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Quote of the Week from my gaming group...

Darren Watts

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Not sure about the first question, but the yes to the second.


In fact, in 3E, they made it very clear by making alignment notations such as "always", "usually" and "often". Demons and Red Dragons, for example, are "always Chaotic Evil", while Orcs are merely "often Chaotic Evil".


It's really just a Nature vs Nurture issue. Redd Dragons are inherently evil and will always turn out evil without some form of divine or magical intervention. Orcs are just a product of their environment and the choices they make.


Then Eberron tossed that. Dragons, regardless of color, could be of any alignment. One of my favorite bits was the idea of Lawful Good Orc Druids protecting the forests from evil influences (in the form of CE Rakshasa).

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


In fact, in 3E, they made it very clear by making alignment notations such as "always", "usually" and "often". Demons and Red Dragons, for example, are "always Chaotic Evil", while Orcs are merely "often Chaotic Evil".


It's really just a Nature vs Nurture issue. Redd Dragons are inherently evil and will always turn out evil without some form of divine or magical intervention. Orcs are just a product of their environment and the choices they make.


Demons and Dragons are not humanoid races.


it was his advice to a player in one of his columns


While I am extremely grateful to Gary Gygax and think he was a kind of genius, I am beginning to suspect that he was as mad as he was brilliant.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary can't wrap either of its heads around the "GP = XP" concept......

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


While I am extremely grateful to Gary Gygax and think he was a kind of genius, I am beginning to suspect that he was as mad as he was brilliant.


He did go thru something of an Asshat phase...

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Some lines from a HEX demo I was part of --


Red: "Cairo? That's either Egypt or Tennessee."

Glen: "He's been kidnapped by rednecks."

GM: "Egyptian rednecks... from outer space!"


Malcom: "Maybe if they were robot women."

Red: "What's wrong with you, son?"


6:05 PM -- Nestor looses control of the campaign.


Glen: "Hear that Mal? Quiet."

Red: "Says the guy who burned down the bar."


Red (OOC): "I don't speak German."

Glenn (OOC): "It's a pulp movie, it doesn't matter!"


Note to self: T-Rexes can't fly.


Mal: "A torrent of dinosaurs in the middle of Nazi Germany? I don't see a problem with that."


Mal (firing a ray gun at the Nazis): "Have a taste of the future!"

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Due to our GM getting a new job out of state, the last session of Shadows Angelus II was held last night. It featured an 'narrative' sort of run, in which many things were sort of glossed over (like fights) so we could proceed towards the end and wrap things up. So notable comments:


Didi to Nico: "Don't you have enough demons of your own not to bother with others?"


Didi to Lorraine (OOC): "DId you just give yourself an anonymous tip?"

Lorraine (OOC): "Yes."

Chrysine (OOC): "Yeah, it's 'Help I'm being held captive in a Chinese fortune cookie company'."


GM: "No, it's okay. I planned for this."


GM (as Lorraine's love interest): "Just one kiss!"

Lorraine (who suspects something is up): "That's going to require an EGO Roll."


GM to Nico: "You're all alone. Are you sure you want screw this up?" [Everyone laughs] "Risk screwing this up? Risk!"


Lorraine views a wrecked theater: "This is going on my record."


Mitch to Nico: "I know you're not used to it, but you can tell me you don't know."


The CRASH team discovers an archangel chained into a pit under the Angelwing Cathedral.

Nico (OOC): "Which archangel is it?"

Chrysine (OOC): "Isn't it obvious? It's the Morningstar." [Pauses, sees the look on the GM's face] "Oh, f*** you, Ross!"

[No, it wasn't Lucifer.]


GM: "[A bolt of] Lightning is faster than you, I'm afraid."

Lorraine: "Can I Hurry?"

[This led to the question: 'What's the DEX of the speed of light?']


The campaign ended on a positive note. The attempt by a Yakuza Oyabun to 'cure' all of the evils in the world was stopped (his method would have remade the world in his image). The final battle occurred 15,000 years in the past, on the island of Atlantis within an immense device called 'The Destiny Engine.' As best as can be determined, this is how the PCs ended up:


Chrysine -- Returns to Angelus and Angie her newly adopted daughter. Stays with XSWAT confident in the knowledge that Clades have a soul. Angie, having been saved from Entity possession is trained by her 'mother' in the fighting arts and almost certainly ends up becoming an XSWAT officer herself.

Diedre Thornhallow -- Becomes the living Spatha Sancta (i.e. a holy sword). Remains with XSWAT, but also becomes the caretaker to Angelwing Cathedral, giving shelter and assistance to all who need it.

Elizabeth Yasha -- Purified of her Entity possession, considers quitting XSWAT until Jama convinces her otherwise. Becomes Elizabeth Carpenter again. Works as a liaison between XSWAT (where she's now an analyst) and Richard Helemshot's 'Illuminati'.

