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The cranky thread


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Young people I know use the term 'kidnap' when they want someone to take them away because they're bored or want to avoid doing some chore. The passivity of it annoys me.

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This morning I did not run over the donorcyclist who dumped his bike in front of me, though only barely. Poor guy. I ruined my tires standing on the brakes, but they were long in need of replacement anyway, so I didn't mind so much. In fact I have a new set on order already.


But now the ABS computer in my wife's car has failed, and such is the awesome engineering of a luxury brand that it took the VDC and slip control with it. Now it is 4pm on a weekday, I am headed into another mandatory all hands meeting, and I have no idea how my wife is going to get to work tomorrow. Nor do I have any idea where to come up with the money to buy another car. I suppose I could sell the house.

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A new ABS pump/VDC computer unit costs one thousand American dollars. On top of the suspension work that it also needs, it looks like that car is not going to answer the bell.


Otoh the problem is intermittent, so in theory we could still drive it. I mean, what the hell, it's just the brakes. Who uses those anyway?

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I had some insomnia last night, so I got up early and started dinking around on the computer. Not long after, my wife comes out of her bedroom to sleep on the couch; when her back starts hurting, she sleeps 'sitting up' against the arm of the chair. Since I'm awake, I help her with the blankets, and get a pillow for her back. While positioning the pillow, she adjusts the blanket ... and proceeds to elbow me square in the groin.


Good morning to you too, dear.

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Could be worse--my job doesn't give sick days. The fashion around here is to lump vacation and sick time into "PTO" (paid time off), which conveniently adds up to the amount of hours you would get if you just eliminated sick leave. So basically, if you want to be out sick, you have to burn vacation days. Which is why there are always sick coworkers wandering around the office spreading germs.

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