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WWYCD #90: Brainwave


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While engaging in a battle with a supervillain team on some old ruins, a flash of light engulfs your character. WHen you come to, everything seems. . . clearer, more sensical. You remember everything you've learned much better, logical deduction is easier, esoteric concepts are simplicity.


Simply put, your character has just gained about 20 points of INT.


What do you do??

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Re: WWYCD #90: Brainwave


While engaging in a battle with a supervillain team on some old ruins, a flash of light engulfs your character. WHen you come to, everything seems. . . clearer, more sensical. You remember everything you've learned much better, logical deduction is easier, esoteric concepts are simplicity.


Simply put, your character has just gained about 20 points of INT.


What do you do??


Golden Eagle is dedicated to making the world a better place through his inventions. He immediately goes to his office, looks at every research project his corporation is working on, and solves as many problems as he can.


Protector looks at all of the criminal organizations plaguing his neighborhood, and draws up an organization chart linking them together. He hatches a plan to get rid of them, using more powerful heroes as pawns.


Bouncer would go on Celebrity Jeopardy.

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Re: WWYCD #90: Brainwave


Starguard -- ... is already INT 20, albeit very inexperienced. So now she's suddenly smarter than Dr. Destroyer.


... and still inexperienced.


And a bit naive.


And a wielder of the Power Cosmic.


This... could get interesting. :)



Dr. Pain -- is now INT 35. An ex-pro-wrestling champion is now smarter than Doctor Destroyer.


Assuming that it's permanent and not a "Flowers for Algernon" type situation -- and he'd get that checked for -- he's going to go seriously into superhero team leadership and tactical/strategic thinking.



Baron von Darien -- ... is *already* an immortal supergenius mastermind.


And now he's an INT 43 immortal supergenius mastermind.


I feel a grave disturbance in the force. It was as if millions of Mystic World bad guys suddenly cried out, in one voice, "Oh shit."


He's going to be improving the next few centuries of the human condition vaguely Ra's Al Ghul style, whether the human condition wants it or not.


But not, mind you, coming into conflict with his fellow superheroes as he does so. No, no, he won't be anywhere near as... coercive... as a supervillain would be. Or anywhere near as... unsubtle.


*Plus*, of course, finding out *exactly* where this increased INT came from, what the strings are, and what to do about it if there are any.

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Re: WWYCD #90: Brainwave


Style - "Wow, I think I can finally manage Shadrack's Dance of Numbers!" Magician, most of his spells require a skill roll. Already inhumanly intelligent, he'd just be more so.


AnimeGai - Would benefit from the improved processor speed, otherwise the same. An AI in a "light bee" hiding inside a hologram.


Indomitable Will - "At Last, My Mind Is Fat With Power! I Shall Use This New Power To Lead The People In Social Progress!" Maybe he'd finally figure out his "mother box" nano-factory.


Thirteen - "No power comes without a price. I'd best prepare myself."


Flesh Gordon - "Whoa, why am I naked? What have I been doing with my life? Step one, get some pants. Step two, fire my agent." Actually, with his psych limits, an Int:33 Flesh might not be much less clueless than an INT:13 Flesh.

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Guest WhammeWhamme

Re: WWYCD #90: Brainwave


Sludge: A teenage villain brick just became a supergenius? Ooch. He'd reevaluate his life, then put long term plans for power into play. After all, there are suitable recruits all around him...

We have the birth of a World Conqueror here, people. :)


Flippant: AFAIK, this would make him (or anyone) the smartest person on the planet. (HIS planet). Time to uncover conspiracies, invent great inventions, and generally move into NPC plot device.

His personality would probably shift; he'd have a gained an insight into his own needs/wants, and so would probably become _more_ heroic. I hope. :)


Estatua: Well, his mind being faster should increase his power level directly, since half his problem is that his body outpaces his brain. That could be... nasty. Especially if he then becomes a superfast, invulnerable, _inventor_ type.


Well, someone just moved up a weight class. However, he's quite noble, friendly, etc. so the changes will just be to how he operates.

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Re: WWYCD #90: Brainwave


Anthem goes to the Sentinel's resident expert on mutancy (as she seems to be born with her powers) and has tests done. She wants to know if she's suffered in some other way to compensate for this change. She's average intelligence right now, so bumping up to 30 would be quite a noticable difference.


Uncle Slam would go back over all of the various workings of various deployments and stations he's worked in for the past decades. He's looking to make sense of all the loose ends and things he's encountered over his many years as a hero, left by the government.


