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The Queen RIP

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1 hour ago, Simon said:

I will say this once:  keep it respectful, people.  I don't care what is being said on Twitter or Tumblr -- those statements will not be tolerated here.

If you don't care for the monarchy, don't post in this thread. It's that simple.


I would hate for anyone to get banned for a slight slip, and despite some anti-Charles sentiment in Commonwealth Republicans I see no animosity or anything vaguely offensive.


On a lighter tone, the Queen's sense of humour. And yes it does have the Olympics bit.



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She did her job without whingeing, which is more than can be said for a lot of people. RIP, and condolences for her family and friends.


Many years ago, when my sister was in the Society for Creative Anachronism, she was part of the delegation from the Kingdom of An Tir that welcomed Queen Elizabeth II to the Pacific Northwest. As my sister describes it, the Queen was apparently well briefed enough (and a good enough sport) not to ask in public, "Who are these raving nutters, and why am I meeting them?"


Dean Shomshak

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After the Queen, What Is Britain?


"The Elizabethan years assured the people that Britain remained a good, sound country, in spite of many a crisis, under the blessing of its monarchy. They are no longer so sure. They want more rights, more control, less advice to be quiet and keep believing. For the moment, a rock-solid residue of faith in the House of Windsor abides, especially in England. But when the tide of grief recedes, in dire economic times, royal privilege and royalty itself will be questioned, starting at the United Kingdom’s periphery and working inward.

"Elizabeth II tried to preserve the mystery cult of the Crown but ended up being loved and revered for the person she was. Dangerous! The mirror of monarchy then loses its enchantment. If the symbols of the sovereign matter less than the mortal who wears them, Charles III will reign unprotected except by his own merits. If he or a successor stumbles and falls, the Crown—the monarchy itself—might fall with them."


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