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Quote of the Week from my gaming group...

Darren Watts

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


A Teen Champions game, there were 10 players so it was a very noise, and really random, table as we all brought out our inner Teen from school-slt to geek. A ton of quotes were thrown about that should have been recorded, and I didn't even hear all of them. These are the ones I can remember.

[Characters: Cass - cheerleader; Rochelle - disaffected chearleader, Jeff - metalhead; Brandi - school bicycle; Sergei - smart jock; Strider - goth/punk; Amelia - skater punk; Eva - the nice girl; Carson - ubernerd; Izzy - goth/geekgirl]


The setup:

GM: They're about to attack.

Amelia: *on a skateboard* I dive for cover, straight up - OLLIE!

GM: OK, roll

Amelia: Made it. *now 5" up and at the ceiling*


The Action:

GM: *to flying density increase/growth brick* You come flying through and knock the ice golem into oblivion, give me a DEX Roll.

Sergei: Missed by one

GM: But you're having trouble dodging the crowd of bad guys and good guys in front of you, you bounce off Eva's force wall, Amelia give me a DEX Roll.

Amelia: I make it.

GM: A giant flying guy is about to hit, describe your actions.

Amelia: I'm going to make a 180-air spin to come around, push off his shoulder, ride down his back and rail grind down his leg.

GM: Ok roll it. Tell me you bought a skill for that.

Strider: *looks over at character sheet* You have Combat Skateboarding!?!?!

Amelia: Of course, with skill levels. Made it by 4.

GM: Free action, place yourself anywhere on the board. Sergei as you go down the hall you make a gouge in the wall, bounce off an I-beam to the opposite wall and come to stop, then crash through the floor back down to level 1.

Amelia (OOC): At least you have a hole you can fly back up through.


The Awesome:

Carson: I want to abort to film all that. (he was in the perfect spot to film Amelia's stunt and Sergei's subequent uncontrolled flight through the mall.)

GM: Done.



Izzy: She can be a dancer for your band, but not on TV.

Jeff: OK.

Carson: That's what paper bags are for.

Jeff: . . . You win, I got nothing.



(it is only important to know that the player of Cass had a previous character who was male essentially forbidden to talk. Ever.)

Strider (OOC): What is Cass saying, and are we allowing it?

Cass (OOC): I'm not playing Preacher . . . Boobs!

Jeff (OOC): I got nothing, again.

Cass (OOC): I have respect! I have breasts!




Wife: Bring me my coffee the way I like it, sweet and creamy.

Husband: OK *leaves room*

. . .



GM: Carson make a PER Roll to notice the hidden bad guys Strider just electrocuted.

Carson: *fails* I'm getting video of Amelia!

Amelia (OOC): They're hiding in a Spencer Gifts - the STAFF didn't notice the electricity. They think it's another display.

GM: Good point.



Police: What happened? *examining extensive damage*

Amelia: This 747 came through see . . .



Teacher: All right, I want an essay from each of you on what happened and what you did wrong.

Amelia: Maybe I shouldn't have spray painted that L on his chest?

Rochelle: We were doing fine until Thomas The Tank Engine came through.

*and then general teenage protests of not doing anything wrong from everyone*



Some of the girls decide they need new clothes.

Izzy: You coming shopping?

Amelia: No! Wait! Dressing rooms, I can spray the dressing rooms. Yes!

Izzy: Just don't get caught. . .

Amelia: Just don't block the exits.



Summoned Fire Monkey rolls an 18 on an attack.

Brandi: That one gets confused and self destructs.



There were some great exchanges between Amelia and Izzy where Amelia kept insisting Izzy was Emo. too bad I can't remember them :o

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Guest Major Tom

Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Now there's a term I gotta remember!



What exactly is meant by "school bicycle"? We didn't have that particular

term in the HS I attended.




Major Tom :confused:

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


What exactly is meant by "school bicycle"? We didn't have that particular

term in the HS I attended.




Major Tom :confused:


School Bicycle: Everyone gets a ride.


it's... the most polite (and amusing) way of putting "sleeps around a lot" I know of.

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


There are some quotes that deserve special mention from Joe Linehan's Henchmen game at Origins. We are villain henchmen, out to save the city from a doomsday device that no one knows is there.


Demon Sister Alicia (Me): Aiee! Get your hand off my ass, you big hairy freak!


