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Everything posted by Barton

  1. Re: To PLAY Or NOT To PLAY? I suggest what others have: Talk carefully to the GM about the problem and/or Run a game and show him a non-GM vs. player game In my four games that I GM (two pulp, one Golden Age, one Champions) I try to be NOT a GM vs. Players GM. I run all my games with the idea the game "fits" the players. What I mean is that situations and NPC's are "designed" for the players. I try every game to "highlight" a different PC. I build the plot around that character and make it "his/her night". My players like it, you may not, and it may not work with all groups. I am blessed with VERY good players in ALL of my games. I have found what helps to avoid GM vs. players is to have plots that are outlines with details left to the last minute. The idea is that the players will ALWAYS do something unexpected, so some details can change (BUT NOT THE OUTLINE) to adjust. This sometimes means that small things benefit the players and sometimes details are adjusted against them. IMHO it is okay if the players WIN! Just have other plots ready in case the players solve a plot. Also a GM take many notes during play, often I come up with ideas for future plots based on these notes. I also like game sessions that are non-combat, with just interaction of the PC's with the "world". I had the "dinner party from Hell" adventure in my Pulp game. The dinner party was due to one character's disadvantage, his family is always tring to get money from him. The PC invited the other PC's for moral support. The party included the pressuring the PC's to invest in a "for-sure" land deal, and small children throwing food at the PC's. A great way to see the players interact and all of my players thought it was interesting. Hope my rambling helps...
  2. Re: What's the closest you can get to a legal assualt rifle?
  3. Re: What's the closest you can get to a legal assualt rifle? You are so lucky, I assume you will get the full auto version... I own a reproduction Thompson sub-machine gun [semi-auto only] I would love to get a chance to fire a real Thompson on full automatic.
  4. Re: What's the closest you can get to a legal assualt rifle? IMHO, the AR-15 is just a M-16 without the full auto setting. This is basically an assult rifle. I would have your characters look into M-4 semi-auotmatics. The M-4 is a carbine (short rifle) version of the M-16. Popular in Iraq due to being able to easily fit in cars/humvees. Semi-automatic only versions of the M-4 I think are for sale (not sure on that).
  5. Re: Pulp Hero Everyman skills? If the list suggested is not pulpy enough add more skills. In my two pulp games I have no set list of everyman skills. The reason for that is every character's background leads to slightly different skills. I have a rich White Russian Aviatrix whose background skills include Russian 8-, French 8-, and High Society 11-. Her skills do not include TF small motor vechicles due to she always had a driver, so she had to pay for that. Just an idea on how to handle it...
  6. Re: Historical Nexus Points The books are called What If? and they are collections of short essays by historians. Goldmine for this kind of thing. The first essay was the Moors winning in Spain... another is Lord Halifax becomming PM in UK 1940, he likely would have made peace with Hitler, the empire lasts until the 1980's... all kinds of what if's but very well researched.
  7. Re: Military Develops Non-Lethal Ray Gun The beam would in MOST cases cause the target to flee the scene. The pain is very uncomfortable. The effect on eyes would be small, you would blink or cover your eyes when hit by the beam. In DC terms I would make it a area of effect Energy blast NND 1 or 2 dice, OAF bulky. FYI: this weapon *may* not be legal under the current Geneva convention of war due to it may be able to be used for torture. This is still questionable.
  8. Re: The Future hasn't been Written.....yet If you are looking for a timeline Mr. Long's super-great book Pulp Hero is a great resource. Also check out books from your local library about the 1930's. Please watch as many movies made from 1932 to 1940 as you can. Musicals, comidies, drama, meladrama, and gangster films will HELP you immensely in getting the "feel of the times". TMC (Tunner Classic Movies) and FMC (Fox Movie Channel) if you have cable are a geat source of these.
  9. Re: Star Hero Minis? Would you consider paper minis? If so check out http://www.arion-games.com/
  10. Re: Golden Age Heroes... Liked your WW2 facts/comments on your web page.
  11. Re: Defining the "Mystery Creature". At first blush, creatures with mind control, ego attacks, and teleport as a attack. Also I would add images to create lights to "lure" the patrols out. Do they kill the patrol troops or just keep them for study/ransom? If you made the creatures smart then they would study/ransom them back, it not humans maybe become a tasty snack.
