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Everything posted by Arac-4105

  1. Re: A contriversial "Would your character...?" (heh) Arac would wonder what the heck was this villaness' problem. Usually being a four-armed, man/spider hybrid isn't conducive to getting chicks. After that, he might go along with it, if there was absolutely positively no other way of saving those millions of people. He'd be mortified for the rest of his life and try to escape into obscurity immediately afterwards. Mythic would probably bring it all to a halt with one observation: "Uhm, you know I'm a centaur, right?" If the villaness could cope with that, then..... he'd bring in the cops, since he's underage! Heck, UNTIL too, since she's so powerful.
  2. Re: Playtesting Champions With Cats ...can't...resist.... >.< "So you're evil, eh? Eat This Kitten!" Bwa-hahahahahaha!
  3. Re: Character Curveballs Sometimes all it takes is a little tweak to a classic character idea. Mythic: magic-wielding centaur... in a modern, 20th century superhero campaign. Teenager, descendent of a powerful wizard, still learning from his ancestor's spellbook. Spells include magic bolts, shields, invisible hands and illusions. Young hero in training. The GM loved him, amazingly enough. I thought it'd get thrown out.
  4. Re: The Things I've learned playing a Metamorph Don't be afraid to think 'outside the box' when the situation calls for it. Need an extra hand? How about another pair of legs for stability? You've got the power, use it!
  5. Re: Iron-Man Movie! (Hank Pym is an Avenger. He's a good guy, he's just done some goofy stuff in his career) I like the 3 conflicting interests. Makes for a much better story.
  6. Re: Iron-Man Movie! How about this for an idea: Tony Stark and Hank Pym working together to bring about the next generation of robotics. Ultron is the first prototype, and the AI is incomplete and self-writing. In a creepy, totally-logical fasion it determines that killing people will solve society's problems and bring about world peace or something. Pym, being a genius at miniaturization, helps Stark with his Iron Man armor in an attempt to stop Ultron. Just my 0.02
  7. Re: Genres HERO GAMES may want to avoid (intended to be humorous) Intellectual Property HERO RIAA "HERO"
  8. Re: What I learned playing a blaster! No matter what, whether you fly or not, whether you have incredible speed or not, whether or not you can see it coming; once in every fight, someone will drop a building on the blaster's head.
  9. Re: Making a Post-Apoc "logical" The second edition of Palladium's "After the Bomb" RPG came up with another explanation for walking, talking animals: genetic engineering brought to a home-user level, used to 'uplift' pets and make designer animals, gets used improperly by school kids and a virulent disease spreads across the world like wildfire. Naturally, somebody in the military panics after 75% of the populace drops dead and the nukes fly... (others should feel free to correct me on this, I haven't read the background in a long time)
  10. Re: WWYCD: Lost in a world without Supers; 9/11/2001 Arac would be killed instantly (being extremely non-human looking) and the destruction of the Twin Towers would happen right on schedule.
  11. Re: Favorite Sci-Fi Weapon Personally, I prefer the Captain's Sidearm from the Fitzhugh and Floyt trilogy. This energy-based hand cannon was as much a psychological weapon as a physical one. One shot from this pistol, at very close range, would remove everything between a man's shoulders and knees, and do so with a huge burst of light and shockwave of sound, which would cause most fighters to pause. For a better description, read Requiem For A Ruler Of Worlds by Brian Daley, if you can track down a copy.
  12. Re: DC versus Marvel: different styles I believe a part of the difference between DC and Marvel styles was the audience the stories were aimed at. Up until the early graphic novels (Watchmen and Dark Knight in particular), DC was aimed pretty solidly at the grade-school crowd. The reason their stories and characters were so iconic, so high-concept, was that the school kids weren't so sophisticated. Marvel, however, was aimed pretty much at the high-schoolers and college kids. The characters were more 'real' because they faced more ambiguity, Good & Evil weren't quite so black & white in the Marvel universe. Eh, just my two cents.
