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    dsatow got a reaction from PhilFleischmann in Aliens/strange beings nouns   
    So, this sounds stupid but when do you -ling vs -ian?  For example you have Earthling or Ratling but not Earthian or Rattian.  You have Martian or Venusian but not Marsling or Venusling.
  2. Like
    dsatow got a reaction from Novamax in The strangest character concepts   
    The weirdest characters I ever played as a player is the Ze Giant Robot and the Coca Cola Kid.
    Ze Giant Robot is a 3' Gundam suit wherein a 6'6" man contortion-ed himself into.  The idea was, the French became enamored with the idea of giant robots and took scale model designs from the TV to make the suit but the error in scaling made the suit 3' tall.  Not to let good equipment go to waste, they got a contortionist to enter the suit and pilot it.  Those crazy frenchies.
    The Coca Cola Kid is a walking advertisement for Coca Cola.  He's essentially a martial artist with Coke Can nunchuks.  When he was feeling tired, he'd pop open a can of Coke and get refreshed (END and STUN aid).  He lost his job at Coca Cola when New Coke came out.
    A friend of mine played the Mime, super powered mime.  Basically, anything he could pantomime became real (though invisible).  If he pantomimed a wall, then an invisible 12def wall appeared.
    PS: we made much weirder villains, but I don't have enough space.
  3. Haha
    dsatow got a reaction from Drhoz in The strangest character concepts   
    The weirdest characters I ever played as a player is the Ze Giant Robot and the Coca Cola Kid.
    Ze Giant Robot is a 3' Gundam suit wherein a 6'6" man contortion-ed himself into.  The idea was, the French became enamored with the idea of giant robots and took scale model designs from the TV to make the suit but the error in scaling made the suit 3' tall.  Not to let good equipment go to waste, they got a contortionist to enter the suit and pilot it.  Those crazy frenchies.
    The Coca Cola Kid is a walking advertisement for Coca Cola.  He's essentially a martial artist with Coke Can nunchuks.  When he was feeling tired, he'd pop open a can of Coke and get refreshed (END and STUN aid).  He lost his job at Coca Cola when New Coke came out.
    A friend of mine played the Mime, super powered mime.  Basically, anything he could pantomime became real (though invisible).  If he pantomimed a wall, then an invisible 12def wall appeared.
    PS: we made much weirder villains, but I don't have enough space.
  4. Like
    dsatow got a reaction from PhilFleischmann in How would I build... "collections of powers"   
    I'd treat it as a multiform, with a charge, focus, concentration, and activation time based on his reading immersion speed. The multiform would allow him to have skills based on concept.
    Don't let him get away with speed reading.  He should need to total immerse himself in the book.  So say an hour minimum to 5 hours probably.  He should also explain in what circumstances would he leave the persona.  Does his power disappear when he sleeps (non-persistent)?  After a day?  Can he immediately go back to the same form without re-reading the book?  Does he forget one character when he reads another character?
    As the saying goes, "With great power comes great limitations." or something like that.
  5. Like
    dsatow got a reaction from Zakharov in How would I build... "collections of powers"   
    I'd treat it as a multiform, with a charge, focus, concentration, and activation time based on his reading immersion speed. The multiform would allow him to have skills based on concept.
    Don't let him get away with speed reading.  He should need to total immerse himself in the book.  So say an hour minimum to 5 hours probably.  He should also explain in what circumstances would he leave the persona.  Does his power disappear when he sleeps (non-persistent)?  After a day?  Can he immediately go back to the same form without re-reading the book?  Does he forget one character when he reads another character?
    As the saying goes, "With great power comes great limitations." or something like that.
