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Funny Hero Thread


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There's a thread for funny villains, but why should the bad guys get all the laughs?


How about some of the funny *hero* characters out there, whether or not you've gotten a chance to play them?


A few examples from my somewhat twisted brain:


SunSplash: Once a mild-mannered (if incompetent) janitor at a drink factory, he was dumped into a vat of a citrus flavored beverage containing "the power of the sun" that turned him into a brick/projector who spouts Spoonerisms and is only marginally more competent a hero than he was a janitor.


His arch-nemesis is the guy who dumped him, shortly before falling into a nearby vat of mysterious "Purple Stuff" and gaining powers of his own.


Also, The Deliverer, Master of the ancient Stork Style (no, not Crane Style) Kung-Fu. His powers are based around menacing villains with babies he pulls out of (apparently) nowhere, and speaks with terrible lip-synch.

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Re: Funny Hero Thread


I actually designed a character a long time ago in 4E, her name was "Waffle Woman". She was based on a picture of some college girl who thought it was funny to dress up as a super hero, and go down to the local Waffle House. She badgered the customers, took pictures, and filled out an application.


It was quite hilarious and the manager actually called her back for an interview. She was not looking to get hired IIRC. But it was still funny to read. My version of Waffle Woman used an unending supply of Waffles that when hurled could take out a car (she made them herself every morning, and thought they were quite tasty - nobody else liked her cooking...). She had Maple Syrup of Justice - a very sticky entangle. Fruit Topping of Truth, strawberries preferred (usually forced fed till you puked). And a Whip Cream Can used for a flash attack.


Edit: OMG the website is still up (and still funny as ever): http://www.wafflewoman.com/waffle.htm

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Re: Funny Hero Thread


I have a character who is a serious character, but is also the comedy releif of the group. The character is Meeb, the mansized amoeba. Meeb is a solid character, minibrick with stretching, shapeshift and a nice little "tricks" multipower based on the last two.


However, he is .... different.

He came to earth by landing on the planet from space (75% DR is nice). He has little understanding of earth culture, so he does odd things based on ignorance. He also uses his powers creatively, and the result of that, while effective, can be very amusing. The fact that we have a sketch artist in our group that loves to make silly Meeb pictures helps. :)





And when he thought he should have a secret ID - Glurb Burble (thanks Oddhat)



One of the more effective combat tactics - Meed is thrown at a target and either uses his "area effect accurate" or his "Explosion on STR". The Organic Grenade.



And at one point, we were assulting a VIPER base. We kept taking out the agents, and we didn't want to leave the weapons behind, so they all ended up being given to Meeb (he has extra limbs: as many as he needs).


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Re: Funny Hero Thread


A player once made this character named Danger Dude for one of my games. Danger Dude used to be a star of a TV show called Danger Dude back in the late 60's. The show was very much like Batman and the player ran Danger Dude like he was Adam West.

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Re: Funny Hero Thread


I have a character who is a serious character, but is also the comedy releif of the group. The character is Meeb, the mansized amoeba. Meeb is a solid character, minibrick with stretching, shapeshift and a nice little "tricks" multipower based on the last two.


Meeb remains one of the best characters I've seen posted. :)

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Re: Funny Hero Thread


Bingo the Clowno. A superpowered stretching, growing, shrinking, desolid, clown. Master of "Clown-fu". Expert detective. Loving father. And he has a circus in his pants...


Javaman and Fidget are none-too serious either...

Al Dente, the crime-fighting linguini from the 5th dimension, whose quote is "Taste zesty red justice!"


The Paladine, despite his power level, was a quite amusing due to his complete lack of perceptive abilities and regularly spouted non-sequiters.


And the last I helped a player write up for one of the few campaigns I've actually been able to play in...

An Amish ghost who aided the living against evil and villainy as 'Farmer Dead'!

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Re: Funny Hero Thread


I created a funny but serious character for a MA game that, unfortunately, I never got to play.


Sum Dum Kuk: He was to be the elder cook catering to a band of traveling ronin (and heroes). Ordinarily he was an angry old man in the stereotypical slant of Asian Kung Fu films. Secretly, though, he was the Master of the Flying Pan fighting style.