Man-Beast (Don't ask me why we have a man-beast): Get your ass off my hand!




Man Beast: Man-Beast have new plan! Give me hot supervillain girls right away!




Rick, the VIPER AGENT: Listen, we're evil henchmen just like you. So show us the bomb, or we'll SHOOT you. It's a win/win. You don't die, or you don't die!


Old Man: Wow! You really ARE Henchmen! Come on, I'll show you.




Doctor Destroyer Agent: Nighthawk, you don't have to do this! We are peaceful! (Walks forward slowly)


Me (Remembering all the stories likely told to us about Nighthawk): Don't you understand! This is Nighthawk! He'll kill all of us and leave our dead bodies in alleyways!




Demon Sister Alicia:


"Fine! After we beat you, we'll tie you to the train tracks. We're henchmen. It's what we do."

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Brandi - school bicycle


Not a gaming quote, but this character's name and description reminded me of something that happened when I worked at a bank.


I had a boss named Patti who was perky, attractive, kinda stereotypical blonde that I got along with well. Her boss (the head of our department) had said that he wanted us to think of ways for our department to "increase revenue" (i.e. earn the bank more money).


I said to Patti, "I know! We could change one of our 1-800 lines into a 1-900 line. You could answer it, call yourself Brandi or Mitzi -- really, any name ending in 'i' would work for a bimbo type -- and I'll bet you'd bring in tons of money!"


She chuckled and said, "Yeah, that could ... (realizes that *her* name ends in "i") ... HEY, WAIT A MINUTE!"

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


The only one I can remember from my session of Mekton Zeta: Robotech, on thursday night. (Hey, I'm the GM so I'm not recording them or anything...)


GM (Me): So, you guys are now having to select your MOS. Which one do you want?

Barbara vdB: How long do we have to make our decision?

Me: Would you like some thinking music?

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


From our Legend of the Five Rings game last night. We are discussing options for assaulting an entrenched group of Gaijin Musketeers from Montaigne.


Crab Bushi: I'm naked without my armour.

Lion Bushi: That has to chafe.

Crab Bushi: I'm Crab, I'm used to it.


Later, the plan was formulated. Phoenix Shugenja #1 would cast water walking on himself, the Crab Bushi and the Mantis Suruchi Longbowman. Phoenix Shugenja #1 would carry Phoenix Shugenja #2 while the Crab Bushi would carry me (Lion Bushi). The four of us would assault them from the sea, where their defenses were not facing, while the Mantis hung back and took them out with arrows.


Lion Bushi: And while we are closing, I'll shoot them with my yumi from the Crab's back.

Crab Bushi: I'm not your mount!

Lion Bushi: You're faster than I am and you're strong enough to carry me. You are now, officially, my mount.

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


From my New Dawn dark fantasy campaign.


Symm, a member of a race of Goth-like humanoids and a Priest of the lord of the Underworld is getting on well with a female Templar. He thinks he may have found a kindred spirit and so makes the following offer.


"Perhaps we could get together sometime to listen to some music and contemplate the bleak futility of existence."

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Quotes from a standard dnd campaign I play in. First the characters:

Arkai: Technically a rogue; heavy munchkin with 4 classes at level 8 total, a diplomatic face man and moderating factor in the party; human.

Sam (me): Elf druid archer who rides to battle on a giant bat (called Batbat); chaotic neutral, and happy to do anything she considers fun; hates dwarves and has slight superiority complex; favorite combat tactic is dropping one enemy on another from 50ft up.

Durin: dwarf cleric; famous for not paying attention; Sam’s constant rival.

Kip: Ten year old centaur with no class, going barbarian eventually; party tank, and trolley; carried a boat around at some point; currently carrying a dead paladin skeleton we found.

Batbat: my pet bat, has cloak and boots of elvenkind, and acts like a stealth bomber.


From a conversation with an undead warrior whose crypt we’re desecrating:

Arkai: What's a rotting corpse like you doing in a crypt like this?

Sam: Nice crypt, by the way.

Sam: That would explain... absolutely nothing.


GM (as the undead warrior): The faithful dog barked in the night to save their masters from the [cute little things]. It was scorned for waking them. When the dog stopped barking the beasts killed the grown ups and kidnapped the children to an unknown fate.

Sam: We need a dog.


