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Darren Watts

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Re: CHAMPIONS UNIVERSE II - What Do You Want To See?


I just got CU, and it's great over all. A lot of folks on RPG.net don't seem to "get" Champions though. Part of the problems may be because Archetypes have moved on somewhat, esp. with MMORPGs like Everquest and Worlds of Warcraft.


So more Archetypes and Random Superpowers to support it would be great.


I have a thread about it, and a new Archetype, The Controller, here:



Anything I post up there is free for the taking, so help yourself. If you want a release, I'll fax you one. Take care.

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Re: CHAMPIONS UNIVERSE II - What Do You Want To See?


The new DEMON... *shudder*


Be afraid. Be VERY afraid.

I don't care for the new DEMON, myself. I personally preferred the style of the older in which there was the facade deception using men who wore powered armor and carried blasters to make DEMON appear nothing more than VIPER or GENOCIDE. Behind the scenes, however, was the cut-throat organization that was secretive, misleading, and always acted with a plot to have at least one person killed. I used Target Hero very well with this format that chilled even the veteran players I gamed with.
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Re: CHAMPIONS UNIVERSE II - What Do You Want To See?


I found a lot from the old DEMON (as described in Classic Organizations, Demons Rule and Target Hero) that works quite well with the new incarnation.


Several of the mystic supervillains from those books can be in the employ of Demonhames, boosting their power against superheroes. The Demons from Demons Rule make powerful variant Demonbound. I used the Demonspawn Mechagents as the templates for Herr Doktor Pandemonium's Hartherzig Soldaten. If you don't like any of the leader characters in the current DEMON, Lord Thorne, Damon Harrington, Hieronomous or even Morgalis can replace them. And while the Dalang is IMO a great character, his powers and background aren't that well suited to running an intelligence network; so I made the Chameleon his second in command, but the one who actually managed the Bogeymen.

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Re: CHAMPIONS UNIVERSE II - What Do You Want To See?


It's a shame some villians and organisations are simply ceasing to exist for example whatever happened to Lord Thorne of DEMON (he's not even mentioned in the new DEMON source book) or Genocide? :thumbdown


In the new Champions Universe can the groups and individuals who no longer suit the current production team not be written out with some poetic license? We could have Lord Thorne meeting his match with Dr Destroyer or some other worthy!


I would actually prefer they did the opposite - reboot/update the world without saying a word about such elements. Doing what you propose ensures that anyone who has such elements in their current campaigns is unable to use the new materials without rewriting them (and those rewrites may have to be significant in some cases). Not saying anything - leaving the matter implicit - gives people more room to manuever. Just my 2 cents.

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Re: CHAMPIONS UNIVERSE II - What Do You Want To See?


So when you guys say you want more info about the aliens of the CU in the current era, are you talking more about the existing ones from the Star Hero books and what they're up to in the 21st Century, or are you looking for newer ones, or specifically the ones who've interacted with Earth but aren't really written up anywhere yet like the Hzeel or Qularr? And what sort of info about any or all of the above would you find most useful? (And before anybody brings it up, yes, the Malvans are already in here in some detail...) dw

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Re: CHAMPIONS UNIVERSE II - What Do You Want To See?


So when you guys say you want more info about the aliens of the CU in the current era' date=' are you talking more about the existing ones from the Star Hero books and what they're up to in the 21st Century, or are you looking for newer ones, or specifically the ones who've interacted with Earth but aren't really written up anywhere yet like the Hzeel or Qularr? And what sort of info about any or all of the above would you find most useful? (And before anybody brings it up, yes, the Malvans are already in here in some detail...) dw[/quote']


All of the above? :)

For me, Definitely the first the "existing one in star hero books and what they are up to" at this time deserve at least a mention of what tech level they are in this period etc and any major differences from their Terran Empire write ups. I'd say the ones that most interact with Earth here and NOW (CU 2006 AD) should have priority over the ones that interacted in the past but no longer do (Though I would hope to see those aliens mentioned in any setting info on the CU Golden or Silver age) or will in the future but are currently not spacefaring capable. Given the Perseid and Hzeel clashes, with Earth's region of space somewhere in the middle, they, and a few races each of them has subjugated/annexed might be more useful for GMs wanting a Kree/Skrull sort of storyline. If any Mandaarian covert plots are behind the scenes in the modern CU I wouldn't mind hearing about them :)

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Re: CHAMPIONS UNIVERSE II - What Do You Want To See?


