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Xavier Onassiss

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Posts posted by Xavier Onassiss

  1. So I was thinking about how the majority of science fiction campaigns I see out there aren’t.  Science Fiction campaigns I mean, at least not by the definition I grew up with.    Most I see are science fantasy carrying along magic, sometimes called Psionics.  Though the vast array of Psionic Powers usually blows right past simple mind powers and right on through to the realm of magic. 


    And then I got to thinking about those settings that actually throttle back and stay Science Fiction.  Practically all of them have blown right past any wonder and discovery and populated the universe with a few to dozens of alien races.  Many, if not most, treated like humans in a rubber mask. 


    That is actually sad.  I look back and remember the campaigns of yore where the known universe was parceled out into human civilizations in multiple star systems, with their interactions, wars and politics.    There had never been a confirmed contact with anything not human, and there was no (public) knowledge that anything even hinted that there had been, ruins, artifacts, anything.  


    The fun in the campaign was when the PC’s are involved in actual first contact.   Trying to piece together what is happening from clues.  It had a dose of wonder and genuine excitement involved in unraveling the mystery. 


    Do you miss those days too?



    This is a partial list of reasons why I wrote Terracide.

  2. All things considered, I'd consider Paul Ryan to be less undesirable than either Trump or Pence (or Hatch, for that matter).


    I know, not setting the bar real high, but still.


    If Trump was out of the picture, I'm not sure if I'd want Pence to be removed as well.


    Choosing Pence or Ryan sounds like a bad joke, right up there with "Death or Unga-Bunga?"

  3. The original rumor was that he was going to try to unseat Orrin Hatch in the Senate (which somebody desperately needs to do). But that has since been replaced with the idea that he would run for Governor. 


    I'm not sure which prospect I find more frightening.


    Actually, that's not true. Our current Governor, while a solid Republican, is also a moderate and a pragmatist. He's stood up to the Right-wing hard-liners on more than one occasion. I think he's done a good job. The idea of him being replaced a Tea Party ideologue like Chaffetz is unpleasant at best. 


    Well there you go. Everything he does will be calculated on that basis.


    Now, at what point does doing a massive reversal and going after Trump actually help his election bid? That's when he flips.


    Either he's testing the waters or he actually thinks it's almost time.

  4. I don't really trust this source (I always double check Pajiba, and this story isn't confirmed yet) but apparently some members of the GOP are showing signs of turning against Trump. This might actually be the beginning of the end for him.


    If Jason Chaffetz has finally managed to grow a pair and start doing his job, it could happen, am I right?




  5. This is a good start but remember to emphasize decisions and teamwork.  Should the helmsman steady the ship so the gunner can make more accurate shots, or evade so as not to be a sitting duck?  Should the engineer divert what energy he has to weapons, engines, or shields?  Should the science officer scan the enemy ship or jam their sensors?  And what exactly are the implications of failed or successful skill rolls?  This kind of interaction between all the PCs' jobs is what needs to be fleshed out in Hero.



    I'd adapt the rules for Complimentary skill rolls for this: +1 for every 2 points of success on the assisting character's skill roll.

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