The effect of discovering that the unique little creatures are evil:

Arkai: I think the woman in the church knows more than she says…

Sam: I think her pet [one of the little evil things] knows more than it says.

Durin (confused): It didn't say anything.

Sam: Exactly. (we proved it wasn't an animal when my Speak With Animals didn't let me talk to it)


We go talking to the woman in the church:

Arkai: A time back there was a paladin in town, of Pelor...

Kip: He looks a lot like this rotten corpse (holds up headless corpse).


Out of context, but in character:

Sam: We are the heroes of this story!


Pre-session announcement:

GM: Although Kip is quitting you keep using him as you normally do.

Arkai: You mean the sort of things Sam likes to do?

Sam: Hey, that was only once, and I was insane at the time.

Sam, an with STR 8 was played by Kip's girlfriend one session, and she tried to rape him (He has STR 28).


The session begins:

GM: so what were you doing?

Arkai: Sam was screaming something diplomatic in elvish, to try to stop the elves from shooting us.

Sam: Wait … Sam, diplomatic? You dictate.


We decide to go looking for the elves in a forest.

Arkai: I can guess what will happen to us.

Sam: Pincushion.

Durin: I could use Augury to check when they plan to shoot at us so we can duck…

Arkai: Augury doesn't do that, it just tells us if it is a good idea to enter the forest or not.

GM: and that you already know.


We find a burnt tree:

Arkai: I roll an intuition check.

GM (interpreted as a wisdom check; 5 total): You think it burnt down.

Sam: I roll knowledge nature

GM (6 total):You think it burnt down.

Durin: I roll Wisdom

GM (crit fail): You think there was a flood.


Durin is the only one to succeeds a search check:

Durin: I explain how this proves there was a flood


The end of an OOC discussion about Handle Animal:

Sam: Durin, Roll round.

Durin: *distracted* I roll round ... wait, what?

Sam: see, I'm good at making animals do things.


Another OOC discussion:

Sam: I want to become a werewolf.

Arkai: You're an elf, you can't become a werewolf.

Sam: I can't?! Why...

Arkai: Elves can only become wererabbits.


Durin is not hurt by a poison thorn trap:

Sam (deadpan): The elves tried to poison an armored dwarf healer with a thorny bush? I fear for the future of my race.


The party finds a burnt hut:

Arkai: I roll wisdom.

GM: (5 total) You think it burnt down.

Sam OOC (already back in town): Durin, roll Wisdom again.

Durin: I roll Wisdom.

(crit pass)

Durin: Ha!

GM: You think it was set fire to by someone ... and you guess what happened earlier was a fire, too.

Sam and Arkai: Ha!



Best out of context:

Arkai: Can I sleep nailed to the ceiling?

GM: Only with masterwork nails.


An NPC fighter with us gets shoot a lot:

GM: She seems to proud ask for healing but hints at it. Durin, do you get the hint?

Sam: Durin’s a dwarf, he wouldn't get a hint if it danced nude in front of him

Durin: *distracted* Huh? Nude who?

Sam: See?


Durin is finally roused from his forum reading:

Sam: Durin, Medic!

Durin: Who needs healing?

Sam: The thing with two arrows in it.

Durin: I pull out the arrows from the thing and tell it to stop complaining. Is it healed now?

GM: She now has two holes in her.

Durin: I fill them with sawdust.


We think there’s an elf nearby:

Arkai: Sam, get Batbat to use blindsense.

Sam: I do so.

GM: He makes some weird movements.

Sam: Does he point?

GM: He points.

Sam: With what? (It’s an ongoing joke that Batbat has far too many limbs)

Arkai: You don't want to know, He male, isn't he?


Batbat’s current limb count:

Two legs, two clawed hands, two clawed wings, monkey tail, birdlike tail, beak, mouth with teeth, two big ears, and the new addition from Arkai


From another semi OOC discussion regarding the fact that every villain in the campaign has had a mustache:

Arkai: But elves can't be evil ... no facial hair.


Durin: It could be a genetic mutation…

Arkai: If it was one or two yes, but a whole village, I don’t think so.

Arkai: Wait, I know, they must be were-wolf-elves!

Sam: You mean were-rabbits, right?