Lorraine Hemelshot -- Secure in her discovery that her father's not working for the Yakuza (he was, in effect, a double agent), she returns to XSWAT, but also serves as a go-between for XSWAT and her father.

Mitch Brogan -- Turns in his badge and vanishes into the city. Will he be reunited with Director Jama? Only the bluebooking will tell.

Nicodemus Tsanthos -- Remains behind in Atlantis. Final fate? Unknown.

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Actual quotes from this week!


From my Star Wars MMORPG:


Commando: "I was doing a little comparison slaughtering last night...."



From HeroCentral game:

(Juggernaut is a well-endowed female super having lunch with Foxbat in an Elvis disguise. Foxbat has information on where a deadly group of super villains are...)


Foxbat: "I think I know where you can find the Choir's meeting place. One of them stepped on me during the break out... err. I mean, I overheard one talking to another about it. BUT... in exchange, I have a demand." He crosses his arms, "And I won't tell you unless I get it."


Juggernaut: "OK, I'm intrigued, just what is this 'demand' that you have?"


Foxbat: "I want you to get on Youtube, and announce that I am 'teh Hawtness', that I'm WAY sexier than Defender, Speedzone, or that Bravo guy from the Sentinels," Foxbat seems delighted by the thought, "Please, it's all part of my Master Plan."


Another pause, "I suppose having you announce it in a bikini while jumping rope would be pushing it?"



Gotta love Foxbat when played well.

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Guest Major Tom

Re: Actual quotes from this week!


From my Star Wars MMORPG:


Commando: "I was doing a little comparison slaughtering last night...."



From HeroCentral game:

(Juggernaut is a well-endowed female super having lunch with Foxbat in an Elvis disguise. Foxbat has information on where a deadly group of super villains are...)


Foxbat: "I think I know where you can find the Choir's meeting place. One of them stepped on me during the break out... err. I mean, I overheard one talking to another about it. BUT... in exchange, I have a demand." He crosses his arms, "And I won't tell you unless I get it."


Juggernaut: "OK, I'm intrigued, just what is this 'demand' that you have?"


Foxbat: "I want you to get on Youtube, and announce that I am 'teh Hawtness', that I'm WAY sexier than Defender, Speedzone, or that Bravo guy from the Sentinels," Foxbat seems delighted by the thought, "Please, it's all part of my Master Plan."


Another pause, "I suppose having you announce it in a bikini while jumping rope would be pushing it?"



Gotta love Foxbat when played well.



Oh, wow... I can just see my original GM (Villainous Scum) doing this to the

NPC member of our group, Boom-Boom. He can be creatively twisted that

way on occasion.




Major Tom :snicker:

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


We had a long break due to a variety of reasons...but here's some more quotes from our latest Pulps Champions campaign, Chronicles of the Agency:


Introducing the adventure...

GM: So you've all had about a couple weeks of downtime...

Rocket Ranger: Bored, bored, bored...


Rocket Ranger, a less than brilliant but very enthusiastic inventor, arrives at our mission briefing...

Rocket Ranger: Sorry, I'm late. Had a couple of things to take care of. Then they kinda took care of themselves.

Patriot: Uh, your shoe's on fire.


During the briefing...

Agent Libby Belle: I have a new assignment for you all.

Patriot (OOC): Tom pulls out his ledger.

Party: :rolleyes:


Rocket Ranger realizes some limitations to the setting of our new mission...

Rocket Ranger: I'm not going to much on the 'rocket' side of 'Rocket Ranger' while inside a train.


More limitation discussions...

Patriot (OOC): We need to find Rocket Ranger a place where he'll be able to change into his gear...otherwise, he'll be as useless as me.

Rocket Ranger (OOC): More so actually. I don't have magic words to turn me to a superstrong superhero.

Patriot (OOC): True dat. :thumbup:


The train robbers bust into the train, not knowing that Patriot, in his secret ID of Tom Jefferson, is hidden in one of the sleeper rooms...

GM: The raiders are shouting for everyone to get out of the sleeper rooms.

Patriot: I guess I'm going to have to oblige....BY THE DAWN'S EARLY LIGHT!


What is quickly becoming the theme of the campaign...

Patriot: The best thing to hit a train robber with is...another train robber.


Patriot's in trouble...

GM: The robbers open up with their tommy guns, hitting Patriot four times!

Patriot (OOC): Oh, heck, I'm going to be hurting.

Rocket Ranger (OOC): Well, you know this country was built on the blood of patriots!

Patriot (OOC): Shut up! :mad:


Clubber's tactical thinking...

Clubber: You know the only thing better than a Nazi club?

Rocket Ranger: What?

Clubber: A Nazi shield!

Patriot: I'm going to keep that option in mind!


Patriot goes down...hard!

