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Foriegn Captain America's


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After reading several posts about foriegn countries and the possibility/concentration of supers, It occured to me that nearly every country with heroes would want an icon to represent it's philosophy/people. In other words, their own Captain America. The question to you all is what would be the name of the other nations' patriotic icon?

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Names would probably very from country to country, don't be afraid of "corny" names like


the Great Briton

Le Chevalier

Comrade USSR

Union Jack

Fleur de Lis


because, if the individual is good enough, their legacy strong enough, people will forgive.

Superman, Batman, and Spiderman are not terribly creative names, but they have history, Captain America is the same. If the hero(ine) is more recently introduced the name might be more clever or creative as today image is more important (at least here in the states) so who knows?

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I'm not actually Danish ("St Barbara" the CHARCTER is, but i'm not) but I might suggest that a name for a patriotic Danish hero might be "Dannebrog" which is (I believe) the name given to the national flag. The logical name for an Aussie or New Zealand hero might possibly be "Southern Cross" after the constellation that features on both their flags !

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Other possible Australians...


Ayers Rock(huge brick) or Uluru if you want to be more PC.


Outback... I have no idea of powers :) dessicating heat, moderate level brick?


I like a shapechanger who turns into the extinct large carnivorous Kangaroo or the 20 foot long Goanna. A crocodile would work too.


Maybe Bunyip?



I may have to make a character, have him have corporate sponsorship. Either VB or Dogbolter on his chest! I wish I could get them here. :(

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My Centurians project has many characters from other countries, some of them are the national heroes of there countries:


We have Renard, a french swordsman (props to whoever gets the name first)


Red Knight, a russian Supersoldier


Mut, a Brick from Germany and his brother Der Unbezwingbare (The Unconquerable)


Rising Sun is from Japan


the list continues...

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I always tried to look at the native comics for inspiration:


* Canadian Shield (Canada)

* Super Rey (Mexico) [Mexico has no real super tradition, but they have Lucha Libre as a great inpriration]

* The Octobrist (Russia/USSR)

* Saint George (England)

* John Flag (UK-Flag Suit)

* LeSabre (France-Flag Suit)

* Tetsuronin-Go (Japan)

* Southern Cross (Australia)

* The Monkey King (China)


I admit most of them are merely extrapolations from ideas I've seen. Each country has a defining nationalism, buit that nationalism is hard to define when you are not a member of that nation. I tried to steer clear of stereotypes and to try and capture that national flavor (as I understood it).


In the case of LeSabre for example, he began (jokingly) as Le Capitaine Gallios. The NPC got fed up with the French attempt at creating an "Image" and changed his name and his gimmick, looking more like a swashbuckler and calling himself LeSabre

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Originally posted by Barghest



Renard the fox is from a French fairytale. His primary antagonist is Ysangrin, a wolf. Not a bad choice of names but I'm not certain he quite fits as a superpatriot type character for France.


JmOz I think you're looking for deeper meaning then is present in this case, no offence. :)


Renard is French for Fox. The character Renard is a swordsman. Now what other famous swordsmen do we know who are called the Fox? ;)


In other words, the character is a French version of Zorro.

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was that renard the fox? I should see if anyone else actually answered now...


Originally posted by JmOz

My Centurians project has many characters from other countries, some of them are the national heroes of there countries:


We have Renard, a french swordsman (props to whoever gets the name first)


Red Knight, a russian Supersoldier


Mut, a Brick from Germany and his brother Der Unbezwingbare (The Unconquerable)


Rising Sun is from Japan


the list continues...

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Originally posted by gewing

Other possible Australians...


Ayers Rock(huge brick) or Uluru if you want to be more PC.


Outback... I have no idea of powers :) dessicating heat, moderate level brick?


I like a shapechanger who turns into the extinct large carnivorous Kangaroo or the 20 foot long Goanna. A crocodile would work too.


Maybe Bunyip?




No. No. No. No. And No!


I would stick with Southern Cross. It has the significant advantage of not being terminally stupid. :)


In my CU, Southern Cross is a speedster, but you can make him or her anything you want.


As an aside, Uluru is the official name of what was formerly known as Ayers Rock.


Personally, my approach with Australian characters (and I'm Australian) is to go with any old generic super names. I rarely bother with anything specifically "Australian", and, frankly, I'm just as likely to use "foreign" character names, assigned to characters that have migrated from somewhere else. Australia, of course, has people who originated in every country in the world, just like the USA, or a bunch of other countries.



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Terminally stupid, huh. Well I was tired, but...


Can't you see "The Rock" smashing villains (and the block they are in)?


Oh well, different strokes. I realize ULURU is the Aboriginal name and really the appropriate one, but many people would not recognize it, and from what I heard when I was there 8 years ago, many people wouldn't use it.



I like the Flying Fox, but... I'm weird, I thought they were cute.


Now for Pure jokes.....




