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Everything posted by TheQuestionMan

  1. It just keeps getting trimmed down. BATTLETECH to HERO Conversion Rules BT Skills Modifiers HS5 Piloting HS5 Gunnery 0 -4 20- OCV 12 1 -3 18- OCV 11 2 -2 16- OCV 10 3 -1 15- OCV 9 4 0 14- OCV 8 5 +1 12- OCV 7 6 +2 11- OCV 6 7 +3 8- OCV 3 8 +4 3- (no TF) OCV -3 (no WF) Character Creation Guidelines: Hero Base Points: 75 Max Disadvantages: 75 Max Disadvantages from any one category: 30 Total: 150 [plus 25 Bonus Points] Bonus Points: *Character Background/History +1 to +5pts. *Art +1 to +5pts. *Miniature Painted +1 to +5pts. *Quirks +1 to +5pts. *HERO System SIDEKICK +5pts. *Unit Leader Special Character Ability Guidelines: Starting Range Starting Max Characteristics 10-20 20 Speed 3-4 4 Combat Value 5-8 10 Damage Classes 4-9 10 Active Points 20-40 60 Skill Points 60-80 80 Skill Rolls 8- to 13- 14- DEF/rDEF 6-8 11 Starting Cash: 1,000 C-Bills BATTLETECH HERO Mechwarrior Basic Training (Minimum Characteristics) Val CHA Cost Roll Notes 13 STR 3 12- Lift 150 kg; 21/2d6 HTH Damage 14 DEX 12 12- OCV: 5 / DCV: 5 13 CON 6 12- 12 BODY 4 11- 13 INT 3 12- PER Roll 12- 11 EGO 2 11- ECV: 4 15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6 10 COM 0 11- 6 PD 3 Total: PD 6 / rPD 6 ED 3 Total: ED 6 / rED 3 SPD 6 Phases: 4, 8, 12.. 6 REC 0 30 END 2 30 STUN 5 Total Characteristics Cost: 54pts. Movement: Running: 8" / 16" Swimming: 4" / 8" Jumping: 21/2â€H, 11/4â€V BATTLETECH HERO Military SF Everyman Skills (Free) 0 Acting, 8- 0 Climbing, 8- 0 Computer Programming, 8- 0 Concealment, 8- 0 Conversation, 8- 0 Deduction, 8- 0 Knowledge Skill: (area) Home Town or Planet, 8- 0 Language Skill: English is Native, Literate 0 Paramedics, 8- 0 Persuasion, 8- 0 Professional Skill: [of PC’s choice], 11- 0 Shadowing, 8- 0 Stealth, 8- 0 Transport Familiarity: Small Motorized Ground Vehicles or Hover Vehicles [PC's choice of 1] BATTLETECH HERO Mechwarrior Academy Training (Package Deal) Cost Powers & Skills Martial Arts: AFFS Combat Training Manuever OCV DCV Damage 4 Martial Block +2 +2 Block, abort 4 Martial Dodge --- +5 Dodge, abort 4 Martial Strike +2 +0 41/2d6 3 Weapon Elements: Clubs, Knives, and Polearms/Spears (Bayonets). Perks: 2 Fringe Benefit: Mechwarrior 5 Fringe Benefit: Rank: Sergeant 2 Fringe Benefit: Security Clearance-2 ?? Vehicles: BattleMech Skills: 3 Breakfall, 12- 2 Climbing, 11- 3 Combat Piloting (BattleMechs), 12- 5 Combat Skill Levels +1 w/ all Vehicle BattleMech Weapons 2 Computer Programming, 11- 1 Electronics (BattleMechs), 8- 2 High Society (Affiliated Military), 11- 3 Knowledge Skill: Affiliated Armed Forces, 12- 2 Knowledge Skill: Battletechnology, 8- 1 Knowledge Skill: Military History, 8- 1 Knowledge Skill: The Inner Sphere, 8- 1 Knowledge Skill: Unaffiliated Armed Forces, 8- 3 Language Skill: Regional, fluent conversation, Literate 1 Mechanics (BattleMechs), 8- 2 Navigation (Land), 11- 3 Professional Skill: Mechwarrior, 12- 1 Security Systems (BattleMechs), 8- 3 Survival (PC's choice), 12- 3 Stealth, 12- 3 System Operations (BattleMechs), 12- 3 Tactics, 12- 3 Teamwork, 12- 1 Transport Familiarity: BattleMechs (Light, Medium, Heavy, or Assault) 1 Transport Familiarity: BattleMechs (Anthropomorphic, Ostrich, or Quad) 1 Transport Familiarity: Parachuting 5 Weapons Familiarity: Common Military Weapons 1 Weapons Familiarity: Vehicle BattleMech Weapons Total Powers & Skills Cost: 30pts. (-55pts. Package Deal) Total Character Cost: 84pts. 100+ Disadvantages: -5 Distinctive Features: Uniform (Easily Concealed, Is Always Noticed/Recognized) -10 Hunted: Own Military (More Powerful, Non-Combat Influence, 8- , Watched) -15 Psychological Limitation: Loyal to Own Affiliation (Common, Strong) -20 Social Limitation: Subject to Orders (Common, Total) -5 Rivalry: Professional, other Military Services, Rival is aware of Rivalry Experience: Total Disadvantage Points: Background/History: Personality/Motivation: Quote: Powers/Tactics: Appearance: Designer's Notes: Warrior Data: Piloting / BattleMech: 5 (equals Combat Piloting [battleMech], 12- ) Gunnery / BattleMech: 6 (equals OCV 6) Cheers QM
  2. Re: Caffeine Addiction That's proposterous, Caffeine is not adddddddddddictive !!! I swear where do you come up with these wilddddd acusationsss !!! Now let me concentrate and ggggget back to work. "It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion, It is by the beans of Java that thoughts acquire speed, The hands acquire shaking, the shaking becomes a warning, It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion". Bottoms up QM
  3. Re: Hero A Day...Sorta... I think it's time you started an table of contents for all your characters dude. There are certainly enough now. Still Lurking QM
  4. Re: World Not Known Cover Mock Up Available for Preview Stole the words right off my keyboard QM
  5. Re: Developing Shadowrun Hero, could use some input! Thanks again Damon_Dusk. It's been great. Sorry I forgot to give you credit. QM
  6. Re: Reconciling Manga & Batman There are times I wish I had a camera or video footage of an event for resource material. Real world Matial Arts Stunts Bruce Lee's 3" Punch moving a rail car, knocking an Olympic Judo Gold Medalist Champion accross the mat and into a chair. A Martial Arts documentary on Akido. 6 Kendo students with Bokken attacked the Akido Grand Master. They surround him and attacked. He avoided all of them and knocked them off balance or into one another. A Hwarang Instructor demonstation where he launched into the air striking and breaking 6 targets before touching the ground. The Shaolin Priests demonstrations make my chest hurt just watching them. Muay Thai Kick boxing demo where an instructor destroyed bricks then proceded to battle in a tournament and win. A Indian Sufi who lift over a ton over his head. Noted in Steve Barnes novel "Gorgon Dreams" My Tai Chi Instructor sending participants flying accross the room with a gentle touch. Me catching a base ball thown at the back of my head by a ticked off pitcher without turning around. The human body is an amazing thing and I don't think it's limits are truely understood. I wonder what our true limits are. Cheers QM
  7. Re: HERO for the GURPS gamer I have 14yrs experience GM'ing and Playing GURPS and only a few years with HERO System. IMOHO HERO System is the better of the two. With GURPS the GM makes judgement calls on every unwritten rule and interpretations. The Combat System for GURPS is relatively simple, but can become complicated with use of Advanced, Optional, and House Rules. Armour and Skill bogs down GURPS more than HERO. I have played both and GM'ed both. HERO combat is faster. Magic for GURPS is formula. HERO Magic is mechanical, but one worked out you don't have to look it up again. With GURPS you have to learn a new mechanic for every addition. For HERO it's the same for EVERYTHING!!! With the resurrection of HERO, I have abandoned GURPS for HERO. In 2yrs I haven't look back. I still play in my groups long running GURPS Fantasy campaign, but I will not be GM'ing or buying GURPS books anytime soon (save the resource books like Japan, Russian, Vikings, etc...) I guess I'm a born again HEROphile. Make mine a HERO by DoJ. QM P.S.: I love PRESENCE ATTACKS !!!
  8. Check out Surbrook's Stuff for "World of Darkness HERO" Good Resource http://surbrook.devermore.net/whitewolf/WODHERO.html
  9. Re: Developing Shadowrun Hero, could use some input! SHADOW MAGIC All magical characters must pay for a talent that represents their magical ability. The Talents and their cost are listed below. Talent Cost Full Magician (Hermetic or Shamanic) 40 Aspected Magician (Hermetic or Shamanic Conjurers and Sorcerers) 20 Adept (Aspected Magician of the Somatic Way) 10 GENERAL RULES All magician characters have a Magic Attribute. This magic attribute starts at 75, but can be reduced by implantation of cyberware or bioware, or if a character takes a deadly wound. Cyberware and Bioware For each point of Essence lost to cyberware or for each point of Bio Index spent on bioware, the magical character loses 1.5 points of magic, and suffers a -1 to all magical skills (Sorcery, Conjuring, Aura Reading). Magic Loss If a magical character is ever reduced to 0 BODY or lower, he has taken a deadly wound. This can cause Magic Loss. Make a CON roll. If the roll succeeds, the character loses no magic. If the roll fails, reduce the Magic Attribute by 1 per point the roll was missed. MAGICIAN POWERS Magicians have many powers available to them depending on their tradition and how naturally talented they are in the magical realm. Full magicians are those who have the most talent, and are able to have access to all magical powers for their tradition. Full magicians can either be hermetic (magicians who cast spells and conjure elementals based on scientific ritual and magical formulae) or shamanic (magicians who cast spells and conjure elementals based on their ties to a totem creature, a magical spirit that grants powers). Aspected magicians are those who are talented, but not completely in control of their magical abilities. Aspected magicians can either be Sorcerers (in either the hermetic or shamanic tradition) or Conjurers (in either the hermetic or shamanic tradition). Adepts are magicians that follow the Somatic Way, a method of tapping magical powers to supplement their natural abilities, typically in a physical way. The powers available to magicians are listed below. ASTRAL PROJECTION With this power, the magician projects his spirit into the astral plane. The astral plane is basically a mirror image of Earth, overlaid on the real world. Everything on earth has a presence on the astral plane, but only living things and magic have a physical presence. Characters who project into the astral plane have a change in their characteristics as detailed below. Astral STR = Normal PRE Astral DEX = Normal INT Astral CON = Normal EGO SPD = SPD + 2 The following general rules apply to astral projection: • Characters that astrally project lose 10 Essence per hour in the astral plane. Once they return to their body, the essence returns at 10 per minute. If their Essence reaches 0, the character dies. • Characters who cast spells while Astrally Projecting take 1d6 Normal Damage per 10 Force of the spell that is applied against their Mental Defense. • Shamans who summon nature spirits while astrally projecting take 11d6 Normal Damage applied against their Mental Defense. (Great Form Spirits cause more damage) • Astrally Projecting characters are able to fly at a combat rate of 10†and a non-combat rate of 6400†(4 km/Phase), with Noncombat Acceleration/Deceleration (meaning it takes no time to build up speed). • While in the astral plane, a character can assense all astral presences just as if they were using Astral Perception (see below). • A character in astral space cannot read anything written on the physical plane (it shows as incomprehensible symbols), but can understand any emotional content the writing conveys. • A character in astral space can be noticed from the physical plane with a successful Sight Perception roll (-8 for mundane, -6 for magically active) • A character that astrally projects leaves his physical body behind at the point where he or she astrally projected. They are considered to be 0 DCV and unaware. Astrally projecting characters are aware of damage to their physical body. If the body is killed while the magician is astrally projecting, their astral form lives on until they’ve used up their essence. If their body is moved, they are aware that their body is moving, but they do not necessarily know where it is being moved to. They can track down their physical body by making an Ego Roll (modifiers based on how well hidden the body may be). The base time to find the body is 20 minutes, and characters may take extra time to help the skill roll. ASTRAL PROJECTION Power: Extra-Dimensional Travel to Any point in the Astral Plane; Adv: None; AP: 25; Lim: Can be seen but not physically affected from the material (-.5); Extra Time: Full Phase (-.5); Point of Entry is relative to the characters original location (-.5); Cannot take equipment except magical foci (-1); Character leaves body behind (-1) Real Cost: 6 points ASTRAL PERCEPTION This ability allows the magician to shift him or herself partially into the astral plane. This allows the magician to look into the astral to see astral presences, to assence auras, and to see magical auras. While astrally perceiving, the character suffers a -5 to all perception rolls in regards to the physical plane. The following general rules apply to astral perception: • An astrally perceiving character can see any astrally present auras. Astrally present auras are: Dual-natured beings (spirits, dragons, vampires, etc.), astrally perceiving characters, astrally projecting characters, magic foci, magic spells. • An astrally perceiving character may cast spells or take any astral action against astrally present auras. • An astrally perceiving character may assense auras. An Aura Reading skill roll is made. Each level of success for the perception roll or skill gives the reader one of the following details about the aura. Normal Success of Aura Reading • General state of subject’s health (healthy, injured, ill, etc.) • The subjects general emotional state or impression (happy, sad, angry, etc.) • Presence or absence of cyberware or bioware • The class of magical subject (fire elemental, manipulation spell, power focus, etc.) • Whether the subject is mundane or awakened. • If the character has seen the aura before he will recognize it, regardless of disguises or alterations. On a Critical Success (skill or perception under ½) • Exact Essence, Magic Attribute, and Force of the subject • Location of any implants • Accurate diagnosis of any disease or toxin affecting the subject • The exact emotional state and cause for it (a murder, riot, religious ceremony, etc.) • Presence and general cause of any astral signatures upon the subject (combat spell, illusion spell, hearth spirit, etc.) ASTRAL PERCEPTION Power: Detect: Astral Plane and Auras, Discriminatory, Tracking; Adv: None; AP: 25; Lim: Extra Time: ½ Phase to Turn on (-.25); Character may be targeted by Astral Forms (-.5); Side Effect: -5 Perception Rolls for Physical Plane (-1) Real Cost: 9 Points DISPELLING AND BANISHING A magician may attempt to dispel magic already in place, magic about to be cast, or magical foci. The magician may also attempt to banish spirits. For dispelling and banishing, the following general rules apply: • Each attempt at dispelling is a Full Phase action. • The magician must make a Sorcery skill roll at -1 per 20 Force of the dispel (default is -5) • Roll the effect dice and compare it to the force of the spell. If the dispelling total equals or exceeds the spell or summon, then it is dispelled. If the total does not equal or exceed the spell, it is still active. The magician may attempt again next action, and the total is added to the previous one. Determine results as above. • Multiple magicians can combine their results to determine dispelling effect. • A magician may dispel an incoming spell if he or she has a Held Full Phase action. • Dispel costs END no matter the outcome. 