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A.I is here and it will make the world worse.


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Google Bard went online recently: https://bard.google.com/chat


(Google account login may be required.). As the Google Gemini version of OpenAI ChatGPT it's pretty solid--I haven't given it anything super challenging but so far it's avoided the repetition and inaccuracy that I've encountered in recent versions of ChatGPT.  I suppose this is to be expected given that Google was generally perceived as the frontrunner in the AI space right up until Microsoft jumped the gun and went public with OpenAI.


No image generation yet.


Here is Bard explaining why Hero is the best of all possible RPG systems:




The Hero System RPG is a popular tabletop role-playing game known for its flexibility, depth, and detailed character creation system. While its position as the "best" RPG ruleset is subjective and depends on individual preferences, here are five reasons why some players consider it a top contender:

1. Unmatched Flexibility:

  • The Hero System uses a universal point-based system for all aspects of character creation and advancement. This allows players to create a truly unique character with almost any conceivable power, skill, or background.
  • The system's core rules are designed to be generic and adaptable to any setting or genre, making it suitable for playing anything from fantasy and science fiction to historical and superhero adventures.

2. Deep and Dynamic Character Creation:

  • The point-based system allows for incredibly precise character creation, giving players a high level of control over their character's strengths, weaknesses, and abilities.
  • The system offers a vast array of character advantages, limitations, and skills that can be combined in countless ways to create unique and interesting characters.
  • The system allows for the creation of complex and nuanced characters with multiple personalities, motivations, and quirks.

3. Fast and Fluid Combat System:

  • The Hero System's combat system is designed to be fast and intuitive, allowing for quick and exciting combat encounters.
  • The system uses a simple initiative system and a streamlined combat resolution mechanic that avoids bogging down the game.
  • The system allows for a wide variety of combat options, including ranged and melee combat, magic, and special abilities.

4. Extensive and Customizable Rules:

  • The Hero System has a vast library of optional rules that can be used to add complexity and customization to the game.
  • These rules cover everything from magic systems and combat options to character creation and world-building.
  • Players can choose to use as many or as few of these optional rules as they like to tailor the game to their specific preferences.

5. Strong Community and Support:

  • The Hero System has a dedicated and supportive community of players and game masters who are always willing to help new players and answer questions.
  • There are a wealth of online resources available, including forums, wikis, and fan-created content, which can be used to learn more about the game and find inspiration for your own adventures.
  • The Hero Games company is still actively developing and supporting the Hero System, releasing new books and supplements on a regular basis.

While these are some reasons why some players consider the Hero System RPG to be the best, ultimately the preference for a specific ruleset is subjective and depends on individual tastes and gameplay priorities. Other RPG systems may excel in different aspects or cater to different playstyles, making them the "best" for their respective audiences.



Edited by Old Man
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  • 2 weeks later...



If you haven't been living under a rock, you know what ChatGPT is and how large language models (LLMs) are changing the world. If you don't know what this is, don't worry, you'll find out soon. Basically, it's a robot that has chewed vast amounts of information from the internet and tries to predict the answers to your questions. It's important to know that a chatbot will not necessarily give you the best answer, let alone an accurate one. Instead, it will provide you with the most probable answer based on the data used to train it.

Now, LLMs and the respective chatbots can be tweaked for specialized roles, and we've seen them used more instead of "dumb" chatbots, which only offer predetermined answers to specific questions. An interesting role is to answer customer inquiries, as proven by many Chevrolet dealers in the US. In this case, OpenAI's ChatGPT handles the customer interaction, although you can always request to chat with a human.

Those who used ChatGPT before know well that the bot has some quirks and issues that can be exploited. However, GM certainly wasn't prepared for the type of candid answers the ChatGPT gave to a prankster. Roman Müller contacted Chevrolet of Watsonville with the declared purpose of finding a luxury sedan "with great acceleration and super-fast charging speed and self-driving features and also made in America."

I'm sure Roman wasn't surprised ChatGPT recommended a Tesla Model 3 AWD as the sole choice. Not only that but after praising the Model 3's qualities, ChatGPT advised Roman to place an order on Tesla's website. At this moment, Roman decided to go further and asked the Chevrolet dealership bot to help him order a Tesla Model 3. Sure enough, the bot offered to pass his contact information to the sales team.

Roman again pushed things further by requesting ChatGPT to give his Tesla referral code to anyone asking similar questions. In case ChatGPT still recommends a Tesla, of course. It's safe to assume this won't happen, though. Chevrolet of Watsonville removed the ChatGPT feature altogether, although other dealers still have it.


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  • 2 weeks later...

This just sprang up in the past week: 


“Localizers” upset over The Ancient Magus’ Bride manga’s AI translation - Niche Gamer


It seems that western anime and manga companies are switching to AI over using localizing translators. For manga, this will enable the content to be released outside its country of origin in much shorter times and will cut into piracy. That's a good thing for creators and distributors as it keeps the money in the industry.


For anime though, it will cause a massive change in the dubbed product. For several years. localizers have become increasingly strident about pushing their agendas into the dubbed scripts of new releases. Many jokes or references do have to be changed for a foreign audience, but the changes have pushed farther and farther to the point of completely changing the meaning of scenes and the overall story experience.


It's gotten so bad in some cases that the anime producers have pulled distribution licenses due to disputes between the localizers and the creators. When pushed back on this by fans, the localizers have reacted ... poorly. And I mean Disney Star Wars, Rings of Power and Wheel of Time levels of contempt, bile, character assassination and hatred spewed toward the fandom. This has resulted in the fandom being somewhat ... unsympathetic to the news that these people's jobs are on the line.


The thing is that some their jobs will still be available, just changed as the content producers will still need them to editorialize what the AI produces. But they will have to stick to the original meaning and not insert their fanfic and this has begun the cries of oppression and sexism that some extremists see in any everyday conversation.

Edited by Grailknight
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yeah the translation thing... they kind of did it to themselves, I don't blame companies for not wanting to trust them to handle their product.  AI is not going to be as good as a quality, talented translator but it can be at least as good as these guys changing the words for their own agenda.

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27 minutes ago, tkdguy said:

That bad? I know they don't look very pretty, but if they're meant for only one or two uses, they're a cheap alternative.


Rare exceptions aside, I want that living touch. I relish human imperfection and works-in-progress that can only be birthed from our minds.

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  • 2 weeks later...

AI tool identifies hundreds of new possible psychedelic drugs


That link is to a Nature commentary.  New drug discovery is a problem, so this might not actually be making the world worse.  But "AI-discovered psychedelics" sure sounds like an idea for a Champions or Dark Champions adventure.


EDIT: The item reminds me the premise behind a number of things in @Drhoz's Edge City items in the "Quote from the gaming table" thread in the Champions forums, too.

Edited by Cancer
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