  13. Re: More Bat-tyness With the death of Batman, the heart goes out of the Batman Family. Batgirl continues to protect Gotham City as best she can, but once she learns that Batman's not coming home, she starts to get caught up in her daytime life a bit more. The rest of Gotham's vigilanties become more serious, especially after a moonlit ceremony at Bruce Wayne's grave, where his cowl & utility belt are laid to rest. Wayne Manor is seized by the government, and Agent Chase leads a team in cataloging and indexing Batman's files. The Cave is looked after as an unofficial museum and the hordes of Batman's arch-villains that try and demolish the place find themselves in gunfights against PRIMUS troops. The Joker survives due to his crazy luck, but loses an eye, and the Penguin survives by not trying anything so stupid. The rest of Batty's Rogue's Gallery winds up six feet under. (Eh, just my $0.02)
  14. Re: Build your own "New Avengers"! I'm not a big comics fan anymore, so some of my choices might be rather strange -- USAgent (Cap deserves some R&R) Thunderstryke (Thor had taken his father's place, last I heard) Warbird (air support brick) WonderMan (air support brick) X-Man (mystic/mentalist) Tigra (what's her origin, anyway? were-tiger or something?) Spider Woman (mystic?)
  15. Re: Alternative Superman Repped. Now if only more comic book writers read these forums.
  16. Re: They wont die I thought they reversed the polarity of the neutron flow... oh wait, wrong series...
  17. Re: Curiousity about vampires and werewolves Why the frak are we talking Harry Potter? I thought this was about Vampires and Werewolves and, y'know, classical monsters that don't bore me? *ahem* Sorry. I'll shut up now.
  18. Re: Genres HERO GAMES may want to avoid (intended to be humorous) Does anybody remember the name of the game that actually used this idea? I remember it from the gaming glut of the late 80's/early90's.
  19. Re: Comics you loved...but apparently no one else did I'll definitely second the Impact Comics comments. A real Silver Age feel, too bad it came at the start of the Modern Age (which reminds me, I've got to finish those character write-ups...) Old TMNT (before the TV series, toys, movies, etc) Albedo Anthropomorphics (I wish Gallacci could have earned his keep on those) Zaibatsu Tears (some really good cyberpunk, who cares if the characters were all talking animals?)
  20. Re: 1930s Superboy and the 21st Century LSH I love the idea! A dawning of the Superhero Age in the 1930s, an unrestrained Superhero Corps in WWII ending it in about a month (or less), and continued superhero influence into the 'future'. It'd make sense that if scientists can analyse and examine superheroes, things like flying cars and transparent steel and flight belts/rings would be present in the early/mid 21st century. That's just my two cents, though.
  21. Re: "Sleeper" Genres Oh, an Image Comics sourcebook then?
  22. Re: Your "2006" Pet Gaming Projects Due to various and sundry computer problems, my efforts to write up the characters from !mpact Comics have been delayed, perhaps for months.
  23. Re: Genres HERO GAMES may want to avoid (intended to be humorous) Loser Hero Geek Hero Nerd Hero Spaz Hero
  24. Re: WWYCD: Stark Contrast Arac would be traumatised, as he gets around by swinging and the loss of that much visual information would potentially be deadly to him. (think about trying to web-swing around a world that looked like Sin City drawings). He'd have to rely on others to track down the Manichean. Mythic, a magic-user, would try designing a spell to act as a 'filter' for his perceptions, changing some vital info into cross-hatching or shading that works with black 'n white. Then he'd track down the Manichean and hit him with the same spell, naively trying to help this guy out of his madness.
  25. Arac-4105

    Super Names

    Re: Super Names I feel somewhat compelled to post these, since you have Pig Iron, Rubber Duck, and Yankee Poodle already: Captain Carrot Fastback Alley-Kat-Abra (the rest of the original Zoo Crew) edit: can't believe I forgot Fastback, the speedster turtle
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