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WWYCD: The True Champion has Arrived!


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One day a sphere appears in the sky and a message goes forth in all languages and in all frequencies: "Defeat me and live! Fail and your world dies!"


Hey, no one claimed the Champion was a poet. Who is the Champion? This rather inelegant chap:




For those who don't want to read, the Champion is a cosmic being who has dedicated himself to physical combat and tests himself in combat against all in the universe. He's powerful and skilled enough to have beaten Colossus and Sasquatch with ease as well as batter the Thing for three rounds in a boxing style match.


Ground rules:


1. In the original comic, the format was strictly boxing. For ease of use here, and to make it interesting, the challenge is pretty free form although it's expected to be a physical contest more or less. I'm not sure what the take on a purely mental challenger would be although you could state that the Champion has enough mental and exotic defenses to at least blunt major mental attacks.


2. To knockout or forfeit.


3. Only 10 challengers in total from Earth are allowed so as to not waste his time.


4. Any attempt to gang up on the Champion is automatic forfeit... for Earth.


You have a week to prepare for the fate of the world! Is your champion confident in his or her ability to one of the ten? What preparations do you make? Or do you find another way to deal with this whacky alien?

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Re: WWYCD: The True Champion has Arrived!


Heh - first step, sic Firewing on him. Even if the big guy doesn't win the fight, maybe they'll realize they're soulmates and head off to spend eternity together. ;)


After that... boxing on both sides, or just a hand-to-hand conflict? If it's supposed to be boxing, then Galaxy Girl's in her element. She'd fight dirty as all Hell too, use her teleportation to her best advantage. One solid hit from Champion and she'd be out, but she should be able to keep him from doing it.

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Re: WWYCD: The True Champion has Arrived!


Style finds someone else to fight him.


Flesh Gordon fights him, and loses. Badly. The Champion then declares himself "Master of the World". However, as he's one guy, won't kill, and has no followers, this mostly means that he struts around posing and talking like a pro wrestler until the collected heroes of Earth chase him away again.


Remember his code against killing; all of that "Your world dies" stuff is just trash talk.

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Re: WWYCD: The True Champion has Arrived!


Champion actually has no code against killing, he went on not long after to try and kill the Silver Surfer and got whupped for his troubles. He's also demonstrably killed planets full of people for annoying him in later comics. Generally speaking, he's only done well in fights where he's managed to restrict his opponents from doing anything but, well, boxing and wrestling type stuff, and not using other powers like superspeed, energy blasts, the hammer of Thor, etc. He's been pretty whiny when people try and has them teleported away from the fight and claim they forfeit.

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Re: WWYCD: The True Champion has Arrived!


Not having seen The Champion statted out, it's hard to say this for certain, but I strongly suspect that in any traditional comics setting, the collected supers of Earth could handily ignore his rules, gang up on him, and send him packing.


Take the CU for example...could The Champion really stand against all the epic villains of the world, including Doc D and Twocoffeeknees?



Anyway, given the stated power level of The Champion, you're probably looking at Omega Girl being the one to get involved...and she'd ignore his rules and squash him flat -- seeing as she's a cosmic level quantum manipulator, she's controlling the stuff that powers the stuff that powers The Champion.

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Re: WWYCD: The True Champion has Arrived!


Regarding the format (JW asked), it's noted in the "rules" as they were that it's more or less free form so feel free to bring in the flaming swords and energy blasts! A "purer" Champion storyline would focus on more traditional combat but not every charcter would be suited for that and thus limit the fun. Basically I opened it up to more characters so we can find out, among other things:


1. Do you feel that your character has the ability to be one of the ten to be Earth's Champion?

2. How do you handle that responsibility?

3. Or how else do you act, as a hero, to defend your world in this dire time.


I did look through the Wikipedia but didn't see a CvK. If it's there though, ignore. It's taken that he can and will destroy the Earth. Kinda funny in the original storyline since you have Earth's greatest heroes sweating it out and you'd think at least someone would say, "you know, we DID chase off Galactus not too long ago. How tough can THIS guy be?" But it was plotted with a rather heavy hand to lead to the Thing's battle with him.


For my characters, at least two would be up immediately:


1. Tyr, the Norse God of Justice and one of Earth's most powerful heroes

2. Starknight: knight of the Celestial Order and charged with protector her part of the Galactic Realm. Also, she LOVES a good fight.


Other possibility would be Titan (armored wonder) and Nova (energy blaster who saw one world die and refuses to see another go) although the former lacks combat skill while Nova might not quite be at the power level. People would be REALLY wishing that Doctor Atomic and Athena hadn't gone missing...

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Re: WWYCD: The True Champion has Arrived!


