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Posts posted by sentry0

  1. 2 hours ago, Gauntlet said:

    Is the App no longer Available? I have tried installing it from three different computers on three different networks and it says it will install it but nothing happens.


    That's weird, I just uninstalled and reinstalled fine.


    Is it possible you have some AV or other security in place that's preventing app installs?

  2. I just released the 1.2.5 build, it's more of a foundational build as most of the work was about upgrading the core development frameworks, I did manage to sneak in a few goodies.

    • Added the ability to make more than one to hit roll
    • Numbers now animate on the result screen
    • Minor UI tweaks

    The update should be hitting your devices in the next couple of days.

  3. On 7/12/2019 at 7:40 PM, Zakharov said:

    I haven't tried it yet, but, how does the app handle characters with custom characteristics added via HERO Designer? We've got sanity being used in an upcoming game. I'll have a character I can try it with next weekend, just figured I'd ask in the meantime!


    I'm not sure how it would handle custom attributes, my suspicion is that it'll be ignored.  I'll double check and get back to you.


    I did some poking around this morning and it looks like the app itself would handle a custom characteristic properly but the issue is the export template itself.  The export template has no concept of custom attributes so they won't end up in the characteristics section of the template.


    I'm not sure that there's a quick fix for this one but I'll see what I can do.

  4. On 5/28/2019 at 1:43 AM, A.T.R.A. Mark II said:



    I just learned about this - awesome, and thank you!!!!


    Question - the "to do" list still has 6th edition as undone - is that correct?


    I'm confused because the settings had a toggle to "turn on 5th edition..."


    Thanks again!!!


    It does support 5th or 6th edition rules out of the box.  I believe it defaults to 6th but can be switched to 5th in the settings area of the app.


    The note regarding 6th edition is for the H.E.R.O tool only.  It was created for 5th edition only.  Everything else should flip between editions when you toggle that setting.

  5. I made some more document changes...

    • I abandoned the writing guidelines in favor of a 2 column layout
    • All spells are now -1 per 20 AP for skill roll penalties
    • Moved some sections around for better readability
    • Moved the work I was doing to write up NYC to its own document
    • I picturefied the document (shout out to Jason S. Walters on this one)

    I'll post the setting book for the game later once I have a little more work to show.  So far I wrote up most of the important NPCs in Manhattan.  I'll probably stop once I have Manhattan written up in general and not worry about the other boroughs until I actually start playing the game.

  6. I've just been using Notepad++ for my export templates.  It's a nice solid editor that I use when I don't feel like using an IDE or in my case spinning up a VM for development.  I do all of my development in VMs at home now, I find that it just makes things easy for me...I don't even think I have an IDE installed on my base machine anymore!

  7. 1 hour ago, Christopher R Taylor said:

    The Jolrhos Field Guide has been approved and should be on the shelf soon for purchase and download!  The print version will be available as soon as I can get a proof copy and look it over.  Look for it on Lulu and Amazon.


    Congrats, I'm looking forward to getting my hands on a physical copy.

  8. 8 hours ago, specks said:

    How have players or the GM used the wealth perk in your games?

    Is the perk just flavor or do you they give any special benefit to the characters?


    I think it largely depends on the genre for me.  In games where you're expecting players to pay for everything in points, wealth definitely becomes a flavor tool.  That said, a trip on the private plane across the ocean is no big deal, but if it becomes an every day thing I would make them pay points for it.


    In games where equipment is being used (Heroic, usually) then wealth becomes much more prone for abuse.  The character can simply buy potentially game unbalancing gear and services when needed.  Like a lot of things in this game it comes down to trust between the GM and the players that things won't be abused.

  9. Saw it today...not a good reboot IMO...the acting was okay but the story was predictable and the pacing was rushed.  I actually turned to my wife in the movie and said to her "Is this bad or is just me?" which is rare, I'll admit my bar is pretty low for Superhero movies.  As long as I walk out feeling entertained I'm usually giving the movie a positive review but this one was just a shadow of the original and not in a good way.


    Definitely not in the same league as the Perlman version of Hellboy.  I wouldn't be upset if this shallow reboot was the last in the series...

  10. Updated the doc a bit...

    • Changed fonts to be Times New Roman per the writers guidelines
    • Formatted text per the writing guidelines (no spaces between paragraphs, tabs on paragraph start, etc)
    • Updated all spells to use -1 per 20 AP instead of the standard -1 per 10
    • Updated NPCs 

    Next up I have to come to terms with my love of the word "that"...

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