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Everything posted by archer

  1. All of the Green Lanterns should be Daxamites.
  2. Well aside from Spider-Man, what successful Marvel hero films do they have the rights to? They're pretty much stuck with the anti-heroes from their Spider-Man library of rights. I've thought Kraven the Hunter as a Spider-Man foe was a stupid concept from the beginning so I doubt Sony will do anything to ruin him for me. (The Kraven as the supposedly sane host of a TV show who decides to kill Spider-Man live in order to boost his ratings was a particularly brain-dead version of the character.)
  3. I don't agree that it is well-written. Superman seems clueless about what a danger his son is to those around him, despite having grown up Kryptonian in a world made of Kleenex, and keeps wandering off leaving his son unattended in every episode...despite the fact that Clark has no job and isn't Supermaning either on a regular basis. Clark gives lectures to his kid then worries to his wife. Then he goes off and leaves his kid unsupervised and even giving him permission to do dangerous things, despite the kid getting into trouble being unsupervised and doing dangerous things in the previous episode. And the episode before that. And the episode before that. And the episode before that. If he's going to leave his kid to get into mischief in every single episode, the writers should at least use the excuse that he's off being Superman all the time, rather than expressly saying that he's not. I think there's zero chemistry between the Superman actor and the Lois actress. The actress is experienced in the role of wife/girlfriend and it shows. But that's despite their lack of chemistry, in my opinion. Neither of the kids seem to be able to act their way out of a paper bag. Kid actors often mature into their roles and become better so at least it's too early to write them off completely. I like the casting for Lana and Lana's daughter. Lois's dad comes across as a nag rather than a professional soldier but maybe we'll get a chance to see him interacting with his command more than with the Kents. I'm not enamored of the "mystery in the mine" storyline. With both Lois and Clark being investigative reporters and both knowing that Clark is Superman, it's occurred to neither of them for Superman to do a superspeed run-through of the very limited floorspace in the mine to see if anything looks off...even though they both seem to think that re-opening the mine is a clear and present danger to the town. C'mon, at least hide the location of the mystery so that you don't leave the viewers wondering why Superman isn't bothering to look right there. And everyone knows the high prevalence of mines in the middle of the Kansas prairie so at least a mine in Smallville isn't even slightly out of place....
  4. In the novels after the TV show, Ro Laren became the new security officer for DS9 to replace Odo.
  5. I once saw a painting of Silver Surfer wearing Dr. Strange's cloak and the Eye of Agamatto while holding Mjolnir in one hand and Cap's shield in the other.
  6. They are a threat. I don't think this contract will be a threat on any level during the mid-term elections.
  7. Mostly how much of that is available depends on the GM. If he wants a more high tech world, more is going to be available. If he's wanting closer to real world, not so much. Yeah, there's an official CU but even for campaigns in an official CU setting, the main determining factor will be the GM's desires. The second most important thing is how important the devastated area is. It's a hard fact of life but if New York City gets hit, it's going to get a more comprehensive and high tech response than a similar event which happens in Outer Wideplaceintheroadistan. I can't make firm proclamations for the official CU. But if I were running a campaign there, responding to disasters would be a large part of the mandate for UNTIL. It's good public relations and it's good precedent for UNTIL troops going into member nations during emergency situations. Also not a bad idea to have UNTIL units nearby in case someone dangerous wants to take advantage of the chaos. They'd be showing up with manpower, generators, and minimal supplies to set the stage for a more sustained relief effort. (The initial coordination of the response and having a place for relief workers to land and set up are often significant roadblocks so I'd imagine that UNTIL focuses it's efforts there.) That initial UNTIL response would include whatever tech they have close at hand (potentially like "deep radar" to look for survivors). And again, more would be available to them closer to important sites than to out of the way places. The longer the emergency situation lasts, the more tech would be brought in. So I'd imagine the first hours of an emergency wouldn't look much different than the first hours of a real world disaster. But if you're talking about week four of an ongoing disaster, every gimcrack and prototype device from every company on the planet will be onsite (both trying to make a difference and trying to get publicity for the company which made it). I don't think low tech stuff like dogs, flashlights, crowbars, and shovels will go out of fashion until you reach a Galactic Champions campaign and would continue to be the predominantly-used tools until such time.