Blackcat would go kick his butt. She defeated the Death Dragon after the tourney, what is some blue alien to her. ;)


Ballistic would likely try - use his magic pool for a huge HA spell, set his suit enhancements on defence and try it out. But he is from the same Earth as Blackcat, and knows she is that much better than him.


None of my other characters would go, unless no one else tried. They know they would likely get trounced.



1. Do you feel that your character has the ability to be one of the ten to be Earth's Champion?

2. How do you handle that responsibility?

3. Or how else do you act, as a hero, to defend your world in this dire time.


1) Yes. She defeated the Death Dragon, and is one of the 3 or 4 toughest supers on the planet.

2) She would just take it in stride as part of the job of "superhero"

3) She would love the chance to fight someone who has a style she has likely never seen before, and enjoy the combat for it's own sake. She also has no qualms about representing/defending the planet in single combat - she's done it before. She'd likely be pretty blase about it to be honest.

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Re: WWYCD: The True Champion has Arrived!


Omega Girl --

1. Yes...look at her.

2. She's young, but very serious about her powers. If Champo was about to defeat her, she wouldn't risk allowing the Earth to be destroyed (and that's what he said he'd do, regardless of what he actually could or would do), she'd lose her cool and scatter his quarks to the far reaches of the universe.


War Angel --

1. Yes. She's an incarnation of warfare. Other angels regard her as The Sourge of Heaven. No tactic or maneuver is unknown to her.

2. Deadly serious. She's a warrior, not a showfighter. He'll probably regret that thing about not being able to die, by the time she's done with him.


T'Shenk Kennet --

1. No, not quite powerful enough. Relies too much on guile and knowledge against more-powerful foes, to defeat Champo in a stand-up in-ring fight.

3. By pushing other, more powerful mystic-world characters he knows into action. By learning what he can about Champ and offering advice to the 10 facing the cosmic showoff.

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Re: WWYCD: The True Champion has Arrived!


Well then, expanding on things a bit....


Galaxy Girl: As noted, she'd be in there. Overconfidence and Teenage Invulnerability Complex combine in some very, very nasty ways sometimes, but she'd actually stand a pretty good chance, assuming she could get even a little bit through his defenses. It's just a matter of blipping around the ring and getting in hits... and occasionally trying to teleport him about a hundred feet or so into the air before letting gravity do the job for you.


Void: On the other hand, Void knows better than to do this. Highly skilled fighter he may be, he probably couldn't really take the Champion, and he knows that. This is, however, an excellent time to put that week into getting in touch with some of his buddies on Capitol Hill and see about offering Grond an early parole deal....


Hey, why not sic the supervillains on him? Grond, Firewing, or Doctor Destroyer could probably each take him, and they're the ones nobody's likely to miss if they can't.


Dough Boy: Only if there's an open slot that nobody else is going to step up and fill, and even then, he handles it by staying at the very edges of the ring and hurling Entangles at the Champion until he can get an opening.


Or runs out of ammo and gets himself squished.


Scarface: Isn't stupid enough to think that he, a normal with bundles of skills and guns, can actually take this guy. He does, however, hedge his world's bets by setting up shop a couple hundred yards away with a Barret Light .50 and frangible rounds. Y'know, just in case.


Probably wouldn't really help, mind you, but it's about all the guy can really do.

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Re: WWYCD: The True Champion has Arrived!


Millennium would be willing to be one of the ten. He'd get his butt kicked, but he would look marvelous while doing so.


Cheeta, Iron Will, and Snow Leopard would recognize they are out of their weight class, but contribute support as they could.


Dolphin believes he's invulnerable. Would gladly go up against this guy, but relizes that unless he's able to taunt him into burning enough END he knocks himself out it will probably be a draw (his offense is not nearly as good as his defense).


Instead he will suggest a teamwork approch. Find the best Power Copier available, have him or her copy his invulnerability, another character's attack ability, the tactical combat skills of Captain America (or whoever is the best available), and some superspeed.


If range is a factor, Dolphin and the others can be part of the power copier's entrage, but as long as they do not actually participate in the combat it should not break the rules, it will be the power copier vs Champion.

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Re: WWYCD: The True Champion has Arrived!


Jaguar Pequino may or may not be one of the 10, if she is she'll request that it become a kick boxing match as her Capoeria style is really not suited for a strait boxing match.


Quantum will most likely be one of the 10. He'd wait until later in the matches and if he was stuck fighting he'd crank his mass up to 3 K Tonnes and start swinging.


Corona No way is she fighting with that guy.

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Re: WWYCD: The True Champion has Arrived!


Anthem has no chance of defeating him. Even her near invulnerability would be breeched on somebody with legendary strength.