Audra Blue, will gain hers through visiting one of the many virutal sites that are modeled after real places. With her boosted intelligence (which would make her insanely smart), she'd head back over the virtual trail of the one guy whom she's never been able to nail; The man who implanted her cybernetics.

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Re: WWYCD #90: Brainwave


While engaging in a battle with a supervillain team on some old ruins, a flash of light engulfs your character. WHen you come to, everything seems. . . clearer, more sensical. You remember everything you've learned much better, logical deduction is easier, esoteric concepts are simplicity.


Simply put, your character has just gained about 20 points of INT.


What do you do??


Gwen (the child like fairy): An Child in an adult's body with 24 (of cosindering that my intelligence isn't letting me do math maybe that should be a 34 intelligence?) 20 comiliness and 30 Dex. She'll be be smart enough to ask the right questions, cute enough to get away with asking those annoying questions and quick to avoid getting hurt when one of the femlaes (or alien life forms) wants to hurt her from being so annyoing......LOL :P


Actually she would continue doing the things she did with just a 14 int.


Be silly, have fun and stay away from (archnemis) Hook. Oh and take care of the two lost boys she brought with here.


(I always figured she was intelligent it is just that she is a naive sort, with that is very Alien to our culture.)


She would end up being more of a help (or hindrance if you consider the questions that come from being that inetelligent) to solve the problems that come up against bad guys, (And maybe contemplate if the boost is going to go away or be harmful) But other than that carry on carrying on.


~Amused~ :D

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Re: WWYCD #90: Brainwave


Mask of Justice: Continues doing what he does best, only more cleverly.


Rock Bottom: Now is at the top of all his classes at Johns Hopkins, and will be filling his spare time reading as much as possible to get more use of his new braininess.


Calculus: Has just gone from supergenius to Supersaiyajin of INT. He'll work on making sure this boost is permanent, so he never again has to waste years of his life as a "normal" brain. Also, perhaps now he can figure out a way of protecting his family while he fights crime. Since Calculus has already twice had massive INT boosts, he'd adjust to it much more quickly than my other characters.


Kira Midori: Will see if this has also boosted her psychic abilities, and begin working on a way to finally get home.


Talion: Will have this new INT fade the moment he tries to use it to improve his life.

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Re: WWYCD #90: Brainwave


You remember everything you've learned much better

This would be really really messed up for Null. I have two minds, one Artificial, one is the remainder of that which transfered. If I remembered everything that I learned that did transfer, well it would be one heck of a ride. It would likely give my character enough about Cybernetics to design a new transfer system for a "new" body, preferably one without breasts.

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Re: WWYCD #90: Brainwave


Masked Dragon: As Masked Dragon, she'd establish herself as an *incredibly* wise sensei. OK, she's more than slightly eccentric, but this is excusable. As Lara, she'd focus on becoming a financial expert and thereby establishing her worth to her family.


Princess Dawn: Would go to work logically codifying the laws of magic (OK, she's a bit delusional), and creating more impressive illusions for use in her stage performances.

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Re: WWYCD #90: Brainwave


Special Agent Trent would report back to headquarters for examination, but this time around, he'd wind up doing the work himself. Then he would request reassignment, using his vast 33-INT intellect to argue that leaving him in the field would be a waste of his new ability.


Leaving him on his current assignment (running around babysitting superteams) would probably get ugly. He's going to get very frustrated very quickly.



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Re: WWYCD #90: Brainwave


This would easily boost Twilight up into the supergenius strata, about 40 INT if I recall his original stat correctly and Twilight would use that knowledge to continue fighting crime. Now that learning things like tactics and psychology are so very easy for him he will use his advanced intelligence to become a master in both subjects in order to use that knowledge against the criminals he despises so much, all the while raising his detective skills to Holmes-ian levels.


In addition to that, he'll be upgrading and improving his old gadgets and making even more powerful newer gadgets, all to battle crime in his home town. As for the downside: well all the criminals, they'll hates him forever Precious, yes they wills. ;)

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Re: WWYCD #90: Brainwave


Terminal Velocity would likely stop being the team "can do speedster things, but lets the others do the investigations" and buy some of those really nifty int skills, and become the team superspeed detective. His int is at 18 now (Next gen mutant) so that would kick him up to a 38.


Blackcat is at an 18, and jumped there from a 13 when she had her "Revelatory moment" about martial arts. As a player, I would buy her EGO up another 10 points (on her I try and keep them pretty close), and use it as an excuse for her to get even more mystically sensei-ish. I'd buy up her Ch'i pool too.

