other PCs know,etc.
  6. Re: Ultra-Tech Punishments? Yeah, it was called the agony booth. Crewmen also carried around "agonizers", which were used to punish them for what looked to be less-serious offenses.
  7. Re: Received my latest order from Hero Games Cool. My most recent order was perfect also. I presume the credit goes to the legendary Tina, but shoutouts to HG in general as well.
  8. Re: Power Word Ni! I'd be tempted to leave Body out of it entirely, since we don't really see it kill anyone. Maybe a slight drain of Presence and Stun. Or Ego and Stun.
  9. Re: What "Pulp" have you read lately ? Well, haven't got to that Avenger collection yet, but I did just finish Kim Newman's "The Man From the Diogenes Club" collection. I'd certainly classify it as Pulp.
  10. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? "Still Life" by Van der Graaf Generator. Got to get reaquainted with a lot of stuff before NEARfest in June.
  11. Re: Adventure Seed that could be used in several genres: Bono, probably.
  12. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares John Carpenter's The Foghorn Leghorn
  13. Re: Campaign Input Requested I think it does what you want it to do - starts out as a basic espionage game and then slowly introduces the horror element. I'm not sure how Scene 5 fulfills the first objective listed. Am I missing something? I imagine some players might try to research the Elder Sign between Scenes 6 and 7 to try and figure out what it is. I take it the guy in Scene 1 is lying about the plans of the cult to assemble a nuclear device? Because he doesn't have to be. The cultists could well think a nuke would be the best way to wake sleeping Cthuhlu.
  14. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? The soundtrack to Come Imparai ad Amare le Donne by Ennio Morricone
  15. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Attack on White House delayed in order to attend Brony convention.
  16. Re: Campaign Input Requested Question: Do you intend to have the players know what the Elder Sign is and does, or does that come later? Along the same lines, how much info about the Mythos could they have by the end of Scene 7?
  17. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? "Midnight Special" by Lead Belly
  18. Re: How do you handle Moments of Mastery/ Dramatic Comebacks? It depends on the situation, and often the game being played as well. On the rare occasions I GMed Champions and D&D, I mostly let the dice determine things. But if the players were smart, I added bonuses to their chances if I thought it appropriate or it contributed to a cool moment (though I never mentioned such). In my Call of Cthulhu games, the players knew they were in for a slow march to insanity and death, so I cut them a lot of breaks (also without mentioning it) also based on the moment.
  19. Re: Book of the Empress Lots. The version you're likely thinking of: 1, 357. One of the many cool things about the book is that there are several different takes of the character, adapted for different genres like Star Hero and Pulp Hero.
  20. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Samantha
  21. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Hmmm. I bet she hides out in a cafe in Soho. Where the champagne tastes like Coca-cola.
  22. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares One for the poets: Yosemite Samuel Taylor Coleridge
  23. Re: Silver Age/1950s Style Villains We never got around to running it, but a friend and I had planned a mini-campaign where the heroes would be transported to an alternate world in its 1950s, with Golden Age analogues of the PCs. One PC, an armored Japanese hero, would have discovered that his analogue was one of the greatest villains of that world, having grown bitter during his time in an internment camp during WW2. Anyway, we came up with a few period villain ideas that never quite got written up. Like Paul Maul, a Wolverine-type with fog attacks due to his incessant chain-smoking (because everybody smoked in the '50s) and for the D&D crowd, The Gelatinous Cuban. It wasn't the most serious of games.
  24. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Well, yeah. This did bring to mind a pleasant image of Alphonse smacking Draco Malfoy up and down Hogwarts' hallways, though.
  25. Re: Who would play your hero(ine) in a movie? Thread Drift is my life. Anyway, for the Wraith, my undead avenger seeking atonement, I'd go with David Caruso of NYPD Blue/CSI fame. Dude was born to play The Spectre anyway. For Simian Blue, the sarcastic genius blue lowland gorilla, I'd use the voice of Alan Rickman.
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