So when you guys say you want more info about the aliens of the CU in the current era' date=' are you talking more about the existing ones from the Star Hero books and what they're up to in the 21st Century, or are you looking for newer ones, or specifically the ones who've interacted with Earth but aren't really written up anywhere yet like the Hzeel or Qularr? And what sort of info about any or all of the above would you find most useful? (And before anybody brings it up, yes, the Malvans are already in here in some detail...) dw[/quote']



All of the above? :)

For me, Definitely the first the "existing one in star hero books and what they are up to" at this time deserve at least a mention of what tech level they are in this period etc and any major differences from their Terran Empire write ups. I'd say the ones that most interact with Earth here and NOW (CU 2006 AD) should have priority over the ones that interacted in the past but no longer do (Though I would hope to see those aliens mentioned in any setting info on the CU Golden or Silver age) or will in the future but are currently not spacefaring capable. Given the Perseid and Hzeel clashes, with Earth's region of space somewhere in the middle, they, and a few races each of them has subjugated/annexed might be more useful for GMs wanting a Kree/Skrull sort of storyline. If any Mandaarian covert plots are behind the scenes in the modern CU I wouldn't mind hearing about them :)


I'll second Hermit's recommendations, particularly regarding the Hzeel. They've had the most interaction with Earth of any of the major galactic powers, and are said to have explicit designs on this world. It would be interesting to find out more about what their civilization was like before they devolved into an interstellar Cosa Nostra.


I for one would prefer to develop the existing galactic races with an eye toward how they might impact on Earth today, rather than introduce new aliens or resurrect moribund ones such as the Qularr or the Sirians. The exception would be any new official race which could pose a challenge to Earth's superheroes without upsetting established continuity by their introduction, like alien Empyreans or Mike Surbrook's Nehkojin.


As far as what information I would find useful, I'd like to point out that the present day is still one of relatively high magic across the CU's Milky Way, and that superhumans of alien races have already been mentioned and written up in several Champs books. If there are equivalents to the Sword of Ackal among the contemporary Hzeel, Perseids, Se'ecra etc., they're likely to be the ones to interact with Earth's superheroes, either when those heroes travel to the aliens' worlds, or should they arrive on Earth as explorers or scouts for invaders, or pursuing alien criminals attempting to hide on this planet. Obviously character sheets would be nice, but even names and brief descriptions, as used for the unwritten characters in Champions Universe and Champions Worldwide, would be helpful.


EDIT: For example, here are a couple of Perseid supers that Hermit once wrote up as part of a mission to recover an AWOL Drogen Lar: http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=10577 (writeups starting at post #14).

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Re: CHAMPIONS UNIVERSE II - What Do You Want To See?


So when you guys say you want more info about the aliens of the CU in the current era' date=' are you talking more about the existing ones from the Star Hero books and what they're up to in the 21st Century, or are you looking for newer ones, or specifically the ones who've interacted with Earth but aren't really written up anywhere yet like the Hzeel or Qularr? And what sort of info about any or all of the above would you find most useful? (And before anybody brings it up, yes, the Malvans are already in here in some detail...) dw[/quote']

Let me chime in with this. Are there "super aliens"? Do some of the races have super specimens?

Should they be considered superpowered on their own? I noticed that the packaged deals in Star Hero left a bit to be desired if you wanted to use them in a Legion of Superheroes style campaign (in my opinion) where just being an alien was a decent superpower.

So something along the lines of that would be pretty cool.

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Re: CHAMPIONS UNIVERSE II - What Do You Want To See?


Let me chime in with this. Are there "super aliens"? Do some of the races have super specimens?

Should they be considered superpowered on their own? I noticed that the packaged deals in Star Hero left a bit to be desired if you wanted to use them in a Legion of Superheroes style campaign (in my opinion) where just being an alien was a decent superpower.

So something along the lines of that would be pretty cool.



The Imperial Guard, Captain Marvel I and the Super-Skrull would certainly hope so. Love to see some super-members of alien races who have made Earth their home for some or all of their adventuring life.

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Re: CHAMPIONS UNIVERSE II - What Do You Want To See?