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Finally finished the dungeon crawl with the superheroes of S-Squad. To briefly recap, they were searching for soldiers who were kidnapped by Subterrans but escaped and ended up in a deserted spaceship section buried 8 km below Bowling Green. The heroes had explored much of the ship and found all but one of the soldiers, when they walked into a cargo bay. Inside, a half-dozen Subterran supers were waiting, with one (Grayshape) holding the last soldier by the neck.


Sentinel (OOC): Using my x-ray vision on Grayshape, what do I see?

GM: Stone. His organs appear to be stone, his bones look like stone, his muscles are like stone...

Squeeze: So basically, he's stoned. :smoke:


Sentinel makes a really good x-ray PER roll, followed by another good Paramedics roll.


GM: You notice that Sergeant Richter... Sergeant *James* Richter... appears to have the pelvis of a female.

Sentinel: WTF kind of soldiers *are* these?

(Eventually the heroes learn that the "soldier" was Madame Zhalla, using magic to disguise herself to look like Richter.)



After knocking Cornerstone off a crate, Styx leaps down.


Styx: Hold on a few. I'm going to have a few words with Cornerstone.

Serendipity: What are you going to talk to him about?

(Styx just smiles evilly and pounds one hand with his other fist.)


After defeating the villains, the heroes learn that the Subterrans dumped the last soldier on Level II, where a NASTY beast is wandering around. They head up there.


Serendipity (OOC): What does it look like?

(GM shows a picture of a five-armed, bug-eyed creature with fur and long evil-looking claws)

Sentinel: Is it the king? [The heroes know the leader of the Subterrans is King Earthwyrm.]

Synergy: (idly) Nah. Doesn't look like an earthworm at all.


The heroes rescue the soldier, both of whose legs are broken. Sentinel sets them properly and then uses her healing radiation to repair them.

SSgt Richter (has been screaming in pain the entire time she was setting his legs): AAAAAIII!!!! Aaaaa... Ohhh... Oooooooo... (looks at Sentinel, says in dreamy voice) I love you...


With the soldiers saved and the Subterrans defeated, the heroes are discussing what to do about the buried spaceship section.

Squeeze: We could set the reactor to blow...

Styx: Yeah, and drop Bowling Green into a big radioactive crater...


Being debriefed by the US army after coming back up.

Soldier: Cornerstone appears to have suffered severe damage to the groin.

Squeeze: Hey! What happens in combat... stays in combat.

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Guest Major Tom

Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Quotes from a standard dnd campaign I play in. First the characters:

Arkai: Technically a rogue; heavy munchkin with 4 classes at level 8 total, a diplomatic face man and moderating factor in the party; human.

Sam (me): Elf druid archer who rides to battle on a giant bat (called Batbat); chaotic neutral, and happy to do anything she considers fun; hates dwarves and has slight superiority complex; favorite combat tactic is dropping one enemy on another from 50ft up.

Durin: dwarf cleric; famous for not paying attention; Sam’s constant rival.

Kip: Ten year old centaur with no class, going barbarian eventually; party tank, and trolley; carried a boat around at some point; currently carrying a dead paladin skeleton we found.

Batbat: my pet bat, has cloak and boots of elvenkind, and acts like a stealth bomber.


From a conversation with an undead warrior whose crypt we’re desecrating:

Arkai: What's a rotting corpse like you doing in a crypt like this?

Sam: Nice crypt, by the way.

Sam: That would explain... absolutely nothing.


GM (as the undead warrior): The faithful dog barked in the night to save their masters from the [cute little things]. It was scorned for waking them. When the dog stopped barking the beasts killed the grown ups and kidnapped the children to an unknown fate.

Sam: We need a dog.


The effect of discovering that the unique little creatures are evil:

Arkai: I think the woman in the church knows more than she says…

Sam: I think her pet [one of the little evil things] knows more than it says.

Durin (confused): It didn't say anything.

Sam: Exactly. (we proved it wasn't an animal when my Speak With Animals didn't let me talk to it)


We go talking to the woman in the church:

Arkai: A time back there was a paladin in town, of Pelor...

Kip: He looks a lot like this rotten corpse (holds up headless corpse).


Out of context, but in character:

Sam: We are the heroes of this story!


Pre-session announcement:

GM: Although Kip is quitting you keep using him as you normally do.

Arkai: You mean the sort of things Sam likes to do?

Sam: Hey, that was only once, and I was insane at the time.