1 END per 10 Force. FULL MAGICIAN DISPELLING/BANISHING Power: 20d6 Dispel; Adv: All Magic (+.25); Cumulative (+.5); AP: 105; Lim: Gestures (-.25); Incantations (-.25); Extra Time: Full Phase (-.5); Requires a Sorcery or Conjuring Skill Roll, -1 per 20 Active Points (-.25) Real Cost: 47 Points Cost to increase: +1d6 Dispel for 2.5 points ASPECTED MAGICIAN DISPELLING/BANISHING Power: 20d6 Dispel (Spells); Adv: Cumulative (+.5); AP: 90; Lim: Gestures (-.25); Incantations (-.25); Extra Time: Full Phase (-.5); Requires a Sorcery or Conjuring Skill Roll, -1 per 20 Active Points (-.25) Real Cost: 40 Points Cost to Increase: +1d6 Dispel for 2 points CONJURING The magician has the power to summon powerful spirits to serve him. Mages summon elementals while shamans summon nature spirits. A character typically can only have 1 spirit serve him at a time, though this maximum can be increased for 1 point per extra spirit. The spirit stats are detailed at the end of the magic section. Mages require a Hermetic Circle to summon elementals, which is a circle of runes and wards to protect the magician. Mages also require elemental conjuring materials, which are expended upon use. The following rules apply to mages for conjuring elementals: • The cost of the Hermetic Circle is 35000Â¥ for a temporary circle, or 100000Â¥ for a permanently etched one. • The cost of the elemental conjuring materials is 3000Â¥ for lesser elementals, 6000Â¥ for standard elementals, or 15000Â¥ for great form elementals. • The process of conjuring the elemental takes 6 hours, all the while the mage is incanting, gesturing, and concentrating on making the elemental appear. • At the end of the process the magician makes a Conjuring skill roll (-1 per 20 Force of the summon, default -4 for lesser elementals, -7 for standard elementals, and -11 for great form elementals). • Success indicates the elemental has appeared and will perform a number of services equal to the magicians PRE divided by 5. • On a particularly good success (10 or better under modified skill roll), double the number of services owed. • If the magician fails, no elemental is summoned, but the materials are wasted. • On a particularly bad failure, an elemental may appear and attack the caster (GM discretion). • At the end of the conjuring, the magician pays END equal to 1 per 10 Force (14 Default). • A Mage may be able to summon and control more than one elemental, but each must be summoned individually, following the rules above. Shamans need only to be in the appropriate domain for a particular type of spirit to summon them, though he does require a type of spirit fetish, which is expended upon use. The following rules apply to shamans for conjuring nature spirits: • The process of conjuring the nature spirit takes only an extra phase, but during this time the shaman is incanting, gesturing, and concentrating on making the nature spirit appear. • At the end of the process the shaman makes a Conjuring skill roll (-1 per 20 Force of the summon, default -7). • Success indicates the nature spirit has appeared and will perform a number of services equal to the magicians PRE divided by 5. • If the shaman fails, no nature spirit is summoned, but the materials are wasted. On a particularly bad failure, a nature spirit may appear and attack the caster (GM discretion). • At the end of the conjuring, the shaman pays END equal to 3 per 10 Force (33 Default). CONJURE ELEMENTAL Power: Summon Elementals (301 pt Elemental); Adv: Expanded Class (+.25); Devoted (+1); AP: 135; Lim: Concentrate to 0 DCV Througout (-1); Extra Time: 6 Hours (-3.5); OAF: Spirit Conjuring Materials, Expendable (-1.25); Gestures Throughout (-.5); Incantations Throughout (-.5); Only in Hermetic Circle (-1); Requires a Conjuring Skill Roll (-.5); Limited Number of Services (-1) Real Cost: 13 Points Cost to Increase: 1 point per 2x elemental maximum (max number of elementals equal to caster’s PRE/5) CONJURE NATURE SPIRIT Power: Summon Nature Spirit (307 pt spirit); Adv: Expanded Class (+.25); Devoted (+1); AP: 138; Lim: Concentrate to 0 DCV (-.5); Extra Time: Extra Phase (-.75); Gestures Throughout (-.5); Incantations Throughout (-.5); Limited Spirit Type defined by Area (-1); Extra Endurance x2 (-.5); Limited Services (-1); Requires a Conjuring Skill Roll (-.5); 1 Spirit at a time (-.5) Real Cost: 20 Points SORCERY Sorcery is the ability to cast spells in the classical sense. The magician recalls a formula for a spell that he has learned, channels the magic through his or her body and brings it forth into the physical world. Spells are detailed later in this section. The following general rules apply to sorcery: • A Sorcery skill roll is required to cast spells, and the skill is modified by -1 per 10 Force of the spell to be cast. • Success in the skill indicates the spell is cast. Determine effects. Determine END cost. • Failure in the skill indicates the spell cannot be cast, determine END cost. • Spells cost END to cast, at the rate of 1 per 10 Force of the spell. FULL MAGES AND SHAMANS Full mages and shamans have access to all aspects of magical ability with the exception of Adept powers. They have access to the following abilities: Astral Projection, Astral Perception, Sorcery, Conjuring (elementals or nature spirits), Dispelling (spells), and Banishing (elementals and nature spirits). SORCERER Sorcerers are talented only in the casting of spells, to which they excel. Sorcerers can be either hermetic or shamanic, and gain totem bonuses that apply to sorcery. Sorcerers have access only to the abilities of Astral Perception, Sorcery and Aspected Dispelling (spells only). CONJURER Conjurers come in both hermetic and shamanic traditions, with shamanic conjurers gaining totem bonuses that apply to conjuring. The hermetic conjurer has access to Astral Perception, Conjuring (elementals), and Aspected Banishing (elementals and nature spirits). The shamanic conjurer has access to Astral Perception, Conjuring (nature spirits), and Aspected Banishing (elementals and nature spirits). INITIATION Initiation sharpens the natural Awakened sensitivity to magic and purifies the spirit. It allows a character to find his or her capacity to wield greater magical abilities, called metamagic, and provides access to the metaplanes of astral space. Only Awakened characters (full magicians, aspected magicians, and adepts) are capable of initiating. To initiate, a character must fulfill any prerequisites set forth by the GM as well as pay 8 points for the Initiate Talent. This talent grants the character 10 points to his or her Multipower Pool, which will allow them to cast more powerful spells. For each grade of initation, one of the metamagical abilities listed below must also be purchased. They must be purchases separately at each initation, though the metamagic powers may be increased on their own once purchased. After all the metamagic powers have been purchased, the character can continue to initiate for 8 points, each time increasing the Multipower by 10 Points. METAMAGIC ANCHORING Allows a magician to attach spells to specialized foci and delays their activation until a certain event occurs. Power: Trigger Advantage; Adv: None; AP: 38; Lim: OAF (-1); Only for Spells (-1); Requires a Sorcery Skill Roll (-.5) Real Cost: 11 points for any spell up to 75 Active Points CENTERING This assists a magician in channeling magical energy. Power: Reduced END: ½ END Advantage; Adv: None; AP: 19; Lim: Only for Spells (-1); Requires a Centering Skill Roll (-.5) Real Cost: 8 points for any spell up to 75 Active Points CLEANSING This ability clears away astral pollution known as background count from an area. Power: 10d6 Dispel: Change Environment; Adv: Cumulative, 4x maximum points (+1); AP: 60; Lim: Only against background count (-2); Requires a Sorcery Skill Roll (-.5); Extra Time: 1 Turn (-1.25) Real Cost: 13 points DIVINING This ability allows the magician to Read omens and signs to provide insight into future events. Power: Clairsentience, Precognition; Adv: None; AP: 40; Lim: Requires a Divining Skill Roll (-.5); Vague and Unclear (-.5); Precognition only (-1) Real Cost: 13 points INVOKING This summons powerful spirits known as great form spirits for magicians that can conjure spirits. Invoke Great Form Elemental Power: Summon Elementals (500 pt Elemental); Adv: Expanded Class (+.25); Devoted (+1); AP: 225; Lim: Concentrate to 0 DCV Througout (-1); Extra Time: 6 Hours (-3.5); OAF: Spirit Conjuring Materials, Expendable (-1.25); Gestures Throughout (-.5); Incantations Throughout (-.5); Only in Hermetic Circle (-1); Requires a Conjuring Skill Roll (-.5); Limited Number of Services (-1) Real Cost: 9 Points Invoke Great Form Nature Spirit Power: Summon Nature Spirit (500 pt spirit); Adv: Expanded Class (+.25); Devoted (+1); AP: 225; Lim: Concentrate to 0 DCV (-.5); Extra Time: Extra Phase (-.75); Gestures Throughout (-.5); Incantations Throughout (-.5); Limited Spirit Type defined by Area (-1); Extra Endurance x2 (-.5); Limited Services (-1); Requires a Conjuring Skill Roll (-.5); 1 Spirit at a time (-.5) Real Cost: 13 Points MASKING This ability disguises the aura and penetrates such disguises used by others. This talent allows the character to use his Aura Reading skill similar to the Disguise skill to change his aura. It also gives the character the ability to penetrate such a disguise. Power: Masking Talent; Adv: None; AP: 5 Lim: None Real Cost: 5 points QUICKENING The makes the effects of a constant spell uncontrolled and costing 0 Endurance. Power: Uncontrolled Advantage; Reduced END: 0 END; Adv: None; AP: 75; Lim: Requires a Sorcery Skill Roll (-.5); Only for Spells (-1) Real Cost: 30 points for any constant spell up to 75 Active Point SHIELDING This ability provides defense against spells for the magician and allies. Power: Combat Skill Levels: Defense; Adv: Usable By Others, Simultaneously, x4 Targets (+1); AP: 10 per +1; Lim: Only against magical attacks (-1) Real Cost: 5 per +1 ASTRAL TRAVEL Characters traveling through the Astral Plane cannot pass through organic material or magical barriers. The Earth is considered a living creature in this case and normally cannot be moved through. Worked earth that is removed from the whole of earth is not considered to be part of Mother Earth as a whole. It is possible to move through Mother Earth, albeit at an incredibly slow rate. They may move through an amount of earth equal to their PRE/5 every 20 minutes. If he decides to stop trying to move through the earth, he may return to his starting point at his normal Astral movement rate. ASTRAL VISIBILITY The astral plane is lit by the auras of living beings, and is always perpetually lit by the Earth. The light level in the physical plan has no relation to the amount of visibility on the astral, though viewing the astral plane through semi-opaque things like water, fog, smoke, or fire can limit visibility. ASTRAL BARRIERS Astral barriers are dual-natured walls, with their astral form appearing as a hazy, solid wall that blocks all astral forms and astral perception. Dual-natured beings and items (such as active foci) cannot pass the barrier without defeating it in astral combat. Hermetic circles and Shamanic lodges form astral barriers, though the hermetic circle is only a barrier when it is used for magical purposes. The physical forms of an astral barrier can be anything from painted runes on the floor to an actual wall, and it does not have to conform to the astral form’s shape. Astral Barriers modify all skill tests by its Active Points/5 for any magical skills attempting to cross it. If a mundane character or item with a spell upon it passes through an astral barrier on the physical plane, the character or item passes through, but the spell is stopped. If a character possessing a quickened spell or an item with a quickened spell on it passes through an astral barrier on the physical plane. If the spell has a higher Active Point total, it passes through. If not, it is stopped. An initiate who knows the metamagic Masking may attempt to synchronize auras with the barrier. Make an Aura Reading skill roll modified by –1 per 5 Active Points of the barrier. If they initiate succeeds they may pass through it freely in the same way as the creator. They must make a Aura Reading test each time they wish to move through the barrier. WARDS A ward is an astral barrier that has no other function than to be a barrier in astral space. Any Awakened character capable of astral perception can set up a ward, given time. The maximum area that can be warded is equal to the caster’s Magic attribute x 5 cubic meters. A group of characters can ward an area measuring 5 cubic meters x the sum of their Magic attributes. A ward must be placed on a non-living thing (walls, a vehicle, rocks, etc.) and cannot be moved from its physical component to another location. The warding ritual takes 1 hour per 10 Active Points and requires no special materials. At the end of the ritual, make an INT or Aura Reading skill roll modified by –1 per 10 Active Points. A group of characters make individual rolls and determine how much they succeed by. Each point of success determines the number of weeks the ward lasts before disappearing. A ward can be made permanent by paying character points equal to 1/10th the Active Points of the ward. Endurance for creating the ward is equal to 1 per 10 Active Points, but the maximum force you can give a ward is equal to the creators Magic Attribute. A group can create a ward with a force equal to the sum of their Magic Attributes. A warding ritual can also increase the life span of an existing ward. Make another INT or Aura Reading skill roll modified by the Active Points, and the life span increases by the number of weeks equal to the level of success. If the roll fails, the existing ward is not harmed except on a roll of 18, which destroys the ward. Spirit and Wards Spirits are capable of creating wards and will do so as a service for the character that summoned them. Regular spirits can create a ward with a Force up to 75. Great form spirits can create a ward with a Force up to 150 points. Alarm Ward An alarm ward is difficult to detect in astral space as anything other than a faint shimmer. Character may make a PER Roll modified by –1 per 10 Active Points to detect the Alarm Ward. An alarm ward alerts its creator when an unauthorized astral entity crosses its boundaries. Initiates may synchronize their auras to fool an alarm ward the same as any other barrier. Use the same rules for creating normal wards but reduce the time by half. ASTRAL COMBAT Characters who astrally project are faster as noted in their changed Speed characteristic, and those who change from physical to astral or vice versa during a combat must abide by all rules for changing their Speed. All combat in the astral plane is hand-to-hand based with modifiers for reach. Characters may use Combat Skill Levels for All Combat, Melee Combat, or Magical Attacks when in astral combat. Astral damage is figured based upon the character’s Astral Strength (PRE) in Normal Damage. If a character is using a weapon focus, the damage from the focus is normal, with the normal figuring of Stun modifier. Damage is applied against their Energy Defense. Body damage is ignored. An astral form reduced to 0 Stun is disrupted. A disrupted astral form immediately disappears from astral space, and astrally projecting characters return to their physical bodies (regardless of any barriers separating them), while spirits vanish completely. The character is unconscious and must recover normally. A character disrupted in astral space must immediately check for Magic Loss. A spirit disrupted cannot return to astral space or the physical world for 28 days. ASTRAL COMBAT AGAINST OBJECTS AND BARRIERS When characters engage non-sentient items in Astral Combat, they use their normal astral attacks (usually based on Astral Strength) or their Dispelling power against the object. The object is considered to be a 0-point character with the following modifications: It is considered to have a Strength equal to 10 + ¼ its Active Points (which figures its PD), Stun equal to 15 + ½ its Strength + ¼ its Active Points, and a Dexterity equal to 10 + ½ its Active Points divided by 3 (which figures its CV and Speed). So a Force 10 Spell has a Strength 13 (PD 3), Stun of 23, Dexterity of 11 (CV 3, Speed 2). Conversely, a 60 Active Point object would have a Strength of 25 (PD 5), Stun of 42, and Dexterity of 20 (CV 6, Speed 3). Also remember that astral presences add 2 to their effective speed (so the above examples would have a Speed 4 and Speed 5 respectively). Objects counterattack every phase they act as long as the previous action from the magician was to attack. If the magician decides to break off combat, the object does not attack and continues to function at full strength. An object reduced to 0 Stun is effectively turned off, but will return to full Stun in 1 Turn. A character can keep the object or barrier “suppressed†by spending a full phase action every turn keeping it suppressed. To permanently destroy an object, the object must be brought to 0 Stun, and the character must then make a PRE Roll modified by –1 per 5 Active Points of the object. Success destroys the object or barrier. Destroying a focus in astral combat destroys its enchantment. Destroying a barrier destroys temporary barriers such as wards. Permanent barriers (like lodges, circles, and permanent wards) are rendered permanently ineffective against the character that defeated it, but are still effective against all other intruders. BACKGROUND COUNT The background count of an area refers to the presence of powerful magical and emotional influences that can affect the flow of mana in the astral plane. In practice, the level of background count modifies all magical and astral rolls while in the area by –2. All spells cast in the area also suffer an additional 1 END per level of the background count. Awakened characters that are not astrally active can still sense the presence of a background count that they enter. They can make a sight PER roll modified by –6 for a level 1, -5 for a level 2, -4 for a level 3, and so on. TOTEMS Each shaman has a totem. A totem is a powerful spirit that gives the shaman the magical power and knowledge. The shaman, in turn, follows the ideals represented by the totem. A shaman’s totem is chosen when the character is created. Technically, it