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Everything posted by Yansuf

  1. Re: Military Promotions Interesting question. Before dealing with that, I have two questions for you. Why is E3 either a PFC or a Lance Corporal? Why is E8 a Master Chief Petty Officer instead of a Master Sergeant? MCPO is the Naval equivalent of SgtMaj. Anyway, I have to admit I am not into the giant robot genre. But in current militaries, a Cpt (O3) tends to be the leader of special forces teams. I believe that is true for all US services (LT-O3 for Navy Seals), for the British SAS, and the Israeli military, although I may be wrong.
  2. Re: Superheores with Disabilites, a thought experiememnt Is it possible to give negative rep?
  3. Re: Military Eye for the Civilian Gal One point that we haven't touched on here: in the real world (or "our timeline" if you prefer) the US Army and Air Force are prohibited by law (posse comitatus act" from do law enforcement (in general) within the US, unless martial law has been declared. Of course, it's your world, so you can just ignore it. Or you can say he law was changed for dealing with super powered individuals. Just thought that I should mention it.
  4. Re: Your "Oh #@$%!" Moment OH, TWINK IT!!!!!! I think we have done the "Twink" subject to death by now. Let's get back to the thread. :-)
  5. Re: What's the craziest thing your Supers have ever done? I think we have a winner!
  6. Re: What's the craziest thing your Supers have ever done?
  7. Re: School for Gifted Youngsters You might also check out PS238 for ideas; it's aimed for younger kids but it is still interesting.
  8. Re: Your "Oh #@$%!" Moment Same, and I've been RPGing 35 years, and wargaming 50!
  9. Re: What's the craziest thing your Supers have ever done? A Master of Understatement!
  10. Yansuf

    The Mosquito

    Re: The Mosquito Wasn't there a Mosquito in 4th edition? A member of the villain group provided along with the hero team the Champions? In any event, I would give him shrinking, flight, a sting (probably a hand attack, but it could be ranged) that is an NND, or maybe make it a multi-power with EB, NND, and RKA as slots. Good DCV (from small size, Dex, skill levels in DCV, or a combination.) Probably have no turn mode for the flight (mosquitos are maneuverable), but only if the flight is not more than 10" (I'm still using 5th edition.)
  11. Re: Superheores with Disabilites, a thought experiememnt A superhero with only one arm? He or she could still function, but it is a partial disability. A mute hero (w/o telepathy or equivalent.)
  12. Re: And now a Math question - figuring out travel times... You can always ignore all this and use the non-newtonian (but does not violate newton) micro-jump drive. GDW called it the "Stutterwarp" drive in 2300AD.
  13. Re: Steve's Chat Tonight (Wednesday, August 19)
  14. Re: Transgendered Superperson But can you draw to your ear, like longbowmen did?
  15. Re: Help with "subtle" psionics Depends on how you want to go. If being overtly psionic isn't what you want, here are 2 ideas: Several levels of skill, either with her martial art or with DCV, with a limitation for based on precognition (make it a roll?); or based on reading her opponent's mind. In the latter case you can have "only works on humans" or "only works on beings without mental defense" or whatever. If you give her a very low level of TK (Str= 5 points or even less) with invisible power effects (normal or full, your option) and a ranged attack with thrown weapons, you can give or skill levels in that based on "TK Guidance."
  16. Re: The Movie Predator Two quibbles with the versions posted above. One, his psych limit should be "Will not hunt unarmed women & children, or pregnant women." In the first move, he does not attack the girl because she in unarmed. The major realizes this and prevents her from picking up a weapon after the major's last man goes down. Two, his IR Vision is not from a focus, that is his vision. In fact, he is normally blind to much (or most or all) of the visible (to humans) spectrum. In the second movie, after he realizes the humans are using a "IR Cloaking" suit, he uses his gear (focus) to let him see in a shorter wavelength band. Therefore, he should have a disadvantage of "does not see in human visible spectrum" (all the time, minor problem) and normal vision through a focus with the limitation lockout - he cannot see in visible and IR at the same time.
  17. Re: Your "Oh #@$%!" Moment I am not familiar with that term.
  18. Re: Your "Oh #@$%!" Moment Ow! Personally, if I were GMing, I wouldn't allow a "hero" with that power.
  19. Re: Villainess Romance Appeal? GR8 idea!
  20. Re: Pulp Era Gun Laws In the US, there were NO federal laws restricting weapons before the act mentioned above. However, state and local laws did vary widely. In general, whites could carry whatever they wished, out side a few cities where permits to carry were required. In some southern states, there were state or county laws against carrying concealed weapons, but any (local) white who wanted to carry was made a "special deputy" or "reserve deputy" or something like that, and that gave permission. I am not proud of the fact that the origin of "gun control" laws in the US were designed to prevent the "n*!*ers" (n word) from carrying guns, but it is true. It started in some of the old confederate states after reconstruction in the 19th century. Of course California outlawed orientals carrying guns without a permit early in the 20th century. The NY City weapons restrictions started in 1911 when the Sullivan Act was passed. It was aimed at immigrants. Anyone with any political influence (which in that period meant anyone who had money, or was friendly with the local "ward captain" or a policeman) got a permit. (It was easy to get a permit until well after the pulp period.) In general, if you read fiction from the pulp period (both pulp and non-pulp) the heroes did not worry about any legal restrictions on carrying weapons. Of course the heroes were white and had no criminal records. This was true even for out of state heroes in NYC. (Enforcement of the Sullivan act was very selective.) Naturally, with black or oriental characters, this would be a problem. But of course if you try and use the "real" world as it existed in the pulp period, it really was racist, sexist, anti-semitic, homophobic, etc. The GM can try to "sanitize" this, or accept it. Of course if you "sanitize" it then there is much less (or no) reason for characters to take "Social Limitation: Negro" and the like. For other countries you will need to do some research; but I am sure Canada's restrictive gun laws date to well after the period. The UK's date to the 1920's (they were aimed at communists) but getting permits was not a problem for any honest person until much later. (I recall a comment in the early 1960's that it was easier to get a pistol permit in London than NYC.)
  21. Re: PS-238 Characters Next one: Herschel Clay (Mantium) He should have Life Support (1 pt) Only needs to sleep 8 hours per week. His armor should include Life Support for vacuum (at least), since he has used it in space and on the moon. He is also very rich (head of Clay Industries) and should have skills suitable for a CEO. While the "striped down" rules set in PS238 doesn't have several skills that would be included here, he should at least have PS: CEO or equivalent, and several knowledge skills.
  22. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares May we assume that is "The Scottish Play" set to music?
  23. Re: Organized crime in a world where "vice crimes" don't exist--what do they do? There can be, but the worlds being described previously obviously were not.
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