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Everything posted by SCUBA Hero

  1. From the FAQ: "Q: Once a character Drains a full increment of a Characteristic or incremental Power, does the victim have to recover a full increment’s worth of points for that Characteristic or Power to become active again? A: Yes. The victim gets the “protection†of having to have the full value of the power (or whatever) Drained, so it’s only fair that once it is Drained, he has to get it all back to use it again. However, in appropriately heroic circumstances (e.g., to save the world, or the like), the GM may wish to give a character some sort of roll or chance to use his power early — maybe at the expense of hurting himself a little or something." So if I understand correctly, the SPD should return on the second Recovery.
  2. Re: Combat Reflexes and Armor And we come full circle. Add the Limitation "No More Than 9 DEF Total" or "Does Not Stack With Armor" for -1/4 or -0. I'd be inclined to go with -0 and require it in a lower-powered Fantasy game. High-powered, don't require it (and possibly increase the Limitation value, based on how many opponents would have stacking forms of protection.
  3. In Fantasy and Espionage type campaigns, all of them. It helps the realism, sense of danger, and avoidance of the 'BODY = Hit Points' syndrome. In Champions games, none of them. Doesn't add anything, and detracts from the proper 'feel'. Exception: Dark Champions - depending on how gritty it should be.
  4. Either -1/4 or -0. That kind of stacking often comes up in Fantasy games (armor, combat reflexes, magic defenses, et. al.).
  5. Perhaps thi s would go better under the 'Pet Peeves' thread in the NGD forum, but: "In March of 1998 Mark was diagnosed with an advanced stage of testicular cancer. He later admitted he had felt the lump three or four years earlier but had put off seeking treatment due to his chronic unemployment and lack of health insurance. " God D*mn us for making a nation so excellent at producing wealth, but so poor at providing health care in that nation.
  6. I sit here in this Hotel room, far from my wife. Cruel master, money!
  7. Lucius, are you still Out there? The Hero boards miss Your Haiku and wit.
  8. This is an intensely personal Haiku, modified from a poem that my great-grandmother wrote. It's a bit changed, and the last two lines are inverted, but still I think it works. . . God sees me; time flies - Eternity awaits me, Death is chasing me.
  9. Bozimus returns! New incarnation; reborn Welcome back, my friend
  10. Telekenesis already is Contant; it doesn't need Continuous. Not sure about needing Uncontrolled, answer's probably somewhere in the FAQ under Mulitpowers.
  11. /Off topic For anyone else amused by Hermit's "Favorite Things" verse, go here. Heck, contribute a verse of your own! Fair warning; it is in Non-Gaming Discussion, but you'll be safe as long as you don't click on any other threads /Off topic off
  12. /Obi-Wan Kenobi voice "In the Dark Times. Before DoJ." /voice P.S. Hermit - lol! Thanks, I needed that.
  13. IIRC, the porn link poster was not a regular - just someone who saw & porn-spammed. Who was the other? swrushing?
  14. Re: Re: Re: Character: Friday grumble, grumble. . . *sound of cash reluctantly scooped up from counter and carefully placed in the 'Future Hero Products' piggybank*
  15. Re: Character: Friday Kazei 5 2nd edition? *sound of cash enthusiatically slammed on counter* Sign me up! Nice writeup. I always enjoyed that book.
  16. Re: non-working links Steve, Try taking out the . after the com in the links and see if that works.
  17. I thought that system was vbay. . .
  18. Nightshade, Re: Cyberhero - Here's a plug for Michael Surbrook's Kazei 5, available as a pdf from this very website! (It's one heck of a product; ask around)
  19. Re: Poor Steve Jackson I'd be interested in the TFG/ADB details. . . never did hear much about what went on. . . probably better done as a new thread in the General Roleplaying forum, though. Inquiring minds want to know!
  20. Also try ebay. Takes some patience, but you can eventually find most stuff. (scratches head) I think I have two copies of Champs 3D. Email me if interested.
  21. Sic Coatlicue on 'em, Scott! umm, as long as it doesn't negatively impact the production schedule, that is
  22. Eh, Jeff beat me to it; that's about verbatim what I was going to suggest. Two votes for Flight with Limitations (and the No Turn Mode Advantage)
  23. Depends. Does it really have any game effect, for example, can the character make it a fancy dress when needing to get into the swanky party, then tough street clothes afterword when walking the back alleys, then (etc.). If so, I'd slap Variable Special Effects at the +1/4 level. Or, as mentioned earlier, Instant Transform (FREd, p.152) If not, it's SFX, no points necessary.
  24. I'm like a bulldog Hmmm, apparently Different Worlds Magazine, Issue #34 has Champions stats for the DNAgents as well. Learn something new every day!
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