  6. Like
    dsatow reacted to JCR in How would I build... "collections of powers"   
    This is exactly what happened to our group one time. Instead of even bothering w/ a character concept of some for, he just made a "spell" in his spell-book for each obstacle he could think of in the game then made it into a 300 point VPP and gave his character almost nothing else except two talents (not even stats!). The character ended up not only making every other character completely redundant (skills and powers-wise), but almost ended the entire scenario for the night in 5min real time. How? In a nutshell: desolidified thru all walls and went straight up to the rampaging monster inside the compound and commanded it to fall asleep. game over. Well, that was his plan, until the GM began explaining how something works and why he wasn't able to pull off some of the instant-miracle-fix-all-in-one-action things and he immediately would get completely frustrated because it did not immediately defeated an obstacle before him. At that point I ask myself, what would be the point of playing if I can just steamroll over anything/everything the GM creates? I get wanting to be better at somethings and finding creative ways of dealing w/ obstacles, but if with the wave of a hand I could just say "Doc Destroyer, sleep, I command you", and it works, it would be boring and pointless as heck to me.
  7. Like
    dsatow reacted to Enforcer84 in Superhero Cosplayers   
    Juggernaut by PretzelBot
  8. Like
    dsatow got a reaction from Trencher in Difficult to dodge.   
    In 5th ed, its 2m or 1 hex only.  One of the good things in 6th is the change in AoE.
  9. Like
    dsatow got a reaction from assault in Champions for High School D&D Players   
    Every super game needs:
    A Nazi themed association to fight.
    A Ninja style association to fight.
    I don't know why, but every superhero group loves fighting Nazis and Ninjas.  Hey!  That sounds like a new supplement.
  10. Like
    dsatow got a reaction from drunkonduty in Champions for High School D&D Players   
    Every super game needs:
    A Nazi themed association to fight.
    A Ninja style association to fight.
    I don't know why, but every superhero group loves fighting Nazis and Ninjas.  Hey!  That sounds like a new supplement.
  11. Haha
    dsatow got a reaction from Ninja-Bear in Champions for High School D&D Players   
    Every super game needs:
    A Nazi themed association to fight.
    A Ninja style association to fight.
    I don't know why, but every superhero group loves fighting Nazis and Ninjas.  Hey!  That sounds like a new supplement.
  12. Haha
    dsatow got a reaction from Lee in Champions for High School D&D Players   
    Every super game needs:
    A Nazi themed association to fight.
    A Ninja style association to fight.
    I don't know why, but every superhero group loves fighting Nazis and Ninjas.  Hey!  That sounds like a new supplement.
  13. Haha
    dsatow got a reaction from Pariah in Champions for High School D&D Players   
    Every super game needs:
    A Nazi themed association to fight.
    A Ninja style association to fight.
    I don't know why, but every superhero group loves fighting Nazis and Ninjas.  Hey!  That sounds like a new supplement.
  14. Like
    dsatow got a reaction from Spence in Champions for High School D&D Players   
    Every super game needs:
    A Nazi themed association to fight.
    A Ninja style association to fight.
    I don't know why, but every superhero group loves fighting Nazis and Ninjas.  Hey!  That sounds like a new supplement.
  15. Like
    dsatow got a reaction from Christopher R Taylor in How would I make this power?   
    I would think that unless you're desolid, going at that speed, everything will be like an infinite defense object as molecules would still be moving at normal speed.  But this is comic book physics, so the most important limitation to observe is comic book physics law one (if it doesn't look cool in the comic, it doesn't work).
  16. Thanks
    dsatow got a reaction from Trencher in Difficult to dodge.   
    Or make the attack accurate.
    Hrmmm, I wonder if he's mixing terms.  Dodge roll sounds a lot like dive for cover.
  17. Haha
    dsatow got a reaction from dialNforNinja in How would I make this power?   
    I would think that unless you're desolid, going at that speed, everything will be like an infinite defense object as molecules would still be moving at normal speed.  But this is comic book physics, so the most important limitation to observe is comic book physics law one (if it doesn't look cool in the comic, it doesn't work).
  18. Haha
    dsatow reacted to Hugh Neilson in Ideas from Other Game Systems   
    Somehow, this just felt right for this thread...

