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A Thread for Random Musings

Old Man

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Ever since becoming a vegetarian, I've often been told by vegans, this cheese tastes great, it's just like the real thing! And it's always been false. This week, was told about Daiya and since one of the people who said it worked became vegetarian later than I did, I thought I'd try it out. I'm going to have to say the Mozzarrella worked well. Did two pizzas with it. It's slightly runnier in my opinion while hot, but very close. The second pizza I used maybe 1/3 the cheese I would normally use and the pizza turned out good. It's not an exact match, but closest I've ever seen.


Comes in cheddar as well. Another friend tried it on her son, who is allergic to everything it seems, and no problems. So I'm pretty impressed with it.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I lost my good friend Mike Hooker around 2001. I don't know the date because I wasn't always in touch with him as he lived in Indianapolis. His phone went disconnected, my letter to him went unanswered and I simply never heard from him again. I don't know where he is buried.


I was the closest thing to a Girlfriend he had. He did not want a relationship with anyone, but he let me be a friend with benefits. He put up with a lot from me and his friendship never wavered. There is a song we used to slow dance to. I don't know the title or the Artist, but when I hear it I cry. I miss him a lot.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


My grocery bill is double normal. I don't mind the expense, I was preparing for a visit from my Dad. However, my house is filled with crap I won't eat or use now.


Like fruit. I hate fruit. I never buy fruit, unless you count canned pineapple for sweet & sour pork. But no, this is fruit for eating. Not cooking, just pick it up and eat it. Who does that?? Disgusting.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Eleven point five years,

yet cast away so easily.

How dare you cry for me,

you, who still work there?

Why must I be the one

with the quick smile and joke,

Sandbagging the dikes to

hold back the flood? I am

left with nothing inside

but nuclear winter,

and helpless suspicions

of betrayal. Outside I

gaze up at the cold and

uncaring stars, my rage

puny and impotent.

It seems forever since

I was a small boy in

the sun, and I fear there

will be no more dawn.

I am so old. Monday

brings the new job, the new

future, but I am ash

blowing in the dry wind,

used up. I cannot care,

but I will go through the

motions, as I always

have, and always will,


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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Typical San Francisco weather: blue skies and mild temperature downtown in the northern part of town; gray skies and cooler temperature in the south, where it's closer to the ocean.


Wait a minute. Blue in the north, gray in the south... Does that sound familiar to anyone? :think:

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Random thoughts about my weekend now collected:

1) Congrats!

2) Good food here, glad folks are having a good time.

3) You guys can leave any time.

4) ANY time now..

5) Sometime today would be ####ing nice.

6) Whew, there some go. Some.

7) And what a charming little group of bigots we have in our youth today.

8) Staying the night? Of...course you are

9) It's 10:30 in the morning...why don't you go home?

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Help! I am at my wit's end in trying to locate information on a set of dice I once owned, but was stolen. They were made for Magic: the Gathering, and were a total of 5 sets -- one for each Mana Color. Each set was a d10 and a 10-sided percentile, with the "0" and "00" replaced with that color's Mana Symbol.


I've managed to scrounge up pictures, but it would help me (and what is left of my sanity) if I knew who made these dice. I had them about 15 years ago.






Later on some (other?) company produced some (IMO) cheap knock-offs:




For the "real" set of Iridescent MtG Mana dice, I will pay, and pay gladly. For information leading to these dice I might also pay.

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