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Everything posted by Yansuf

  1. Re: Vixen, an Urban Champion I haven't digested 6th edition yet, so this may be obvious to those who have. How do you get the gadget pool control cost down to 30 pts? You show two (-1/4), so -1.5 more are required. Are "Only change at base" and "Only carry so many (how many?) gadgets" both given listed values?
  2. Re: Telegraph Operation
  3. Re: Rocksalt... If the shot misses, it is exactly the same!
  4. Re: Themes Throught SF&F Televsion And thank you for it.
  5. Re: Making up a current Day Germany for Champions..... I am sure there is something to learn from that, but I won't speculate on what it might be. Still, "King Kong" with drunken monkey kung fu sounds like a winner!
  6. Re: Themes Throught SF&F Televsion Interesting. Of course your list is not complete. Just to mention a few: Hercules Stargate-Atlantis Angel
  7. Re: Genre-crossover nightmares What's wrong with this?
  8. Re: So why was the old man killed? I love the lead paint!
  9. Re: Into the Past With Strangers Shouldn't they be flying south?
  10. Re: Anyone run a Starcraft setting Starship Troopers (the book) specifically mentions brain bugs, queens, warriors and workers.
  11. Re: Making up a current Day Germany for Champions..... So? In fiction, the cop/detective who doesn't follow orders but is tolerated because he/she get results is a staple.
  12. Re: Making up a current Day Germany for Champions..... Well, you could make them an UNTIL team based in FRG.
  13. This is for 5th edition rules, although the same question might occur with 6th. If you build a DC=1 (1 pip) HKA with Penetrating, does the penetrating have any effect? After all, if the attack was DC=2 (1/2 d6) the penetrating effect only helps if you roll 6. Thank you.
  14. Re: Champions 6th version I actually plan to make a character with Dex=13, OCV=7, DCV=7. After I've got the printed rule books, I've skimmed the PDF but haven't absorbed it yet.
  15. Re: Collective character He can "take it on the chin" when the attack is with blades?
  16. Re: Confedrate Comics From Wikopedia: ... slavery remained in Upper and Lower Canada until 1834 when the British Parliament's Slavery Abolition Act finally abolished slavery in all parts of the British Empire. Most of the emancipated slaves of African descent in Canada were in the 1830s sent to settle Freetown in Sierra Leone and those that remained primarily ended up in segregated communities such as Africville outside Halifax, Nova Scotia.
  17. Re: Robots Learn to Lie As I have said many times, we will not develop true artificial intelligence until we first master artificial stupidity. Machines learn to lie? GR8! When they learn to lie, cheat and steal, then I'll worry about them. BTW, in one of the Bolos books, an old general is shown playing chess with a bolo he will be taking into battle in the near future. He cheats, and always wins, until the Bolo learns to cheat as well. Then he says it's ready!
  18. Yansuf

    Bat gear

    Re: Bat gear Only someone totally obsessed beyond sanity would! Oh, right. Silly me.
  19. Re: What's the craziest thing your Supers have ever done? I believe what you are asking is: "Were they all really that utterly clueless?"
  20. Re: Military Eye for the Civilian Gal Not to be a devil's advocate, but so does the Coast Guard.
  21. Re: What's the craziest thing your Supers have ever done?
  22. Re: Superheores with Disabilites, a thought experiememnt So, is this thread PG, PG13, or R?
  23. Re: What's the craziest thing your Supers have ever done? Why is that crazy? Sounds GR8 to me!
  24. Re: The SUPER Act Realisticly, I doubt this act would withstand court challenge; on 5th amendment grounds if no other. But of course in CU, things are different.
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