And never finished. Ack! :o


No criticism intended, Herm. :no: Those are fine characters that I just wanted to illustrate my point. Anytime someone posts something cool to the boards that the rest of us can use for free, I figure we're getting a good deal with no right to complain because there isn't more. :)

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Re: CHAMPIONS UNIVERSE II - What Do You Want To See?


The official CU sourcebooks seem to follow the usual mainstream comic tack, in that Earth is unusual in having real mythological gods who walk the contemporary world; but in an era of high magic it doesn't necessarily have to be unique in that regard. In fact Desert Dragon, of the Sword of Ackal in Galactic Champions, was apparently granted her powers by one such Ackalian spirit.


I was thinking that certain alien religions might lend themselves to beings with "divine" origins, such as the Avatars of the Velarian Scomaru Shaan.

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Re: CHAMPIONS UNIVERSE II - What Do You Want To See?


So when you guys say you want more info about the aliens of the CU in the current era' date=' are you talking more about the existing ones from the Star Hero books and what they're up to in the 21st Century, or are you looking for newer ones, or specifically the ones who've interacted with Earth but aren't really written up anywhere yet like the Hzeel or Qularr? And what sort of info about any or all of the above would you find most useful? (And before anybody brings it up, yes, the Malvans are already in here in some detail...) dw[/quote']

Terran Empire and Alien Wars don't really expand the information on the alien races which are close to the Sol system. I'd like to see some of those races given some face time [and advanced, superpowered, Xenophores scouts for the coming war make great enemies too]. Many of the aliens from those 2 books are so far away from earth there's not much reason for them to interact with us [the Mondabi would need to cover a lot of space and bypass a lot of other races just to get to us]. CKC also has a list of super-powered aliens in it. You can steal from that as well.

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Re: CHAMPIONS UNIVERSE II - What Do You Want To See?


So when you guys say you want more info about the aliens of the CU in the current era' date=' are you talking more about the existing ones from the Star Hero books and what they're up to in the 21st Century, or are you looking for newer ones, or specifically the ones who've interacted with Earth but aren't really written up anywhere yet like the Hzeel or Qularr? And what sort of info about any or all of the above would you find most useful? (And before anybody brings it up, yes, the Malvans are already in here in some detail...) dw[/quote']I'd like to see the ones who've interacted with Earth but aren't really written up anywhere yet, like the Hzeel and Elder Worms. I'd only be interested in the Qularr if there's some reason for them to be back in the CU and in relative striking range of Earth (because the last I read they were driven from the galaxy). Unless I've missed it (and I may have), the last/only information I've seen on the Elder Worms were from CKC. I know it's a "wish list" item, but I'd really like to see Masq reintroduced. Having them discover (detect Shape Shift/multiform?) Masquerade and then each benefit from the other.
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Re: CHAMPIONS UNIVERSE II - What Do You Want To See?


I'd like to see the ones who've interacted with Earth but aren't really written up anywhere yet' date=' like the Hzeel and Elder Worms. I'd only be interested in the Qularr if there's some reason for them to be back in the CU and in relative striking range of Earth (because the last I read they were driven from the [i']galaxy[/i]). Unless I've missed it (and I may have), the last/only information I've seen on the Elder Worms were from CKC. I know it's a "wish list" item, but I'd really like to see Masq reintroduced. Having them discover (detect Shape Shift/multiform?) Masquerade and then each benefit from the other.


There is more information on the Elder Worm (although not a lot) in Galactic Champions, and some about their servant race, the Thane, in Worlds Of Empire. GC also introduced a race of shape-shifters, the Roinesh, who become major galactic players late in the Third Millennium - although without a writeup. It would be cool if there was any to introduce the Roinesh into the present day CU, preferably with game stats... but given that the race was virtually unknown up to the Terran Empire era, that would seem difficult to accomplish without violating continuity. :(


EDIT: Unless there was a secret Roinesh conspiracy to gain power among the other major races of the galaxy, which didn't bear fruit until centuries later. Although the Roinesh were always largely thwarted (perhaps just barely), the various governments involved kept their existence quiet to prevent a panic... including governments on Earth. :eg:

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Re: CHAMPIONS UNIVERSE II - What Do You Want To See?


BTW, I asked about Menton upthread, but how about some developments re Takofanes? For such a major villain power he hasn't been mentioned much in relation to major events on Champions Earth, other than causing (apparently) random death and destruction.