GM: How come we've played all this time and I've never done anything to any of you...and now in the first fight of the adventure, I manage to kill Patriot?!


A couple of goons open up with their tommy guns at Rocket Ranger's backside...

Rocket Ranger: Hey, boys, you may not have noticed the giant, fuel-filled ROCKET strapped to by back!


Havoc spots the Bunny's backup character, the Mighty Huntress...

GM: You pass a beautiful, furred girl dressed in a bikini.

Mighty Huntress: Hi!

Havoc (OOC): Is she carrying a tommy gun?

GM: Doesn't look like it.

Havoc (OOC): Well, since the bad guys are all in funny uniforms and carrying tommy guns, she's probably a good guy. I move on.


The surviving team members gather back together, surveying the damage...

Rocket Ranger (OOC): Brett would take off his helmet in respect of his fallen comrade...but he doesn't want to leave his head exposed.

Patriot (OOC): Yeah, fair warning, guys...bullets hurt!


We gain a guest star for this adventure...

Agent Belle: Mighty Huntress, would you mind accompanying everyone?

Mighty Huntress: Hey, does that make me a superhero now?

Rocket Ranger: Not until you've fought a dinosaur.

Mighty Huntress: You guys fought dinosaurs?!?

Havoc: Pff. That was weeks ago. We're past that.


We must know our limitations...

Rocket Ranger: So, we're going to check out the Skymaster's airfield? Sounds like a stealth mission.

Mighty Huntress: Great! I'm good at stealth.

Rocket Ranger: Great! I'm not.


The other half of the team plan their own move...

Clubber: Havoc and I will head to the lab...since we might need Havoc to get us into the place.

Havoc: Oh, I can get you in. I don't know what to do after that.

Clubber: We look for bad guys. And if we find them, we hit them.

Havoc: Great! I didn't get to hit anyone last fight!


But it should have been easy!

GM: Ranger, make a Piloting skill roll to see if you can land the gyrocopter...

Rocket Ranger: Why? Landing's the easy part!

GM: ...without crashing.

Rocket Ranger: Oh, right.


Huntress and Ranger scout out the perimeter of the Skymaster's hidden base...

GM: All around you is the intense smell of gasoline.

Mighty Huntress: Um, does flame come out of that thing on your back.

Rocket Ranger: Yep, I also got ray beams, bombs, rockets, and flamethrowers in my gauntlets...which suddenly strikes me as very, very dangerous.


Huntress and Ranger become friends...

Mighty Huntress: You're wierd.

Rocket Ranger: You're furry.

Mighty Huntress: Touche.


Discussion about the Mighty Huntress...(most probably won't get the reference, but it was funny at the time!)

Rocket Ranger (OOC): What is she? Arachne with fur?

Mighty Huntress (OOC): No, she's based off of both our cats.


Huntress moves in to strike...

Mighty Huntress: I'll sneak up on the guard. Hopefully, he's not expecting me.

Havoc: If the guard's expecting a catgirl to pounce on him in the outhouse...he's got some weird expectations.


Havoc pulls out a switchblade from the pocket of her costume...

GM: Your costume has pockets?

Havoc: Of course it has pockets! A purse is way inappropriate for this line of work.


Havoc assesses the tactical situation in the fight with some goons...

GM: Okay, Havoc, your action. You've got one guard fighting Clubber, another untouched, and one being used as a club by Clubber.

Havoc: I think I can safely ignore the one being used as a club...


After a short brawl, only one guard remains...

Havoc: We could make an offer of surrender now...you know, just to be different.


Post-combats, we're contacted by Agent Belle who wants a rendezvous...

GM: Agent Belle asks all of you to meet her at the Washington Monument in Washington, D.C.

Rocket Ranger (OOC): As opposed to the Washington Monument in Denver, CO.

Havoc (OOC): She's just being specific. Some of us aren't so good as following instructions.


Discussing Patriot's demise...

Havoc: I don't think anyone recovers from death. That's sort of one of those non-recoverable states.


Our GM didn't mean for that first fight to be so nasty!

GM: Sorry! I wasn't trying to kill anyone!

Patriot: You were doing pretty well for not trying! ;)


Hopefully, more next week!



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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Post-combats' date=' we're contacted by Agent Belle who wants a rendezvous...[/i']

GM: Agent Belle asks all of you to meet her at the Washington Monument in Washington, D.C.

Rocket Ranger (OOC): As opposed to the Washington Monument in Denver, CO.

Havoc (OOC): She's just being specific. Some of us aren't so good as following instructions.


Well, to be fair, there's a Washington Monument in Baltimore, MD.



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Guest Major Tom

Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Originally posted by Lonewalker:


What is quickly becoming the theme of the campaign...

Patriot: The best thing to hit a train robber with is...another train robber.



