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Zen Archer

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Everything posted by Zen Archer

  1. Re: Justice League Detroit And when we do get them, they aren't supported by the fans.
  2. Re: Marvel Super Friends I'm sticking with my basic five: Spidey, Hulk, Cap, Iron Man, and Marvel Girl. As for additions, I think they'd just end up bringing the classic '60s/'70s Avengers on board, with maybe space for a few popular ringers like The Thing.
  3. Re: Hard Back Rule Book Let's not be so hasty. The universe may well have a lot of hate to go around. My comic shop has a copy of one of the 6E villain books that has similar issues - probably just from customers picking it up to go through it. I've never had great luck with hardcovers either, and tend to prefer softcovers anyway.
  4. Re: From Superfriends to Watchmen: The Extremes of Superheroes I wasn't fond of them, either. I really wish they had adapted Chris Giarrusso's Mini Marvels instead.
  5. Re: From Superfriends to Watchmen: The Extremes of Superheroes Good point. I was just thinking of the main five. I'd hate to see Rick get the "Marvin" treatment, though.
  6. Re: MYTHIC HERO: What Do *You* Want To See? I can see it now - for a few grand, the pledger can be the basis for an NPC deity. Achieve Godhood.....or, you know, not.
  7. Re: Star Wars Hero: Why should I? (or not) Do or do not; there is no Try - Yoda. Hmmm...
  8. Re: From Superfriends to Watchmen: The Extremes of Superheroes Captain America, The Hulk, and Spider-Man - probably the three most marketed characters from the time-period, if memory serves. Iron Man - a good all-rounder. Marvel Girl - telekinesis is a nice power to use for conflicts where you can't hit anybody.
  9. Re: From Superfriends to Watchmen: The Extremes of Superheroes
  10. Re: From Superfriends to Watchmen: The Extremes of Superheroes I've played across the whole spectrum. Usually, before putting a character together, I'd ask the GM for a short description of his approach to the campaign world. Something like "Silver Age", "Bronze Age" or whatever. Then I'd come up with a concept that would either fit in directly with that or be just "off" enough that I thought it might provide some interesting role-playing opportunities. If I got the go-ahead, then the GM and I would fine-tune it.
  11. Re: So how did you guys learn the system? What little I learned was from doing. Played a few one-off games at local cons and with friends. From there, I got into a group that played it regularly, which is where I got into the nitty-gritty of chargen.
  12. Re: Golden Age Comics on DVD...The Big Red Cheese! I'm also someone who prefers these sorts of things in book form, but I'm glad they exist in different formats for other folks.
  13. Re: Touch of Knowledge... The character Nocturne from the 5th ED Champions Universe: News of the World supplement has abilities similar to what you're looking for. She has both a vpp (to mimic skills) and Telepathy (to cover knowledge).
  14. Re: Charlton Action Heroes
  15. Re: Pirate Hero More like "CyberPirate vs. OctoViking", probably.
  16. Re: Second Best Game System ? And mine, though there seem to have been some issues regarding Superspeed being a game-breaker.
  17. Zen Archer

    A Riddle:

    Re: A Riddle: Well, I once conceived a character who had mental attacks that were only triggered when he was mentally attacked (or scanned, or whatever), but I never actually played him. But I'm not sure that's quite what you mean. Question: Does "useful in combat" refer only to fighting, or are there other considerations in play, like protecting normals and such.
  18. Re: Vanished Villains Ah, thanks. Never read that one. Still think I'm basically correct in regards to 5th ed CU, though some rebooting seems to have been involved.
  19. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? "The Go Getter" by The Black Keys
  20. Re: Vanished Villains That seems to happen a bit with the CU. Which is understandable since rules change and/or creators leave and take their creations with them. I always figured Zephyr was meant to replace Bora as the archetypal air-elemental sort.
  21. Re: Why I prefer HERO System over Pathfinder/OGL/D&D for fantasy Technically, the GM has the final call on how combat is handled. Also technically, and I am not trying to be pedantic, every system is customizable. You list several good suggestions - all of which my fellow players and GMs took into account back in the day. That we still played and enjoyed HERO even with our issues with the combat says a lot for the system.
  22. Re: Why I prefer HERO System over Pathfinder/OGL/D&D for fantasy This. My first experiences with Champions were pretty dismal since GMs would just do everything to get to the fight because they knew how long it would take. Playing a detective or scientist type was pointless because you would be spoon fed everything you needed so the combat could begin, and said combats were more often than not dull. In later Champions and Fantasy Hero games we decided to focus more on role-playing and such, which was more to our liking. The combats still took longer than we would have liked, but we got over it.
  23. Re: Vanished Villains I know Bora and The Whip were knocked off in that VIPER war, but I've never seen anything regards to White Flame after 4th. I had a GM do something similar. He opened the adventure by passing out papers detailing how UNTIL killed all of Eurostar except Le Sone, who we had to hunt down. "They were losers" is all he would say about it, which was doubly weird because it was the only thing from CU he ever used.
  24. Re: Vanished Villains Yeah, III had its fair share of characters on the quirky/weird side, which is something I liked about it but I don't know how that went over in general.
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