FWIW there were a number of ideas for using him presented on this thread.

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Re: CHAMPIONS UNIVERSE II - What Do You Want To See?


A fair amount of detail on the Hzeel would be great. Some more info on the Elder Worm would be nice, but I kinda like them being mysterious and shadowy. The Persieds and others can probably be covered fairly quickly, as you only have to talk about what's different about them now compared to the TE timeframe, and how using them in a Champions game differs from using them in a SH game. As for new races...I wouldn't mind seeing some, but it's not a high priority for me personally.

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Re: CHAMPIONS UNIVERSE II - What Do You Want To See?


So when you guys say you want more info about the aliens of the CU in the current era' date=' are you talking more about the existing ones from the Star Hero books and what they're up to in the 21st Century, or are you looking for newer ones, or specifically the ones who've interacted with Earth but aren't really written up anywhere yet like the Hzeel or Qularr? And what sort of info about any or all of the above would you find most useful? (And before anybody brings it up, yes, the Malvans are already in here in some detail...) dw[/quote']


All of the above? :)

Given the Perseid and Hzeel clashes, with Earth's region of space somewhere in the middle, they, and a few races each of them has subjugated/annexed might be more useful for GMs wanting a Kree/Skrull sort of storyline. If any Mandaarian covert plots are behind the scenes in the modern CU I wouldn't mind hearing about them :)


I'll second Hermit's recommendations' date=' particularly regarding the Hzeel. They've had the most interaction with Earth of any of the major galactic powers, and are said to have explicit designs on this world. It would be interesting to find out more about what their civilization was like before they devolved into an interstellar Cosa Nostra.[/quote']


I also would like to read more on the Hzeel and their long-planned invasion of Earth. Or will that be a sourcebook/adventure in itself some day?

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Re: CHAMPIONS UNIVERSE II - What Do You Want To See?


Let me chime in with this. Are there "super aliens"? Do some of the races have super specimens?

Should they be considered superpowered on their own? I noticed that the packaged deals in Star Hero left a bit to be desired if you wanted to use them in a Legion of Superheroes style campaign (in my opinion) where just being an alien was a decent superpower.

So something along the lines of that would be pretty cool.


Reading the alien requests got me pretty excited, so I have to add "ditto" onto the list. Enforcer's questions are really good. I'd love to see a race (or more) of "super aliens", around 250 points on average say, with some more powerful individuals. Galatic trading and some multi-world councils would be cool to at least discuss, but nothing as heavy as Star Trek's Federation please. I'd love to see at least a couple of alien races detailed, just to give the new player and the harried GM something to draw from.


Also, even more races, just mentioned in a paragraph or two each, with varying tech and super levels, would be fun. Give the GMs something to fill in themselves.


Plus a star map. :D


Oh, and I'd expect CU to deviate from Star Hero a bit, or maybe more than a bit. Perhaps "the magic" or whatever causes super powers also causes more, and more diverse, life forms to arise? And maybe more sentience to arise too. So Star Hero should be devolved a bit (or a lot) from what is described in CU and CU II. Just a thought...

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Re: CHAMPIONS UNIVERSE II - What Do You Want To See?


Also' date=' even more races, just mentioned in a paragraph or two each, with varying tech and super levels, would be fun. Give the GMs something to fill in themselves.[/quote'] Not that I play Star HERO or Galactic Champions (off-hand, are these the same genre, like Champions and CKC?), but it would just be nice to know that there's an alien race or two that are either on par with Earth's technology, or behind it. Even if it's a race that will be conquered or extinct by the year AD 3000, that's fine.
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Re: CHAMPIONS UNIVERSE II - What Do You Want To See?


Not that I play Star HERO or Galactic Champions (off-hand' date=' are these the same genre, like Champions and CKC?)[/quote']


Not really. Star HERO is (a) the genre book for running science-fiction games using the HERO System, and (B) more generally the heading for Hero Games's line of space sci-fi sourcebooks. Galactic Champions is a supplement for the Champions superhero game line, for playing in high-powered, futuristic "cosmic" settings, as with the Legion of Superheroes or the Guardians of the Galaxy. That supers subgenre uses some science-fiction trappings, but they're mostly a backdrop for the superheroics.

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