is the totem who chooses the shaman. At some point in a neophyte shaman’s life comes the call of a totem, in the form of a dream or vision. Often, a traumatic even brings on the call, like a serious illness, sudden shock, or near-death experience. The environment listing determines where the shaman may set up their shamanic lodge, and also determines their most preferred surroundings. Skill levels below may be used for the Sorcery or Conjuring skill roll or as Combat Skill Levels to attack. Penalties below apply to both the Sorcery and Conjuring skill roll and the OCV BEAR Bear is a totem found in cultures wherever bears are known, from North America to Europe and Asia. He is powerful, but gentle and wise. He tends to be slow moving and easy-going unless he has to move fast. Bear is slow to anger, but terrifying in battle. Bear shamans tend to be calm, cool and collected. They are healers and protectors of the natural world as they see it. A bear shaman cannot turn down someone who needs healing without giving a good reason. Environment: Forest Advantages: +2 Skill Levels to cast Healing spells, +2 Skill Levels to conjure Forest Spirits. Disadvantages: Bear shamans can go berserk when wounded. Whenever a bear shaman takes Body in combat, roll to see if he goes berserk. The shaman must take this Disadvantage but gets no points for it. (Berserk, Common, 11- to go berserk, 14- to recover). BUFFALO Buffalo is a uniquely North American totem. She knows much medicine, which she uses to aid her people. She is kind and giving, strong and tireless in her work. The people take from Buffalo and honor her spirit for the bounty she provides. Buffalo shamans are healers and protectors; they cannot turn down an honest request for aid from someone who needs it. A buffalo shaman will lay down her life for a true friend or ally in need and will often take great risks to help others. Environment: Plains Advantages: +2 Skill Levels to cast Healing spells, +2 Skill Levels to conjure Prairie Spirits. Disadvantages: -1 penalty to Illusion spells. CAT Cat is honored in cultures around the world. She is stealthy, sly and rather vain. Cat knows many secrets, but shares few of them. Cat shamans tend to be loners who keep their own council. They are fastidiously clean and presentable whenever possible. Cat shamans generally toy with their opponents -- threatening, taunting, and confusing – rather than going directly for the kill. Environment: Urban Advantages: +2 Skill Levels to cast Illusion spells, +2 Skill Levels to conjure City Spirits Disadvantages: -1 penalty to all magical, Intellect, Background, and Interaction skills if dirty or unkempt. An unwounded Cat shaman must make an Ego roll when casting a damaging spell. If the roll fails, the shaman must cast her least damaging spell (at its minimum damage level). If the shaman is wounded, all this playing around stops. COYOTE Coyote the Trickster is a uniquely North American totem. He is unpredictable and ever-changing; bold one minute, cowardly the next. Old Man Coyote can be a friend or deceiver. He is intensely curious and fond of taking risks just for the fun of it. Coyote shamans are independent and refuse to be bound by anything other than their word. They live by their own rules, surviving on wit and charm. Environment: Anywhere on land Advantages: None Disadvantages: None DOG Dog is a loyal friend honored by shamans around the world. He fights ferociously to defend his home and those under his protection. Dog shamans protect people from the harmful magic and dangerous spirits. They are loyal, generous and helpful to those who show them kindness and loyalty in return. They are single-minded, often to the point of stubbornness. Environment: Urban Advantages: +2 Skill Levels to cast Detection spells, +2 Skill Levels to conjure Field and Hearth Spirits. Disadvantages: The dog shaman must make an Ego roll to change a declared course of action. The test requires a full-phase action as dog struggles to change his mind. DOLPHIN Dolphin is the free spirit of the sea, dancer on the waves. She is wise, yet playful, and a friend of man. Dolphin helps people against the threats of the sea (like Shark). Dolphin shamans are staunch protectors and helpers. The cannot turn down a deserving person who needs their help and must fight against evil that threatens people or nature. Environment: On or by the sea Advantages: +2 Skill Levels to cast Detection spells, +2 Skill Levels to conjure Sea Spirits Disadvantages: -1 penalty to Combat spells EAGLE Eagle is the highest-flying bird in the sky, considered the noble by shamans in North America, Central America and Europe. He is proud and solitary, and sees everything happening in the world he soars over. Eagle shamans are proud and noble defenders of the purity of nature. They are intolerant of those who do not share their views, and have a strong distrust of technology and its tools. Those who damage nature are Eagle’s enemies, and the Eagle shamans brave great danger to defeat polluters and other evildoers. Environment: Mountains Advantages: +2 Skill Levels to cast Detection spells, +2 Skill Levels to conjure all Spirits of the Sky. Disadvantages: Double essence lost caused by implanting cyberware. GATOR Found among shamans living near swamps and rivers, Gator also flourishes among urban shamans, since legend has it that he dwells in the sewers and storm drains of the city. He is ill-tempered and lazy, a strong fighter and a big eater. Gator shamans like big payoffs that allow them to take it easy for a while. It can take a hefty argument to talk a Gator shaman into any unnecessary exertion, but once a Gator shaman decides to do something, it is just as difficult to talk him out of it. Environment: Swamp, river, or urban Advantages: +2 Skill Levels to cast Combat and Detection spells. As a wilderness totem, +2 Skill Levels to conjure Swamp, Lake or River Spirits (shaman’s choice). As an urban totem, +2 Skill Levels to conjure City Spirits. Disadvantages: -1 penalty to Illusion spells. It requires an Ego roll for a Gator shaman to break off a fight, chase or other direct action. LION Lion is followed by shamans from the veldts of Africa to the plains of Europe. He is a brave and powerful warrior, who protects his family with his life. Lion prefers to work from surprise or ambush, but will take the direct approach when necessary. Lion shamans demand the best from themselves. They also demand respect from those around them. A Lion shaman makes a loyal friend and a deadly enemy. Environment: Prairie Advantages: +2 Skill Levels to cast Combat Spells, +2 Skill Levels to conjure Prairie Spirits. Disadvantages: -1 penalty to Health spells MOUSE Mouse knows just where to find the right thing for every situation. She is clever and resourceful; her wisdom often helps fierce and proud totems like Lion and Wolf out of trouble, showing them the common sense they might otherwise miss. Mouse is no one’s enemy and, if she has a flaw, it is that curiosity sometimes gets the better of her. Mouse shamans tend to be hoarders, collecting all manner of junk along with useless information and trivia, storing everything away “for a rainy dayâ€. Environment: Urban or fields Advantages: +2 Skill Levels to cast Detection and Health spells, +2 Skill Levels to conjure Hearth and Field Spirits. Disadvantages: -2 penalty to Combat spells OWL Owl is wise and sees all. She rules the night sky and what she hunts, she finds. By day, she is nearly helpless. Owl is honored by cultures around the world, although some consider her appearance a bad omen. Owl shamans are nocturnal loners well-suited for life in the shadows. Their magic is weaker during the day, and the owl shamans tend to remain in the shadows even during daytime. Environment: Anywhere Advantages: +2 Skill Levels to Sorcery and Conjuring at night Disadvantages: -2 penalty to all magic skills during the daytime. RACCOON Raccoon is a cunning bandit who can break into any trap and steal the bait. He fights when he must, but prefers strategy and trickery. Raccoon shamans are intensely curious, which often leads them into danger. They can be greedy (Raccoon is a thief totem) and many steal only the very best. Petty thefts and violent robberies are beneath a Raccoon shaman’s dignity Environment: Anywhere but the desert Advantages: +2 Skill Levels to cast Manipulation spells, +2 Skill Levels to conjure City Spirits. Disadvantages: -1 penalty to Combat spells. RAT Rat is found wherever humans are, for who else’s bounty can sustain him? Rat is a stealthy thief too selfish to share anything. He is a coward who would rather run away than fight. Rat shamans tend to be dirty and unkempt. They dislike working out in the open, preferring to stick to the shadows. Rat shamans avoid fights whenever they can. When they must fight, they fight to kill. Environment: Urban Advantages: +2 Skill Levels to Detection and Illusion spells, +2 Skill Levels to conjure City Spirits. Disadvantages: -1 penalty to Combat spells RAVEN Raven is a harbinger of trouble in cultures world-wide. He is a trickster, dark and devious, and a transformer, responsible for changes. Raven thrives off the bounty of carnage and chaos, but does not cause them. He merely knows an opportunity when he sees one. Raven shamans love to eat, and rarely refuse an offer of food. Environment: Anywhere under the open sky Advantages: +2 Skill Levels to Manipulation spells, +2 Skill Levels to conjure Sky Spirits. Disadvantages: -1 penalty to all magical skills when not under the open sky. SHARK Shark is a cold and relentless hunter. When shark strikes, he does so without mercy, driven into frenzy by the blood of his prey. Shark shamans tend to be wanderers, always on the move. They are fierce and deadly warriors. A Shark shaman believes the only good enemy is a dead enemy. If challenged, they do not waste time with threats or boasts, but strike to kill. Environment: On or by the sea Advantages: +2 Skill Levels to Combat and Detection spells, +2 Skill Levels for Sea Spirits Disadvantages: Shark shamans can go berserk when wounded or when they kill an opponent. Whenever a Shark shaman takes Body in combat or strikes the killing blow on an opponent, roll to see if he goes berserk. The shaman must take this Disadvantage but gets no points for it. (Berserk, Common, 11- to go berserk, 14- to recover). The Shark that goes berserk can continue to attack the body of his last kill instead of moving to a living target. SNAKE Snake is wise and knows and knows many secrets. She is a good councilor, but always exacts a price for her advice. Snake shamans are pacifists; they only fight to protect themselves and others. Snake shamans are obsessed with learning secrets and take great risks to order to do so. They trade their knowledge to others for whatever they can get in exchange. Environment: Anywhere on land Advantages: +2 Skill Levels for Detection, Health, and Illusion spells. As a wilderness totem, +2 Skill Levels to conjure any one Spirit of the Land (shaman’s choice). As an urban totem, +2 Skill Levels to conjure any one Spirit of Man (shaman’s choice). Disadvantages: -1 penalty for all spells cast during combat WOLF Wolf is recognized as a hunter and warrior worldwide. He is fiercely loyal to the other members of his pack. As the ancient saying goes, Wolf wins every fight but one, and in that one he dies. Wolf shamans are loyal to friends and family unto death. They do not show cowardice in battle and their word is their bond. Environment: Forest, prairie, or mountains Advantages: +2 Skill Levels to Combat and Detection spells, +2 Skill Levels to conjure Forest, Prairie, or Mountain Spirits (shaman’s choice). Disadvantages: Wolf shamans can go berserk when wounded. Whenever a wolf shaman takes Body in combat, roll to see if he goes berserk. The shaman must take this Disadvantage but gets no points for it. (Berserk, Common, 11- to go berserk, 14- to recover). ADEPT Adepts are another form of magician who follows the Somatic Way. They channel their energies into physical manifestations of power. They do not have access to Astral Projection, Sorcery, Conjuring, or Dispelling/Banishing. They might have Astral Perception if they purchased it as a power. Adepts use their magic in the perfection of body and mind, and they tend to focus on training and discipline. ADEPT POWERS Adepts use their magic attribute to “buy†powers that are supernatural or magical abilities that become a natural part of the adept through study and training. Each power has a cost in points, of which the adept has the total of his magic attribute to spend on Adept Powers. A beginning Adept has a Magic Attribute of 60. ASTRAL PERCEPTION Power: Detect: Astral Plane and Auras, Discriminatory, Tracking; Adv: None; AP: 25; Lim: Extra Time: ½ Phase to Turn on (-.25); Character may be targeted by Astral Forms (-.5); Side Effect: -5 Perception Rolls for Physical Plane (-1) Real Cost: 9 Points ATTRIBUTE BOOST The adept can all upon their inner strength to perform amazing feats beyond the norm. Attribute Boost may be purchased for any of the physical attributes: STR, DEX, BODY, CON. It must be purchased separately for each of the attributes, and cannot be purchased for mental attributes. To use this power, the character must make an EGO roll (-1 per 10 Active Points) to activate the power. Once activated, it stays on as long as the character pays endurance. Power: Characteristics; Adv: None; AP: varies by Characteristic; Lim: Requires an Ego Roll (-.5); Costs END (-.5) Magic Cost: +2 STR per point, +2 DEX per 3 points, +2 BODY per 2 points, +2 CON per 2 points BLIND FIGHTING The adept has the innate ability to fight effectively even while in darkness or blinded. Power: Combat Sense Talent; Adv: None; Lim: None Magic Cost: 15 points for Combat Sense, 2 points for +1 to roll BODY CONTROL The adept’s power of mind over body allows him to resist the effects of toxins and diseases. Each level of Body Control gives 1 Power Defense against any normal toxins. Power: Power Defense; Adv: None; AP: 1 per 1 Power Defense; Lim: Only against normal toxins (-.5) Magic Cost: 1 Power Defense per .7 points COUNTERSTRIKE The counterstrike power gives the adept a particularly strong ability to strike back at attackers. Power: HKA; Adv: Continuous (+1); Damage Shield (+.5); AP: 38 per 1d6; Lim: Gestures (-.25) Magic Cost: 30 points per 1d6 HKA DIRECTION SENSE The adept has an innate sense of direction. He can always tell the direction without reference to visual cues, and he can tell if he’s above or below ground. Power: Bump of Direction; Adv: None; AP: 3; Lim: None Magic Cost: 3 points DISTANCE STRIKE This power allows an adept to “transmit†an unarmed attack over a short distance and strike a target without physically touching them. Power: Stretching; Adv: Invisible Power Effects: All (+1); Does not cross intervening space (+.25); AP: 11.25 per 1â€; Lim: Only for unarmed attacks (-1); No non-combat stretching (-.25); Always direct (-.25); No Velocity damage (-.25) Magic Cost: 4 points per 1†distance ENHANCED PERCEPTION This power sharpens the senses of the Adept. Each level gives the Adept +1 to all perception rolls. The maximum is +10 PER. Power: Enhanced Perception: All; Adv: None; AP: 3 per +1; Lim: None Magic Cost: 3 points per +1 to Perception Rolls FAULTLESS DEFENSE The adept moves in such a way as to make Seeking Strikes more difficult to use. Power: Lack of Weakness; Adv: None; AP: 1 per –1 to Find Weakness Rolls; Lim: None Magic Cost: 1 per –1 to Find Weakness Rolls FLARE COMPENSATION The adept’s eyes quickly adjust to intense light, allowing him or her to avoid the affects of flash grenades and similar weapons. Power: Flash Defense: Normal Sight; Adv: None; AP: 1 per 1 Flash Defense; Lim: None Magic Cost: 1 point per 1 Flash Defense FLEXIBILITY This power makes an adept’s limbs unusually limber, able to twist and bend more than a normal person’s. Power: Double-Jointed Talent; Adv: None; Lim: None Magic Cost: 4 points GREAT LEAP Adepts with great leap are able to make incredible jumps into the air and over long distances. Power: Leaping; Adv: None; AP: 1 per +1†Leap; Lim: None Magic Cost: 1 point per +1†Leap IMPROVED ABILITY The adept focuses his magic to become more skilled. This allows the adept to buy SL for Combat and Agility skills. Power: Skill Levels; Adv: None; AP: varies by skill level; Lim: None Magic Cost: Varies by Skill Level IMPROVED PHYSICAL ATTRIBUTE The adept can buy his STR, DEX, BODY, or CON up with this power. The cost is the same as for buying the normal attribute, and the change does affect figured characteristics. Power: Characteristics; Adv: None; Lim: None Magic Cost: +1 STR per point, +1 DEX per 3 points, +1 BODY per 2 points, +2 CON per 2 points IMPROVED REFLEXES The adept can buy his SPD up with this power. The cost is the same as