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Nighthawks New Clothes

Ben Seeman

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Reviewing the picture now. If you want to over-analyze the picture, then the cowl is like "Dark Helmet" from Spaceballs. But honestly, taken as a whole, I think the uniform works.


Any changes I make would ruin the spirit of it; Then it might as well be a different character.

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Since Black Talon was a bokor (voodoo sorceror), I figured the outfit was a reference to the chickens commonly used for ritual sacrifice in voodoo. Mind you, trained fighting roosters with steel spurs attached to their feet are nasty enough.


Poor Nighthawk. "Duck's head" and now "chicken feet." He'll never get any respect at this rate. :rolleyes:

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-It does not look exactly like a duck bill (obviously). However, it does very much resemble that of a long-billed bird (ala A DUCK!). Also, factor in this is supposed to be a (somewhat) dark, intimidating, intense character. He comes out looking like a goob. I think it is telling that so many see this.


-I very much agree with the others who've suggested that all it needs is shortened by about half and he suddenly looks cool. I quite agree that the pic of him in VIPER holding up the fellow is a great pic of him.


-Batman's sharp points don't seem to stand out as much as Nighthawk's duck bill, for one. Not to mention they look better for whatever reason.


-I think the Gatchaman look is goofy also, though not as much as Nighthawk.

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Let me go on the record as being, apparently, one of perhaps three people in all of Herodom who actually LIKE Nighthawk's costume. But ... back to the topic!


If I were to redesign the costume, though, I'd go with a kind of hood-and-mask setup a la Moon Knight, with a hawk emblem on the chest (a sideways silhouette of the bird in flight kinda deal).

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The problem with nighthawks costume is it makes him less impressive. The silver and black elements conspire to make him look shorter the hawk head also visibly reduces his height and he lacks intimidation via his silhouette.


In comparison batman’s costume is designed to strike fear into the heart of his foes, those pointy ears exaggerate his height making him appear taller the dark tones and the cape disguise his true shape especially in dark surroundings making him a more difficult target and the ears also add to his silhouette intimidation silhouetted or in shadow he looks like a demonic beast easy for criminals to imagine there hunted by a supernatural horror. In comparison nighthawk looks like a duck headed schmuck an easy target who has to prove just how tough he is every time.

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I like the Nighthawk costume. I didn't like it when I first saw it in the Champions book but I now think, after comparing it to the one on the Champions Products webpage, that the the print resolution was slightly off. To me at least, the webpage version has nicer, cleaner lines. I don't even dislike the beaked cowl. There are a couple of changes I would make. First, change the silver to a darker gunmetal. He is supposed to sneak around, after all.:) Second, I wouldn't make it so obvious where his eyes are. Instead I would make the cowl so that it would look like he was seeing out of the birdseyes. Much more totemic and intimidating, IMO. I'm thinking of Anubis and the Horus guards in the Stargate movie. Just don't give him bird feet.

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I thought his costume looked cool in the TK illustration in the USPD, but in Champions he looked like he was dancing around, squaking, and doing a bad chicken immitation. I thought Foghorn Leghorn would be a better moniker.


Seriously, though. I think a large part of it is which artist is drawing him. I think costumes with weird beak action and the like on top of the head make the proposed hero look like he's a sports fan with one of those foam team-spirit caps on.


I would go for gray and black, with a different headpiece, and a cloak that doesn't look like its trying to be feathers. I also like street level characters who forgo the cloak. Maybe this:


A black and gray bodysuit with a falcon/hawk design on the chest - a full face mask works because of his doom-esque worry about his scars. A belt made up of pouches, as well as weapons attached to the arms and legs would give him a more militant look.

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I have to say that I like Nighthawk just fine as a character.

He fills the "Batman" role on the team.

I like his costume just fine.

It looks like a cross between Birdman and Blue Falcon, with a darker palette.


What I don't like is this costume for this character.


I think that is where most of the derision is coming from.


Most of us are comic readers, and we can't help thinking:


"Criminals are a superstitious cowardly lot, so my disguise must be able to strike terror into their hearts.

I must be a Creature of the Night. Black, Terrible...a... a..."






Okay, sorry!

He doesn't really look like a duck, exactly.

But unless you get several thousand angry ones together in a small coastal town, people just aren't that scared of Birds.


That does not mean that the character needs a total overhaul or anything, it just means that with "Bat" already taken, and having to go with a Bird motif, he needs to look as tough and menacing as possible, and the Bird Hat is just not cutting it.


I think a more streamlined, stylized "beak" possibly coming to a sort of widow's peak above the brows, and more of a "fitted" look around the top of the head, not as "fluffy", would give a more menacing look to the character.


I am not artist, but I may try to put something together to show what I am talking about.



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