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Scott Ruggels

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Everything posted by Scott Ruggels

  1. Sounds to me more like desolid, but with limitations. The entangle would stay for other characters, but the Druid would pass through.
  2. I always check this a few times a week, but the problem for me is there is less game discussion, and more RL Sports and Politics discussion. So there isn't a lot of new genre subjects being discussed, and since I don't use 6th edition, not a lot to discuss about rules mechanics.
  3. The other factor, is that over the course of a month, if you wear the armor daily, your body will adapt to the weight. Even I in high school adapted to carrying an 80 backpack and I wasn’t very athletic. (The lockers got targeted by pranksters pouring raw eggs into then through the louvers, so most of us carried all of our school books and supplies around. )
  4. Oh I find languages and the construction of them quite interesting but difficult to master. Typical American, I don’t speak a foreign language well, but I made up a fake one for the fantasy campaign. I am just sorry I misplaced the big dictionary notebook in a move, but still have a chunk of it. It’s certainly, to me, a much more interesting subject, than real world events or sports on an RPG forum.
  5. Honestly, I did the same thing on my second Champions character, and took less than maximum (241 points when the max was 250, and I still kicked ass). Warboar might work at 225 even. Still fun to play around with.
  6. At the time, 250 was the usual point count on characters. How would Warboar be with 50 more points (and disadvantages?)
  7. I think this is why I don’t “get” the OSR movement. Random die rolls and clunky mechanics, and low damage rolls. I don’t feel nostalgic for the game systems I played prior to my adoption of Hero, except Traveller (and maybe Bushido). Lots of annoyances, like ineptly crafted riddles, puzzles, and trap after trap after trap. This is why I gravitated to the political side of campaigns. Then there were the random encounters like clockwork. Inside the dungeon I understood, but outdoors? Many years of camping taught me that the animals of the forest took a wide detour around people, even bears, as long as you suspended your food storage and kept the campsite clean. I like travelogue. I like being a tourist in someone else’s world. But the old games just have no attraction for me.
  8. @Duke Bushido, I must say I have missed your commentary this past summer. As to your game dislikes, I share a lot of them (Though Tri-Tac was most assuredly NOT a Tri-Stat system. It was of that complexity that came right after D&D in terms of stats and mechanics). I kind of share the same feelings about Paranoia and CoC. I did read a lot of H.P. Lovecraft and other pulp writers in late high school. Same thoughts shared about Feng Shui and Bushido. But we watched a lot of Samurai films at a rep theater, while we were in high school as well. Basically I glided through High school by being able to ace tests, so I never did any homework, Just watched movies, gamed and drew things.)
  9. So, a question about Tech levels. A low tech level means they can't make stuff above a certain level. However is it a case of knowledge, or resources, or a combination of the two? Tech Level 8 planet with a class B starport and on the X-Boat Route. They may not have the money or the manufacturing base, or even the population to support any tech level above 8, but... They would definitely have the knowledge of technology, and possibly have items imported from higher tech systems, just no ability to locally repair it, unless they pay for a service call and move the items to the starport to get fixed on board a factory ship. Otherwise, citizens of the local planet would have to watch the Imperial Equivalent of "Game of Thrones" in a technologically downgraded format for their local nets? I would assume that the X-Boats would be carrying culturally significant items from the Imperial Capital to systems along the route, with the news being up to a year out of date by the time the X-Boat reaches the edge of the Empire. So the B Starport, Tech 8 System (Probably growing a lot of food for export, or providing resources), would be reasonably well informed, just a bit lean, technologically? The next version would be a "Disconnected" colony that has slipped back to Tech Level 5, due to war, population decline, or economic collapse, and it's star port has slipped back to an open field with some markers and a Gap Transmitter beacon, and no services and no local expectation of any real traffic, other than the occasional visit by the ISS. They may not have the knowledge other than vague rumors or how the higher tech stuff worked. Am I "reading" this correctly? The final one would be a Tech level 3 planet crawling slowly up the ladder, that has no starport, or any groundside industry, other than food production for it's local populace. For the first example. could we assume some importation of higher tech items, from entertainment systems among the rich, or Military Hardware for enemies both foreign and domestic, or Higher tech motors, to be assembled into otherwise domestically produced vehicles? (For a premium?) For the second, They would have a reasonable memory of their history, but no ability to create anything past basic radio, and most of their entertainment would be live music, and primitive recordings. But they have huge gaps in their knowledge due to their previous electronic record having evaporated due to EMP or simply time? It's aqll printed material now. So they know what a grav vehicle is, and that they used to be on a Starship trade route, but have lost the knowledge to maintain, repair, or build a starship or a grav vehicle. Their accent, speaking "standard" is quaint". The last example I have no further knowledge of, but How far back would the other races fall? Similar? less, or more?