  12. Re: Help a HERO newb! As a GM with one Champions game and TWO pulp hero games I have a slightly different recommend list: * HERO System 5th Edition Revised * Hero Designer 3.0 (for the GM, makes character design much easier) * Sidekick (for the players, GM will use 5th Ed. rev.) Champions Universe (assuming I was going to run in the default setting) Champions, Killers, and Crooks (villain book) The Ultimate Superpowers Database (if you have the cash it is great for ideas to build bad guys with) Optional: Millennium City (assuming I wasnt going to run in some other city) OR Vibora Bay (if you want a southern/mystic flavor in a city) The Ultimate Vehicle & Hero System Vehicle Sourcebook (if you're going to have vehicles of note that are used in combat on a regular basis) VIPER: Coils of the Serpent DEMON: Servants of Darkness Champions Battlegrounds The ones with "*" are what I would consider essential. This is my two cents worth.
  13. Re: Running jokes in your campaign The Girl from Ipanema is a running joke in my Champions game. It always is the hold music or on musak machine. Chicago suburbs... must pay homage to Blues Brothers.
  14. Re: CHAMPIONS UNIVERSE: NotW -- Updating Villains FOXBAT, My favorite "bad guy", a loon, a lovable loon, a badguy loon, but always a loon. The only update I would suggest would be more plot hooks... I have a few in mind.... Also how about an "option" that he is not a villian, but a random element in your game, remember he is CRAZY, and that can lead to a lot of trouble, but make him not neccesarly evil.
  15. Re: CHAMPIONS UNIVERSE: NotW -- Updating Villains Grond
  16. Re: What are your favourite Pulp cities? LONDON Muesums, rich people, Scotland Yard, UK goverment offices, very busy seaport, very busy airport.
  17. Re: What are your favourite Pulp cities? CHICAGO Rich pulp-era history, big city, big lake, organized crime, corrupt goverment, corrupt cops, Capone, Untouchables, St. Valentine's day massacre, big newspapers, had big early radio stations, universities, many rich people.... This makes a great city for Pulp!!!
  18. Re: What's Your Favorite PH Campaign Power Level? 75+75 for my two Pulp games. Makes good characters for the genre IMHO.
  19. Re: Champions Or Mutants & Masterminds? I asked the designer and he said they are NOT required. That is my point, it is not required.
  20. Re: Champions Or Mutants & Masterminds? I say Hero. I gm a Champions game and two pulp games using the system. It is a lot of fun to play or to gm. At GenCon 2006 the writter of M&M did a demo which I played in. I was NOT impressed with M&M. IMHO the lack of detail in M&M is a major problem. Too much is left to the gm to decide. M&M characters do not require disadvantages, and as a gm disadvantages are great plot hooks and make a character three dimensional.
  21. Re: Cleaning Out the Attic... Find a expert in pulp book valuation, and get them appraised then insured. I am sure they are worth something, I am SO JEALOUS.
  22. Re: FLOTSAM - character background idea This is a VERY detailed backround. My character in Champions is a scout robot "15" sent to help earth prepare to defend itself from the Debians (think Xenovores). This character is a much more thought out version of the same thing. I think FLOTSAM will stress more honor and protection, while my character "15" is very smart but warns people (in an over the top manner) about the Denebian threat. "15" is clue-free (beyond clueless) about earth culture, having "learned" about it from TV broadcasts. So I play my robot much more as a fish-out-of-water character, my guess is FLOTSAM will be more a honor bound, stoic character. Please think about the fish-out-of-water aspects of FLOTSAM, it is fun to explore how an alien would approach modern life. "15" for example LOVES cartoons and thinks Spongebob is great. He is the "straightman" for every joke and prank the group pulls on him. "15" does not always understand human behavior and this leads to funny situations.
  23. Re: Mind link to a vehicle You do have a match. I am a player in this game also.
  24. Re: Luftwaffe Secret Weapons: Winged Missiles Anzio landings 1943. US Destroyer listened for and jammed the radio guidence signals of a air-lauched missle (not sure which type). I am not sure if any ships were hit (If I recall no hits). This is considered by some as the first naval ECM engagement.
  25. Re: Luftwaffe Secret Weapons: Winged Missiles HS-293 also sank a Indian crewed British transport in the Med. It was carring US Army Combat Eng. in 1943. Large loss of life, only recently was the incident declassified. The HS-293 under good conditions was a real killer.
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