If it weren't for the fact that he's a 21st century superhero, Powerstar (my

character in a Champions campaign) would get along fairly well with this

group. One of his tactics when confronted by hostile robots is to use one of

them as a melee weapon on the others.



Major Tom :D

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Another from the same Chronicles of the Agency game:


Patriot (after having been shot a bunch of times, but still alive): You can't kill the Spirit of Liberty!

Clubber (OOC): You can, however, blow big chunks out of it.


Yeah, I got the hell shot out of me. Fortunately, Patriot has Regen+Ressurection (as long as he's on American soil). Unfortunately, it's going to take him the better part of a month to get well.

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Another from the same Chronicles of the Agency game:


Patriot (after having been shot a bunch of times, but still alive): You can't kill the Spirit of Liberty!

Clubber (OOC): You can, however, blow big chunks out of it.


Yeah, I got the hell shot out of me. Fortunately, Patriot has Regen+Ressurection (as long as he's on American soil). Unfortunately, it's going to take him the better part of a month to get well.

So are you playing Mighty Huntress until then?

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


So the daughter of the possessed woman we had to kill is asking to follow our adventuring team (the GM loves us...)

and the Paladin is trying to talk her out of it.

Karzan (Paladin in Question): "The life we lead is not an easy one. We face death everyday!"

Dinendal (Bard) "...Death and dragons in little hats."

Karzan gives Dinendal a dirty look.

Karzan, "We've only been at this a month and I've had to bury three comrades already. I don't want to have to bury you too, Marta."

Dinendal: "He's right, Marta, it's very dangerous. But it's also very exciting and on some occasions, even the dagnerous ones, it can be very fun."

Karzan (Facepalm): "You are not helping Dine."

Dinendal: "Of course I am, I'm helping Marta join us. :)"

Karzan: "I hate you."

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


The heroes of S-Squad are still exploring a portion of an alien spaceship (converted from the old D&D module Expedition to the Barrier Peaks) searching for lost soldiers on the run from Subterrans.


After throwing a vegepygmie into a lift shaft, only to discover the shaft had no power, and thus the antigravity field isn't working.

Squeeze: I swear, to my dying day, I thought vegepygmies could fly.


While exploring the ship, college student and Lexington, Kentucky's lone superhero Cobalt Kid asks various heroes of S-Squad, individually, how they got their powers. To each of them, he tells a different tale of how he got his powers (lab accident; he's an alien; kidnapped by VIPER). Sentinel overhears this.

Sentinel: So, which is it? Did your chem lab get hit by lightning? Or are you Clark Kent? Or what?

Cobalt Kid (very embarrased): Do you have any idea how lame "I woke up one day with powers" sounds?


The heroes are exploring the atmospheric ballast level, a huge area 60 feet tall and several hundred feet in diameter. Synergy, flying 50 feet up, sees four shambling mounds below him.

Synergy: Are they doing anything?

GM: They're doing this (looks up and shakes fist angrily)

Synergy: Why aren't they attacking me?

GM: Maybe because they don't have any ranged attacks...


They find the reactor powering the habitat module, and some of them don radiation suits in some nearby lockers, but the suits don't fit well.

Styx: They're like a cheap hotel. No ballroom.


Serendipity: Do we *need* to wear radiation suits?

Synergy: Depends. Do you ever want to have any kids?


The soldiers wait outside while the heroes enter the reactor area. Inside, a modified and reprogrammed police robot is attacking anybody trying to enter the control room.


Sentinel blasts the robot with her "hard radiation" attack, but misses.

GM: Suddenly, you hear alarms, and armored blast panels begin dropping over the doors and the control room window. Over the language translator, you hear, "Warning... Radiation leak in reactor control room... Initiating standard containment protocols."

Squeeze: I grab Serendipity, Sentinel, and the Cobalt Kid and get them all into the room before the door comes down.

Serendipity: What about the soldiers outside?

Squeeze: Relax. I don't think anything can get out of here to get them.


GM: The robot hits Synergy with an energy beam. He stops moving and drops from the sky.

Squeeze (OOC): Can I see the energy effect? If it's an entangle, I could attack it to get him free.

GM: No, it's a paralysis beam. It's not affected by physical attacks.

Squeeze (OOC): How about if we call it names?


Sentinel is finally able to hit the robot with some hard radiation and scramble its circuits.

GM: (describing the effects of her attack) ... and the head begins spinning around.

Squeeze: Cool! (turns to Styx) Grab its head and make its body spin!

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


If it weren't for the fact that he's a 21st century superhero, Powerstar (my character in a Champions campaign) would get along fairly well with this group. One of his tactics when confronted by hostile robots is to use one of them as a melee weapon on the others.


Sounds like our team's kinda guy. No one has ever accused us of being the subtle sort.


(Okay, well, Havoc is subtle...but I think it's a gender thing...) :)



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