Wearing a wok as a helmet and carrying a large cleaver in one hand and a iron pan in the other Sum Dum Kuk was known as the Ancient Master of the Short Order... a legendary figure considered by many to be the stuff of fables.


He was also able to stuff an egg roll in less than 10 seconds!


To this day I regret not being able to play in that game.

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Re: Funny Hero Thread


I have a character who is a serious character, but is also the comedy releif of the group. The character is Meeb, the mansized amoeba. Meeb is a solid character, minibrick with stretching, shapeshift and a nice little "tricks" multipower based on the last two.


However, he is .... different.


I'll say - but in a good way, I think. I love the pic of him bristling with Viper weaponry. :D

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Funny Hero Thread


Can Opener.


The Defense Department contract specified the development and delivery of a prototype improved Combat Can Opener. With cost overruns, a billion dollars had been spent before the first prototype was even delivered. That's when the GAO and some members of Congress got wind of the project and cancelled it before it could waste any more of taxpayer's money.


Professor Wreckloose was furious. Not just because his funds were cut off just as he was, in fact, ready to unveil his prototype, but at the implication that it wasn't worth every penny that had been spent creating it.


For what Wreckloose had invented was a nigh- indesctructible, independently mobile, and artificially intelligent device that could open cans - or anything else, up to tanks and bank vaults. And without damaging the contents. And also:


Contained storage space that could be utilized as a refrigerator and/or freezer, OR as a conventional or microwave oven


Had built in sensors that would determine how wholesome food was, or if it had been contaminated by any variety of toxin, radioactivity, or pathogen


Had the sensors and programming to forage for food anywhere on Earth


Was programmed to be both nutritionist and cook, and could concoct a nutritious and appealing meal from whatever ingredients were to hand - even MREs!


With the contract cancelled, the mad (but honest) scientist was left in possession of the prototype. After some final programming, he loosed it on the world.


Can Opener came into the world with, among other things, a compulsion to prove to everyone (especially the American taxpayer) that it really is worth a billion dollars. Its logic circuits considered the question of how best to generate positive publicity, and observed: These people in colorful costumes who run around fighting crime get a LOT of media attention. I'll hang around with them and prove how useful I can be!


Identifying quote (after peeling the armor off a villain in powered armor)

"Container OP-en! Contents SPOILED!"



Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary and I are trying to remember other funny heroes....

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Re: Funny Hero Thread


The bandanna was a nice touch. :D


Yeah. We call that the Rambo picture.


When he gets bored, he starts sketching, and he does at least one meeb a session, and started on the "1001 uses for meeb" - which I haven't scanned in yet, but we have a kids pool, a trampoline, a waterbed...

Then whenever meed does something interesting in game, he does a shot of that, which is where the organic grenade and the rambo picture came from.

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Re: Funny Hero Thread


I have a bouncing brick named Zectron. He's named after the type of rubber used to make superballs.


He's basically the hero that tries too hard. He also shares a certain Psych Limit with Foxbat: Think's He's In A Comic Book. Foxbat is also one of his Hunteds. Foxbat and Zectron interact on the same level Dr. Evil and Austin Powers do. One is a villain no one takes seriously and is determined to "act like a villain", and the other is a hero who, though otherwise only marginally effective at his job as a professional superhero, is the only one who can understand his archnemisis and properly thwart him.


He also makes a "boing" sound when he leaps, lands, his punched or takes KB. He also squeaks while walking on linolium floors.

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Re: Funny Hero Thread


Oh' date=' sweet jesus. If I could rep you five times for this, I would.[/quote']


Thanks, that makes my day.


While I created the character and have played it once or twice, I have to admit that I think the quote was not my own. My former wife, Lilith Silvermane, played the character, and I think this quote was hers.


The description of Zectrom reminds me of another character I played who was, shall we say, light hearted.


Captain Boing was an alien scientist, the counterpart to what we'd call an anthropologist or sociologist. He came to Earth to study the subculture of costumed adventurers from the inside. He had the abilities of anyone of his species, which included shapeshift. His natural state was somewhat amorphous and rubbery, and he often bounced about going "boing!" Both his status as alien, and his scientific motives, were secret. He also had a secret identity (he could take Human form) for no other reason that it was part of the "culture" he was studying.