Sam, an with STR 8 was played by Kip's girlfriend one session, and she tried to rape him (He has STR 28).


The session begins:

GM: so what were you doing?

Arkai: Sam was screaming something diplomatic in elvish, to try to stop the elves from shooting us.

Sam: Wait … Sam, diplomatic? You dictate.


We decide to go looking for the elves in a forest.

Arkai: I can guess what will happen to us.

Sam: Pincushion.

Durin: I could use Augury to check when they plan to shoot at us so we can duck…

Arkai: Augury doesn't do that, it just tells us if it is a good idea to enter the forest or not.

GM: and that you already know.


We find a burnt tree:

Arkai: I roll an intuition check.

GM (interpreted as a wisdom check; 5 total): You think it burnt down.

Sam: I roll knowledge nature

GM (6 total):You think it burnt down.

Durin: I roll Wisdom

GM (crit fail): You think there was a flood.


Durin is the only one to succeeds a search check:

Durin: I explain how this proves there was a flood


The end of an OOC discussion about Handle Animal:

Sam: Durin, Roll round.

Durin: *distracted* I roll round ... wait, what?

Sam: see, I'm good at making animals do things.


Another OOC discussion:

Sam: I want to become a werewolf.

Arkai: You're an elf, you can't become a werewolf.

Sam: I can't?! Why...

Arkai: Elves can only become wererabbits.


Durin is not hurt by a poison thorn trap:

Sam (deadpan): The elves tried to poison an armored dwarf healer with a thorny bush? I fear for the future of my race.


The party finds a burnt hut:

Arkai: I roll wisdom.

GM: (5 total) You think it burnt down.

Sam OOC (already back in town): Durin, roll Wisdom again.

Durin: I roll Wisdom.

(crit pass)

Durin: Ha!

GM: You think it was set fire to by someone ... and you guess what happened earlier was a fire, too.

Sam and Arkai: Ha!



Best out of context:

Arkai: Can I sleep nailed to the ceiling?

GM: Only with masterwork nails.


An NPC fighter with us gets shoot a lot:

GM: She seems to proud ask for healing but hints at it. Durin, do you get the hint?

Sam: Durin’s a dwarf, he wouldn't get a hint if it danced nude in front of him

Durin: *distracted* Huh? Nude who?

Sam: See?


Durin is finally roused from his forum reading:

Sam: Durin, Medic!

Durin: Who needs healing?

Sam: The thing with two arrows in it.

Durin: I pull out the arrows from the thing and tell it to stop complaining. Is it healed now?

GM: She now has two holes in her.

Durin: I fill them with sawdust.


We think there’s an elf nearby:

Arkai: Sam, get Batbat to use blindsense.

Sam: I do so.

GM: He makes some weird movements.

Sam: Does he point?

GM: He points.

Sam: With what? (It’s an ongoing joke that Batbat has far too many limbs)

Arkai: You don't want to know, He male, isn't he?


Batbat’s current limb count:

Two legs, two clawed hands, two clawed wings, monkey tail, birdlike tail, beak, mouth with teeth, two big ears, and the new addition from Arkai


From another semi OOC discussion regarding the fact that every villain in the campaign has had a mustache:

Arkai: But elves can't be evil ... no facial hair.


Durin: It could be a genetic mutation…

Arkai: If it was one or two yes, but a whole village, I don’t think so.

Arkai: Wait, I know, they must be were-wolf-elves!

Sam: You mean were-rabbits, right?



Sounds like this group has well and truly passed the casting call for the next

Order of the Stick comic collection...




Major Tom :eg:

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


From Sunday's HackMaster game:



Dendrobian: "Uhm, I use my nature Lore skill to determine if I recognize these spiders."

GM: "The Large one was at your seventh birthday party."

Me: :lol:


Grizzle: Narrowly avoided stepping into a huge, elaborate web. Backs out of the forrest and then, noticing some very nice boots (he was, at the time, naked), he decides to try to get them. He checks the horse he found in the forest for the contents of its saddlebages and finds clothing, rope, torch, flint and steel among other things, he attempts to crawl towards the boots, (which are attached to the legs of a corpse) tie the rope around crawl back and pull the corpse free then burn the webbing.


He fails.

As the spiders come to get him he has the following conversation with himself:

"What was I thinking? I'm gonna die? What Was I ...oh yeah Free Boots Free Boots..."