  10. in Richard Corbin's Rowlf Comic, the Orks speak Esperanto.
  11. The Batleth looks like it' uses a short staff fighting base, but using the thrust for the piercing.
  12. Wouldn't Microwaves beamed from space, heat up water molecules in the atmosphere, and make the temperature situation worse?
  13. Putting that in the Western Santa Clara area?
  14. Not familiar with 6th Edition rules, as I am a 4th Edition guy, but these seem quite reasonable. A couple of gun nut concerns. Powder activated weapons carry their own oxidizer inside the cartridge, and work in a vacuum decently enough. The problem would be in environments with flammable atmospheres. Cartridges are usually air and water tight, and last about a century give or take depending on the quality of the packaging and the cartridge itself. I cannot think of a planetary atmosphere that would neutralize the self contained chemical reaction. Powder cartridges are initiated by stored mechanical energy (springs), causing the primer to detonate. Elementary, I know, but It comes out to Energy requirements. There are limited electrical detonated military ordinance but that is for specialized applications, usually Naval. There was a commercial hunting rifle offered by Remington that used electrically detonated ammunition. It was a commercial failure. Batteries and firearms are a poor match due to a lot of variables regarding declining charges, outside temperatures, corrosive chemicals inside them and fragility. This is why “smart guns” are a non-starter. Yes, sighting systems often require batteries, especially those using exotic spectra, but those are mostly for specific mission requirements, and even then, pleas from soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq to their families to send them batteries, was noted. Back to your weapons. Good designs. But these are Rail rather than coil guns? Rail Guns “push” the projectile along rails ( which apparently wear with use) , and Coil guns “pull” the projectile through the gun like a maglev. I would think the coil principle would serve better as the size and quality of the projectile would be less critical than using the Rail principle. There is some discussion between the accuracy of each method, with Navy experiments favoring the accuracy of the Rail principle. I would suggest that magazines contain the fuel for the piece, as well as ammunition, as they can be balanced to the ammo requirements and simplify maintenance of the weapon itself, and allow for long term storage of the weapons. Having its own internal power generation obviates the battery problem, and as long as the weapon can maintain a capacitor to initiate the reaction It can be stored but ready as soon a the user slaps a magazine in. So, how much do the various weapons cost ( for heroic games)
  15. Developing superpowers In statistically significant portion of the population would be bad. Western nations would lose their philosophical underpinnings with regards to equality, and would either go totalitarian, or dissolve. Less developed nations would factionalize into might makes right situations. The unpowered would hide, and the labor market would become unstable. Civilization would collapse, or regress into feudalism. Rule by Kryptonian level thugs or powered sociopaths would become the norm.
  16. Yes, usually instigated by the current editors, and they have their go to, for established DC Characters, which is sexual stunt casting, which generates a ton of Buzz, and allows the "Fan Baiting" marketing strategy to work, without an expenditure of company finds, nby letting YouTube and the news outlets to spread the controversy. This has not translated to sales, though, and the circulation continues to contract It's worse. They got rid of DiDio to avoid another New 52, but even without him, they were so bereft of ideas, they went with it anyway. THe sober old men of Julie Schwarz's day are long gone, replaced by poorly paid college kids given a stepping stone to their Hollywood dreams.
  17. The Pandemic eliminated the local game stores, save one, maybe, but I haven't been able to get over there. However I do plan to run "Champions Begins", for one of the Discord Servers I am on, and probably another as I had a request. I will do my best, even though Superheroes aren't my first choice for Hero System. I will report on how it went later.
  18. Just finished Binging Cyberpunk: Edgerunners on Netflix. It's not often you watch an Anime made from a property you have worked on. Well it was more based on Cyberpunk 2077, as it was produced by CD Projekt Red, and the story was written by a Pole, but my former Boss' name was on the first title card "Based on the world created by Mike Pondsmith. The story was a very straight Cyberpunk story, with a team consisting of three Solos, two Net runners, a Tech and a Nomad. One of those Solos, David Martinez is a prep school drop out who recently lost his mother to random gang violence and needs to find a job quick. He meets up with an attractive petty thief, who leads him into the world of the Edge runners, and the attendant money. The animation was by Studio Trigger, of Japan, and was quite well done, with backgrounds that were based on locations in Night City from the game. If you like Cyberpunk stories, this works well and has that echo of film noir plots that A lot of cyberpunk stories have. Recommended. [EDIT] and if you are worried about a typical Netflix Cliff Hanger for next season, don't be. This comes to a decisive End, as a one and done.
  19. Stick with the Iroquois confederacy, as it was a mostly stable society, and you already know it. Most historical Matriarchies were more Matrilineal than matrifocal. Land inheritance in The Himalayas was through the women, who would then take on husbands to work the land.
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