for buying the normal attribute. Power: SPD; Adv: None; AP: 10 per +1 SPD; Lim: None Magic Cost: +1 SPD per 10 points IMPROVED SCENT The adept can identify scents in the same way as a bloodhound. The adept can also track people by their scent. Power: Tracking: Smell, Discriminatory: Smell; Adv: None; AP: 10; Lim: None Magic Cost: 10 points IMPROVED TASTE The adept can recognize the ingredients of food or beverage by taste alone. Power: Discriminatory: Taste; Adv: None; AP: 5; Lim: None Magic Cost: 5 points IRON FISTS The adept channels magic into his strikes to give his attacks more power. A glow is evident when using this power and the adept must pay END (1 per 10 Active Cost) to use it. Power: Hand-to-Hand Attack Adv: None; AP: 3 per +1d6; Lim: None Magic Cost: 3 per +1d6 HA KILLING HANDS The adept channels magic into his fists and body to hone it to a killing machine. A telltale glow and crackle of power is evident when the adept is using this and he must pay END (1 per 10 Active Cost) to use the power. Power: Hand-to-Hand Killing Attack; Adv: None; AP: 15 per 1d6 HKA; Lim: None Magic Cost: 15 points per 1d6 HKA (Max 4d6 HKA) LOW LIGHT VISION The adept can see in low light areas as well as he or she can see in the daylight. Power: Ultraviolet Perception: Sight; Adv: None; AP: 5; Lim: None Magic Cost: 5 points MAGIC RESISTANCE The adept has an inherent resistance to sorcery. He can choose what spells to affect him fully and those he wishes to resist. Power: Suppression Field; Adv: Reduced END (0 END, +.5); AP: 7.5 per 1d6; Lim: Self only (-.5); Only incoming spells of his choice (-.25) Magic Cost: 4 points per 1d6 of Suppression Field MISSILE MASTERY An adept with missile master has such a highly developed talent for throwing weapons that normally harmless items such as pens, credsticks, and ID cards become deadly weapons when thrown by him or her. Power: 1d6 RKA; Adv: None; AP: 10; Lim: OIF: Objects of Opportunity (-.5) Magic Cost: 10 points MISSILE PARRY The adept can catch slow moving missiles out of the air. This includes all thrown weapons and projectile weapons. Power: Missile Deflection; Adv: None; AP: 10, +2 per +1 OCV; Lim: None Magic Cost: 10 points, 2 points for +1 OCV on Deflection roll MYSTIC ARMOR This power magically toughens the skin of the adept, allowing him or her to resist the effects of damage. Power: Armor; Adv: None; AP: 3 per 2 points of Armor; Lim: None Magic Cost: 3 points per 2 points of Armor (Max +8 rPD/+8 rED) PAIN RESISTANCE An adept with this power makes him almost impervious to torture, deprivation, or physical hardship. This doesn’t mean that the user isn’t hurt, just that he won’t notice the pain until he collapses. Power: CON; Adv: None; AP: 2 per 1 CON; Lim: Only to resist being stunned (-1) Power: Resistance Talent; Adv: None; Lim: None Magic Cost: 2 points for +1 Resistance Talent, +1 CON (to resist stunning) PERFECT DEFENSE The adept using this power cannot be harmed by any non-magical attacks, but similarly cannot attack or otherwise affect another character with any ability, though he may move around. Using this power costs END. Power: Desolidification; Adv: None; AP: 40; Lim: Cannot Pass Through Solid Objects (-.5); Extra Time: Full Phase (-.5) Magic Cost: 20 points PERFECT STEALTH The adept becomes as silent or invisible as the wind. While paying END for this power, the adept can be completely silent or invisible. Power: Invisibility; Adv: None; AP: 20 for One Targeting Sense, +10 per Additional Targeting Sense Group, +5 per Additional Targeting Sense, 10 for One Nontargeting Sense, +5 per each Additional Nontargeting Sense Group, +3 per Additional Nontargeting Sense; Lim: Only when not Attacking (-.5) Magic Cost: 13 for One Targeting Sense, +7 per Additional Targeting Sense Group, +3 per Additional Targeting Sense, 7 for One Non-Targeting Sense, +3 per each Additional Nontargeting Sense Group, +2 per Additional Nontargeting Sense RAPID HEALING The adept recovers more quickly form all forms of injury. Power: REC; Adv: None; AP: 2 per +1 REC; Lim: None Magic Cost: 2 points per +1 REC QUICK STRIKE Adepts with this power can leap into action with startling suddenness. Power: Lightning Reflexes Talent; Adv: None; Lim: None Magic Cost: 3 points per +2 Lightning Reflexes ROOTING Adepts with the rooting power can hold themselves in place by will alone. Power: Clinging; Adv: None; AP: 10 for normal strength, +1 per +3 clinging STR; Lim: Only to prevent being moved (-1) Magic Cost: 5 points for character’s normal strength, +6 STR per 1 point SEEKING STRIKES The adept has a knack for finding the weak points in his opponent’s defense, thus making his attacks Armor Piercing. Power: Find Weakness Adv: None; AP: 10 for base roll of 11- with one type of attack, +10 for a related Group, +10 for All Attacks, +5 per +1 to roll; Lim: None Magic Cost: 10 for base roll of 11- with one type of attack, +10 for a related Group, +10 for All Attacks, +5 per +1 to roll SOUND DAMPENING The adept’s ears are protected from loud noises and adjust quickly to sudden changes in noise level. Power: Flash Defense: Normal Hearing; Adv: None; AP: 1 per 1 Flash Defense; Lim: None Magic Cost: 1 point per 1 Flash Defense SUSPENDED STATE This ability allows the adept to enter into a meditative state, reducing his metabolism and requirements for food, water, and air. Power: Simulate Death Talent; Adv: None; Lim: None Magic Cost: 3 points for Simulate Death, +1 to EGO roll for +1 point SWIFTNESS The adept is remarkably fleet of foot. Power: Running; AP: 2 per +1†Running; Adv: None; Lim: None Magic Cost: 2 per +1†Running TEMPERATURE TOLERANCE The adept’s body is exceptionally resistant to extremes of heat and cold. Power: Life Support: Safe Environment: Intense Heat and Intense Cold; AP: 4; Adv: None; Lim: None Magic Cost: 4 points THERMOGRAPHIC VISION The adept can see heat signatures overlaid on his normal sight. Power: Infrared Perception: Sight; Adv: None; AP: 5; Lim: None Magic Cost: 5 points TRACELESS WALK An adept with traceless walk can move over soft or brittle surfaces such as snow, sand, or thin paper without leaving any visible traces. Power: Flight; Adv: None; AP: 2 per 1â€; Lim: Only to move across surfaces without touching them (-1) Magic Cost: 1 point per 1†of movement. ULTRASONIC HEARING The adept can hear high and low frequency sounds, such as dog whistles. Power: Ultrasonic Perception: Hearing; Adv: None; AP: 5; Lim: None Magic Cost: 5 points SPELLS Sorcery allows a magician to cast spells as noted earlier. The system is built thus: Power: 75-point Multipower Reserve; Adv: None; AP: 75; Lim: Requires a Sorcery skill roll (-.5) Total Cost: 50 points The magician need not pay the cost for this multipower as it is already accounted for in the Shadow Magic System. Just keep in mind that a magician may never have more than 75 total active points allocated to spells at one time. The magician pays the cost of each spell individually depending on the force at which he or she would like to learn it. If the magician wishes to make the spell always work at maximum power (in that he or she cannot turn it down), then the cost is 1 point per 10 points of the Real Cost of the spell. If the character wishes to be able to cast the spell at a lower force, then the cost is 1 point per 5 points of Real Cost of the spell. Real cost can be reduced by adding limitations to the spell such as Gestures (-.25), Incantations (-.25), Focus (varies), Extra Time (varies). Learning spells this way allows the character to spend fewer points to learn the spell, but it places restrictions on the casting or effects of the spell. All spells below are listed with no casting restrictions. COMBAT SPELLS DEATH TOUCH Death Touch requires the caster to touch the target. The spell does physical damage to a single target. Power: Ranged Killing Attack (Magic); Adv: Based on Ego Combat Value: Mental Defense (+1); Does Body (+0); AP: 30 per 1d6; Lim: No range (-.5); Requires a Sorcery Skill Roll (-.5) Real Cost: 15 points per 1d6 RKA MANABALL Mana Ball channels destructive magical energy into targets in its area causing physical damge. Power: Ranged Killing Attack (Magic); Adv: Based on Ego Combat Value: Mental Defense (+1); Does Body (+0); Area of Effect: Radius (+1); AP: 45 per 1d6; Lim: Requires a Sorcery Skill Roll (-.5) Real Cost: 30 points per 1d6 RKA MANABOLT Mana Bolt channels destructive magical energy into the target causing physical damage Power: Ranged Killing Attack (Magic); Adv: Based on Ego Combat Value: Mental Defense (+1); Does Body (+0); AP: 30 per 1d6; Lim: Requires a Sorcery Skill Roll (-.5) Real Cost: 20 points per 1d6 RKA POWERBALL This spell channels destructive magical energy into an area causing physical damage. This spell affects living and non-living targets. Power: Ranged Killing Attack (Magic Physical); Adv: Area of Effect: Radius (+1); AP: 30 per 1d6; Lim: Requires a Sorcery Skill Roll (-.5) Real Cost: 20 points per 1d6 RKA POWERBOLT This spell channels destructive magical energy into the target causing physical damage. This spell affects living and non-living targets. Power: Ranged Killing Attack (Magic Physical); Adv: None; AP: 15 per 1d6; Lim: Requires a Sorcery Skill Roll (-.5) Real Cost: 10 points per 1d6 RKA STUNBOLT This spell channels magical energy directly into the target causing stun damage. It is often referred to as a “Sleep†spell because it can render targets unconscious. Power: Ego Attack (Magic); Adv: None; AP: 10 per 1d6; Lim: Requires a Sorcery Skill Roll (-.5) Real Cost: 6.7 points per 1d6 Ego Attack STUNBALL This spell channels magical energy directly into several targets in an area causing stun damage. It is often referred to as a “Sleep†spell because it can render targets unconscious. Power: Ego Attack (Magic); Adv: Area of Effect: Radius (+1); AP: 20 per 1d6; Lim: Requires a Sorcery Skill Roll (-.5) Real Cost: 13.3 points per 1d6 Ego Attack DETECTION SPELLS ANALYZE DEVICE This spells allows the subject to analyze the purpose and operation of a device or piece of equipment within range of the sense. Power: Detect Device: Sight, Analyze; Adv: Usable on Others (+.25); AP: 10 +1 per +1 PER Roll; Lim: Requires a Sorcery Skill Roll (-.5); Costs END (-.5) Power: Skill Levels: Overall; Adv: None; AP: 10 per +1 Lim: Only for use with that device (-1); Requires a Sorcery Skill Roll (-.5); Costs END (-.5); Linked to Detect Device (-.5) Real Cost: 9.4 points; +.6 point per +1 to PER Roll; +2.8 points per Skill Level ANALYZE TRUTH This spell can tell whether or not a target’s statements are the truth. Half-truths or falsehoods the target believes to be true are not detected by this spell. The spell does not work on written materials or any sort of electronic communication. Power: Detect Truth: Hearing, Analyze; Adv: Usable By Others (+.25); AP: 18.75 +1 per +1 PER Roll; Lim: Requires a Sorcery Skill Roll (-.5); Does not work through electronic sound (-.5); Costs END (-.5) Real Cost: 7.5 points; +.4 points per +1 to PER Roll CLAIRAUDIENCE The subject can hear distant sounds as if physically present. Power: Clairsentience: Hearing; Adv: Usable By Others (+.25); AP: 25; Lim: Blackout (-.5); Requires a Sorcery Skill Roll (-.5) Real Cost: 12.5 points; +3.1 points per x2 range CLAIRVOYANCE The subject can see distant scenes as if physically present. Power: Clairsentience: Sight; Adv: Usable By Others (+.25); AP: 25; Lim: Blackout (-.5); Requires a Sorcery Skill Roll (-.5) Real Cost: 12.5 points; +3.1 points per x2 range COMBAT SENSE The subject can subconsciously analyze combat and other dangerous situations. The subject senses events a split-second before they happen. Power: Combat Skill Levels: All Combat; Adv: Usable By Others (+.25); AP: 10 per +1; Lim: Requires a Sorcery Skill Roll (-.5); Costs END (-.5) Real Cost: 4 per +1 CSL DETECT ENEMIES The subject can detect living targets who have hostile intentions toward him. This spell does not detect traps, nor can it detect someone about to shoot into a crowd at random. This spell can detect an ambush or other surprise attack. Power: Detect Enemies: Sight; Adv: Usable By Others (+.25); AP: 12.5 +1 per +1 PER Roll; Lim: Requires a Sorcery Skill Roll (-.5); Costs END (-.5) Real Cost: 6.3 points; +.5 points for +1 PER Roll DETECT INDIVIDUAL The subject can detect the presence of a specific individual named when the spell is cast. Power: Detect Individual: Sight; Adv: Usable By Others (+.25); AP: 12.5 +1 per +1 PER Roll; Lim: Requires a Sorcery Skill Roll (-.5); Costs END (-.5) Real Cost: 6.3 points; +.5 points for +1 PER Roll DETECT LIFE The subject detects all living being, knowing their number and relative location. Power: Detect Life: Sight; Adv: Usable By Others (+.25); AP: 12.5 +1 per +1 PER Roll; Lim: Requires a Sorcery Skill Roll (-.5); Costs END (-.5) Real Cost: 6.3 points; +.5 points for +1 PER Roll DETECT (LIFE FORM) The subject detects all of a specified type of life form within the range of the sense and knows their number and relative location. Each different life form requires a separate spell (Detect Orks, Detect Elves, Detect Dragons, etc.) Power: Detect (Life Form): Sight; Adv: Usable By Others (+.25); AP: 3.75 +1 per +1 PER Roll; Lim: Requires a Sorcery Skill Roll (-.5); Costs END (-.5) Real Cost: 2 points; +.5 points for +1 PER Roll DETECT MAGIC The subject can detect the presence of all foci, spells and spirits. It does not detect awakened characters or the effects of permanent spells once they have become permanent. Power: Detect Magic: Sight; Adv: Usable By Others (+.25); AP: 6.25 +1 per +1 PER Roll; Lim: Requires a Sorcery Skill Roll (-.5); Costs END (-.5) Real Cost: 3 points; +.5 points for +1 PER Roll DETECT (OBJECT) The subject detects all of a specified type of object and knows their number and relative location. Each type of object requires a separate spell (Detect Guns, Detect Computers, Detect Explosives, etc.) Power: Detect (Object): Sight; Adv: Usable By Others (+.25); AP: 3.75 +1 per +1 PER Roll; Lim: Requires a Sorcery Skill Roll (-.5) Real Cost: 2 points; +.5 points for +1 PER Roll MIND LINK This spell allows any two voluntary subjects to communicate mentally, exchanging conversation, emotions and mental images. Power: Mind Link: Any Willing Target, One at a Time; Adv: Usable By Others (+.25); AP: 18.75; Lim: Requires a Sorcery Skill Roll (-.5) Real Cost: 13 points MIND PROBE This spell allows the subject to telepathically probe the mind of a visible target. Power: Telepathy; Adv: Usable By Others (+.25); AP: 6.25 per 1d6; Lim: Requires a Sorcery Skill Roll (-.5) Real Cost: 4.2 points per 1d6 of Telepathy HEALTH SPELLS ANTIDOTE This spell helps a poisoned subject to overcome the toxin. Power: Suppress; Adv: Variable Effect: Any Toxin Effect (+.25); Cumulative (+.5) AP: 5.25 per 1d6; Lim: Requires a Sorcery Skill Roll (-.5) Real Cost: 3.5 point per 1d6 Suppress CURE DISEASE This spell helps a poisoned subject to overcome the illness. Power: Suppress; Adv: Variable Effect: Any Disease Effect (+.25); Cumulative (+.5) AP: 5.25 per 1d6; Lim: Requires a Sorcery Skill Roll (-.5) Real Cost: 3.5 point per 1d6 Suppress DECREASE (CHARACTERISTIC) This spell drains away the specified characteristic, causing the target to function at lower capacity. Each primary characteristic has a separate spell (Decrease Strength, Decrease Presence, etc.) but there are none for the figured characteristics. Power: Drain (Characteristic); Adv: Delayed Return Rate: 5 Minutes (+.5); AP: 15 per 1d6; Lim: Requires a Sorcery Skill Roll (-.5) Real Cost: 10 points per 1d6 Drain DETOX Detox relieves the effects of an ingested drug or poison Power: Healing; Adv: Any number of Powers/Characteristics affected by ingested toxins at the same time (+2); AP: 30 per 1d6; Lim: Requires a Sorcery Skill Roll (-.5) Real Cost: 20 points per 1d6 Healing HEAL This spell repairs physical injuries to anyone. Power: Healing: BODY; Adv: None; AP: 10 per 1d6; Lim: Requires a Sorcery Skill Roll (-.5) Real Cost: 6.7 points per 1d6 of Healing HEALTHY GLOW This spell brightens eyes and hair, sloughs off dead skin cells, improves circulation and promotes general well being. A cosmetic spell, the rich use Healthy Glow as a status symbol and pick-me-up. The effects of the spell wear off eventually as per standard Transform. Or the character may simply “get dirty†again and the spell ceases to function. Power: Minor Transform: Target into Healthy, Glowing Person; Adv: None; AP: 5 per 1d6; Lim: Requires a Sorcery Skill Roll (-.5) Real Cost: 3.3 per 1d6 Minor Transform HIBERNATE This spell puts a voluntary subject into a form of suspended animation. Power: Invisibility to Detect Life Signs/Paramedics/Forensic Medicine; Adv: Usable By Others (+.25); AP: 25; Lim: Requires a Sorcery Skill Roll (-.5) Real Cost: 17 points INCREASE (CHARACTERISTIC) This spell aids the specified characteristic, causing the target to function at higher capacity. Each primary characteristic has a separate spell (Increase Strength, Increase Presence, etc.); but there are none for the figured characteristics. Power: Aid (Characteristic); Adv: Delayed Return Rate: 5 Minutes (+.5); AP: 15 per 1d6; Lim: Requires a Sorcery Skill Roll (-.5) Real Cost: 10 points per 1d6 Aid INCREASE REFLEXES This spell aids the target character’s speed, allowing him to go more often in a turn. Power: Aid SPD; Adv: Delayed Return Rate: 5 Minutes (+.5); AP: 15 per 1d6; Lim: Requires a Sorcery Skill Roll (-.5) Real Cost: 10 points per 1d6 Aid to SPD OXYGENATE Oxygenate relieves the effects of an inhaled drug or poison Power: Healing; Adv: Any number of Powers/Characteristics affected by ingested toxins at the same time (+2); AP: 30 per 1d6; Lim: Requires a Sorcery Skill Roll (-.5) Real Cost: 20 points per 1d6 Healing ILLUSION SPELLS CHAOS This spell produces a storm of conflicting sensations and images to confuse the senses. Power: Change Environment: Hearing/Sight Group Perception Rolls, OCV, DCV, All Characteristic Rolls; Adv: None; AP: 50 +5 per x2 Radius; Lim: Requires a Sorcery Skill Roll (-.5) Real Cost: 33 points per –1 to Hearing/Sight Group PER Rolls, OCV, DCV, and All CHAR Rolls in 1†area; +3.3 points for x2 area ENTERTAINMENT This spell creates obvious, but entertaining, visual illusions. The entertainment industry uses illusionists as literal “special effects wizards.