Grizzle: "I smash the spider on my back with the torch!"

GM: The torch isn't lit.

Grizzle: "Of course it isn't! It's easier to hit myself with an unlit torch!"

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Not an amusing quote by itself, but it led to a conceptually amusing speculative power:


"I'm going to kick your butt into next week!"


Extradimensional Movement: Future - UAA, Set Effect (7 days), Gestures (kick target)


I was going to wait to post until I read the whole thread, but this is taking too long...


"Hurl them into next week - Thursday night, 7:21 PM!

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


I was going to wait to post until I read the whole thread, but this is taking too long...


"Hurl them into next week - Thursday night, 7:21 PM!


There was a whole list of these once back on the old Champions mailing list:


"I'm going to knock you into next week!" - EDM linked to HA


"I'll slap you so hard your kids will feel it." - HA w/ Delayed Effect & Trigger linked to another HA


"Beat them with the ugly stick." - Drain COM linked to HA all in an OAF


"Slap the taste out of your mouth." - Flash vs Taste linked to HA


and so on...

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


From a Forgotten Realms Wizard's Reach Game


Taubrynna Tammarath: I don't understand why you have to proselytize so much, Garvin. There's really no need to worship Lathander that loudly.


Garvin: It is my faith.


Sitheria: Some faith that is. (Grumble, grumble)


Hilda (Dwarf): Plus, she keeps hitting you over the head.


Sitheria: I haven't hit him over the head in SIX DAYS!


This one reminds me of a character I played in a D&D game long ago. He was an Eqyptian version of a Paladin, whose primary weapon was a club shaped like a ankh. This was so he could beat people over the head with his religion...:D

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Linette: Watch out!!! ...bitch...


* * * * *


GM: "He shoots you in the chest (rolls damage), doing no damage to you, but destroying your shirt."


AJ: Eep! I'm wearing a pirate bra.


* * * * *


Mikhail: I thought you were smarter than that.


Monty: Well you thought wrong!

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


From the supers game I play in, Run by the Player of 'The Gunney'


Random Quotes.


We discover the lost ancient alien Space Craft. then we find out Dr Destroyer's flagship has just stopped over the airspace above the cave systems we're in.


Radon: Crap.

White Dragon: We can do this Radon!

Radon: Your Right! With the extra Ablative Armour you'd give me, I might be able to hit his ship hard enough that my armour breaks and I start going nuclear on it's hull.

White Dragon: Not quite what I had in mind...

White Dragon OOC: Don't you have 'Over-Confidant' At like 20 points?

Radon OOC: Yeh, but I don't have stupid at 20 points as well. Besides. That IS me being Confidant.

Luckily for us, the alien has come back to claim the ship and his Comatose wife along with it. So HIS ship has come along and is duking it out with DD'd ship. Warlord pops up with his ship, takes a look around and pissbolts before someone notices him.


Hunter: That may be the single smartest thing I've ever seen someone do.

Radon: ... So why are we still here?

Shadrac: Cause we're heroes. We suffer from random bouts of incurable stupidity.

Radon: Oh yeah.

Hunter: Not me, I just like shooting things.

Shadrac: Plus there isn't anything Random about your stupidity.


While this truly epic battle happens above us, we're stuck underground battling Destroyer's agents, Warmachine and Viper troops.


Radon Blasts a hole in the ground.

Radon OOC: How deep is it?

GM: about 3 hexes.

Radon OOC: neat, I move into it and use it for cover...

White Dragon OOC: How much of your armour is left?

Radon OOC: Lets put it like this... Don't give me a celebratory slap on the back when we're finished.


During the same fight White Dragon gets MC'd into attacking his allies. he promptly starts beating the living crap out of hunter. Who keeps suffering insane amounts of knockback. he eventually knocks out Hunter and Shadrac. He turns to Radon...


GM: Okay, all you have left is Radon.

Radon OOC: Hey, Does White Dragon knows Radon explodes if he loses his armour.

GM: Yeh?...

Radon OOC: Cool, Then he won't attack me. It'd be suicide.

White Dragon OOC: Fine! Guess I'll just go kick Hunter around a bit more.

Hunter OOC and KO'd: Sweet Jesus. Oh! GM's Discretion how I missed thee.

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