Red back- the spider assasin

XXXX the corporate team, all beer based powers

The platypus- Amphibian with spacial awareness and martial arts


Groaner- a tunnelling brick who looks like a bundle of giant worms. :) sorry, I really couldn't resist, I should have tried harder, but...


Hell, if I wanted to be nasty I could have invoked the nightmare of a superpowered Kevin "Bloody" Wilson!



Great, now I'll probably be banned from ever visiting again. :(


Originally posted by assault






No. No. No. No. And No!


I would stick with Southern Cross. It has the significant advantage of not being terminally stupid. :)


In my CU, Southern Cross is a speedster, but you can make him or her anything you want.


As an aside, Uluru is the official name of what was formerly known as Ayers Rock.


Personally, my approach with Australian characters (and I'm Australian) is to go with any old generic super names. I rarely bother with anything specifically "Australian", and, frankly, I'm just as likely to use "foreign" character names, assigned to characters that have migrated from somewhere else. Australia, of course, has people who originated in every country in the world, just like the USA, or a bunch of other countries.



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Foreign Icons


I played one of these

British Bulldog.

And Britannia.

Even though Marvel used it, you can still have Captain Britain.


As to other countries, for France you could have Marianne. I believe that is the name. Spirit of the Revoloution. There are various paintings showing this woman.

Fleur De Lis also gets used for French or semi-French like the Quebecois.

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Originally posted by cubist

I've always fancied Canadian Shield for the true north's national hero. That, or Borealis:)


As I've said before, Borealis IS a hero suffering from bad press. The Canadian Shield is, in my campaign, Canada's national team. The leader of the team is the Mountie, who I wrote up on the old boards.



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My players were quite perturbed when the team butler armed himself from the armory and began to call himself Big Ben, the Man with No Time For Crime. God, I love that phrase ! So silver age.


Does anyone want to suggest Major Molotov for the silver age Russian patriot ? I believe SAS gave the Russian superpatriot the name Muzhik or Muzhak, which was 'peasant' or 'citizen'.


Canadian heroes, I've seen some bad ones. Generally, the names seem to emphasize defense over offense in concept (perhaps plays on the Canadian Shield geographic feature). Northern Guard, Northern Sentinels, Northern Shield, Canadian Shield, Captain Canuck, Guardians.


As characters go, I must admit that Borealis' psychologically pathological nationalism and patriotism were very interesting to this Canadian reader. You may have to actually live in Canada to understand why a caped hero defending Canadian sovereignty in Arctic waters or avenging the deaths of Canadian tourists is relevant, but it is.

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Originally posted by assault



No. No. No. No. And No!


I would stick with Southern Cross. It has the significant advantage of not being terminally stupid. :)


In my CU, Southern Cross is a speedster, but you can make him or her anything you want.


As an aside, Uluru is the official name of what was formerly known as Ayers Rock.


Personally, my approach with Australian characters (and I'm Australian) is to go with any old generic super names. I rarely bother with anything specifically "Australian", and, frankly, I'm just as likely to use "foreign" character names, assigned to characters that have migrated from somewhere else. Australia, of course, has people who originated in every country in the world, just like the USA, or a bunch of other countries.




NO!!!! DARN YOU!!!



We got LOTR your got "Pirscilla Queen of the Desert"

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Originally posted by Twilight

JmOz I think you're looking for deeper meaning then is present in this case, no offence. :)


Renard is French for Fox. The character Renard is a swordsman. Now what other famous swordsmen do we know who are called the Fox? ;)


In other words, the character is a French version of Zorro.


And that is the correct answer, the character is a French version of Zorro mixed liberaly with Dumas style Muskateers, and a touch of Scarlett Pimpernail

PS: your comments should of been addressed to Barghest, as I posed the original question


Barghest, thanks for the info, I will work iit into his background somehow...

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On the old boards, I mentioned my Australian canidate after someone mentioned they were sports nuts more than outdoorsman.

Competitor - Who enjoys and excels in various forms of athletics, and maybe some minor knowledge in martial arts. HIs only 'power' is the ability to duplicate the powers of those around him. He has a rather "Anything you can do I can do better" attitude, but in an easy going kind of way.

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Originally posted by gewing

I like the Flying Fox, but... I'm weird, I thought they were cute.


Flying Fox is a good name, and I've used it in the past. I was really annoyed when DC used it for one of the Young All-Stars back in the '80s. On the other hand, that series is so obscure that I might just go ahead and use it again. Thanks for reminding me of it.


As for the animals themselves - yes, you are weird for thinking they are cute! :)


As an aside, you can actually catch a rather interesting disease (Lyssavirus) from them.


Now for Pure jokes.....




Red back- the spider assasin


Actually, Redback is quite a good name, too, IMHO.(It is one word, incidentally.) I use it. Redbacks look quite a bit like Black Widows, but are more poisonous. I dextrously avoided one at work today, when I had to go rummaging about in a junk storage area.


There are a number of other interesting beasties you can use - CU has Taipan, which is pretty good.



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