Lucius Alexander


The palindromedary wonders if there is something inherently comic about "plastic-man" rubbery type heroes, then considers that few people laugh at Mr. Fantastic.....

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Re: Funny Hero Thread


The palindromedary wonders if there is something inherently comic about "plastic-man" rubbery type heroes' date=' then considers that few people laugh at Mr. Fantastic.....[/quote']


I'd be inclined to say yes and note that Mr. Fantastic (and Mrs. Incredible) are the two exceptions.

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Re: Funny Hero Thread


The palindromedary wonders if there is something inherently comic about "plastic-man" rubbery type heroes, then considers that few people laugh at Mr. Fantastic.....


You're talking about heroes whose primary abilities involve stretching to cartoonish proportions, probably bouncing when they fall, and the ability to get run over by a steamroller and get better with the aid of a bike pump.


For all intents and purposes, a living cartoon of the Superhuman World.


I'd be more surprised if they *weren't* mostly played for comic effect. :)

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Re: Funny Hero Thread


Lord, how could I forget this one... I even used him in a couple of games!


I almost forgot about Muffy, who was developed during one of my earlier Champions games in response to a borderline mad-slasher energy projector (BMS, hereafter) in the party. While he was cooling his heels in lockup, I needed to come up with a cellmate for him, and so Muffy was born.


Muffy was a brick of the "nearly invincible" type. About 9' tall, built like the outlaw biker from Hell, with "Muffy" tattooed on his arm (nobody's entirely *sure* that his name is actually Muffy, but they're assuming it is since he responds to it and it is his tattoo). During his first encounter with the group, he basically swallowed everything BMS threw at him, keeping him from trying to break out of jail by slaughtering the guards. By the time he was let out, he'd discovered that you really can just about knock yourself out through Endurance expenditure.


So, what is it about Muffy that makes him comical/particularly memorable? Or, for that matter, a hero, given he was met in lockup?


Muffy was, perhaps predictably, one of the nicest guys around. He didn't get into brawls, he didn't hurt anybody (well, not intentionally)... a few people actually kinda thought he was a few bricks short of a wall, but it seemed to work for him. Only reason he was in lockup at all was because they had a spare cell and he needed somewhere to sleep it off one night, not because he'd done anything wrong. He was Nice, with a capital 'N'.


Until you did something that got him mad.


He wasn't particularly *violent* when you got him mad (unless you threatened kids in the process - then the kid gloves were off), but he made sure you realized the error of your ways and punished you appropriately.


You haven't seen horror on somebody's face until you've seen the man who realizes *you* were the one who gave Doctor Destroyer a spanking in front of his troops... and you're coming for them next. :D

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Re: Funny Hero Thread


A player in my Champions game wanted to run a "just for laughs" game, so I introduced a female shapeshifter- Miss Tahaki (Ms Take). The catch was she couldn't control what she changed into, it had to be related to something going on in the scene.

For instance, Hamburglar robs a McDonalds and Ms Take passes by as he makes his escape, during which he knocks over a trash can. This triggers the shapeshift and she changes instantly into a sanitation engineer. Broom, mop,can, outfit and a male.

"Just look at all this mess...." and accidentally trips the burglar with his street broom. LOL:celebrate

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Re: Funny Hero Thread


I had an idea for a character in a teen champions game.




Her power was the ability to create energy feilds that explode. Well, that, and she's a real good looker. [insert wolf whistle here] She was raised in the military as an "army brat" and, well, during her childhood, she had plenty to do (as well as learning how to outwit the ultimate hall monitors: The Military Police), and now she's back in America and her parents retired from military service, she's got all this pent-up-energy that she expends by being a school troublemaker.

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Re: Funny Hero Thread


I had an idea for a character in a teen champions game.





That reminds me of a character in the classic GAC - her named American Beauty. An energy projector with explonsions. Nicknamed the "blond Bombshell" In hero ID she was a classic complete blond ditz. In secret ID she was literally a rocket scientist.


Chris Cloutier captured all the great stuff in the Golden Age.

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