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The Forumverse name game


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This idea originated as pet project a few weeks. Take the usner names of some Forum residents and use them to create Chamopons character to populate a superhero universe. Unfortuntely real life and writer's block killed the idea for awhile. But I thought it might be good to try as a game for the board.


Take the User ID of the last person to post in the thread and make a character based that. It can be a Hero, villain, supporting cast. Point total isn't important. The character shouldn't be insulting but might be somewhat tongue in cheek or satirical as long as you keep it in good fun.


What does everyone thing?

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Re: The Forumverse name game


What does everyone thing?

It's clobberin' time! :P


Um, hmm... Nexus. Okay, I'm not one to go into great detail on computers (I'm one of those that prefers to read hardprint as opposed to computer screen), and as such I don't like to create lots to read. For Nexus, the only thing I can think of is a person with Extra-Dimensional movement; Galactic Champions style. Perhaps his position is to keep the universe/multiverse aligned and he comes to warn/fend off X-Dimensional invaders. :shrugs:


On a side note, you have me thinking of creating an homage to Godzilla, sans lightning powers and much thinner, going through a city and namig this creature Zornwil. I may have to think about how to create a Death Tribble without my players laughing. If so, the two can fight it out and destory downtown until the heroes come to save the day, or get beat up trying.

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Re: The Forumverse name game


Curtis Bryson was a promising young comic book artist who discovered that he had the ability to bring the characters he created on the page to life by concentrating on them. Curtis donned a costume and now armed only with his sketchpad and his imagination, he fights crime under the name of Kirby (in honor of the greasted superhero artist of all time).

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Re: The Forumverse name game


Arjai Kuuree awoke from his slumber with a start. His pod had once more drifted close to a planet where the Elder Worms or one of their operatives was at work. Placing his devices on his wrists, the left for tracking the worms no matter how cleverly hidden, and the right for slaying them, he suited up. Combined with his martial training, these would make him a match for any foe.


The Malvan wondered how many centuries had passed this time? The life of a Golden Hunter was never easy, and that went doubly so for one of the Sleepers, such as himself. The orb began to materialize into this reality, before transporting him to the surface. It would not recall him until his mission was a success. Victory or Death was the proud Malvan battle cry, and Arjai lived and breathed that motto. Once he was called a fanatic for his dedication even after the war had been 'won', but lately, he found it almost tempting to stop the war, to rest and bask in the pleasures of simple living.


The uncharacteristic apathy angered and infuriated him. When he discovered Firewing, an example of how far his people had fallen, he was angered anew!


The fact the Earthlings keep spelling his name wrong doesn't help ;)

(Hope you aren't offended there, but it was all I could think of on such short notice)

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Re: The Forumverse name game


'Old soldiers never die; they just fade away'.


That's what Douglas MacArthur said, and for Roger Stevens, it felt like the literal truth.


After the Japanese surrendered, he thought he would be able to go home, but then there was a rash of incidents involving criminal masterminds and fascist survivors, and then the Cold War, the alien invasions, the giant monsters, and so on...


Eventually, he just turned his back on the world, and let the youngsters look after it. Retiring to a quiet farm in Tennessee, he kept to himself, and in time gained something of a reputation as a hermit.


Times change. Physically, he didn't. Apparently the serum that had given him his powers back in the 40s had retarded, if not actually stopped, the aging process for him.


And now, a trickle of young superhumans have begun to arrive at his door, looking for training from one of the oldest and most experienced superheroes alive...


Campaign use: obviously, the Hermit is a mentor to and trainer of young heroes. However, he's such a crusty old coot that the PCs should be a bit reluctant to approach him...

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Re: The Forumverse name game


How many people's lives has Viper ruined? Just ask Assault. Who he was before they got ahold of him is a mystery he's trying to solve. All anyone knows is that they abducted some hapless man off the streets and - attempting to solve their problem with betrayals from their subjects - wiped his memory entirely, to make him the ultimate servant.


It didn't work. He's amnesiac now; a little asocial and ill-mannered, but he wiped out the cell that created him, and now he wanders around in search of his identity and other Viper cells to destroy.

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Re: The Forumverse name game


Oooh... Stormraven screams out for an American Indian hero.


Though his feet were bloodied by months of walking the scorched earth of the western deserts Ghost Dancer’s resolve remained reslolute... As the long dead spirit of Many Spirit Caller told him so shall he spread the word to the world...


Stormraven is coming!


For those who worship the light, a hero to lead the way back to the one people. For those who worship the dark... a tumult as never before witnessed in the world of man.


Witness the rebirth of a nation… STORMRAVEN!

