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Everything posted by wcw43921

  1. The Golden Age Image thread is right here. I posted to it not more than two days ago.
  2. I remember for Fourth Edition there was a hero called Captain Australia--two heroes, actually. The first was a male who was crippled in action, and the second was the female who took his place. Both were quite powerful, as I recall. Most of us here are quite likely familiar with this site--The International Superheroes Catalogue. If you're looking for inspiration to create authentic supers from lands other than the United States, there's the place to start, to my mind. Hope that helps.
  3. So--did anyone see last night's (3-8) episode? I don't know about anyone else, but I was impressed. Also--
  4. I vote for Option 2, with my second vote for Option 5 with a all-new supervillain group.
  5. Ben Affleck Dressed As Batman For His Kid's Birthday
  6. I vote for a reboot of Deathstroke, myself. One of the ways new players can learn to design characters is to check out how other characters are designed, so they can see what can and cannot be done with the game, and get their own ideas for builds and powersets. Plus, on a sentimental level, I was fond of the Villains & Vigilantes introductory adventure Crisis At Crusader Citadel. I think something like that would work really well for Champions.
  7. I am reminded of a quote attributed to Issac Asimov, which paraphrases another famous quote by Georges Clemenceau--"Science is too important a matter to be left to the scientists." So how did he get along with the "less intelligent" members of the hero team?
  8. I thought Beamline was always a villain--once he got his powers he began a campaign to turn America into a scientific oligarchy. That's how I remember him from Enemies III and Classic Enemies.
  9. Now, now. . .don't you know it's dangerous to wake up a sleepwalker? Not to mention rude. . .
  10. With less than two hours to go, the total pledge, according to the KickStarter page, is $40,197. The Strike Force book will be hardcover. Congratulations to all involved.
  11. This is your chihuahua's brain on drugs. Any questions?
  12. Florida Man, Florida Man, Does Whatever A Florida Can, Is He Crazed? Without A Doubt! Everywhere He Goes They Shout "Look Out! Here Comes Florida Man!" Is He Stoned? Is He Smashed? Does He Take His Potatoes Mashed? No One Knows, No One Cares, But Everywhere He Goes They're Scared, They're Scared, Scared Of Florida Man! He Has No Fear, And He Has No Shame, And Whatever Is Wrong, He Always Gets The Blame! Florida Man, Florida Man, Florida's Very Own Florida Man, Sanity, He's Ignored, Chaos Is His Reward, To Him, Life Is A Great Big Party, He Really Likes To Party, I Can't Stop Saying Party, Wherever There's A Party, You'll Find Florida Man! (Set to the tune of. . .well, if you don't know by now--)
  13. Hey--it beats eating sand. According to the recipe, it takes 45 second to cook it in the microwave. I wonder how long it would take to cook with a lightsaber?
  14. You mean this one? Been a while since I've seen it, but it wasn't Mexican, and there was no wrestling that I remember. Just disappointing dialogue, acting, and--well, everything else.
  15. Perhaps the anthology could be a separate KickStarter campaign should the current one fail to unlock it, yes?
  16. I like that one bit about domestic and imported ginger ale. I'm guessing the imported stuff is Canada Dry?
  17. Call her Oracle. That's what I thought Barbara Gordon should have become if she ever regained the use of her.legs--make the Oracle face into a mask, and build a costume around that. Certainly something other than seemingly becoming a teenager again and taking selfies of herself on the subway. Pardon me for venting--I probably didn't help.
  18. That looks really good, but I think you'd need a bib the size of a bedsheet to keep the mess off you.
  19. I would not characterize heroes fighting heroes as lazy writing or desperation to drive up sales--I would say it's more of a tradition, going back to the Golden Age when the original Human Torch fought the Sub-Mariner in one of their earliest adventures. Usually it's because one or the other heroes has been mind-controlled, or it's the result of a gargantuan misunderstanding--like in Avengers #2, when the newly formed team faces off against--The Space Phantom-- --whose shapeshifting abilities far exceed that of the Skrulls. Taking the form of the Hulk, he attacked the other Avengers and caused all sorts of havoc, taking their forms as well, causing them to fight each other until he tried to take Thor's form, and was banished to Limbo himself-- One of the hero vs. hero stories that really made an impression on me was the DC Treasury issue Superman Vs. Wonder Woman-- Set in World War II, it has Wonder Woman determined to prevent the success of the Manhattan Project, and Superman determined to stop her. For the first time I saw a story where the heroes actually had a reason to fight each other--no mind control, and no mistakes. I did not see this again until Superman fought Batman in the last issue of Frank Miller's Dark Knight mini-series. It even happens in RPGs. I remember in Aaron Allston's Strike Force book where the team splits into two over the issue of lethal force, with one team becoming the Shadow Warriors and another remaining as Strike Force. Player vs. player conflict is always a possibility, even if your players aren't playing "murder hobos." Hope that helps.
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