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What WOULDN'T your character do?


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Uncle Slam: Kill. He's done too much "killing for the greater good" in his day. He's a strict CvK man these days. Killing is too easy, there's always an alternative, he'd say.


Anthem: Swear. Again, trying to be the nice role model.


Audra Blue: Foregive. It's not really in her nature. You only have to screw with her once.

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Originally posted by lemming

Scales has quite a list, but one of them that is an impossibility is swim.


In theory he could conjure up some flight usuable underwater, but in keeping with GM persecution it's just not gonna happen. :)


Swamp monsters always look better walking on the bottom of the swamp anyway.


Hamlet Laughton is probably my least moral character, but even he wouldn't stoop to kicking a puppy. Handing out business cards with 900 numbers is one thing; brutalizing a source of child happiness is another. Of course, there are no keys to his part of the base, it's a retina pattern match along with a 128 character code that changes each time you enter it, so the sidekicks get nothing.

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Starguard -- something cruel. She just doesn't have it in her. Heck, she gets anxious whenever a villain takes /any/ BODY damage...


Baron von Darien -- relax. He's 'Batman with fangs' -- he's always waiting for the next disaster, and trying to anticipate it.


Dr. Pain -- back down. Even when it's no longer time for bombast and bluster, he's still just not gonna crawl. Better to die on your feet than live on your knees.

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Originally posted by Chromatic

Swamp monsters always look better walking on the bottom of the swamp anyway.


Hamlet Laughton is probably my least moral character, but even he wouldn't stoop to kicking a puppy. Handing out business cards with 900 numbers is one thing; brutalizing a source of child happiness is another. Of course, there are no keys to his part of the base, it's a retina pattern match along with a 128 character code that changes each time you enter it, so the sidekicks get nothing.

psych lim: Scales is not a SWAMP MONSTER!!!

metallic swamp monsters just sink


Other characters:

Ice Pirate: Understand property.

Blazer: Kill

Spectrum: Kick puppies, drink bad beer

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Zl'f: Lie, cheat, steal, sleep around. She's so straight and narrow you can use her as a yardstick. She won't kill either, although as the daughter of a professional soldier she recognizes it may sometimes be necessary hence her CvK is Strong rather than Total. I can't forsee any circumstance in which she would deliberately kill someone, although if she were angry enough she might use excessive force.

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Twilight: Betray his friends. He's not had so many friends over his lifetime, comes of being raised by psycho supervillians and ending up in an experimental VIPER supersoldier training camp, so he'd sooner die then betray the ones he's got now. The boy may have issues coming out the wazzoo, but he is loyal, you simply can't deny that.

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Checkmate: Kill. Too easy. With his intellect, he could easily arrange it so he could kill someone and make it appear that he was elsewhere - with a hundred unimpeachable eyewitnesses to prove it. Therefore, he won't ever do it. No challenge.


Guardian: She won't ever hurt a child. Even if it's a supervillain, she'll try to bring him/her down without hurting them.


Control: Control won't kill - not for his father's reasons, but for actual morality and empathy. (His father has about as much empathy as a stone, but he's a bit better.)

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Irving: Can't swim, unless there's some interplanetary adventure with a sea of mercury...


Won't kill, although there were two games in the campaign where he did-- both, notably, run by one guy who kept trying to do Iron Age scenarios despite our characters being more Silver Agey (well, kinda tarnished silver in Elizabeth's case). He tended to force the characters into "kill a few or let many die" situations; Irving tended to be very miserable after those.


Doesn't swear, but might use a rude word in a very matter-of-fact way if quoting dialogue, obnoxious lyrics, or suchlike. Admittedly, when he first awoke his memories were of earlier American English colloquialisms, and it was only sheer luck that one of the party members was able to inform him before a press conference that 'nigger' is NOT an acceptable term... ("But Huck called Jim that and they were friends... weren't they?")


Also, his very makeup tends to preclude certain situations-- being non-biological, he doesn't have the usual drives living beings do and can't be tempted by a lot of things.

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Hmmmm, let's see....


Adrenaline wouldn't betray a friend (or forgive someone who turned on him).


Realm wouldn't break the law.


Hecabus wouldn't miss a chance to gain an advantage, buck authority, get more power or play a prank on an unsuspecting pigeon... =]

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So much to write with so little time. Oh well, here's a little then:


Angel - swear, cheat, lie, hurt someone on purpose, etc. She's very strong morally and ethically.


Kick a puppy? Thought wouldn't even enter her head.

Date Foxbat? Ditto. She's in love with someone else.

Go Iron? Nope.

Kill? Not unless it was life or death and even then, she'd probably get in the way of the attack and take the lethal blow, not that it'd likely kill her.

Give keys? Not applicable - don't have a base.


Roger - he wouldn't stop bugging his teammates. He likes doing ridiculous stuff. As a matter of fact, he views that it's his life's goal to prevent one of his teammates, Jay, from dying from being terminally boring; Jay seems things differently.


Kick a puppy? Not unless it was like Molly's kitty from the Tazmania series.

Date Foxbat? He's a guy! No way!

Go Iron? Nope.

Kill? 99.9% no. He only tried it once against a villain who wanted to kill a friend's entire family and the world.

Give keys? You bet! He is the sidekick! :D

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Dolphin: Will not kill, litter, polute, or anything else he thinks is bad Karma.


Iron Will: not will not, but can not walk, move, or leave his float chair/iron lung without using his TK.












There has to be something he wouldn't do.




Kick puppies! That's it! He would never kick a puppy.


Unless provoked.


Millennium: Will not lie, cheat, steal, cuss, smoke, drink, do any kind of drug, chew gum, trash talk, or most especally have sex.

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Originally posted by McCoy

Kick puppies! That's it! He would never kick a puppy.


Unless provoked.

So if the puppy had a gun to your DNPC's head, you'd kick him? What if turned out he was just holding the gun in his mouth for your DNPC? Then how would you feel, Puppy Kicker!
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Originally posted by Blue

So if the puppy had a gun to your DNPC's head, you'd kick him? What if turned out he was just holding the gun in his mouth for your DNPC? Then how would you feel, Puppy Kicker!

I was thinking more if Cheetah thought the puppy was laughing at him.

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Originally posted by Chuckg

Speaking of dating Foxbat, my DM has already promised me that Starguard is going to get Foxbat as a romantic stalk... errr, suitor.


Help? :)

I'd say turn the tables. When he ask her out on a date, say yes. On that first date, discuss how many children he wants, and demand that they pick out names for them, RIGHT FRICKIN NOW! Build from there.


Even Freddy knows not to sleep with anyone crazier than he is.

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Originally posted by McCoy

I'd say turn the tables. When he ask her out on a date, say yes. On that first date, discuss how many children he wants, and demand that they pick out names for them, RIGHT FRICKIN NOW! Build from there.


One slight problem with that strategy...


Helene could get kicked out of a Disney movie for excessive wholesomeness. She makes Trebuchet's "Zl'f" look like Britney Spears. If she even /suggested/ she wanted to sleep with Foxbat... or for that matter, anyone else she hadn't already been going steady with for months in a wholesome monogamous relationship... her teammates would immediately suspect mind control, if not demonic possession.


She's also a truly pathetic liar.

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