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Re: The Forumverse name game


Dang it I did up Stormraven and I had to take up wife to work. LOL I hit send. I swear I did. Well now to do Goldenage.




Goldenage, holds himself up above most superheroes. Striving to be better then the average superhero. When he was a kid before he got his powers he was saved by a ICON. He vowed to live his life just as the ICON did. He became the ICON's biggest fan.


The ICON's old age was finally setting in. He knew he had to pass the power on to another. The ICON, choose his biggest FAN. Goldenage, came in to being. He promised to live up to the ICONs sature and would not let him down. So far he hasn't.


Goldenage often comes to ICON for advise. The ICON, mentors a group of young heroes lead by Goldenage. Teaching them what it is to be a true HERO.

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Re: The Forumverse name game


The experiment went horribly wrong. He decided to work late one night at the university lab. Breakthrough was close. He could taste it. The bio nanites would create a better world for the handicapped--heal them. The next generation would MS, ALS and maybe alzheimer's.


If only he could control their growth rate. The Rhesus from the latest experiment had survived for seven months before the nanites completely replaced its biological cell structure with machine pathways.


It was all a matter of control .... His calculations indicated a higher level of irradiation required. The math worked out. He had to prove his theory before the faculty cancelled his research. The good of mankind demanded it.


That was the plan. He hadn't calculated the sudden surge of power that accelerated the biomechanical merge. Nor had he anticipated his enhance speed and strength, his metallic skin.



It was a small price to pay for good. As Manchine he would continue to help the world, albeit on a more personal level.

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Re: The Forumverse name game


Golden Age:


Billions of years ago, the titanic space-god, known as Kronos, seeded the planet Earth with the precious gift of Cosmic Essence, the secret source of all superpowers.


Ten of thousands of years ago, Kronos returned to Earth, and personally orchestrated the first prehistoric civilization of man. It was an ultra-utopian society, where evil and pain were unknown concepts, life was an effortless pursuit of pleasures, and Kronos was our God-King.


After the fiasco with the Star-Spawn of Kronos, who later took residence in the pocket dimension of Aether-Space, known as Olympus; Kronus' absence sent man-kind spinning out of control… and the Golden Age of Kronos was over.


Now, in the year 2005, Kronos has stirred. The seals that bind him from influencing the known physical Universe weakened, and he searched with his mind from the Nether-Plane of Tartarus, a realm that lies beyond the concept of Death itself, for a human host to be the herald of his return. Finding such a man, he gifted him with vast cosmic energy, and named him Golden Age.




After discovering a new source of super-fuel, called Inferno-6, Doctor Faustus Von Helstrom bent his super-human intellect to perfecting all aspects and applications of the internal-combustion engine. He was funded by a secret governmental operation, called I.M.P., or the “Infernal Machines Project”. The result was ‘Manchine’, the Motor-Man! Manchine was purely an internal-combustion life-form, all the way down to the cellular level. Burning with soul and appreciation for life, Manchine escaped from the I.M. Project, and Dr. Von Helstrom, and decided to dedicate his miraculous, and unique super-brick powers to the betterment of humanity.


Lady Chaos:


“Temperature: .0000362 Kelvin.”


“Initiate introduction of the Hyper-Randoms!”


“Initiating… introduction complete, Doctor Eris. Um…this doesn’t make any sense… the Quantum-Spectrometer is showing radical fluctuations in the constant relative speed of light…”


“Excellent! Soon, my wife and I will be reunited! Vent all non-condensate Hyper-Randoms from the cryo-chamber!”


“Opening Hyper-Random evaporation vents. Doctor, there seems to be some kind of malfunction. The Hyper-Randoms aren’t venting… they seem to be bonding somehow permanently with the subject.”


“What? But that’s not possible!”


“Doctor, the subject is moving…”

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Re: The Forumverse name game


Profeser Robert Steriaca was always a mad scientist. Durring the so called "golden age", he was a young, active, and inquisitive scientist who dabbled into forbiden science. So what, he thought, that the lesser minds who judged his creations thought wrong about him testing on living beings.


Once a superhero destroyed his first project, he snaped completly. He then declaired that hero (who's name has since been forgoten to time) his arch nemisis, and invented diabolic devices after diabolic devices, all with the gole of destroying him. Then, he invented the ultimate death machien, a machien which not only destroyed the hero, but made the world forget he had ever existed in the first place.


He retiered, regaining some sanity, durring the so called "silver age". Now he is well over 100 (but well perserved), and still poseses that diabolic mind. ARGENT has used him to develope many devices for them, and he enjoys building them. But, what he curently wants, is to find some way to regain the youth and vigger he lost so long ago, without destroying him intelagence as a price. And if he could give himself superpowers to boot (beyond his advance mind), that would be a pluss.

