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Everything posted by Arac-4105

  1. Re: Yet Another PA Campaign Idea Thanks for the feedback. Especially to Matt Frisbee for telling me about the books. I didn't realize I'd stolen the idea from "The Day the Earth Stood Still," but it's impossible to deny. As for the ideas of mutations, solar flares and balancing laws of physics -- They're all cool ideas but I'm not looking for balance. Part of the thing about disasters and apocalypses is that they're never fair, never balanced, and people usually don't have any warning. Certainly not enough to set up shadow governments and such. (At least, that's my opinion)
  2. Since the announced release of PA Hero, I've had this idea rattling around my brain and I need to set it down, so I thought I'd share. The idea's more Apocalyptic than Post-, but here it is anyway. For some reason, one solitary aspect of physics goes away. Electricity won't flow along metal conductors. Computers, cars, planes, trains, cell phones, electric lights, radios, elevators, etc all die. Just quit working totally. Batteries won't discharge, generators won't supply power. Lightning will still strike, electricity will jump an air gap just like always, but wiring is just so much inert matter. For reasons nobody may ever learn the whole world is thrown back to the start of the industrial revolution. My problem is I don't know where to take it from there. Any thoughts, ideas, opinions?
  3. Re: Post-Apocalyptic Hero Me first! That is, if you're taking volunteers...
  4. Re: Are all the good names really taken? Playing on his Viper origins (probably a bad thing to do), how about Dragon? Mind you, there've been too many "Dragon" characters around already, so maybe not.
  5. Re: I'll mimic your powers.. what? That's impossible! I can't! Just chipping in my two cents here, I agree with Hugh Neilson on the Immunity. LS: Immunity (Mimic powers) - 3 pts.
  6. Re: Dumbest thing... No, I am not denying that Lex "I 0wnz j00" Luthor could have tampered with Superboy's cloning process. I'm just denying that Superman's DNA was used in the mix. edit: Props to Oruncrest for tracking down some more info.
  7. Re: Dumbest thing... Uhm, actually no. In the very first issue dealing with that Superboy's origins, it was said emphatically by a member of the scientific team that was responsible, that they could not get a sample of Superman's DNA. Superboy was totally human and his powers were the result of some very sophisticated gene-twanking. (BTW: I'm cut off from my source material, so could I ask anybody to verify this for me? Thanks!)
  8. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares Sounds like a bad superhero movie based on the Marvel Universe recently.
  9. Re: WWYCD: The Ghost Car Arac would pretty much be roadkill, since none of his powers are strong enough to stop something like this. Best he could do is put 1 + 1 together and start warning the gang members.
  10. Re: Dumbest thing... My vote is for the retconning of the latest Superboy to be a clone of Superman and Lex g*ddamn Luthor. For the love of somebody, can't people leave well enough alone? And the developing "Kryptonian" powers took away the one thing that made him interesting -- his super telekinesis. I happily would have paid $3.00 an issue for several years to watch The Kid grow up to be his own hero, honoring the Big Blue Boy-Scout but becoming his own man as well. My second nomination has to be whatever crossover storyline DC ran that had the adults become kids and the sidekicks become adults.
  11. Re: WWYCD: Fans and cons Arac-4105 couldn't possibly go to a con as a 'civvie', his unnatural inhuman features are too hard to disguise, and the four arms don't help. He'd probably have a ball, talking to the two or three fans he might have, signing their autographs and seeing what stuff's in the Dealer's Room.
  12. Re: Brainstorming the TARDIS in a superhero team base Companion Idea: Young WWI pilot who joined the team just after his first solo flight. Bright, energetic and enthusiastic, but not jaded or shell-shocked yet.
  13. Re: Wild Martial Arts Move Names Throw: "Ground's Introduction" or variant on that theme Takeaway: "Shouldn't Play With Knives" Just my $0.02
  14. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Some quotes from a D&D game some time ago. "Dude, if we pay these adventurers it'll cut into our beer fund!" "The social awkwardness will evaporate once we start killing people."
  15. Re: Worst. Hero. Ever. In an effort to add another name to this, I'd like to propose Impact Comics' The Fox for W.H.E. status. Let's look at the stats: Powers: talks to animals, can try to manipulate the environment (cutting off oxygen to a raging fire was his only attempt), connection to the 'spirit of the earth', fur, claws, fangs. Background: native-american eco-terrorist, friend of someone powerful in organized crime. Since he only had about half of an issue to himself, and that focused on his origin, there's not a lot to go on. But considering all that I've just mentioned, it's possible he was Impact's 'version' of Aquaman: interesting concept done poorly. Just my $0.02
  16. Re: Top 10 Action Hero One-Liners "Yo, she-b*tch. Come get some." (Ash, Army of Darkness)
  17. Re: Shazam! I just gotta throw this in: There's this movie called "J-Men Forever", and it has a character that's a parody on the Big Red Cheese. "...All that's neccessary is for you to speak my code name. Then you will take on all the vices of a J-Man of the Secret Service. S for SNEAKY H for HATEFUL B for BIGOTED O for OBNOXIOUS another O for double OBNOXIOUS and M for MEAN..." (I love that movie )
  18. Re: Make a Green Lantern Oath I take this ring and this lantern To make this battle my own To those in evil's shadow Let Green Lantern's light be shown!
  19. Re: WWYCD: Escalation of Villainous Power Welllllll... since Arac's usually KO'ed the first time somebody swings/blasts at him, it's not really a change from the usual way things go. Having said that, the first thing is to investigate where the villain that didn't escape usually spends the night. Hunt for clues of outside involvement (strange radiation, footprints from other people, etc).
  20. Re: WWYCD if their reflection suddenly winked at them? My first thought would be "Ah, Through the Looking Glass. Let's see how the GM runs the classics." Arac's reaction would be to carefully poke and prod at the mirror's surface, then search the edges to see if somebody's swapped it with a flat-screen TV or computer monitor.
  21. Arac-4105


    Re: Speed! From the margin of my old 4th Ed rulebook: MPH = (inches per turn) times 0.3728 KPH = (inches per turn) times 0.6 Hope this helps
  22. Re: How a team fits in its world (team types) One I'm surprised hasn't come up is The Spandex Social Club: The heroes from around the country or the world gather together because they're the only ones with powers. They have unique problems only other powered heroes could understand, and work/relax together just for the social aspect.
  23. Re: Help with an odd Time Power Sounds like a Major Transform, Area Effect, only to undo events (Major, since it would potentially undo serious injury or death). (nifty avatar, btw)
  24. Re: If You Had To Play a DC Character… Not just you, dude. I played a Shaw-based Manhunter in a recent campaign. Great street-level hero in my book. Having said that, I'd have to play the young Clone of the Man of Steel, before they screwed him over in Teen Titans. I liked that he was using the Superman name but had totally different powers. I've had a soft spot for psionics ever since the old Tomorrow People TV series, and I think it'd be cool to play a guy trying to establish his own rep beyond the 'Superman' name.
  25. Re: If You Had To Play a Marvel Character… Hmm, tough question. I'd have to say I'd play Quicksilver. I've always been a fan of speedsters, and Quicksilver is perhaps the fastest mutant on Earth. I'd enjoy exploring his arrogance and what hides behind it.
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