†Magical designers and artists work to create new and interesting sensations, including sensations that can’t otherwise be experienced in the real world. Only the wealthy can afford the unique experiences offered by such spellcasters. Power: Images: Sight Group; Adv: None; AP: 10; Lim: Requires a Sorcery Skill Roll (-.5); Only to create obvious illusions (-.5) Real Cost: 5 points for Images in 1 hex INVISIBILITY This spell makes the subject invisible to normal vision. The subject is completely tangible and detectable by the other senses. Their aura is still visible to astral perception. Power: Invisibility to Sight Group; Adv: Usable By Others (+.25); AP: 25; Lim: Requires a Sorcery Skill Roll (-.5) Real Cost: 16.7 points MASK The mask spell alters the target’s voice, scent and other physical characteristics. The target assumes a physical appearance (of the same basic size and shape) chosen by the caster. Power: Shape Shift: Sight, Hearing, Smell, Touch into Humanoid Shapes; Adv: Usable By Others (+.25); AP: 45; Lim: Requires a Sorcery Skill Roll (-.5) Real Cost: 30 points PHANTASM This spell creates convincing visual illusions of any object or creature the caster desires. The can create an illusion of anything the caster has seen before, from a flower or a credstick, to a dragon breathing fire, so long as the illusion is no larger than the spell’s area. Power: Images: Sight Group; Adv: Area of Effect: Radius (+1); AP: 10; Lim: Requires a Sorcery Skill Roll (-.5); Must be something caster has seen (-.5) Real Cost: 10 points; +1.5 points per –1 to observer’s PER Rolls SILENCE Silence creates an area that dampens sounds. Power: Darkness: Sound Group; Adv: None; AP: 10; Lim: Requires a Sorcery Skill Roll (-.5) Real Cost: 6.7 points for Darkness in 1†radius; +3.3 points for +1†radius STEALTH Stealth is cast on a target who becomes inaudible to normal hearing. The subject can more in complete silence and nothing they do makes noise. Power: Invisibility to Sound Group; Adv: Usable By Others (+.25); AP: 25; Lim: Requires a Sorcery Skill Roll (-.5) Real Cost: 16.7 points MANIPULATION SPELLS ACID STREAM This spell creates a powerful corrosive that sprays the target, causing terrible burns and eating away organic and metallic material. Anyone in full-body armor treated to resist toxic materials (like a firefighter’s suit) takes no damage. Power: Ranged Killing Attack (Acid); Adv: No Normal Defense: Hazmat Gear (+1); Does Body (+0); AP: 30 per 1d6; Lim: Requires Sorcery Skill Roll (-.5) Real Cost: 20 points per 1d6 RKA (NND) ARMOR This spell creates a glowing field of magical energy around the target that protects against physical damage Power: Force Field; Adv: Usable By Others (+.25); AP: 1 per 1 point of Force Field; Lim: Requires a Skill Roll (-.5) Real Cost: .8 per +1 rPD ASTRAL BARRIER This spell creates a wall or dome made entirely of magical energy solely to protect against astral attacks, dual-natured beings and the like. Power: Force Wall; Adv: Transparent to Physical Attacks (+.5); AP: 7.5 for 2 rED wall 1†long and 1†tall, +2 per +1†width or height; Lim: Requires a Sorcery Skill Roll (-.5) Real Cost: 5 points for 2 rED wall 1†long and 1†tall; +1.3 points per +1†width or height BALL LIGHTNING This spell creates an area filled with lightning that electrifies anything inside. Armor provides no protection but insulated clothing or a lack of grounding makes the character immune. Power: Ranged Killing Attack (Electricity); Adv: No Normal Defense: Insulated Clothing (+1); Does Body (+0); Area of Effect: Radius (+1); AP: 45 per 1d6; Lim: Requires a Skill Roll (-.5) Real Cost: 30 points per 1d6 RKA (NND) CLOUT This spell creates a bolt of invisible psychokinetic force that does stun damage. Physical Armor protects against damage. Power: Energy Blast (Psychokinetic Punch); Adv: None; AP: 5 per 1d6; Lim: Requires a Sorcery Skill Roll (-.5) Real Cost: 3.3 points per 1d6 Physical EB CONTROL THOUGHTS The caster seizes control of the target’s mind, directing everything the target does. The caster can mentally give commands and the target is compelled to obey. Power: Mind Control; Adv: Telepathic (+.25); AP: 6.25 per 1d6; Lim: Requires a Sorcery Skill Roll (-.5) Real Cost: 4.2 points per 1d6 Mind Control FIREBALL This area spell creates an inferno of flames for an instant and then ceases. The flames can ignite flammable materials. Power: Ranged Killing Attack (Fire); Adv: Area of Effect: Radius (+1); AP: 30 per 1d6; Lim: Requires Sorcery Skill Roll (-.5) Real Cost: 20 points per 1d6 RKA FLAMETHROWER This spell creates flames the caster can direct. The flames flash into existence and burn out after striking the target, but can ignite flammable materials. Power: Ranged Killing Attack (Fire); Adv: None; AP: 15 per 1d6; Lim: Requires Sorcery Skill Roll (-.5) Real Cost: 10 points per 1d6 RKA ICE SHEET This spell creates a flat sheet of ice covering an area. Characters attempting to cross must make a DEX Roll or fall prone. Power: Change Environment: DEX Roll; Adv: None; AP: 8, +5 per +1†Radius, +3 per –1 to DEX Roll; Lim: Requires a Sorcery Skill Roll (-.5) Real Cost: 5 points for 1†area; 3.3 points per +1†radius; +2 points per –1 to DEX Roll LEVITATE This spell allows the caster to telekinetically lift an object and move it around. Power: Flight; Adv: Usable As Attack (+1); AP: 4 per 1†Flight; Lim: Requires a Sorcery Skill Roll (-.5) Real Cost: 2.7 per 1†of Flight LIGHT This spell creates a mobile point of light, illuminating the area around it. Power: Images: Sight Group; Adv: Increased Size: x8†Radius (+.75); AP: 17.5; Lim: Requires a Sorcery Skill Roll (-.5); Only to create light (-1) Real Cost: 7 points LIGHTNING BOLT This spell creates a flash of lightning that shoots from the caster down a specified line. Armor provides no protection but insulated clothing or a lack of grounding makes the character immune. Power: Ranged Killing Attack (Electricity); Adv: No Normal Defense: Insulated Clothing (+1); Does Body (+0); Area of Effect: Line (+1); AP: 45 per 1d6; Lim: Requires a Skill Roll (-.5) Real Cost: 30 points per 1d6 RKA (NND) MAGIC FINGERS This spell creates a psychokinetic effect like “invisible hands†that can hold or manipulate items. Power: Telekinesis With Fine Manipulation; Adv: None; AP: 10 for 0 STR, +3 per +2 STR; Lim: Requires a Sorcery Skill Roll (-.5) Real Cost: 6.7 points for 0 STR Telekinesis, +1 point per 1 STR PETRIFY This spell transforms living tissue into stone-like calcium carbonate. The target can be turned back to flesh by being immersed completely in water. Power: Major Transform: Person into Calcium Carbonate; Adv: None; AP: 15 per 1d6; Lim: Requires a Sorcery Skill Roll (-.5) Real Cost: 10 points per 1d6 Major Transform PHYSICAL BARRIER This spell creates a wall or dome made entirely of magical energy solely to protect against physical attacks. Power: Force Wall; Adv: Transparent to Energy Attacks (+.5); AP: 7.5 for 2 rED wall 1†long and 1†tall, +2 per +1†width or height; Lim: Requires a Sorcery Skill Roll (-.5) Real Cost: 5 points for 2 rPD wall 1†long and 1†tall; +1.3 points per +1†width or height POLTERGEIST This spell picks up all small objects within the spell’s area and whirls them around in random patterns. Power: Change Environment 4†Radius: -2 Sight Group Perception Rolls, 1d6 Physical Damage; Adv: None; AP: 36; Lim: Requires a Sorcery Skill Roll (-.5) Real Cost: 24 points SHADOW This spell creates a globe of darkness that blocks sight. Power: Darkness: Sight Group; Adv: None; AP: 10 for 1†radius, +5 per +1â€; Lim: Requires a Sorcery Skill Roll (-.5) Real Cost: 6.7 points for Darkness in 1†radius; +3.3 points for +1†radius SPARK This spell creates a flash of lightning that shoots from the caster to the target. Armor provides no protection but insulated clothing or a lack of grounding makes the character immune. Power: Ranged Killing Attack (Electricity); Adv: No Normal Defense: Insulated Clothing (+1); Does Body (+0); AP: 30 per 1d6; Lim: Requires a Sorcery Skill Roll (-.5) Real Cost: 20 points per 1d6 RKA (NND) TOXIC WAVE This spell creates a powerful corrosive that sprays the target, causing terrible burns and eating away organic and metallic material. Anyone in full-body armor treated to resist toxic materials (like a firefighter’s suit) takes no damage. Power: Ranged Killing Attack (Acid); Adv: No Normal Defense: Hazmat Gear (+1); Does Body (+0); Area of Effect: Radius (+1); AP: 45 per 1d6; Lim: Requires Sorcery Skill Roll (-.5) Real Cost: 30 points per 1d6 RKA (NND) ELEMENTALS AIR ELEMENTAL Val Char Cost Roll Notes 0 STR -10 9- Lift: 25 kg; 0d6 23 DEX 39 14- OCV/DCV: 8/8 10 CON 0 12- 10 BODY 0 12- 8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11- 10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3 20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6 12 COM 1 11- 6 PD 6 Total: 6 PD (6 rPD) 10 ED 7 Total: 10 PD (10 rED) 4 SPD 7 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 4 REC 2 30 END 0 0 STUN 0 Movement Running 0â€/0†Leaping 0â€/0†Flight 20â€/40†Total Characteristic Cost: 54 Cost Power END 45 Air Powers: Multipower, 45 points reserve 0 5u 1) Air Blast: Energy Blast 6d6 (Air), Reduced END (0 END; +.5) 0 5u 2) Whirlwind: Energy Blast 4d6, Area of Effect (3†Radius; +1), Personal Immunity (+.25) 5 4u 3) Lack of Air: Energy Blast 4d6, NND: Self-Contained Breathing (+1) 4 5u 4) Accident: Telekinesis 30 STR 1/5 STR 5u 5) Movement: 4d6 Aid (Succor), Any Movement Power, one at a time (+.25), Area of Effect: Radius (+1) 5 5u 6) Movement 2: 4d6 Suppress, Any Movement Power, one at a time (+.25), Area of Effect: Radius (+1) 5 5u 7) Aid Sorcery: 6d6 Aid (Succor), Magic Multipower and any Slot simultaneously (+.5) 5 40 Moves Like Air: 20†Flight 1/5†27 Body of Air: Desolidification (Affected by Magic); Cannot pass through solid objects (-.5) 4 10 Astral Projection: Extra-Dimensional Travel to Any point in the Astral Plane; Astral Form can be seen but not affected from the material (-.5); Extra Time: Full Phase (-.5); Point of Entry is relative to the characters original location (-.5) 3 5 Immunity to Normal Weapons: Damage Resistance 6 PD/10 ED; Does Not Work against Magic (-.5) 0 20 Elemental Body: 50% Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant; 50% Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant; Does not work against magic (-.5); Does not work when attacked with ECV (-1.5) 0 45 Elemental Body: Life Support Total 0 10 Elemental Body: No Hit Locations 0 60 Elemental Body: Takes No Stun, Takes only Body 0 -14 True Flier: Running –6â€; Swimming –2†0 18 Elemental Energy: 100 point END Reserve, 5 Recovery (All Elemental/Magic Powers); Usable By Others, Simultaneously (+.5); Only usable by Elemental or Mage that summoned it (-.25) 0 Cost Skill Roll 12 +6 Skill Levels with Flight - Total Powers & Skills Cost: 322 Cost Disadvantages 5 Physical Limitation: Dual-Natured Being (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing) 25 Psychological Limitation: Follows master without question (Very Common, Total) 20 Vulnerability: Water-based attacks (Common, x2 damage) 20 Distinctive Features: Elemental (Not Concealable, Major Reaction) Total Disadvantages: 70 Total Cost: 306 EARTH ELEMENTAL Val Char Cost Roll Notes 40 STR 30 15- Lift: 6400 kg; 8d6 (12d6) 15 DEX 15 12- OCV/DCV: 5/5 20 CON 20 13- 20 BODY 20 13- 8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11- 10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3 20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6 8 COM -1 11- 10 PD 4 Total: 10 PD (10 rPD) 10 ED 6 Total: 10 PD (10 rED) 3 SPD 5 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 10 REC 0 40 END 0 0 STUN 0 Movement Running 6â€/12†Leaping 3â€/6†Tunneling 4â€/8†Total Characteristics Cost: 107 Cost Power END 45 Earth Powers: Multipower, 45 point reserve 0 5u 1) Earthwalking: Tunneling 4†through 6 DEF material, Fill In 1/5†4u 2) Engulf: Entangle 6d6, 6 DEF Only against targets on the ground 5 4u 3) Movement: 4d6 Aid (Succor) to Running, Area of Effect: Radius (+1) 4 5u 4) Movement 2: 4d6 Suppress, Any Movement Power, one at a time (+.25), Area of Effect: Radius (+1) 5 5u 5) Aid Sorcery: 6d6 Aid (Succor), Magic Multipower and any Slot simultaneously (+.5) 5 18 Fists of Stone: Hand-to-Hand Attack +4d6; Reduced END (0 END, +.5) 0 10 Astral Projection: Extra-Dimensional Travel to Any point in the Astral Plane; Astral Form can be seen but not affected from the material (-.5); Extra Time: Full Phase (-.5); Point of Entry is relative to the characters original location (-.5) 3 8 Immunity to Normal Weapons: Damage Resistance 10 PD/10 ED; Does Not Work against Magic (-.5) 0 6 Earthen Body: Armor +4 rPD 20 Elemental Body: 50% Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant; 50% Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant; Does not work against magic (-.5); Does not work when attacked with ECV (-1.5) 0 45 Elemental Body: Life Support Total 0 10 Elemental Body: No Hit Locations 0 60 Elemental Body: Takes No Stun, Takes only Body 0 18 Elemental Energy: 100 point END Reserve, 5 Recovery (All Elemental/Magic Powers); Usable By Others, Simultaneously (+.5); Only usable by Elemental or Mage that summoned it (-.25) 0 Cost Skill Roll 6 +2 OCV with Unarmed Attacks - Total Powers & Skills Cost: 263 Cost Disadvantages 5 Physical Limitation: Dual-Natured Being (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing) 25 Psychological Limitation: Follows master without question (Very Common, Total) 20 Vulnerability: Water-based attacks (Common, x2 damage) 20 Distinctive Features: Elemental (Not Concealable, Major Reaction) Total Disadvantages: 70 Total Cost: 306 FIRE ELEMENTAL Val Char Cost Roll Notes 0 STR -10 9- Lift: 25 Kg; 0d6 20 DEX 30 13- OCV/DCV: 7/7 13 CON 6 12- 13 BODY 6 12- 8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11- 10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3 25 PRE 15 14- PRE Attack: 5d6 12 COM 1 11- 6 PD 6 Total: 6 PD (6 rPD) 10 ED 7 Total: 10 PD (10 rED) 4 SPD 10 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 4 REC 2 30 END 0 0 STUN 0 Movement Running 0â€/0†Leaping 0â€/0†Flight 15â€/30†Total Characteristics Cost: 71 Cost Power END 45 Fire Attacks: Multipower, 45 points reserve 0 5u 1) Flamethrower: Energy RKA 2d6 (Fire); Reduced END (0 END; +.5) 0 5u 2) Engulf: RKA ½d6 (Fire); NND (defense is fire-proof clothing; +1); Does BODY (+1); Continuous (+1); AoE: 1 Hex (+.5); No Range (-.5) 5 4u 3) Accident: Change Environment 2†Radius (Intense Heat), +6 Temp Levels, ½d6 of Fire Damage 4 5u 4) Aid Sorcery: 6d6 Aid (Succor), Magic Multipower and any Slot simultaneously (+.5) 5 30 Move Like Fire: Flight 15†1/5†10 Astral Projection: Extra-Dimensional Travel to Any point in the Astral Plane; Astral Form can be seen but not affected from the material (-.5); Extra Time: Full Phase (-.5); Point of Entry is relative to the characters original location (-.5) 3 5 Immunity to Normal Weapons: Damage Resistance 6 PD/10 ED; Does Not Work against Magic (-.5) 0 40 Body of Fire: Energy HKA 1d6 (Fire); Continuous (+1); Damage Shield (does damage in HTH combat; + .75); Inherent (+.25); Persistent (+.5); Reduced END (0 END; +.5); Always On (-.5); No STR Bonus (-0) 0 20 Elemental Body: 50% Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant; 50% Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant; Does not work against magic (-.5); Does not work when attacked with ECV (-1.5) 0 45 Elemental Body: Life