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Re: The Forumverse name game


Uh... you're supposed to do Mister E. Oh well--much easier to work with that one than yours, Steriaca. Oy.


Mister E

When he was just a young boy, living in the boonies of Eugene, Oregon, he was obsessed with puzzles and word games. Even when his grades were mediocre, he could solve a crossword in under an hour. This obsession continued throughout his life, even when he graduated and became an editor for the New Your Times.


One day, as he was delivering a final-print for that day's issue, he slipped and fell into a barrel of ink. It sparked his latent powers, and discovered that he could manipulate any object that had a vowel in its name, most strongly the letter E. So he decided to don a cloak and cowl, and named himself... Mister E! :D


(And for the next poster... this name already has a superheroic background, but I don't mind you playing with it. Just remember, 'Scott Pyros' and wings...)

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Re: The Forumverse name game


Senior year abroad in Greece; It was a dream come true for Ted Fletcher. Sun, waves, beautiful weather and gorgeous girls. OK, he had to pretend to be Canadian if he didn’t want constant political arguments, but it was a small price to pay.


Then, drunk and horny on the Isle of Lesbos, he fell into a cave, and had the strangest dream. A voice whispered to him in Greek, and somehow he understood. She was the Mother of Monsters. He carried her blood. He would be her gift to the new world, the world that had long forgotten her and her kind.


Ted woke up outside of the cave. He felt different. He staggered back to the boat, and went back to Athens. As he was getting on the train to head back to his campus, he heard an explosion! Not knowing why, he charged to the scene. Durak, Eurostar’s own mega-brick, was locked in combat with the Athenian!


A mighty roar erupted from Ted’s throat as his body swelled and transformed! Over twenty feet tall, he charged into combat! Durack, confronted by both the Athenian and Ted’s massive nude body, fled the scene.


“Thank you, sister!” called the Athenian, in Greek.


“Sister?” thought Ted.


He looked down at his gleaming green scales, his massive muscles, his huge tail, and his gigantic, and very feminine, breasts.


Panicking, Ted shrunk back down to his non-powered male form. Now, when danger threatens, he charges into combat as Lethosos!


He originally wanted to call himself Lesbos, but his manager advised against it.

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Re: The Forumverse name game


Arron Sowlie never did have that much going for him. His family always had to struggle just to make ends meet, school bullies chose him for the daily "tests", the desire to be anywhere else. Then one day he managed to scrape enough money to get one of those magic boxes. The box itself was just as they usually are - a fancy way for someone else to make alot of money and nothing more. However, when he bought it the store told him that he was their special millionth customer and he can have anything that is on the winner's table. The table contained several great things - like keys to a fabulous sports car, a brief case loaded with over $1000 cash, a fancy new hat that the store claimed was extremely valuable, a new computer system with $1000 in programs and a one year internet service, etc. For some reason he claimed the hat saying that it called him. Discovering that he can pull almost anything out of the hat, he decided to use it to stop crime in his little neck of the world under the guise of OddHat.

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Re: The Forumverse name game


Growing up in a tough neighborhood, Luke had to survive the school of hard knocks, as well as public school. Despite his poverty-ridden background, Luke kept true to school (both, really) so that he could better himself. His dad wasn't working two jobs for Luke to sit on his butt after high school; Luke was going to college else his dad was throwing him out. The same rule applied toward Luke sister. Luke succeeded in high school and not only got a scholorship to an engineering school, he was able to get some minor grants to help pay for college as well. Sure, college was in another state, but his parents were proud, especially his dad.


During his senior year of college, Luke returned home during Spring Break when he found out his mom had become ill. Feeling his soon-to-be engineering degree was useless in helping his mom -who didn't have health insurance- Luke became stressed. To make matters worse, his dad was still working two jobs (to help Luke's sister go through college), his little sister was in her Freshman year at a rival schol, and those jerks in the car on the curb were blaring their rap music way beyond 100 decibals in the vain (vane?) attempt to get girls to notice them.


It was too much for Luke. He opened up a window and yelled down at them "Would you shut that crap off already?!" The guys in the car were not too pleased and shouted back some vulgarities of a stronger nature. Luke, fueled with anger and frustration flipped the guys off - only, he shot some strange bluish-grey light beam out of his hands when he did so and it hit the car - shutting off all the music. The guys tried to flee in their car, but it wouldn't run, so they fled on foot.


