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The "Nice Happy" Thread


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Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread


Two things: my office gave me a flatscreen monitor they are not using anymore, which I have installed on the media station computer in my bedroom. It is much brighter than the old CRT and thus much better for video.


The other thing is that I have taken care of my State ID card (the substitute for a driver's license -- I don't drive and in fact don't know how to drive). The fee was higher than I would have wanted to pay (and I had accidentally left my checkbook at home so I had to go through their ATM to my great annoyance), the waiting period was very long, and I had to bring my birth certificate even though I've had a record with DMV since 1980. But I got it done about a month and a half before my current ID expired. They will be mailing me my card. So that's hopefully done with for a long time.


One other thing: I got a couple of wargames in the mail last week. One was a new game from GMT called Virgin Queen: Wars of Religion, an epic six-player contest covering the religious wars during the reigns of England's Elizabeth I and Spain's Phillip II (the period that included the disaster of the Spanish Armada). This is a very busy period dominated by the conflict between Protestants and Catholics in France and the Low Countries. It is the sequel to the surprise hit Here I Stand, which covered the period immediately following Martin Luther's break from the Catholic Church and the wars and conflicts that resulted from it.


The other was another epic-scale game: Avalon Hill's classic WWII grand strategy game The Rise and Decline of the Third Reich (generally referred to as Third Reich or 3R). It is designed to be played by as few as two players or as many as five (Germany, Italy, France/USA, UK and Soviet Union). It is a game of deep and subtle strategy, and inspired countless articles in The General (Avalon Hill's house magazine) and other wargaming publications. My copy is unpunched and in beautiful condition -- pretty good for a game first published in 1974.

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Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread


The other was another epic-scale game: Avalon Hill's classic WWII grand strategy game The Rise and Decline of the Third Reich (generally referred to as Third Reich or 3R). It is designed to be played by as few as two players or as many as five (Germany, Italy, France/USA, UK and Soviet Union). It is a game of deep and subtle strategy, and inspired countless articles in The General (Avalon Hill's house magazine) and other wargaming publications. My copy is unpunched and in beautiful condition -- pretty good for a game first published in 1974.


3R is supposed to be a fantastic game--I believe the local wargame club obsessed over it for a couple years straight around the time it came out. Never played it myself, though.

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Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread


Bought some DVDs listed as on sale at Best Buy today. Got to the counter and got charged full price. Turns out the sale had ended yesterday. But because they didn't change the display, they charged me the sale price. I didn't have to argue the point; the first thing they did when they saw the discrepancy was figure out to resolve it in my favor. I find that notable.

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Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread


My Parents threw me a little surprise party last night. They invited my Aunt and Cousins. We went to a Chinese restaurant. My Cousins make jewelry and they made me a beautiful necklace and bracelet. My cake said happy 39th, because my Mom doesn't want me to get any older than that because she doesn't want to feel very old.

It's nice to know my family loves me.

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Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread


I bought a new Ivy Bridge Core I5 computer yesterday (old one was a Core2Duo that runs at 1/2 the clock speed and 1/2 the cores). Added a SSD for the boot drive today, and the thing really flies. I tested transcoding an album from FLAC to MP3--the old system would do that at x18 speed on two tracks at a time. The new one is x150 speed on 4 tracks at a time. 23 seconds later, the album was done. :) Video's later tonight, after I play a little Skyrim.



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Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread


I just biked home from oldest bro's house after a football game. Half past eleven, and I could see the sun setting behind the hills to the north. Cool air, not even a breeze, fresh scents, grazing cows and horses, not a cloud in the sky ... It feels good to be alive.

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Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread


OddHat threw me a wonderful surprise party. He pulled it off beautifully. I was so surprised and pleased by the Guests who came and everyone liked everyone even though most of them did not know each other. It was a great mix of people. Several drove a long way to be there and OddHat's Sister's family drove two and a half hours. I have the greatest people in my life. Thanks also to everyone here for your birthday wishes. You all make getting old fun !

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Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread


My mother and I are planning to see Brave just after the first weekend in July. Although I haven't told her yet, I am seriously considering surprising her by buying the tickets the weekend before and presenting them at the theatre. I will have the money because of my wages and a state check I will still be getting on the first of July.


We're going out to dinner on the weekend of my birthday. And on July 8th I'm giving myself a bit of a treat by going to the free Game Day in Vancouver that the Gamestorm convention is sponsoring.

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Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread


OddHat threw me a wonderful surprise party. He pulled it off beautifully. I was so surprised and pleased by the Guests who came and everyone liked everyone even though most of them did not know each other. It was a great mix of people. Several drove a long way to be there and OddHat's Sister's family drove two and a half hours. I have the greatest people in my life. Thanks also to everyone here for your birthday wishes. You all make getting old fun !


I'm glad you had a great time! :celebrate

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Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread


WHEW ! The bills are in for my month long 50th birthday indulgences. I am happy to see that after crunching the numbers carefully, I am in considerably less trouble than I originally thought. Now I can go forth from here and make needed changes as I discussed in my Blog so that this never happens again.

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Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread


As I mentioned in the Working Poor thread, I had a difficult day at work and not only survived but thrived. I have often said my professional goal is to be "indispensable". I may be on my way there after all. Now if only I hadn't run out of shampoo. (And boy am I glad it's only sham!)

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Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread


As I mentioned in the Working Poor thread' date=' I had a difficult day at work and not only survived but thrived. I have often said my professional goal is to be "indispensable". I may be on my way there after all. Now if only I hadn't run out of shampoo. (And boy am I glad it's only [i']sham[/i]!)


Amen to that. God only knows what your boss would say if you came to work with real poo in your hair.

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