She is the tactician of the team and already has the following skills:

5 Tactics 14-

3 KS: Military/Tactical History (INT-based) (Scholar) 14-

3 KS: Strategy / Tactics (INT-based) (Scholar) 14-

3 Deduction (Intuition) 13-

So all of those go up by 4, which just makes her totally scary that way. She'd then figure out a way to get Destroyer. So in her case she doesn't change in major ways, just becomes more so.


Ballistic's reaction would be "not again". He was a cop in a supersuit until the event that changed him into a mage, and upped his int from 10 to 18. Now it is 38. His mage side just got nastier (excuse to buy up that pool), and his ability to fine tune his suit has now become the ability to build it from scratch and make it better. Like Cat, he wouldn't really change that much, just become more so.

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Re: WWYCD #90: Brainwave


Husky wouldn't use the intellect since he is psychologically driven to be the action hero and leave the thinking to Kenneth while in the lab. Now if the transformation has effected Kenneth as well his Intelligence is now a whopping 90. His invention VPP might as well not have a control roll, his deduction based pre & post cognition are even more precise, and his robotic minions are even more in awe of him. Figuring out mysteries now will be really easy meaning Kenneth may sub consciously generate some additonal world threats "on accident" just to keep things interesting.

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Re: WWYCD #90: Brainwave


Jack T. Chance could now add up his bar tab faster than before.


My other characters (Daniel Knight and Bane) would not change that much without more int based skills. They would just process data a lot faster, which should be able to give me reason enough for buying powers and skills that would help me lead their respective teams.

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Re: WWYCD #90: Brainwave


Slipstream: Would try to figure out how to cure himself of the radiation that's both killing him and giving him his powers. Failing that, he would improve his containment suit and return to his team


Firearm: Firearm would immediately go to Las Vegas and try to last more than one day in any poker tournament

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Re: WWYCD #90: Brainwave


Warp: First thing that will happen is that he will become vastly more powerful. Warp basically has the potential to manipulate the dimensional fabric in any conceivable way. He just has to figure out how to apply his power.


With his INT raised from 23 to 43 he would basically gain an almost intuitive insight and understanding of dimensions in relation to his power, letting him master things he has for now only just begun gaining rudimentary skill at such as extradimensional travel, and even things he has yet to have the slightest idea he could do such as temporal manipulations. He would go from a multi-power to a VPP as he literally becomes a master of Space-Time.


But wait, there's more! No slouch at finance already, he'd basically become God of Business. Making money would be effortless to him. More than that, he'd now be able to use his new intelligence and his knowledge of business to suss out the financial dealings and manipulations of anyone, no matter who they are or how secretive they try to be.


Combine that with his considerable financial resources and influence, and he could wage very damaging economic warfare against villains and villainous organizations. It even gets worse when he gets his powers into the act, projecting his perception into the future or the past to give him the information edge.


Many masterminds and groups are going to be hurting quite badly.


Spectrum: Not only would all his scientific skills become vastly better, letting him use his ability to manipulate energy even better, but he might find himself able to consciously tap the knowledge of the Progenitors in his head as well, allowing him to recreate their uber-technological achievements on a regular and reliable basis.


Dr. Destroyer is dead, along with all other threats to America.


Mystic: Was the potential next Archmage. Now is just THE ARCHMAGE.

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Re: WWYCD #90: Brainwave


Apex- Well, he's an archetict, so his designs just got a lot more cutting edge. He'd talk to Dreamweaver about it, but barring something "I" am not thinking of, would go on much as he is.


Recluse- Suddenly boosted in perception as well as int, would grasp that if one totem can be channeld others can as well. He'd become quite the expert on shamanism through study and shift from "spider man/wasp" cross to Mystic Master in training.


Wildcard- Would surely figure out now who killed him. Would also play the lotto by a 'system' and bank rupt it. His devices would be upgraded, and...

he might become a full fledged vigilante who kills instead of one who scares as his greater intellect allows him to rationalize it.

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Re: WWYCD #90: Brainwave


So Nova is suddently a INT 40 cosmic powerhouse from the future, hmm things might get interesting. Probably he would first use his newfound intellet to investigate the orgin of this intellct boost, and whether the effect is permanent. Then hw would combine his superhuman intellect and future scientific knowledge to boost the society's tech level, and to crack down the secret of the experiment that gave him cosmic powers.

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