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Everything posted by SCUBA Hero

  1. Re: Sixth Edition Showcase #3: Area Of Effect And Damage Shield Layout looks similar to Boof Of The Machine.
  2. Re: Deathstroke module from 1983 DNAgents.
  3. Can a character use an innate HA (i.e., one without a Focus and therefore not a weapon) with the Move By Maneuver?
  4. Re: The Book Of The Machine I gotta say, the page stock is so thick that I have to look at page numbers *every single time* I turn a page to make sure I haven't skipped a page! Oh, and btw, the book is teh awesome as well! P.S. - did not expect to see the 1982 Mark Williams illo of Mechanon. Nice bit of history (as are the other previous illos).
  5. Re: Lucha Libre Hero Thumbs-up from SCUBA Hero! "Leader of cult of love-struck midgets" Now *that's* a Perk you don't see everyday...
  6. Re: Poison Star Hero Drawing Interesting. I sometimes feel the same way watching guitar players who are better than I am (many of them out there!!!) Other times, I feel inspired to practice more and improve... Also, my general experience is that the better guitarists encourage me and provide tips... /Random Threadjack
  7. Re: Order of the Stick I'ts good to see the entire Order of the Stick once more all alive, on the same plane, and in the same panel. mmmmmmmmmmm............
  8. Re: 6E, 1st non backwards compatible Hero? It's been noted before that Hero System is actually two different things - a character creation system and a role-playing system. From what I've seen so far, the first is changing (as it has with each new edition since first) but the second is mostly staying the same.
  9. Re: Mottos for use in games "Bastards Never Yield" (rep for the first correct posting of the source...)
  10. Re: Order of the Stick Okay (and correct me here if I'm wrong; I'm not up on D&D 3.5), if the phylactery gets destroyed, it doesn't destroy Xykon, right? --- but it does mean if he does get 'killed' then it's for real, right? Would be interesting to see if that changes his attitude. And my prediction is
  11. Re: Most Clever Hero System Builds Yeah, well if Killer Shrike is too modest to self-promote, I'll add my two cents - he is Hero Clever! For myself, a bit of history; I'd first encountered Champions (back when it was just Champions) in high school, enjoyed the game, even ran a Fantasy Hero campaign... ...BUT.... 4th edition Ninja Hero, page 47: "Another way to do a "punch-several-guys-at-the-same-time" power is to buy Hand-to-Hand Attack or Hand-to-Hand Killing Attack with the advantages Area Effect Radius (+1) and Selective (+1/4)" It opened my eyes to "reasoning from effect" and the richness of the Hero System.
  12. UMA, page 104: "Furthermore, and this is an absolute restriction, characters must purchase each martial Advantage separately- a character cannot buy a +1/2 Armor Piercing Advantage for his base STR and apply it to all of his Martial Maneuvers. That Advantage affects the character's basic Strike maneuver, but not his Martial Maneuvers." 5er, page 246: " A character must always use the Advantages purchased for a Power at full strength whenever he uses that Power." If a character purchases an Advantage for his Strength, does that mean he cannot use his Strength with his Martial Maneuvers? If he can, does he pay Endurance based on the Advantaged Character Points?
  13. Re: The ability to enchant You could do it either as a Variable Advantage or Multipower. Does the character have a standard set of runes to use, or can he come up with new ones on the fly?
  14. Re: Area of Effect for Hand to Hand attacks?
  15. Re: Order of the Stick Given the track record of NPCs in OotS, my opinion is that O'Chul dies... ... BUT! His death sets much more storytelling into play.
  16. Re: Order of the Stick If so, I'll stand with you in weirdness. Mr. Burlew has an uncanny knack for making me care about stick figures. "Hey Roy! Wanna play blocks?" "More than anything."
  17. Re: Order of the Stick I'm reminded of a scene in the new Battlestar Galactica: Captain Apollo! CAPTAIN APOLLO!! LEE!!! O-Chul is the embodiment of the ideal paladin, much as Miko was the embodiment of obeying the letter, but not the spirit, of the paladin...
  18. Re: running combat with the speed chart Our group typically uses either a spreadsheet on computer (the other GMs typically have a laptop in front of them when they run; I don't) or printed spreadsheet (me!) when we run combats. The GM will call out who's next to go rather than Segment/Dex. Now we're mostly Hero veterans, and those who aren't will say what they want to do if they want to go 'out of turn' and the GM translates it. In convention games I encourage newcomers, so I try to make the rules as painless as possible. I keep the SPD/DEX chart and call out who goes when, while telling the players up front to just let me know what they want to do and I'll translate it to the rules. Also I tend to have most PCs at the same SPD, sometimes with a high and a low SPD in the mix, "Okay, Martial Arts Chick is really fast, but she doesn't hit so hard, while Strong Guy hits really hard but he's kinda slow...". So in our group most of the responsibility for calling who goes next is on the GM rather than the players, but we're mostly veterans and if a GM mistake is made it ususally gets caught quickly, and in my own convention games I try to take as much of the responsibility as possible. Works well for us.
  19. Re: Weapon always does maximum damage Yeah, rolled an 18 on my Count-Fu there... Happens to the best of us.
  20. Re: Weapon always does maximum damage A 1d6 HKA that always does 6 Body and 30 Stun? Okay, I agree with buying 2d6 HKA, Standard Effect (Body and Stun). I think this gives (3*2=6) 6 Body and (3-1=2[*6]=12) Stun. Then buy Increased Stun Multiplier four times (+1 Advantage). You may or may not want to add some level of Invisible Power Effects, if this thing looks like an ordinary weapon, instead of something you'd REALLY not want to be hit with, notwithstanding its general appearance... Without IPE, I'd say: HKA 2d6 (30), Increased Stun Multiplier x4 (+1); (60 Active Points), and add appropriate Limitations.
  21. Re: Pointless Hero The more experienced I get with Hero System, the less I worry about point totals. It's not that points are irrelevant, but that I get *how effective the abilities are* that the points are based on. The main problem I have with disregarding points are things like Dispell...
  22. Re: Lucha Hero Cover art! The bad little bunny?
  23. Re: Order of the Stick Could certainly be one of the themes that Rich wants to illustrate...
  24. Re: Order of the Stick Okay, so OotS is reunited and Durkon can (presumably) Raise Roy. Will V now relinquish UltimateArcanePower??? Duh dun DUN!!!
  25. Re: Order of the Stick Yay!!! (about time!) I do like how V gets all the shinymagicultimatepower, but doesn't manage to solve the problems...
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