Days later, Luke had determined that he could fire off small Electro Magnetic Pulses from his hands. Not harmful to a person, but it could fizzle out electronics. Being a big Star Wars fan, Luke (whom his father did name after Skywalker) decided he would refer to them as his Ion blasts, and since he grew up in a tough neighborhood he would use the word "Asper" meaning "tough." He started stopping crime (including a few VIPER stints) around the neighborhood calling himself Asper Ion.


Unfortunately, the boys in his 'hood weren't as smart as he was and spelled it Asperion, when spray-painting his name on walls and on bridge pillars. It was after this time that the local media caught on to the grafitti and started calling him Asperion as well; he couldn't shake the misconception and has stuck with it since.

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Re: The Forumverse name game


"Enforcer84" was the only name he ever knew. It was the designation awoke to the first day he can remember.


Killing is first nature to this man. Sometimes he's not sure if he's even human, finding his instincts and reactions far quicker than a normal's, and far deadlier. Weapons of every type feel natural in his hands; he can't remember ever training, but there's no doubt he knows how to use all weapons he comes across to deadly effect.


He thinks of people in 3 categories: Friend, Foe, Bystander. Everything is a tactical excercise; his life a giant game of survival.


Escaping from the institute wreaked of deja vu.


He's been on the run from those who kept him captive for almost 3 years. He searches now, for his origin. Others have families, he's never known anything like that.


He made a gruesome discovery in his last attack. The man that gave him the most trouble, the man that wouldn't fall, the man who's instincts were nearly a match for his own....


Was a perfect clone of him.

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Re: The Forumverse name game


EDIT:what the heck is anyone else doing awake?


Enforcer 84

His patrol circuit brought him by the fusion generators an hour before dawn. It had been a quiet work cycle and he was looking forward to spending his rest period at the pharmo-cinema. He was about to sign off when he saw three figures in the shadows. He lit the corner with his spotlight, bringing his weapons online.


"Halt! Identify yoursel..."


The explosion ripped through the fusion plant, knocking him to his knees. He saw the three bombers running toward some sort of ...portal. They lept through the tear in the night and vanished. Dropping his faceplate, he jumped into the shrinking gate. It closed with a wet pop, leaving the fires and his overturned hoverbike. As the curious emerged from their resi-cubes, the bike's open circuit was audible.


"Unit 84, this is Enforcer Control. Do you copy? Enforcer 84, please respond!"





"Why can't we get Lyte FM in? All we get is static!"


The volume jumped to fill the bank with white noise. The tellers and patrons clasped their ears and fell to the ground. None saw the wild haired young man crawl out of the speaker. He quickly emptied the tellers' drawers into a bag and pointed at the front doors. Malevelent sound blew the shattered glass and twisted metal across the street. The sun sparkled off his metal jumsuit as he stepped onto the street. He laughed as the arriving police cars turned inside-out with a blast of static from their radios.


"Remember my name pigs! radioKaos! I own the airwaves!"


A wet popping sound caught his attention. Behind him, a man in gold and blue armour leveled the largest gun he had ever seen at him.


"Freeze criminal! Peace Enforcer! You are under arrest!"

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Re: The Forumverse name game


Two? I am flattered!


Here we go:


Allan Reece was the last of a dying breed. An independant journalist. In the age of corporate news, and infotainment, he relied on three things, the truth, the whole truth, and a face made for radio! Kidding aside he was about the only crusading journalist left. He had a habit of recording officials and reputed crime bosses saying the darndest things.


It was only a matter of time before one of his "subjects" decided they didn't like the harsh spotlight of truth and tried to have Allen done away with. Killing Allen was the easy part. Dealing with the wraithlike "RadioKAOS" was something else entirely.




Dave Noonan was a lock for the NFL, everyone told him. A big ol' country boy from the midwest, he was athletic, well spoken, and considered one of the "good guys" of athletics, a young m an you could be proud to cheer for on Saturdays. Dave Noonan was all of this. He was also the son, grandson, and great grandson of costumed adventurers. Going back nine generations, the Noonans had fought the good fight. It was only his grandfather who first dressed in a colorful costume and took the family's legacy to the streets as the original Hooligan. His father, and two of his uncles followed in the oft violent footsteps of their father. Dave began training from the time he could walk. And walk he did. After his graduation, David Noonan left football for a career in "Law". Openning a private practice with a friend from home, he quickly became nothing more than the answer to numerous college football trivia questions.

He also donned the Hooligan monicker. Thinking the image needed spicing up he took liberties from Granddad's old family stories and dubbed himself Hooligan X. Though ostensibly representing "10" he prefers the air of mystery the 'X' carries.

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