  19. Like
    dsatow reacted to mattingly in Origins 2019   
    Cereal Killers: Night of the Living Crunch
    This is the first time in a while that we've had nine players, so every character got to be a part of the action.
    28 bowls later... The dead are rising, and want to eat your grains. America's favorite breakfast cereal icons star in this grim and gritty urban adventure.
    Cap'n (James Tiberius) Crunch is a mighty sailin' man; an experience seaman leader. Tony the Tiger is the fitness nut (or flake) of the group, bringing out the tiger in everyone. Toucan Sam the cynical detective noir is suspected of ecoterrorism -- the nose knows. Sugar Bear brings peace, jazz, and cereal to children of the world. Trix Rabbit is the driven (manic?) experimental field engineer / gadgeteer. Lucky the Leprechaun is the mystic master of the occult arts -- the Cereal Supreme. Sonny the Cocoa Puffs Cuckoo is the chocoholic street smart pharma hustler who can go nutso with extreme prejudice. Count Chocula feeds upon chocolate by night, and sleeps in a large cereal box by day. Quisp is studying the Earth, visiting from his native Quisp Continuum. Breakfast is the most important game of the day.

  20. Like
    dsatow got a reaction from pinecone in Non-Experience Rewards   
    The best thing I've found is free contacts.  Save a kid from an exploding building, he leads up the superhero fan club.  Heck he's the president.  The woman from the falling building, she volunteers to be the receptionist.  That man you saved, he's actually a lawyer and he'll represent you against the government trying to find out your secret identity.
  21. Like
    dsatow got a reaction from wcw43921 in Non-Experience Rewards   
    The best thing I've found is free contacts.  Save a kid from an exploding building, he leads up the superhero fan club.  Heck he's the president.  The woman from the falling building, she volunteers to be the receptionist.  That man you saved, he's actually a lawyer and he'll represent you against the government trying to find out your secret identity.
  22. Haha
    dsatow got a reaction from BoloOfEarth in How do you use Foxbat in your campaign?   
    I generally don't use him and I think my players wouldn't want me to, so at some point, I'll have to use him. >:D
  23. Like
    dsatow got a reaction from Christopher R Taylor in Non-Experience Rewards   
    The best thing I've found is free contacts.  Save a kid from an exploding building, he leads up the superhero fan club.  Heck he's the president.  The woman from the falling building, she volunteers to be the receptionist.  That man you saved, he's actually a lawyer and he'll represent you against the government trying to find out your secret identity.
  24. Like
    dsatow got a reaction from BoloOfEarth in How many PCs have you had in one session?   
    Largest number of PCs was 16 with a supervillain for each hero.  Trip sheet was 32-35 lines mainly because I think there were several agent groups on the list too.  It was grueling but at least all the players were veterans and even if they weren't following the story while the other actors were taking their turns, they could pick up what was going on and get through their turn.
    I'll probably never do that again as the martial artists and speedsters did just about everything and the brick would do their one punch and then go off and do something else like get lunch.  The guys who got lunch were playing bricks, they rolled to hit and did any damage and then handed off their character to someone else to keep track of stun.  They took off to Togos, got lunch, came back, checked the trip sheet, went to the kitchen, ate lunch, cleaned up the plates, and came back and were in their spots a few actions before their next turn.  The mat had something like 60 or 70 counters on a mondomat.  It was both epic and nightmarish.
  25. Thanks
    dsatow reacted to Toxxus in Toy Boy's Tazer Darts. How Would You Build Them.   
    I wouldn't buy multiple blasts.  I suggest upping the trigger advantage level so you can have multiple triggers (when removed or when Toy Boy triggers it).  The ability of the damage to hit both the original target and someone who tries to pull the dart off is covered by Sticky, imo.
    I wouldn't bother with the cosmetic transformation either.  It's just the special effects of the suction cup based weapon.
    Generally, I would recommend towards the simplest solution possible.  Over-complicating power builds is a common malady.
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