Support Total 0 10 Elemental Body: No Hit Locations 0 60 Elemental Body: Takes No Stun, Takes only Body 0 18 Elemental Energy: 100 point END Reserve, 5 Recovery (All Elemental/Magic Powers); Usable By Others, Simultaneously (+.5); Only usable by Elemental or Mage that summoned it (-.25) 0 -14 True Flier: Running –6â€, Swimming –2†0 Cost Skill Roll 12 +4 OCV with Fire Attacks - Total Powers & Skills Cost: 300 Cost Disadvantages 5 Physical Limitation: Dual-Natured Being (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing) 25 Psychological Limitation: Follows master without question (Very Common, Total) 20 Vulnerability: Water-based attacks (Common, x2 damage) 20 Distinctive Features: Elemental (Not Concealable, Major Reaction) Total Disadvantages: 70 Total Cost: 301 WATER ELEMENTAL Val Char Cost Roll Notes 10 STR 0 11- Lift: 100 Kg; 2d6 15 DEX 15 12- OCV/DCV: 7/7 18 CON 16 13- 18 BODY 16 13- 8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11- 10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3 20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6 10 COM 0 11- 8 PD 6 Total: 8PD (0 rPD) 8 ED 4 Total: 8PD (0 rED) 4 SPD 15 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 6 REC 0 36 END 0 0 STUN 0 Movement Running 6â€/12†Leaping 4â€/8†Swimming 20â€/160†Total Characteristics Cost: 80 Cost Power END 45 Water Powers: Multipower 45 point reserve 0 5u 1) Water Blast: Physical Energy Blast 4d6, Double Knockback (+.75); Reduced END (0 END; +.5) 0 5u 2) Engulf: RKA ½d6 (Suffocation); NND (defense is no need to breathe; +1); Does BODY (+1); Continuous (+1); AoE: 1 Hex (+.5); No Range (-.5) 5 5u 3) Accident: Change Environment 8†Radius (Slippery Surface, Wet Surface), -2 to DEX Rolls & Skills (Requires a Roll to Move) 3 4u 4) Movement: 4d6 Aid (Succor) to Swimming, Area of Effect: Radius (+1) 4 5u 5) Movement 2: 4d6 Suppress, Any Movement Power, one at a time (+.25), Area of Effect: Radius (+1) 5 5u 6) Aid Sorcery: 6d6 Aid (Succor), Magic Multipower and any Slot simultaneously (+.5) 5 10 Astral Projection: Extra-Dimensional Travel to Any point in the Astral Plane; Astral Form can be seen but not affected from the material (-.5); Extra Time: Full Phase (-.5); Point of Entry is relative to the characters original location (-.5) 3 27 Body of Water: Desolidification (Affected by Magic); Cannot pass through solid objects (-.5) 4 23 Aquatic Movement: Swimming +8†(10†total), x8 Non-combat 1/5†20 Elemental Body: 50% Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant; 50% Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant; Does not work against magic (-.5); Does not work when attacked with ECV (-1.5) 0 45 Elemental Body: Life Support Total 0 10 Elemental Body: No Hit Locations 0 60 Elemental Body: Takes No Stun, Takes only Body 0 18 Elemental Energy: 100 point END Reserve, 5 Recovery (All Elemental/Magic Powers); Usable By Others, Simultaneously (+.5); Only usable by Elemental or Mage that summoned it (-.25) 0 Cost Skill Roll 9 +3 OCV with Water Attacks Total Powers & Skills Cost: 296 Cost Disadvantages 5 Physical Limitation: Dual-Natured Being (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing) 25 Psychological Limitation: Follows master without question (Very Common, Total) 20 Vulnerability: Fire-based attacks (Common, x2 damage) 20 Distinctive Features: Elemental (Not Concealable, Major Reaction) Total Disadvantages: 70 Total Cost: 306 NATURE SPIRITS SPIRITS OF MAN CITY SPIRIT Val Char Cost Roll Notes 0 STR -10 9- Lift: 25 Kg; 0d6 20 DEX 30 13- OCV/DCV: 7/7 15 CON 10 12- 15 BODY 10 12- 8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11- 10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3 25 PRE 15 14- PRE Attack: 5d6 12 COM 1 11- 6 PD 6 Total: 6 PD (6 rPD) 10 ED 5 Total: 10 PD (10 rED) 4 SPD 10 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 4 REC 0 30 END 0 0 STUN 0 Movement Running 10â€/20†Leaping 0â€/0†Flight 0â€/0†Total Characteristics Cost: 83 Cost Power END 60 Spirit Powers: Multipower, 60 points reserve 0 6u 1) Accident: Change Environment 2†Radius, -5 to DEX Rolls and DEX-Based Skills, -5 OCV 6 6u 2) Concealment: Invisibility: Sight Group; Usable Simultaneously (+.5); Ranged (+.5); x16 Targets (+1) 6 5u 3) Confusion: 9d6 Mind Control; Telepathic (+.25); Set Effect: “Wander Aimlessly†(-.5) 6 5u 4) Fear: 8d6 Mind Control; Telepathic (+.25); Set Effect: “Run Away in Fear†(-.5) 6 6u 5) Guard: 12d6 Suppress: Change Environment 6 4u 6) Search: Detect any Person, Place, or Thing, Discriminatory, Telescopic +10, PER Roll +15; Costs END (-.5) 5 10 Astral Projection: Extra-Dimensional Travel to Any point in the Astral Plane; Astral Form can be seen but not affected from the material (-.5); Extra Time: Full Phase (-.5); Point of Entry is relative to the characters original location (-.5) 3 5 Immunity to Normal Weapons: Damage Resistance 6 PD/10 ED; Does Not Work against Magic (-.5) 0 20 Spirit Body: 50% Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant; 50% Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant; Does not work against magic (-.5); Does not work when attacked with ECV (-1.5) 0 45 Spirit Body: Life Support Total 0 10 Spirit Body: No Hit Locations 0 60 Spirit Body: Takes No Stun, Takes only Body 0 15 Spirit Energy: 100 point END Reserve, 5 Recovery (All Spirit Powers) 0 Cost Skill Roll 12 +4 OCV with Spirit Powers - Total Powers & Skills Cost: 269 Cost Disadvantages 20 Physical Limitation: Cannot leave its Domain (Frequently, Fully Impairing) 5 Physical Limitation: Dual-Natured Being (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing) 25 Psychological Limitation: Follows master without question (Very Common, Total) 20 Distinctive Features: City Spirit (Not Concealable, Major Reaction) Total Disadvantages: 70 Total Cost: 282 FIELD SPIRIT Val Char Cost Roll Notes 0 STR -10 9- Lift: 25 Kg; 0d6 20 DEX 30 13- OCV/DCV: 7/7 15 CON 10 12- 15 BODY 10 12- 8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11- 10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3 25 PRE 15 14- PRE Attack: 5d6 12 COM 1 11- 6 PD 6 Total: 6 PD (6 rPD) 10 ED 5 Total: 10 PD (10 rED) 4 SPD 10 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 4 REC 0 30 END 0 0 STUN 0 Movement Running 10â€/20†Leaping 0â€/0†Flight 0â€/0†Total Characteristics Cost: 83 Cost Power END 60 Spirit Powers: Multipower, 60 points reserve 0 6u 1) Accident: Change Environment 2†Radius, -5 to DEX Rolls and DEX-Based Skills, -5 OCV 6 6u 2) Concealment: Invisibility: Sight Group; Usable Simultaneously (+.5); Ranged (+.5); x16 Targets (+1) 6 6u 3) Guard: 12d6 Suppress: Change Environment 6 4u 4) Search: Detect any Person, Place, or Thing, Discriminatory, Telescopic +10, PER Roll +15; Costs END (-.5) 5 10 Astral Projection: Extra-Dimensional Travel to Any point in the Astral Plane; Astral Form can be seen but not affected from the material (-.5); Extra Time: Full Phase (-.5); Point of Entry is relative to the characters original location (-.5) 3 5 Immunity to Normal Weapons: Damage Resistance 6 PD/10 ED; Does Not Work against Magic (-.5) 0 20 Spirit Body: 50% Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant; 50% Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant; Does not work against magic (-.5); Does not work when attacked with ECV (-1.5) 0 45 Spirit Body: Life Support Total 0 10 Spirit Body: No Hit Locations 0 60 Spirit Body: Takes No Stun, Takes only Body 0 15 Spirit Energy: 100 point END Reserve, 5 Recovery (All Spirit Powers) 0 Cost Skill Roll 12 +4 OCV with Spirit Powers - Total Powers & Skills Cost: 259 Cost Disadvantages 20 Physical Limitation: Cannot leave its Domain (Frequently, Fully Impairing) 5 Physical Limitation: Dual-Natured Being (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing) 25 Psychological Limitation: Follows master without question (Very Common, Total) 20 Distinctive Features: Field Spirit (Not Concealable, Major Reaction) Total Disadvantages: 70 Total Cost: 272 HEARTH SPIRIT Val Char Cost Roll Notes 0 STR -10 9- Lift: 25 Kg; 0d6 20 DEX 30 13- OCV/DCV: 7/7 15 CON 10 12- 15 BODY 10 12- 8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11- 10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3 25 PRE 15 14- PRE Attack: 5d6 12 COM 1 11- 6 PD 6 Total: 6 PD (6 rPD) 10 ED 5 Total: 10 PD (10 rED) 4 SPD 10 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 4 REC 0 30 END 0 0 STUN 0 Movement Running 10â€/20†Leaping 0â€/0†Flight 0â€/0†Total Characteristics Cost: 83 Cost Power END 60 Spirit Powers: Multipower, 60 points reserve 0 6u 1) Accident: Change Environment 2†Radius, -5 to DEX Rolls and DEX-Based Skills, -5 OCV 6 6u 2) Concealment: Invisibility: Sight Group; Usable Simultaneously (+.5); Ranged (+.5); x16 Targets (+1) 6 5u 3) Confusion: 9d6 Mind Control; Telepathic (+.25); Set Effect: “Wander Aimlessly†(-.5) 6 6u 4) Guard: 12d6 Suppress: Change Environment 6 4u 5) Search: Detect any Person, Place, or Thing, Discriminatory, Telescopic +10, PER Roll +15; Costs END (-.5) 5 10 Astral Projection: Extra-Dimensional Travel to Any point in the Astral Plane; Astral Form can be seen but not affected from the material (-.5); Extra Time: Full Phase (-.5); Point of Entry is relative to the characters original location (-.5) 3 5 Immunity to Normal Weapons: Damage Resistance 6 PD/10 ED; Does Not Work against Magic (-.5) 0 20 Spirit Body: 50% Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant; 50% Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant; Does not work against magic (-.5); Does not work when attacked with ECV (-1.5) 0 45 Spirit Body: Life Support Total 0 10 Spirit Body: No Hit Locations 0 60 Spirit Body: Takes No Stun, Takes only Body 0 15 Spirit Energy: 100 point END Reserve, 5 Recovery (All Spirit Powers) 0 Cost Skill Roll 12 +4 OCV with Spirit Powers - Total Powers & Skills Cost: 264 Cost Disadvantages 20 Physical Limitation: Cannot leave its Domain (Frequently, Fully Impairing) 5 Physical Limitation: Dual-Natured Being (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing) 25 Psychological Limitation: Follows master without question (Very Common, Total) 20 Distinctive Features: City Spirit (Not Concealable, Major Reaction) Total Disadvantages: 70 Total Cost: 278 SPIRITS OF THE LAND DESERT SPIRIT Val Char Cost Roll Notes 20 STR 10 15- Lift: 6400 kg; 8d6 15 DEX 15 12- OCV/DCV: 5/5 20 CON 20 13- 20 BODY 20 13- 8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11- 10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3 20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6 8 COM -1 11- 10 PD 4 Total: 10 PD (10 rPD) 10 ED 6 Total: 10 PD (10 rED) 3 SPD 5 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 10 REC 0 40 END 0 0 STUN 0 Movement Running 10â€/20†Leaping 10â€/20†Total Characteristics Cost: 95 Cost Power END 60 Spirit Powers: Multipower, 60 points reserve 0 6u 1) Concealment: Invisibility: Sight Group; Usable Simultaneously (+.5); Ranged (+.5); x16 Targets (+1) 6 6u 2) Guard: 12d6 Suppress: Change Environment 6 4u 3) Search: Detect any Person, Place, or Thing, Discriminatory, Telescopic +10, PER Roll +15; Costs END (-.5) 5 4u 4) Movement: 4d6 Aid (Succor) to Running, Area of Effect: Radius (+1) 4 5u 5) Movement 2: 4d6 Suppress, Any Movement Power, one at a time (+.25), Area of Effect: Radius (+1) 5 10 Astral Projection: Extra-Dimensional Travel to Any point in the Astral Plane; Astral Form can be seen but not affected from the material (-.5); Extra Time: Full Phase (-.5); Point of Entry is relative to the characters original location (-.5) 3 8 Immunity to Normal Weapons: Damage Resistance 10 PD/10 ED; Does Not Work against Magic (-.5) 0 20 Spirit Body: 50% Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant; 50% Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant; Does not work against magic (-.5); Does not work when attacked with ECV (-1.5) 0 45 Spirit Body: Life Support Total 0 10 Spirit Body: No Hit Locations 0 60 Spirit Body: Takes No Stun, Takes only Body 0 15 Spirit Energy: 100 point END Reserve, 5 Recovery (All Spirit Powers) 0 Total Powers & Skills Cost: 253 Cost Disadvantages 20 Physical Limitation: Cannot leave its Domain (Frequently, Fully Impairing) 5 Physical Limitation: Dual-Natured Being (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing) 25 Psychological Limitation: Follows master without question (Very Common, Total) 20 Distinctive Features: City Spirit (Not Concealable, Major Reaction) Total Disadvantages: 70 Total Cost: 278 FOREST SPIRIT Val Char Cost Roll Notes 20 STR 10 15- Lift: 6400 kg; 8d6 15 DEX 15 12- OCV/DCV: 5/5 20 CON 20 13- 20 BODY 20 13- 8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11- 10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3 20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6 8 COM -1 11- 10 PD 4 Total: 10 PD (10 rPD) 10 ED 6 Total: 10 PD (10 rED) 3 SPD 5 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 10 REC 0 40 END 0 0 STUN 0 Movement Running 10â€/20†Leaping 10â€/20†Total Characteristics Cost: 87 Cost Power END 60 Spirit Powers: Multipower, 60 points reserve 0 6u 1) Accident: Change Environment 2†Radius, -5 to DEX Rolls and DEX-Based Skills, -5 OCV 6 6u 2) Concealment: Invisibility: Sight Group; Usable Simultaneously (+.5); Ranged (+.5); x16 Targets (+1) 6 5u 3) Confusion: 9d6 Mind Control; Telepathic (+.25); Set Effect: “Wander Aimlessly†(-.5) 6 5u 4) Fear: 8d6 Mind Control; Telepathic (+.25); Set Effect: “Run Away in Fear†(-.5) 6 6u 5) Guard: 12d6 Suppress: Change Environment 6 4u 6) Search: Detect any Person, Place, or Thing, Discriminatory, Telescopic +10, PER Roll +15; Costs END (-.5) 5 10 Astral Projection: Extra-Dimensional Travel to Any point in the Astral Plane; Astral Form can be seen but not affected from the material (-.5); Extra Time: Full Phase (-.5); Point of Entry is relative to the characters original location (-.5) 3 8 Immunity to Normal Weapons: Damage Resistance 10 PD/10 ED; Does Not Work against Magic (-.5) 0 20 Spirit Body: 50% Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant; 50% Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant; Does not work against magic (-.5); Does not work when attacked with ECV (-1.5) 0 45 Spirit Body: Life Support Total 0 10 Spirit Body: No Hit Locations 0 60 Spirit Body: Takes No Stun, Takes only Body 0 15 Spirit Energy: 100 point END Reserve, 5 Recovery (All Spirit Powers) 0 Total Powers & Skills Cost: 260 Cost Disadvantages 20 Physical Limitation: Cannot leave its Domain (Frequently, Fully Impairing) 5 Physical Limitation: Dual-Natured Being (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing) 25 Psychological Limitation: Follows master without question (Very Common, Total) 20 Distinctive Features: City Spirit (Not Concealable, Major Reaction) Total Disadvantages: 70 Total Cost: 277 MOUNTAIN SPIRIT Val Char Cost Roll Notes 20 STR 10 15- Lift: 6400 kg; 8d6 15 DEX 15 12- OCV/DCV: 5/5 20 CON 20 13- 20 BODY 20 13- 8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11- 10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3 20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6 8 COM -1 11- 10 PD 4 Total: 10 PD (10 rPD) 10 ED 6 Total: 10 PD (10 rED) 3 SPD 5 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 10 REC 0 40 END 0 0 STUN 0 Movement Running 10â€/20†Leaping 10â€/20†Total Characteristics Cost: 87 Cost Power END 60 Spirit Powers: Multipower, 60 points reserve 0 6u 1) Accident: Change Environment 2†Radius, -5 to DEX Rolls and DEX-Based Skills, -5 OCV 6 6u 2) Concealment: Invisibility: Sight Group; Usable Simultaneously (+.5); Ranged (+.5); x16 Targets (+1) 6 6u 3) Guard: 12d6 Suppress: Change Environment 6 4u 4) Search: Detect any Person, Place, or Thing, Discriminatory, Telescopic +10, PER Roll +15; Costs END (-.5) 5 4u 5) Movement: 4d6 Aid (Succor) to Running, Area of Effect: Radius (+1) 4 5u 6) Movement 2: 4d6 Suppress, Any Movement Power, one at a time (+.25), Area of Effect: Radius (+1) 5 10 Astral Projection: Extra-Dimensional Travel to Any point in the Astral Plane; Astral Form can be seen but not affected from the material (-.5); Extra Time: Full Phase (-.5); Point of Entry is relative to the characters original location (-.5) 3 8 Immunity to Normal Weapons: Damage Resistance 10 PD/10 ED; Does Not Work against Magic (-.5) 0 20 Spirit Body: 50% Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant; 50% Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant; Does not work against magic (-.5); Does not work when attacked with ECV (-1.5) 0 45 Spirit Body: Life Support Total 0 10 Spirit Body: No Hit Locations 0 60 Spirit Body: Takes No Stun, Takes only Body 0 15 Spirit Energy: 100 point END Reserve, 5 Recovery (All Spirit Powers) 0 Total Powers & Skills Cost: 259 Cost Disadvantages 20 Physical Limitation: Cannot leave its Domain (Frequently, Fully Impairing) 5 Physical Limitation: Dual-Natured Being (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing) 25 Psychological Limitation: Follows master without question (Very Common, Total) 20 Distinctive Features: City Spirit (Not Concealable, Major Reaction) Total Disadvantages: 70 Total Cost: 276 PRAIRIE SPIRIT Val Char Cost Roll Notes 20 STR 10 15- Lift: 6400 kg; 8d6 15 DEX 15 12- OCV/DCV: 5/5 20 CON 20 13- 20 BODY 20 13- 8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11- 10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3 20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6 8 COM -1 11- 10 PD 4 Total: 10 PD (10 rPD) 10 ED 6 Total: 10 PD (10 rED) 3 SPD 5 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 10 REC 0 40 END 0 0 STUN 0 Movement Running 10â€/20†Leaping 10â€/20†Total Characteristics Cost: 87 Cost Power END 60 Spirit Powers: Multipower, 60 points reserve 0 6u 1) Accident: Change Environment 2†Radius, -5 to DEX Rolls and DEX-Based Skills, -5 OCV 6 6u 2) Concealment: Invisibility: Sight Group; Usable Simultaneously (+.5); Ranged (+.5); x16 Targets (+1) 6 6u 3) Guard: 12d6 Suppress: Change Environment 6 4u 4) Search: Detect any Person, Place, or Thing, Discriminatory, Telescopic +10, PER Roll +15; Costs END (-.5) 5 4u 5) Movement: 4d6 Aid (Succor) to Running, Area of Effect: Radius (+1) 4 5u 6) Movement 2: 4d6 Suppress, Any Movement Power, one at a time (+.25), Area of Effect: Radius (+1) 5 10 Astral Projection: Extra-Dimensional Travel to Any point in the Astral Plane; Astral Form can be seen but not affected from the material (-.5); Extra Time: Full Phase (-.5); Point of Entry is relative to the characters original location (-.5) 3 8 Immunity to Normal Weapons: Damage Resistance 10 PD/10 ED; Does Not Work against Magic (-.5) 0 20 Spirit Body: 50% Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant; 50% Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant; Does not work against magic (-.5); Does not work when attacked with ECV (-1.5) 0 45 Spirit Body: Life Support Total 0 10 Spirit Body: No Hit Locations 0 60 Spirit Body: Takes No Stun, Takes only Body 0 15 Spirit Energy: 100 point END Reserve, 5 Recovery (All Spirit Powers) 0 Total Powers & Skills Cost: 259 Cost Disadvantages 20 Physical Limitation: Cannot leave its Domain (Frequently, Fully Impairing) 5 Physical Limitation: Dual-Natured Being (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing) 25 Psychological Limitation: Follows master without question (Very Common, Total) 20 Distinctive Features: City Spirit (Not Concealable, Major Reaction) Total Disadvantages: 70 Total Cost: 276 SPIRITS OF THE SKY MIST SPIRIT Val Char Cost Roll Notes 0 STR -10 9- Lift: 25 kg; 0d6 23 DEX 30 14- OCV/DCV: 8/8 15 CON 10 12- 15 BODY 10 12- 8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11- 10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3 20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6 12 COM 1 11- 6 PD 6 Total: 6 PD (6 rPD) 10 ED 7 Total: 10 PD (10 rED) 4 SPD 7 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 4 REC 2 30 END 0 0 STUN 0 Movement Running 0â€/0†Leaping 0â€/0†Flight 20â€/40†Total Characteristics Cost: 71 Cost Power END 60 Spirit Powers: Multipower, 60 points reserve 0 6u 1) Accident: Change Environment 2†Radius, -5 to DEX Rolls and DEX-Based Skills, -5 OCV 6 6u 2) Concealment: Invisibility: Sight Group; Usable Simultaneously (+.5); Ranged (+.5); x16 Targets (+1) 6 5u 3) Confusion: 9d6 Mind Control; Telepathic (+.25); Set Effect: “Wander Aimlessly†(-.5) 6 6u 4) Guard: 12d6 Suppress: Change Environment 6 5u 5) Movement: 4d6 Aid (Succor), Any Movement Power, one at a time (+.25) Area of Effect: Radius (+1) 5 5u 6) Movement 2: 4d6 Suppress, Any Movement Power, one at a time (+.25), Area of Effect: Radius (+1) 5 40 Moves Like Air: 20†Flight 1/5†10 Astral Projection: Extra-Dimensional Travel to Any point in the Astral Plane; Astral Form can be seen but not affected from the material (-.5); Extra Time: Full Phase (-.5); Point of Entry is relative to the characters original location (-.5) 3 6 Immunity to Normal Weapons: Damage Resistance 6 PD/10 ED; Does Not Work against Magic (-.5) 0 20 Spirit Body: 50% Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant; 50% Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant; Does not work against magic (-.5); Does not work when attacked with ECV (-1.5) 0 45 Spirit Body: Life Support Total 0 10 Spirit Body: No Hit Locations 0 60 Spirit Body: Takes No Stun, Takes only Body 0 15 Spirit Energy: 100 point END Reserve, 5 Recovery (All Spirit Powers) 0 -14 True Flier: Running –6â€; Swimming –2†0 Total Powers & Skills Cost: 285 Cost Disadvantages 20 Physical Limitation: Cannot leave its Domain (Frequently, Fully Impairing) 5 Physical Limitation: Dual-Natured Being (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing) 25 Psychological Limitation: Follows master without question (Very Common, Total) 20 Distinctive Features: City Spirit (Not Concealable, Major Reaction) Total Disadvantages: 70 Total Cost: 286 STORM SPIRIT Val Char Cost Roll Notes 0 STR -10 9- Lift: 25 kg; 0d6 23 DEX 30 14- OCV/DCV: 8/8 15 CON 10 12- 15 BODY 10 12- 8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11- 10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3 20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6 12 COM 1 11- 6 PD 6 Total: 6 PD (6 rPD) 10 ED 7 Total: 10 PD (10 rED) 4 SPD 7 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 4 REC 2 30 END 0 0 STUN 0 Movement Running 0â€/0†Leaping 0â€/0†Flight 20â€/40†Total Characteristics Cost: 71 Cost Power END 60 Spirit Powers: Multipower, 60 points reserve 0 6u 1) Concealment: Invisibility: Sight Group; Usable Simultaneously (+.5); Ranged (+.5); x16 Targets (+1) 6 5u 2) Confusion: 9d6 Mind Control; Telepathic (+.25); Set Effect: “Wander Aimlessly†(-.5) 6 5u 3) Fear: 8d6 Mind Control; Telepathic (+.25); Set Effect: “Run Away in Fear†(-.5) 6 6u 4) Guard: 12d6 Suppress: Change Environment 6 6u 5) Lightning Bolt: 1d6+1 Ranged Killing Attack (Electricity); No Normal Defense: Insulated Clothing (+1); Does Body (+1); Area of Effect: Line (+1) 6 40 Moves Like Air: 20†Flight 1/5†10 Astral Projection: Extra-Dimensional Travel to Any point in the Astral Plane; Astral Form can be seen but not affected from the material (-.5); Extra Time: Full Phase (-.5); Point of Entry is relative to the characters original location (-.5) 3 6 Immunity to Normal Weapons: Damage Resistance 6 PD/10 ED; Does Not Work against Magic (-.5) 0 20 Spirit Body: 50% Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant; 50% Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant; Does not work against magic (-.5); Does not work when attacked with ECV (-1.5) 0 45 Spirit Body: Life Support Total 0 10 Spirit Body: No Hit Locations 0 60 Spirit Body: Takes No Stun, Takes only Body 0 15 Spirit Energy: 100 point END Reserve, 5 Recovery (All Spirit Powers) 0 -14 True Flier: Running –6â€; Swimming –2†0 Total Powers & Skills Cost: 280 Cost Disadvantages 20 Physical Limitation: Cannot leave its Domain (Frequently, Fully Impairing) 5 Physical Limitation: Dual-Natured Being (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing) 25 Psychological Limitation: Follows master without question (Very Common, Total) 20 Distinctive Features: City Spirit (Not Concealable, Major Reaction) Total Disadvantages: 70 Total Cost: 281 WIND SPIRIT Val Char Cost Roll Notes 0 STR -10 9- Lift: 25 kg; 0d6 23 DEX 30 14- OCV/DCV: 8/8 15 CON 10 12- 15 BODY 10 12- 8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11- 10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3 20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6 12 COM 1 11- 6 PD 6 Total: 6 PD (6 rPD) 10 ED 7 Total: 10 PD (10 rED) 4 SPD 7 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 4 REC 2 30 END 0 0 STUN 0 Movement Running 0â€/0†Leaping 0â€/0†Flight 20â€/40†Total Characteristics Cost: 71 Cost Power END 60 Spirit Powers: Multipower, 60 points reserve 0 6u 1) Accident: Change Environment 2†Radius, -5 to DEX Rolls and DEX-Based Skills, -5 OCV 6 5u 2) Confusion: 9d6 Mind Control; Telepathic (+.25); Set Effect: “Wander Aimlessly†(-.5) 6 6u 3) Guard: 12d6 Suppress: Change Environment 6 4u 4) Search: Detect any Person, Place, or Thing, Discriminatory, Telescopic +10, PER Roll +15; Costs END (-.5) 5 5u 5) Movement: 4d6 Aid (Succor), Any Movement Power, one at a time (+.25) Area of Effect: Radius (+1) 5 5u 6) Movement 2: 4d6 Suppress, Any Movement Power, one at a time (+.25), Area of Effect: Radius (+1) 5 40 Moves Like Air: 20†Flight 1/5†10 Astral Projection: Extra-Dimensional Travel to Any point in the Astral Plane; Astral Form can be seen but not affected from the material (-.5); Extra Time: Full Phase (-.5); Point of Entry is relative to the characters original location (-.5) 3 6 Immunity to Normal Weapons: Damage Resistance 6 PD/10 ED; Does Not Work against Magic (-.5) 0 20 Spirit Body: 50% Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant; 50% Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant; Does not work against magic (-.5); Does not work when attacked with ECV (-1.5) 0 45 Spirit Body: Life Support Total 0 10 Spirit Body: No Hit Locations 0 60 Spirit Body: Takes No Stun, Takes only Body 0 15 Spirit Energy: 100 point END Reserve, 5 Recovery (All Spirit Powers) 0 -14 True Flier: Running –6â€; Swimming –2†0 Total Powers & Skills Cost: 283 Cost Disadvantages 20 Physical Limitation: Cannot leave its Domain (Frequently, Fully Impairing) 5 Physical Limitation: Dual-Natured Being (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing) 25 Psychological Limitation: Follows master without question (Very Common, Total) 20 Distinctive Features: City Spirit (Not Concealable, Major Reaction) Total Disadvantages: 70 Total Cost: 284 SPIRITS OF THE WATERS LAKE SPIRIT Val Char Cost Roll Notes 10 STR 0 11- Lift: 100 Kg; 2d6 15 DEX 15 12- OCV/DCV: 5/5 18 CON 16 13- 18 BODY 16 13- 8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11- 10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3 20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6 10 COM 0 11- 8 PD 6 Total: 8PD (8 rPD) 8 ED 4 Total: 8PD (8 rED) 4 SPD 15 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 6 REC 0 36 END 0 0 STUN 0 Movement Running 6â€/12†Leaping 4â€/8†Swimming 20â€/160†Total Characteristics Cost: 80 Cost Power END 60 Spirit Powers: Multipower, 60 points reserve 0 6u 1) Accident: Change Environment 2†Radius, -5 to DEX Rolls and DEX-Based Skills, -5 OCV 6 5u 2) Engulf: RKA ½d6 (Suffocation); NND (defense is no need to breathe; +1); Does BODY (+1); Continuous (+1); AoE: 1 Hex (+.5); No Range (-.5) 5 5u 3) Fear: 8d6 Mind Control; Telepathic (+.25); Set Effect: “Run Away in Fear†(-.5) 6 6u 4) Guard: 12d6 Suppress: Change Environment 6 4u 5) Search: Detect any Person, Place, or Thing, Discriminatory, Telescopic +10, PER Roll +15; Costs END (-.5) 5 4u 6) Movement: 4d6 Aid (Succor) to Swimming, Area of Effect: Radius (+1) 4 5u 7) Movement 2: 4d6 Suppress, Any Movement Power, one at a time (+.25), Area of Effect: Radius (+1) 5 10 Astral Projection: Extra-Dimensional Travel to Any point in the Astral Plane; Astral Form can be seen but not affected from the material (-.5); Extra Time: Full Phase (-.5); Point of Entry is relative to the characters original location (-.5) 3 5 Immunity to Normal Weapons: Damage Resistance 8 PD/8 ED; Does Not Work against Magic (-.5) 0 20 Spirit Body: 50% Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant; 50% Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant; Does not work against magic (-.5); Does not work when attacked with ECV (-1.5) 0 45 Spirit Body: Life Support Total 0 10 Spirit Body: No Hit Locations 0 60 Spirit Body: Takes No Stun, Takes only Body 0 15 Spirit Energy: 100 point END Reserve, 5 Recovery (All Spirit Powers) 0 23 Aquatic Movement: Swimming +8†(10†total), x8 Non-combat 1/5†Total Powers & Skills Cost: 283 Cost Disadvantages 20 Physical Limitation: Cannot leave its Domain (Frequently, Fully Impairing) 5 Physical Limitation: Dual-Natured Being (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing) 25 Psychological Limitation: Follows master without question (Very Common, Total) 20 Distinctive Features: City Spirit (Not Concealable, Major Reaction) Total Disadvantages: 70 Total Cost: 293 RIVER SPIRIT Val Char Cost Roll Notes 10 STR 0 11- Lift: 100 Kg; 2d6 15 DEX 15 12- OCV/DCV: 5/5 18 CON 16 13- 18 BODY 16 13- 8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11- 10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3 20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6 10 COM 0 11- 8 PD 6 Total: 8PD (8 rPD) 8 ED 4 Total: 8PD (8 rED) 4 SPD 15 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 6 REC 0 36 END 0 0 STUN 0 Movement Running 6â€/12†Leaping 4â€/8†Swimming 20â€/160†Total Characteristics Cost: 80 Cost Power END 60 Spirit Powers: Multipower, 60 points reserve 0 6u 1) Accident: Change Environment 2†Radius, -5 to DEX Rolls and DEX-Based Skills, -5 OCV 6 6u 2) Concealment: Invisibility: Sight Group; Usable Simultaneously (+.5); Ranged (+.5); x16 Targets (+1) 6 5u 3) Engulf: RKA ½d6 (Suffocation); NND (defense is no need to breathe; +1); Does BODY (+1); Continuous (+1); AoE: 1 Hex (+.5); No Range (-.5) 5 5u 4) Fear: 8d6 Mind Control; Telepathic (+.25); Set Effect: “Run Away in Fear†(-.5) 6 6u 5) Guard: 12d6 Suppress: Change Environment 6 4u 6) Search: Detect any Person, Place, or Thing, Discriminatory, Telescopic +10, PER Roll +15; Costs END (-.5) 5 4u 7) Movement: 4d6 Aid (Succor) to Swimming, Area of Effect: Radius (+1) 4 5u 8) Movement 2: 4d6 Suppress, Any Movement Power, one at a time (+.25), Area of Effect: Radius (+1) 5 10 Astral Projection: Extra-Dimensional Travel to Any point in the Astral Plane; Astral Form can be seen but not affected from the material (-.5); Extra Time: Full Phase (-.5); Point of Entry is relative to the characters original location (-.5) 3 5 Immunity to Normal Weapons: Damage Resistance 8 PD/8 ED; Does Not Work against Magic (-.5) 0 20 Spirit Body: 50% Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant; 50% Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant; Does not work against magic (-.5); Does not work when attacked with ECV (-1.5) 0 45 Spirit Body: Life Support Total 0 10 Spirit Body: No Hit Locations 0 60 Spirit Body: Takes No Stun, Takes only Body 0 15 Spirit Energy: 100 point END Reserve, 5 Recovery (All Spirit Powers) 0 23 Aquatic Movement: Swimming +8†(10†total), x8 Non-combat 1/5†Total Powers & Skills Cost: 289 Cost Disadvantages 20 Physical Limitation: Cannot leave its Domain (Frequently, Fully Impairing) 5 Physical Limitation: Dual-Natured Being (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing) 25 Psychological Limitation: Follows master without question (Very Common, Total) 20 Distinctive Features: City Spirit (Not Concealable, Major Reaction) Total Disadvantages: 70 Total Cost: 299 SEA SPIRIT Val Char Cost Roll Notes 10 STR 0 11- Lift: 100 Kg; 2d6 15 DEX 15 12- OCV/DCV: 7/7 18 CON 16 13- 18 BODY 16 13- 8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11- 10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3 20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6 10 COM 0 11- 8 PD 6 Total: 8PD (8 rPD) 8 ED 4 Total: 8PD (8 rED) 4 SPD 15 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 6 REC 0 36 END 0 0 STUN 0 Movement Running 6â€/12†Leaping 4â€/8†Swimming 20â€/160†Total Characteristics Cost: 80 Cost Power END 60 Spirit Powers: Multipower, 60 points reserve 0 6u 1) Accident: Change Environment 2†Radius, -5 to DEX Rolls and DEX-Based Skills, -5 OCV 6 6u 2) Concealment: Invisibility: Sight Group; Usable Simultaneously (+.5); Ranged (+.5); x16 Targets (+1) 6 5u 3) Confusion: 9d6 Mind Control; Telepathic (+.25); Set Effect: “Wander Aimlessly†(-.5) 6 5u 4) Engulf: RKA ½d6 (Suffocation); NND (defense is no need to breathe; +1); Does BODY (+1); Continuous (+1); AoE: 1 Hex (+.5); No Range (-.5) 5 5u 5) Fear: 8d6 Mind Control; Telepathic (+.25); Set Effect: “Run Away in Fear†(-.5) 6 6u 6) Guard: 12d6 Suppress: Change Environment 6 4u 7) Search: Detect any Person, Place, or Thing, Discriminatory, Telescopic +10, PER Roll +15; Costs END (-.5) 5 4u 8) Movement: 4d6 Aid (Succor) to Swimming, Area of Effect: Radius (+1) 4 5u 9) Movement 2: 4d6 Suppress, Any Movement Power, one at a time (+.25), Area of Effect: Radius (+1) 5 10 Astral Projection: Extra-Dimensional Travel to Any point in the Astral Plane; Astral Form can be seen but not affected from the material (-.5); Extra Time: Full Phase (-.5); Point of Entry is relative to the characters original location (-.5) 3 5 Immunity to Normal Weapons: Damage Resistance 8 PD/8 ED; Does Not Work against Magic (-.5) 0 20 Spirit Body: 50% Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant; 50% Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant; Does not work against magic (-.5); Does not work when attacked with ECV (-1.5) 0 45 Spirit Body: Life Support Total 0 10 Spirit Body: No Hit Locations 0 60 