  8. You could argue that a large part of the reason why people come to see John Wick movies and Jackie Chan movies is the martial arts. It's not fresh or unexplored but such action movies are popular. Even Kung Fu is trying a reboot/reimagined TV series. I'll admit to being bored by the 1970's martial arts movies craze. But it was enough of a craze to have a large number of movies made at the time. And it's still enough of a craze to have a constant stream of movies made for the Asian markets. With the pent up demand of people wanting to have access to new movies, if Shang Chi was EVER going to be a success it's likely to be this year. (Though a June release date would have been much better than September but who could have predicted CDC recommendations.) I hope it's a monstrously huge blockbuster hit so that Disney will have money to plow into characters and franchises I'd like better. I can't seem to find any numbers about how much they spent to make the movie but I doubt it was $300-400 million like the last two Avengers movies. So even if it makes relatively modest "Ant-Man and the Wasp" numbers, it could be seen as a huge success and the biggest martial arts film ever.
  9. I don't really see this as a threat. With the original Contract with America in 1994, the Republicans hadn't controlled the House of Representatives since 1958. And that meant they'd had no way of forcing legislation to come to the floor for a vote in almost 40 years. So Gingrich and his followers came up with a list of 10 longstanding hobby-horse issues which they'd not been able to have an up-or-down vote on for longer than many of their voters had been alive. There was a VAST pent up demand which their voters wanted satisfied. That isn't the case today, regardless of which issues go into the "contract". The Republicans have controlled the House on and off since 1994 and have had plenty of times to vote on whatever their little hearts desire. Their failure to pass legislation in recent years can be much more easily blamed on Republican infighting than on even Democrat opposition. Now having said that, Gingrich was a savvy political operative back then and had had close to twenty years of work behind him to bring the Republican caucus together enough to promote his plan through the election. This time, in contrast, he's having to convince a self-destructive orange clown to support a plan. The plan is going to have to be grandiose enough to appeal to a clown or the clown will toss it five minutes after he agrees to it. You can't pull together legislators and voters to support plans which are absurdly grandiose. And you likely can't pull together legislators and voters to be wildly enthusiastic about policy initiatives which have been brought up over and over for the last couple of decades but have always failed to make it into law even when Republicans controlled the House, Senate, and presidency (which accurately describes the proposals mentioned in the article). So in order to be successful, it seems to me that Gingrich would have to thread the needle in finding something grand enough to appeal to Trump and keep his attention for 1.5 years, something new, AND something that Republican voters have been desperately wanting forever. < cue Mission Impossible music >
  10. I can see it now: Mr. Moldy and his scullery maid are updating the FBI's records.
  11. The nice thing about a DCU Martian is that no one would have to know you were a DCU Martian unless you were dumb enough to tell someone.
