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Everything posted by bigbywolfe

  1. Re: GM: Opinion on multiple Distinctive Features Nothing is wrong with multiple Distinctive Features; as long as they really are multiple Distinctive Features and not a cheap attempt get away with less Disads.
  2. Re: 6-Segment SPD Chart It also makes "held actions" almost useless at SPD 4 and much less strategic options at SPD 3.
  3. Re: Teen Champions plots :thumbup:I want to start a Teen Champions game just so I can use that...
  4. Re: A Box of Evil Tricks? I like. Write-ups for any of these?
  5. Re: 6-Segment SPD Chart Hmm, good point. Hadn't thought of that.
  6. Re: Utility Belts Killer Shrike: I have to ask, was “Prefab” inspired by “Silent Bob?” Because the picture in his profile totally looks like it could be a Kevin Smith homage.
  7. Re: 6-Segment SPD Chart I’m not sure it’s necessary, but it certainly looks usable. It might make Lightning Reflexes slightly more useful.
  8. Re: How many different ways to mitigate damage? <boredom caution: metagaming be here> Ganesh: I like the breakdown. Repped.
  9. bigbywolfe

    Bat gear

    Re: Bat gear This whole thread is friggen amazing. The write-ups are great. Repped, and I am stealing so much of this...
  10. Re: Advice on building a brick character I love how most people are like "I posted something like that once, I'll see if I can find it..." but Killer Shrike is like, "Here's two dozen examples."
  11. Re: DC-What if you had to draft a superpower registration act? http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=70755 You could also just look in the Champion thread, it's still on page two at most and has the exact same name. Or use the search thread function.
  12. Re: DC-What if you had to draft a superpower registration act? If you disagree with that, here’s some food for thought… Summary of Article Two of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Along with Race and Birth I would add “Genetics” in a metahuman/mutant world. And Article 12: What if your power is to read incredibly fast or your brain functions like a computer or you’re just really, really strong? Who the frick’s business is that!? It could be argued that dangerous and/or deadly powers should be registered, but that is a slippery slope. What is “dangerous”, or even “deadly” for that matter? What about powers that are “potentially dangerous”? If you honestly think there is nothing wrong with this then you shouldn’t feel bad if we declare all {insert “race” of choice here so I don’t get chewed out} need to be registered, and if they don’t they are breaking the law. Invasion of privacy is just the tip of the iceberg. And Article 29: How does my using a "super power," in and of itself, interfere with the rights and freedom of others or the general welfare? It doesn't. And since it doesn't, then there is no reason for the registration.
  13. Re: DC-What if you had to draft a superpower registration act? With this statement you are starting from a completely false supposition. Power do not automatically equal destructive or even dangerous for that matter. I can breathe underwater, so I have to register? Why? Because I might drown someone? I heal really fast, like Wolverine or the girl from Heroes fast. I have to register? Why? I might use my miraculous healing powers, which I can’t control by the way, to do what? Pull of a huge heist, hide the goods, fake my own death, than go back and get the stuff? I mean what logical reason could you possibly present to require anyone/everyone with any type of ability whatsoever to register? For that matter, what qualifies as a power? On one end of the spectrum we have the guy that can bend his thumb all the back to his wrist and on the other end we have Mr. Fantastic. How far along that spectrum to you have to go before ridiculous amounts of flexibility becomes a power? (Yes, I know Mr. F stretches, not just bends and flexes, but you get my point). I mean, a “mutant” who’s “power” is “I sneeze hard enough to knock someone over” would have to register (and he can’t make himself sneeze, it’s just natural) but Iron-Man wouldn’t. Also, you might have noticed, that despite the fact that the title of this thread is “DC-What if you had to draft a superpower registration act?” the OP actually says, “Draft a Federal Law to make using superpowers illegal. How would you set up a law to do this?” We’re not truly talking registration, we’re talking about making an ability (and most likely an inborn or accidentally obtained ability) illegal for absolutely no reason. Anyone with any type of “powers” (assuming you find some way to define “powers” at all) is doing something illegal by using them at all. So Claire from Heroes: when she gets a paper cut, she just broke the law because she healed automatically. Cyclops is breaking the law whenever he opens his eyes, visor or no, he is using his power. Thing, Abomination, and any other “transformed” characters are breaking the law just by existing. Oh, and the mutant healer that can suck cancer out of people? Yeah, he can’t do that or he’s breaking the law. These are only a few examples of “What right does making you register take away?”
  14. Re: No one will get this reference, but I'm making it anyway What?
  15. Re: teen champons geeks vs jocks kung fu version At most high schools that would get him grouped in the "weirdo" section.
  16. Re: Looking for a name for my "fate points" Thanks for the list of options braincraft. My vote? "Platypus Points"!!
  17. Re: Looking for a name for my "fate points" Phlebotinum... http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AppliedPhlebotinum
  18. Re: Like a Multiform... but not? Gotchya, thanks for the clairification.
  19. Re: Like a Multiform... but not? Checkmate: I like it, but why did do three or four of the 9 have "lockout" and the rest don't? Just curious.
  20. Re: Silver Age Superman People commonly make reference to Superman's "weakness" or "vulnerability" to magic. That seems inaccurate to me. He’s not more vulnerable to magic than anyone else, he’s just not invulnerable to it like he is to virtually everything else. That's always been my understanding, anyway.
  21. Re: If I could put END in a bottle I wonder if The City is located in The Universe, or if it's in a different one.
  22. Re: Poison's Champions Art Thread Wasn't meant to be a criticism, just a comment on how I had pictured him. Has he always had a picture posted? I didn't think he did when I read his character sheet, but then, my memory isn't what it used to be. Anyway, like I said before, good job as always.
  23. Re: Poison's Champions Art Thread Nice job. He's so suave that the hair looks a little wild to me, but maybe that's how it is when he's fighting instead of schmoosing. The trident looks good, but a little large. Of course I realize that I have a horrible eye when it comes to perspective, so it’s probably fine. Over all, it looks great. As always, your attention to detail simply amazes me.
  24. Re: Code vs Killing, but Gods a little fuzzy about kneecaps. This statement is completely unfair. Common fiction, including so-called “realistic” shows, use the buried alive coworker/friend/loved one, scenario all the time, and more often then not are resolved with the “good guy” hitting the person to get information, even though it may damage the case or ruin their careers, in order to save more innocence. Pulp heroes have always “roughed up” villains to get them to talk. Almost every Superhero out there, including Superman, has done so. Cops in movies and television for the last 30 years or more have used force to get information in order to save lives. Now I’m not saying I condone the use of torture, but saying that someone’s view is “sadism=heroism” when they are simply being true to the source material, is ridiculous. Remember, Hero is considered a “cinematic” game, not a realistic game, and this is a concept/situation that is extremely common in multiple genres.
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