Spirit Body: Takes No Stun, Takes only Body 0 15 Spirit Energy: 100 point END Reserve, 5 Recovery (All Spirit Powers) 0 23 Aquatic Movement: Swimming +8†(10†total), x8 Non-combat 1/5†Total Powers & Skills Cost: 294 Cost Disadvantages 20 Physical Limitation: Cannot leave its Domain (Frequently, Fully Impairing) 5 Physical Limitation: Dual-Natured Being (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing) 25 Psychological Limitation: Follows master without question (Very Common, Total) 20 Distinctive Features: City Spirit (Not Concealable, Major Reaction) Total Disadvantages: 70 Total Cost: 304 SWAMP SPIRIT Val Char Cost Roll Notes 10 STR 0 11- Lift: 100 Kg; 2d6 15 DEX 15 12- OCV/DCV: 7/7 18 CON 16 13- 18 BODY 16 13- 8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11- 10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3 20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6 10 COM 0 11- 8 PD 6 Total: 8PD (8 rPD) 8 ED 4 Total: 8PD (8 rED) 4 SPD 15 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 6 REC 0 36 END 0 0 STUN 0 Movement Running 6â€/12†Leaping 4â€/8†Swimming 20â€/160†Total Characteristics Cost: 80 Cost Power END 60 Spirit Powers: Multipower, 60 points reserve 0 6u 1) Accident: Change Environment 2†Radius, -5 to DEX Rolls and DEX-Based Skills, -5 OCV 6 3u 2) Binding: 4d6 Entangle; Takes no damage from any attack (+.5); Does not prevent use of accessible foci (-1); Cannot form barriers (-.25) 6 6u 3) Concealment: Invisibility: Sight Group; Usable Simultaneously (+.5); Ranged (+.5); x16 Targets (+1) 6 5u 4) Confusion: 9d6 Mind Control; Telepathic (+.25); Set Effect: “Wander Aimlessly†(-.5) 6 5u 5) Engulf: RKA ½d6 (Suffocation); NND (defense is no need to breathe; +1); Does BODY (+1); Continuous (+1); AoE: 1 Hex (+.5); No Range (-.5) 5 5u 6) Fear: 8d6 Mind Control; Telepathic (+.25); Set Effect: “Run Away in Fear†(-.5) 6 6u 7) Guard: 12d6 Suppress: Change Environment 6 4u 8) Search: Detect any Person, Place, or Thing, Discriminatory, Telescopic +10, PER Roll +15; Costs END (-.5) 5 4u 9) Movement: 4d6 Aid (Succor) to Swimming, Area of Effect: Radius (+1) 4 5u 10) Movement 2: 4d6 Suppress, Any Movement Power, one at a time (+.25), Area of Effect: Radius (+1) 5 10 Astral Projection: Extra-Dimensional Travel to Any point in the Astral Plane; Astral Form can be seen but not affected from the material (-.5); Extra Time: Full Phase (-.5); Point of Entry is relative to the characters original location (-.5) 3 5 Immunity to Normal Weapons: Damage Resistance 8 PD/8 ED; Does Not Work against Magic (-.5) 0 20 Spirit Body: 50% Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant; 50% Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant; Does not work against magic (-.5); Does not work when attacked with ECV (-1.5) 0 45 Spirit Body: Life Support Total 0 10 Spirit Body: No Hit Locations 0 60 Spirit Body: Takes No Stun, Takes only Body 0 15 Spirit Energy: 100 point END Reserve, 5 Recovery (All Spirit Powers) 0 23 Aquatic Movement: Swimming +8†(10†total), x8 Non-combat 1/5†Total Powers & Skills Cost: 297 Cost Disadvantages 20 Physical Limitation: Cannot leave its Domain (Frequently, Fully Impairing) 5 Physical Limitation: Dual-Natured Being (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing) 25 Psychological Limitation: Follows master without question (Very Common, Total) 20 Distinctive Features: City Spirit (Not Concealable, Major Reaction) Total Disadvantages: 70 Total Cost: 307 LESSER AIR ELEMENTAL Val Char Cost Roll Notes -5 STR -15 8- Lift: 12.5 kg; 0d6 18 DEX 24 13- OCV/DCV: 6/6 10 CON 0 11- 5 BODY -10 10- 8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11- 5 EGO -10 10- ECV: 2 15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6 12 COM 1 11- 3 PD 3 Total: 3 PD (3 rPD) 6 ED 4 Total: 6 PD (6 rED) 3 SPD 2 Phases: 4, 8, 12 4 REC 4 30 END 5 0 STUN 0 Movement Running 0â€/0†Leaping 0â€/0†Flight 10â€/20†Total Characteristic Cost: 8 Cost Power END 30 Air Powers: Multipower, 30 points reserve 0 3u 1) Air Blast: Energy Blast 4d6 (Air), Reduced END (0 END; +.5) 0 2u 2) Whirlwind: Energy Blast 2d6, Area of Effect (3†Radius; +1), Personal Immunity (+.25) 5 3u 3) Lack of Air: Energy Blast 3d6, NND: Self-Contained Breathing (+1) 4 3u 4) Accident: Telekinesis 20 STR 1/5 STR 2u 5) Movement: 2d6 Aid (Succor), Any Movement Power, one at a time (+.25), Area of Effect: Radius (+1) 5 2u 6) Movement 2: 2d6 Suppress, Any Movement Power, one at a time (+.25), Area of Effect: Radius (+1) 5 3u 7) Aid Sorcery: 4d6 Aid (Succor), Magic Multipower and any Slot simultaneously (+.5) 5 20 Moves Like Air: 10†Flight 1/5†27 Body of Air: Desolidification (Affected by Magic); Cannot pass through solid objects (-.5) 4 10 Astral Projection: Extra-Dimensional Travel to Any point in the Astral Plane; Astral Form can be seen but not affected from the material (-.5); Extra Time: Full Phase (-.5); Point of Entry is relative to the characters original location (-.5) 3 3 Immunity to Normal Weapons: Damage Resistance 3 PD/6 ED; Does Not Work against Magic (-.5) 0 20 Elemental Body: 50% Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant; 50% Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant; Does not work against magic (-.5); Does not work when attacked with ECV (-1.5) 0 45 Elemental Body: Life Support Total 0 10 Elemental Body: No Hit Locations 0 60 Elemental Body: Takes No Stun, Takes only Body 0 -14 True Flier: Running –6â€; Swimming –2†0 14 Elemental Energy: 50 point END Reserve, 3 Recovery (All Elemental/Magic Powers); Usable By Others, Simultaneously (+.5); Only usable by Elemental or Mage that summoned it (-.25) 0 Cost Skill Roll 6 +3 Skill Levels with Flight - Total Powers & Skills Cost: 249 Cost Disadvantages 5 Physical Limitation: Dual-Natured Being (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing) 25 Psychological Limitation: Follows master without question (Very Common, Total) 20 Vulnerability: Water-based attacks (Common, x2 damage) 20 Distinctive Features: Elemental (Not Concealable, Major Reaction) Total Disadvantages: 70 Total Cost: 189 Conjuring Roll: -4 LESSER EARTH ELEMENTAL Val Char Cost Roll Notes 30 STR 20 15- Lift: 3200 kg; 6d6 (8d6) 10 DEX 0 11- OCV/DCV: 3/3 15 CON 10 13- 15 BODY 10 13- 8 INT -2 11- PER Roll 11- 5 EGO -10 11- ECV: 2 15 PRE 5 13- PRE Attack: 3d6 8 COM -1 11- 6 PD 0 Total: 6 PD (6 rPD) 6 ED 3 Total: 6 PD (6 rED) 2 SPD 0 Phases: 6, 12 9 REC 0 30 END 0 0 STUN 0 Movement Running 6â€/12†Leaping 3â€/6†Tunneling 2â€/4†Total Characteristics Cost: 35 Cost Power END 30 Earth Powers: Multipower, 30 point reserve 0 3u 1) Earthwalking: Tunneling 2†through 3 DEF material, Fill In 1/5†3u 2) Engulf: Entangle 3d6, 6 DEF Only against targets on the ground 5 2u 3) Movement: 2d6 Aid (Succor) to Running, Area of Effect: Radius (+1) 4 2u 4) Movement 2: 2d6 Suppress, Any Movement Power, one at a time (+.25), Area of Effect: Radius (+1) 5 3u 5) Aid Sorcery: 4d6 Aid (Succor), Magic Multipower and any Slot simultaneously (+.5) 5 9 Fists of Stone: Hand-to-Hand Attack +2d6; Reduced END (0 END, +.5) 0 10 Astral Projection: Extra-Dimensional Travel to Any point in the Astral Plane; Astral Form can be seen but not affected from the material (-.5); Extra Time: Full Phase (-.5); Point of Entry is relative to the characters original location (-.5) 3 4 Immunity to Normal Weapons: Damage Resistance 6 PD/6 ED; Does Not Work against Magic (-.5) 0 6 Earthen Body: Armor +4 rPD 20 Elemental Body: 50% Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant; 50% Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant; Does not work against magic (-.5); Does not work when attacked with ECV (-1.5) 0 45 Elemental Body: Life Support Total 0 10 Elemental Body: No Hit Locations 0 60 Elemental Body: Takes No Stun, Takes only Body 0 14 Elemental Energy: 50 point END Reserve, 3 Recovery (All Elemental/Magic Powers); Usable By Others, Simultaneously (+.5); Only usable by Elemental or Mage that summoned it (-.25) 0 Cost Skill Roll 3 +1 OCV with Unarmed Attacks - Total Powers & Skills Cost: 224 Cost Disadvantages 5 Physical Limitation: Dual-Natured Being (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing) 25 Psychological Limitation: Follows master without question (Very Common, Total) 20 Vulnerability: Water-based attacks (Common, x2 damage) 20 Distinctive Features: Elemental (Not Concealable, Major Reaction) Total Disadvantages: 70 Total Cost: 189 Conjuring Roll: -4
  10. Re: Will DC cover the X Files Weird Conspiracy Genre? What are some convienent lable for these kind of Sub genres. Conspiracy - listing the sub plot alone would involve an entire series of books. How about a contruction guide to conspiracies with a few good examples. Supernatural - Buffy. Angel. X-Files, PSI Factor, the Dresden/Anita Blake series, the Crow, Highlander, Touched by an Angel , Stairway to Heaven and it's spin offs, etc... (The Order, Stigmata, & The Prophecy with Christopher Walken) Horror - Delta Green/Call of Cuthulu (check out "Surbrock's Stuff"), Deadlands 2004, etc... Urban Myth - ??? -
  11. Re: Base Maps Question and Request Thank you Shikarr and everybody else. Awsome QM
  12. Re: Character Help: name for female powerd-armor Muslim heroine "Big Burka" QM
  13. Re: Base Maps Question and Request Thanks for your hard work folks. These map will make my games so much easier. Gratefully QM
  14. Re: Silly Challenge How about the Mascot/Side Kicks/Supporting Cast are simply Avatars of one the Space Gods. An entity who enjoys playing second banana to superheroes. But, what does he get out of it? What is his agenda? What does and Entity of Cosmic Power play these games? Hmmm??? QM
  15. Re: What is Evil? To paraphrase "By your actions shall I judge you". Evil for me and in my campaigns are socially reprehensible actions (I won't define it, that's a whole other debate). Society decides what is "Good" and what is "Evil". Through many methods. Read the definition of Sociopath. As you grow up, experience more, your opinions develope. Ceerfully yours QM
  16. Re: Along time back to HERO/Champions. Welcome back to the fold fellow HEROphile . These folks are the most helpful bunch in town. Conversions abound. For more Marvel HEROes try the Wild Hunt website. The Search function will connect you with various boards topics on how to create Captain America, Spiderman, etc... HERO members are really the most helpful crew around. They also have conversions for just about every RPG, Movie, and TV series around. Cheers QM
  17. Re: Base Maps Question and Request Hello Dust Raven, good Map dude.Do you have them available online? Greedily yours QM
  18. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. Oh my god!!! Everyone I would like to introduce Mini-D's clone sister Double-D Duck and fades QM
  19. Re: Thanks to Keith Curtis... Excellent work indeed sir. I will raise a glass in your honour. Good show old chap. Cheers QM
  20. Hello HEROphiles, I noticed on the various STAR WARS HERO forums that no one has poste any of the Vehicle (Swoops, Pod Racers, X-Wings, Tie Fighters, etc...) or Bases (Death Star anyone???). I look forward to seeing true HERO Mechanics work these out for us. CHALLENGE QM
  21. Re: Norse Rune Stone Magic ? Runes The Futhark A germanic alphabet used since about 3CE. It is referred to as FUTHARK, after the first 6 letters. Each rune was a letter in the alphabet and also stood for a word (its name). The earliest use of runes was for magical purposes (this is debatable -- see R.I. Page's book listed in the sources below). There were many different Futharks. The one used here is the elder Germanic Futhark. Fehu, F The rune of Freya and her brother Frey. It stands for fee and gold. Uruz, U This rune stands for strength and health. It is associated with a horned animal called the auroch. Thurisaz, TH The third rune is associated with giants (thurs). Ansuz, A Ansuz is associated with the Aesir, Odin, and the wind. Raido, R This is the rune of jouneying, or rides. Kenaz, K Kenaz represents the torch. Gebo, G Gebo stands for gift. Wunjo, W Wunjo is the rune of joy and peace. Hagalaz, H This rune stands for hail. Nauthiz, N Nauthiz stands for the strength of need. Isa, I Isa is the rune associated with ice. Jera, Y The rune jera stands for year. Eihwaz, EI This rune is associated with the yew. Perth, P Perth means fruit to some, but scholars feel its meaning is unclear. Algiz, Z Algiz is a rune of protection or defence. Sowilo, S Sowilo is the rune associated with the sun. Tiwaz, T Tiwaz stands for the war god Tyr. This rune was carved on weapons to bring victory. Berkano, B Berkano stands for the birch goddess and is used for fertility and birthing. Ehwaz, E This rune means horse. Mannaz, M Mannaz stands for man. Laguz, L Laguz is the rune associated with water. Ingwaz, NG Ingwaz is the rune of the god Ing. Dagaz, D Dagaz means day. Othila, O Othila is the rune associated with inheritance. Sources A couple of very good reference books about runes are Runes, an Introduction, by R.W.V.Elliot, and Reading the Past: Runes by R.I. Page, University of California Press, 1987. For online reading, Jennifer Smith's Runic Journey has general information on runes along with their use in divination. She also has a large collection of links to sites dealing with runes. You can also search through a database of runic inscriptions.
  22. Re: Star (WARS) Hero? Here's a compilation of all STAR WARS related posts in the STAR HERO forums. STAR WARS HERO fan site http://www.sysabend.org/champions/campaigns/StarHeroWars/index.html Nevenall's STAR WARS HERO http://web.pdx.edu/~danb/ Jedi Ghosts http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=17735 STAR WARS HERO ready for comment http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=17476 Lightsaber Combat! http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12692 STAR WARS PDF resources on Pen & Pencil Web site http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=16714 Star Wars: Jedi characters and Miscellaneous http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=16624 Jedi Characters http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=15469 Star Wars in HERO http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=16223 R2-D2 http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=15052 C3-P0 http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=15078 The Force (Continuing Powers Project) http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=5344 Cheap R2 example http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=9928 My take on the Light Sabre http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2504 Jedi Powers http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1275 Star Wars Dark Side in Hero http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=8460 Character: Darth Vader http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=7294 Character: Darth Vader http://surbrook.devermore.net/adaptionsmovie/darthvader.html Teboran Jedi http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=7320 Star Wars Hero Question http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=6437 Jedi telekinesis http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=4133 Jedi Package Deal, gimmie input http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3305 Jedi Mind Tricks and Mental Defense http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1207 The Ultimate Jedi http://www.herogames.com/oldForum/StarHero/000195.html Light Sabre technical Discussions http://www.theforce.net/swtc/ Star Wars - Light Sabre Colour Significance http:// http://herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=30428 StarWars - Clone Wars Jedi http://herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=30434 Another Star Wars – In my Sandbox (by Rick) http:// http://herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=30536 Star Wars – Stormtrooper Conversion Questions (by Badger) http:// http://herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=29813 Eosin's Stab at the Force http://herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=29217 Sith Knights - My Stab at the Force (by austenandrews) http://herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=29687 Cheers QM
  23. Re: Furry Champion's If your a fan of Furry Fantasy Usagi Yojimbo (Rabbit Bodyguard) is still going strong (with 18 collected editions inclueding Space Usagi). A company called Sanguine is selling entire book packs of their Furry Fantasy, Swashbuckler, and Bushido settings and supplements. Some one produced an Albedo RPG at one point. And the classic TMNT. Cheers QM
  24. Re: Title for the next HERO villains book I always liked my suggestion for a Star HERO enemies sourcebook. Rogues, Reavers, and Renegades or RRR (the Space Pirates sourcebook). arrrrr Matey (through in Rapscallions in place of rogues perhaps.) QM
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