  12. If I do a "damage" effect, I always do a Drain rather than a Blast so I can put the damage exactly where I want it to happen. I think that's a good way to handle it both as a player and as a GM, so I don't think that's too lenient at all. I've not tried a single Side Effect which applies to each power a character has. When I can apply different SE's to each power, I like Flash. Characters being blinded for a long time as an effect of using magic is something that you see in fantasy literature but not so much in RPG's. But it makes casting the magic seem like much more of a gamble, even if it's some ritual cast outside of combat, since the bad guys always seem to attack when the magic man is involved in a ritual. Drains are very versatile since you can Drain stuff like Running which forces the character to stand and fight. Or Drain his STR so that he has to drop all his stuff. Transforms are very versatile as well. I remember one character who had his Riding and TF familiarities taken away when he used powerful ritual magics (treated as a complete amnesia of what horses, saddles, reins, carts, etc. were and how they worked). I'll admit that was more amusing than harmful but forgetting how to operate his horse was funny as hell. Transform which makes subsequent uses of magic especially visible. Entangle yourself Gives you a demonic-looking tail. (Only appropriate in settings where demonic tails would be at least socially disadvantageous.) Uncontrolled Flight Broadcast only Telepathy which forces your deepest secrets onto others. Uncontrolled Tunneling straight down
  13. If they hadn't been shown all laughing at the one guy who stepped up and said that maybe he'd lead the Avengers, it would have been much better as a teaser. Have them look at each other to see each of the other's reactions: okay. Have one of them laugh softly then say, "Maybe you will." Okay. But having all the people who apparently know him the best just laugh in his face (after apparently knowing him for an eternity)...that's not promising. At all. On any level.
  14. Life support and an awesomely huge cosmic VPP. The Silver Surfer has casually blown away planets before with his energy blast (Annihilation: Silver Surfer #4). So if you're talking an Earth-style world, make sure he can average 84 BODY with his RKA. So about a 24d6 RKA out of his VPP.
  15. How about a god or robot that needs to be reassembled? For example, in Egyptian mythology, Set killed his brother Osiris and scattered the pieces of his body. Isis went on a quest and retrieved the body parts and temporarily revived Osiris with a spell. Their son Horus was conceived and when he grew up eventually defeated his uncle Set. Or maybe a giant Power Ranger's style Zord which needs all the heroes inside to power it. And maybe a few follow-up sessions with at least some of the players being partially depowered because their powers were "used up" in the Zord. (The depowering being negotiated with the players in advance with an eventual small experience bonus attached.)
  16. There's probably not a hero team on the planet which would refuse to send at least some of their members to help in a disaster relief operation (assuming they aren't in the middle of something). That's always a good excuse for why all the other superheroes in town don't show up when something's happening.
  17. “Doctor Evil! I Didn’t Spend Six Years In Evil Medical School To Be Called ‘Mister,’ Thank You Very Much.”
  18. I can't work from a phone or Ipad for hours. And my lack of muscle control means I can't lug a laptop from place to place around the house without dropping and breaking it. So unless I want to sit at my desk 100% of the time, I need a hardcopy. Most books don't catastrophically break if I drop them and need several hundreds of dollars to replace them.
  19. At least "the bad guys know us and they leave us alone".
  20. From that trailer alone, it looks remarkably bland. That doesn't mean that I won't watch it over and over once it reaches TV. But it does dim the chances I'll pay money to watch it in the theaters.
  21. You could try a Rod with seven parts. I don't think anyone would mistake that for ripping off the Infinity Stones.
  22. I think Tamaranian would be fun. https://dc.fandom.com/wiki/Tamaraneans Extreme good looks by human standards, universal translator (if you touch someone who knows the language first), flight. Enhanced strength, dexterity, and durability. Life Support vs heat/cold, no need to breathe. That gives the basis of a well-rounded character. And such a character who found himself on Earth would likely know martial arts and be proficient in melee weapons, projectile weapons, and energy weapons. (Tamaranians are often captured and trained as either gladiators or warriors.) I'd probably land and demand to be taken to the King of Earth to whom I'd pledge my undying loyalty and service in exchange for his protection.
  23. "Tome" makes it sound like a fantasy supplement, which might confuse your target audience. "Chronicles" makes it sound like you're doing strictly a history book. Out of those three options, I'd go for "book". Personally, I think calling him Professor Muerte in the title is better than just Muerte since many of your prospective customers might not already have an instinctive dread of the name and might not have even the slightest clue of who he is. Or even that "muerte" is someone's name. The Compleat Professor Muerte Professor Muerte with Terror Inc. Professor Muerte is Terror Inc.
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