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Everything posted by pinecone

  1. I'm thinking that 3DX is the equivilent to 5 str in game funcion terms so 2 to the third is 16X and that wound be +12 Dx or so so about 23 DX? (I know it does seem a little low......)
  2. I still remember my quote..."How could this Possably be as good as Runequest".... Well I found out....someone wanted me to run this "cool new game" and I was not even interested in looking...so he ran a game and I was hooked, I started running 2 weeks later....
  3. I do much as badger3k does a base amount determined by the adventure (right out of the book...power of oponoites,length etc...) and a bonus for being exeptionaly clever of role playing well or something like that gets a +1pt....
  4. pinecone


    Well it does put a lot of senarios on ice but hey its a Super power... Maybe a Multi-power is a low cost and less wide ranging method of resolving this power maybe add in the "Psionic" lim based on the special effect to show it activates mental awareness and gets stopped by mental def and some sorts of illusions/images......
  5. Space Natzis are cool...but I'm sorry, only Commies can come from the Red planet! Let the space natzis come from inside the hollow earth.....
  6. Well clairsense can fit into the mental sense group if you want and most astral to real interactions are mental powers so If you modify clairsense to include Targeting and put in a "feedback" lim based on counterstrikes to the perception point you can get close....I guess I need to read up on Mystic masters...it covered the various "flavors" of astral and included Clairsense....
  7. I'd just have you roll vs DCV 3 and aply the outcome to all persons in the hex and use the scatter roll for the rest...that would cause a Lot of collateral damage...I might end up ignoring the misses...but I'd start out scattering and see how it plays....
  8. Maybe build the extras as RSR:Rage junkie (Ego based) and take enraged as a side effect of using your rage junkie skill you make your self angry to use your boost (Growth,AID,Succor or what ever) and run the risk of going bonzo and buy the enraged and beserk as regular disadds afterall you do have "anger issues" I think I put some stuff about a low power beserker on the fantasy hero area under "Riding the red pony"
  9. How about a good old parapsychologist? Hmmm I wonder what his power set will be......
  10. An alternative way....they contact the UN, establish relations ...then recruit bounty hunters! That way you can use grey heros/villians from around the world, and look up laws on bounty hunting to dazzle and confuse the heros....
  11. Looks good to me..I've always liked clairsense as "astral" better than using a Desolid duplicate........and its fairly inexpensive
  12. I'm with tre.....I use High society to be a "fit in" skill...it could be a year of charm school...it could be having nerves of steel so you always seem calm and comfortable and never spazz out...Oh! OH!...Paris Hilten! "Ummm roll High society to NOT say that out loud..." (fail badly and you also say you LOVE her video....)
  13. I haven't read the whole thread but did anyone say anything about Kane? I am a howard fan since childhood ,but I did like the ultimate immortal antihero quite a bit.......
  14. Sounds about right to me...he paid points for the wacky power so he gets a wacky advantage...in addition I'd allow him to do suprise maneuvers vs others who don't know about his 360 sense "Howed he clock me like that? He wasn't even looking my way!"
  15. I Think that the Faq has an special case for NND where you pro-rate STR...it's a wacky exception...but I totally agree...4D6 HA NND is very cheap and only a 20 ST would do 8D6 otherwise....I think anyway, if not it's a "house rule" ..
  16. Yes..my altime champion loose string tie up was in Dudracon I ran a multi round champs tourney and one of the player was playing a Time lord who was hunted by chesire cat and had unluck...He goes to the hospital to interview a Super who was injurured by unknown attackers, he goes alone I roll unluck (it's a milk run so unluck aplies) and I hit him with a unidentified MA who whips his butt, the adventure continues....The next year I run a follow on Multi round tourney at Origins and the adventure is set 4 hours after the previous years...the new team dosn't dither and "catches up "to team one...A MA/phsychic detective goes to the hospital to interview the wounded super and meets up with Traveler (the time lord) sees him and hides...." you see some one in strange futuristic clothing moving towards Earth Childs room ...looking a little furative..."I attack him from suprise!" me..."So Thats who whiped Travelers Butt! " truely a thing of wonder......
  17. Yeah I didn't mean to sound like I was in favor of the current method ('cause I'm not) But I can see why they may have gone in that direction ,I think I said so earlier...if I did not I sure meant to....+1/2 seemed to cover the increased utility that can be wrung out of the D/S but special attacks cause problems that to me seem very simular to Autofire so I suspect a simular answer is likely to work...I really like the AF D/S idea I will have to try it it give value without being hosey.....
  18. I guess alittle of both.....I guess my experiance with D?S has always turned into "I took damage from the moveby so my sheild should effect him!" and anyway it's hard not to see a "I'm made of lava" damage sheild burning someone held...on that point though what if I grab and sqeeze a D?S character and my speed is higher? Even a defensive sheild then acts on non action phases so it should be considered.
  19. I too loved dial H for hero...I always thought I'd have to use a VPP:Multiform (no controll,random super), but this could work as well and not be so janky
  20. Buy a base in a pocket dimension...that way it's yours and you can hang out there...put in a transdim portal and you're pretty close....
  21. Ya beat me to it...RSR: Ego contest sound like the ticket...but be PC..."Only vs targets that veiw me as a sexual partner" that way you are being fully inclusive...
  22. I'm thinking +1/2...if not what Would need it?
  23. One other consideration...what if I have a Damage sheild and I grab and sqeeze? Does the target take damage every phase? I'm thinkin yes and that sounds like a continueous attack, I've also seen D/S combined with Move bys and Move throughts...I'm not trying to rain on the parade by when crafting rules it's important to look at all possable uses. I personally think D/S would be OK at the +1/2 level with an additional +1 for unusual attacks ala Autofire And a stop sign to idicate that the GM should carefully study before unleasing it on his/her campain.....maybe continueous should be optional and if not taken the sheild does not work on non action phases and let special effects decide when or if it is required.....
  24. How about this... Bandolere of grenades: Napalm 2D6 RKA +2 stun mod,Explosion. OIF (bandolere) 8 charges No KB, Full effect Total lims 1 1/2 cost 24 Band of grenades Entangle 4D6 explostion OIF,8 charges cost 30 and Darkness/smoke grenades Change environment -4 Per Long lasting , around 64 radius OR Darkness...but I don't have those rules memorized OIF ,8 charges 30 points Total cost 84 points...thats close to the cost of the Multi-power and now you can multiple power attack all three as you wish, you spent the points so use 'em as you will, if you Rapid attack you have a Autofire effect at a small penalty........
  25. I say why pick? Do a "psychic" a mentalist that battles mystic foes! That way you get a double dose of cheesy villians...
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