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Christopher R Taylor

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Everything posted by Christopher R Taylor

  1. I agree, they amped up his strength significantly in the movies. He's way stronger than he should be, probably because they figured that was cooler. When I saw him rip the door of a car in the first Cap film I was staring in confusion. He's not Spider-Man.
  2. Yeah I'm with you here. Cap is 5-6 in my book, tops, with lots of multiple-target attacks and tricks to make him seem faster. I see him at human max, plus a bit beyond, so STR 25 or 30 max, etc. Iron man would be 4-5 in armor.
  3. While its true that in comic books there are a lot of guys without rPD, the writers make sure none of them get killed or shot. In a game, its a bit different, usually.
  4. Alfred apparently has a neck like a goose
  5. Its Winter Veil time on World of Warcraft again. Everyone gets presents under the tree, including a sled you can pull people or pets around on. Coming this new years is our guild's annual Gnew Year's Gnaked Gnome Run. We start up level 1 gnomes and run totally without any gear across the landscape to improbable and dangerous places, dying horribly and having lots of fun together. The run is from Steamfont to Darnassus, the long way: down through Stranglethorn across the boat to the plains and up through Orc territory. The run is on the 1st of January 2016, Sentinels Server. More details will be made available as we draw near.
  6. None of the reboots really seem to hold up, particularly the latest one. very disappointing.
  7. You could use transform, but probably a blast or KA with variable special effect would work just as well and be cheaper. If you insist on having exactly the same effects, you might need a transform or 1 hex area effect that is limited to a single area on the target to mimic the precise effects.
  8. The Shield was a pretty cool character, too bad he disappeared
  9. Hit girl uses a lot of sweep maneuvers and multiple target attacks.
  10. OK I finished and uploaded the files for the base magic system as presented in the game. Next up is talents, I believe.
  11. 198 downloads

    This file contains the conversion I did of Skyrim's spells into Hero 6th edition. Included is the Hero Designer files for each level of mastery for the spells.
  12. Yeah, that's the low end. He doesn't have an upper end: the madder he gets... 70 is probably a good base for mellow hulk and then upwards from there.
  13. Exactly, its lots of fast cuts to show him taking action, not an exact chronological sequence of events. That's like giving James Bond teleportation because he's show in one scene in London and the next in Sao Palo.
  14. Wards work against all attacks, though. Spells, dragon breath, physical, etc. I might just make a general game rule that you cannot wear armor and use protective magic. I might even work it into the builds. In terms of raw authenticity, it isn't by Hoyle, but the game doesn't have to balance against other PCs, only monsters.
  15. Here is the Novice Alteration, for example: CANDLELIGHT EFFECT: Creates a glowing light that follows the caster Active Cost: 22 Range: no Real Cost: 7 Gesture: yes Mana Cost: 2 Incantation: no Casting Time: Delayed Phase Concentrate: no This spell summons a mote of multicolored light that hovers above and slightly behind the caster, shedding as much light as a lantern. The light lasts a full minute without requiring any effort or attention to maintain. POWERS: Images vs sight (light) MODIFIERS: Requires Mana only to start (+1/4), Area effect Radius 8m (+1/2), Mobile Area (+1/2); Only for light (-1/2), No Range (-1/2), Lasts 60 seconds maximum (-1/2), Gesture (-1/4), Extra Time Delayed Phase (-1/4), Requires Novice Alteration skill (-1/4) [+1 1/4; -2 1/4] OAKFLESH EFFECT: Armors the caster with magical force Active Cost: 20 Range: self Real Cost: 6 Gesture: yes Mana Cost: 4 Incantation: no Casting Time: Delayed Phase Concentrate: no Oakflesh cloaks the caster in magical armor hard as oak that protects them from damage. The spell is somewhat draining to cast, and lasts a minute at most. POWERS: Resistant Protection 4 PD, 4 ED; Physical Defense 4, Energy Defense 4 MODIFIERS: Requires Mana only to start (-1/4), Gesture (-1/4), Extra Time Delayed Phase (-1/4), Lasts 60 seconds maximum (-1/2), Increased Endurance Cost x2 (-1/2), Requires Novice Alteration skill (-1/4) [-2] MODIFIERS (Physical and Energy Defense): Linked to Resistant Defense (-1/2) [-3] I'm doing the conversion as exact and literal as possible, so that most spells last a short period of time, for example, and summons can only fight, not do other tasks. There might be some balance issues in actual play the way the magic system works, however: you can wear full plate armor head to toe and cast protective magic on yourself as well. But in the game, no matter how much armor you have, they still can get some damage through; in Hero, you can become invulnerable to just about anything with a suit of plate armor and Oakflesh (12 PD/ED armor!). So its probably worth putting a lockout on armor spells and any armor. Also, with some of the perks, armor and effects start to stack up pretty alarmingly.
  16. Yes, I always allow people to use ego or presence, whichever is highest, to defend against presence attacks.
  17. So I've started converting Skyrim spells to Hero, for a quick and dirty Fantasy Hero Skyrim setting I'll be putting up here for free. Its just a little project to do over the holidays before I get back to real writing. So far the spells are kind of expensive compared to the Codex spells I build, because of how they interact with the world. For instance, one of the starting Illusion school spells is a Mind Control: Fury. There's no way to get a mind control that isn't reasonably reliable without putting a fair amount of dice into it. However, since the system utterly ignores point values, it doesn't matter. All you need is the proper skill level and away you go. There is no spell roll; in Skyrim the spell works or it is interrupted, there's no fizzle. Further, the spells generally are "fire and forget" with short durations, so they are pretty limited but simple to use. I'm going to use a familiarity/talent-based system for spell mastery. If you want to use Illusion spells, you buy Novice Illusion, then Apprentice Illusion, etc. The result is that casters have to invest points to use their spells, but once they have that, they can just learn what they want, and can afford, and find (some of the spells are a bit more obscure and difficult to find). Once I'm done with the very small and limited list of spells from the official Skyrim build I'll work up stats for the different gear, enchantment, and potions, then some templates for races, and we're done. The rest is online to find and use like adventures, maps, NPCs, etc. I might convert some of the older classic spells not in Skyrim (such as the "Lore Friendly Spells" addon available on Steam and Nexus). For example "Feather" to reduce weight and Resist spells.
  18. You give out a lot more experience than I do, Comic!
  19. They aren't terribly powerful compared to their comic book versions. I bet you could get them all in under 500, depending on the scene they were in. For example Iron Man's armor is either nearly indestructible or falls apart with a breath of fresh air.
  20. I put a few of those 3rd and 4th edition sheets in the Downloads section - rebuilds of them, but the same basic info GM PC reference Sheet Adventure Log Hero Campaign Sheet
  21. Build him like "Darwin" in X-Men First Class, so his only power is to survive, then have him be killed in the first fight. Because that made sense, somehow.
  22. The thing is, if you're careful with the armor in games, 3 damage classes can add up to an awful lot. A max of 8 rPD in a game means a 1d6 bullet will never penetrate to do body damage, but a 2d6 will often do considerable body damage. Its about designing all the parts to work together and "break points" where defenses no longer protect but damage keeps going up.
  23. Even more old school is Microfilm Madness from earlier editions. Not hard to find online, or out in book form.
  24. You could treat each dwarf as identical, with a pick and some fighting ability, then give them a really simple cartoon personality based on their name
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