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Everything posted by archer

  1. Unfortunately, there's no money large to bring back the actor that the MCU couldn't spend to make a different film that would net them as much money.
  2. Sorry, no. They were each individually handwritten more than 10 years ago. Even if they were up to date, I've lost them over the years.
  3. Greece, Italy, and Spain have each flirted with being so insolvent that they'd crash the entire EU economic system. Only repeated massive bailouts have avoided that. There's effectively a northern EU which is financially stable for the most part and a southern EU which isn't at all.
  4. "Pope Francis has announced a 'marathon' month of prayer throughout May with the aim of ending the Covid-19 pandemic." https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9500115/Pope-announces-marathon-month-prayer-end-Covid-19-pandemic.html Umm, too bad no one thought to do that in February 2020. Good luck and all and hope it works....
  5. My wife is deathly allergic to cigarette smoke. Back during the days when there were "smoking" and "no smoking" sections in restaurants, there's no telling how many times we had to get up and leave a restaurant. Sometimes before our food was served. Sometimes before we'd taken a bite. Sometimes half way through a meal. And regardless of whether we were alone or dining with friends. She'd get a whiff and lock up tight to the point where there was no question of being able to take the time to box up the meal and take it home with us. Came close several times to having to do a dine-and-dash because there was no time to pay. We'd intentionally get tables as far as physically possible from the smoking section and still have problems due to air flow.
  6. Yeah, but he was too short for ANY team to "risk" a 9th round draft pick on? Or a 10th?
  7. Nice to see Wonder Man get some screen time. But I really hoped they'd do his origin story in an Avengers movie. And with his original green costume.
  8. Doug Flutie was drafted in the 11th round. Of course that was a special case because he was flirting with playing in another league. But still, no one took a chance on him until the 11th round? Played 12 seasons in the NFL, 8 seasons in the Canadian FL, and one season in the USFL.
  9. The Lust Orgasmic Sensory Emergency Reconnaissance unit was originally designed by a mad scientist to secretly spy on his teenaged daughter on her prom night and prevent her from doing anything...unfortunate, with her date. But it turned out that several other parents, who were also supervillains, wanted one to monitor their own teenaged kids. From there, one of them figured out the internal sensors could be rejiggered to detect things besides rising teenaged lust and L.O.S.E.R. units started showing up on the black market retrofitted with all sorts of weaponry to complement its stealth capabilities.
  10. I tried something like that when teaching my family to play. "Here's what you can do on your turn" section listing out the commonly-used maneuvers and attack powers for the character. I tried to list it roughly in order of what I thought how often each would be used in play by that particular character. "Movement" showing full moves and half moves for each type of movement. "Other combat powers" showing other powers which might be useful in combat like Force Field and Invisibility. "Non-combat stuff to do" listing most skills plus stuff like "looking around". "Panic Button" showing stuff to do when you get in trouble like Dodge, Block, Dive for Cover and character-specific powers. I thought it worked pretty well considering that none of them at that point had ever played a RPG before (except for one session of West End Games Star Wars for my wife). It was pretty straightforward picking something off of a list. I included a more traditional character sheet but those were hardly used at all by the players in the initial sessions. I didn't like that people spent most of the game looking at their lists rather than watching me or interacting with the other players. I tried to give everyone plenty of time on their turns and to engage them in conversation but people still looked at the lists all the time.
  11. Considering there's no way to cover white supremacist and make it into a positive AND that most of the customer base of HERO white, there's no incentive for the company to delve into white supremacy. It's easier to call it "Nazi" and let that be a catchall term. Historically, there were pro-Nazi units of Arabs (the Free Arabian Legion) in the German army. From research I did back in the 1990's Saddam Hussein was raised by an uncle who was pro-German, pro-Nazi and who bought into all the Nazi racial supremacy rhetoric. (It didn't hurt that the Germans promised to oust the British from North Africa, Egypt, Palestine, Arabia, Iran, and Iraq. And to kill the Jews who lived in those places.) The Aryans came from northern India and Iran. The people of India called those people "arya". In the Persian language, that became "eran" which is the origin of the modern term for that area: Iran. Hitler was sending archaeological teams to that area and adopted the swastika from that area of the world for his political movement because that's where real historical Aryans originated. (But likely not the home of the pseudo-scientific Aryans of Nazi propaganda. The real Aryans built a great Persian civilization so "a great civilization" had became conflated in many European minds as being "Aryan".) There had always been some amount of anti-Semitic sentiment in the Middle East. But in the run up to WWII and through the war years, Germans deliberately fed it as a way of weakening the British hold on the region. And because anti-Semitism dovetailed in nicely with Nazi party doctrine, that doctrine was an easy sell to the target audience throughout the Middle East and Northern Africa. There's not many people in the modern white supremacist movement in the USA who would consider the people of Iran to be Aryans or who would consider any of the people from the Middle East to be "white" for any purposes.
  12. Finally figured out the projectile system the troops would use: Penetrating Explosive Nanotech Incendiary Sabot.
  13. The cops are all supposed to be taught judgment as part of their training before ever being allowed to go on to the streets. Obviously many of them need a refresher on that training. As for what this guy taught in the way of "using good judgment", I have no idea.
  14. I file that kind of stuff under "it's probably a good thing to know how to do but probably not a good thing to do". Like rubbing two sticks together to make a fire: good thing to know how to do. Bad thing when you're doing it on your living room carpet using the legs from your chairs.
  15. I try to not be a strait man when it comes to economic jokes.
  16. Well, we're even because I'm of questionable skill when it comes to opening files....
  17. We lost something like $27,000 on the sale. But at least it's not draining our wallets every month. It's cost us close to $4000 just to own it, without operating it, since last May. My wife loved it and had dreamed of owning one her entire life. I hated it but tolerated it for her sake. Really hurt financially because we're clawing to hold on to lower middle class status. On the PDF, for the characters with Flight you aren't being consistent with you wording. Fly: Spellbinder can fly up to 24m per phase. Flight: Starblaze can fly in addition to run and jump, at 25m per phase (also needs period at end of sentence) Flight: Trooper’s Boot jets allow them to fly in addition to run and jump, at 18m per phase (also needs period at end of sentence) I like using the word "Flight" instead of "Fly". I prefer the wording "can fly up to fill-in-the-blank-m per phase, instead of run or jump." That wording makes it clear that: 1) The maximum move is optional. 2) The meters in Flying doesn't also apply equally to the character's Running and Jumping speeds. 3) You can't use Flight in addition to run and in addition to jump in the same phase. (And man, did it take several tries to come up with wording which avoided misinterpreting the intended meaning of that sentence.) I haven't given up on work on this. I've just been battling one of my (non-productive) migraines and lack of sleep so haven't spent any time looking at it.
  18. You could use that failed DARPA project they were working on for Marine close combat: Personal Engagement Neutralizing Infantry Systems
  19. I've always thought of them as destructive terrorists. For example, they'd probably be ticked at Great Britain for Brexit, which could be seen as a step in the wrong direction for a unified Europe. They'd go after national monuments that the world thinks of when they think Britain: Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, etc. Or they'd go after the fictionalized politicians or parties which enabled Brexit. Or they'd go after the financial structure of Great Britain like the London Stock Exchange, Lloyd's of London, etc. I wouldn't play Eurostar as being geniuses at being effective at achieving any goals beyond destruction and chaos. They're getting rid of whatever it is that they don't like. They're not personally responsible for building a better tomorrow, just the wrecking ball creating space for someone else to build it.
  20. Well, it's known that concussions can cause epilepsy and there's at least anecdotal evidence that getting a concussion can make an existing case of epilepsy more severe. It's also known that a lot of NFL players have played in games without even being aware that they have a concussion. Zoning out for a second or two in an epileptic fit in the middle of a play could get a QB seriously injured in a way that has nothing to do with epilepsy. It's definitely something that any team would be concerned about. Exactly how concerned is another matter.
  21. I've always thought of Dr. Destroyer being concerned about people and organizations who are on his same power level or who could become a threat to him if he weren't monitoring them and manipulating events so that they didn't succeed in taking over the world. You not only have to take over the world but you have to think 18 steps ahead to figure out who would be in position to take it away from you. Menton. Mechanon. Eurostar. VIPER. VOICE. Alien invasions which don't happen because Dr. Destroyer did something to stop it. Alien invasions which do happen because Dr. Destroyer did something to cause it.
  22. If it weren't for COVID, they could fiddle around with trying tongue-prints.
  23. Perhaps I should have been clearer The question isn't only selling out but what you can charge in the process of selling out. Jerry Jones, for example, parlayed years of mildly competitive teams and remembered past glory into sky-high season ticket prices. And monetized such things as "getting on the waiting list to buy season tickets" so that it cost you roughly the equivalent of "nice tickets for three games" just to get on the list to be eligible to buy season tickets. Oh, I'm sure he has. Can you tell me what's going to happen the next time he gets hit? Or the time after that? Or what his brain is going to do the first time he gets what would be a mild concussion for anybody else? The epilepsy is adding an extra layer of uncertainty onto what is already an uncertain future for a quarterback.
  24. Well Denver likely won't make the playoffs this year regardless. But a good draft could make the difference between Denver being marked as an "easy win" on everyone's schedule or not. And being competitive could help merchandise sales, season ticket sales, and other things which might give the franchise more money to play with in the future.
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