Uncle Slam is as close as my game universe gets to Superman, and I'll tell you up front, he's not near superman level. (I just think that it's boring to have someone that impossible to beat). He is however not the most powerful being in the game world....


Paragon is a retired hero with a suit of armor that puts him head and shoulders above the toughest characters. He retired because the armor was killing him slowly and he wanted to live long enough to raise his daughter. Without actual stats on the champion it's hard to say, but I think I'd give him a pretty good chance.

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Re: WWYCD: The True Champion has Arrived!


Actually this might be fun to play out as a double elemination tournament on Hero Centtral. Powerhouse, willing to GM?


Thank you very kindly for the offer but I fear that I must decline. I'm a better creator than GM. Also, I lack the time. Still, feel free to use the idea with my blessing.


Some cool stuff so far and I look foward to some more. Thanks everyone!

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Re: WWYCD: The True Champion has Arrived!


Doesn't he? I was going by the Wiki entry.


The wiki entry is um.. wildly biased and inaccurate, to be polite. He didn't easily defeat the Thing for one thing, the Thing survived an extended pounding from him and managed to hit him so hard he damaged the dude's ribs. And Champion functionally refused/manipulated his own rules to get out of fighting Thor and the Hulk. The one decently impressive bit he did was sending Thor's hammer away, but he acknowledged it would come back to him. His pet ref then disqualified Thor for using a weapon. Similarly doing so to guys like Wonder Man for tearing up the arena. His entourage dq'd Namor for refusing to train as he had outlined.


The one time he beat down a ton of powerful people was when he had finally learned how to draw on the power gem to a certain degree, and even then, it was only when he did the standard "waah, you're not allowed to use any of your powers, wah." Adam Warlock had previously taken him out with a few zaps of the soul gem in like, two panels.


Over his various appearances, he's shown himself to be a rather petty and vainglorious individual, and generally speaking, without amps from something like the power gem, isn't in, say, the Silver Surfer's weight class. After killing a world full of people for sport and being amped by an artifact they gave him, he could still only stalemate a Surfer that was said to be holding back not to hurt him too badly. He's about as powerful as a decently angry Hulk, it would seem.



So yeah, anyone as powerful as, say, Thor or the Surfer bothering to use their powers should just beat him and his entire entourage up, I don't see him taking well to superhero dogpile as long as the people in it are potent enough and, really.. the guy's just a jerk. Oh, and I tend to think that, say, Namor fresh out of water could have taken him solo after a moderately tough fight.

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Re: WWYCD: The True Champion has Arrived!


Gregory Cauldron: Gregory would volunteer to be the very first person to fight the Champion. He has 13 STR and with his FF has a PD of 22. He'd win in a heart beat. He'd just use his Extra Dimensional Movement power to send The Champion to either a Hell Dimension or he'd send him to the Netherworld. Gregory is very honorable and wouldn't dream of doing something like that under any other circumstances except for that threat about destroying the Earth. Thats not cricket.

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Re: WWYCD: The True Champion has Arrived!


BASTION would be up to the task and approach the Champion at his largest and most dense size (toping out at 120 STR). The sight would probably fill the Champion with glee and I'm sure he'd start spouting off about "finally meeting a worthy adversary", "glorious combat" and whatnot....


However, Bastion only has enough energy stored in his Chromo-Dial to hold such a huge form for about 12 seconds before the whole Chromo-Field collapses, the Chromo-Dial goes dead and Bastion becomes nothing more than a spindly scientist. So, the BIG guy routine is just for show... As soon as the actual fight began Bastion would reverse the Chromo-Field and shrink down to microscopic size, enter the Champion's body and muck around inside (just short of Jean Loring's tragic effort) until the Champ's eyes roll back into his head and he reaches for the Bufferin.:D

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Re: WWYCD: The True Champion has Arrived!


The wiki entry is um.. wildly biased and inaccurate, to be polite. He didn't easily defeat the Thing for one thing, the Thing survived an extended pounding from him and managed to hit him so hard he damaged the dude's ribs. And Champion functionally refused/manipulated his own rules to get out of fighting Thor and the Hulk. The one decently impressive bit he did was sending Thor's hammer away, but he acknowledged it would come back to him. His pet ref then disqualified Thor for using a weapon. Similarly doing so to guys like Wonder Man for tearing up the arena. His entourage dq'd Namor for refusing to train as he had outlined.


The one time he beat down a ton of powerful people was when he had finally learned how to draw on the power gem to a certain degree, and even then, it was only when he did the standard "waah, you're not allowed to use any of your powers, wah." Adam Warlock had previously taken him out with a few zaps of the soul gem in like, two panels.


Over his various appearances, he's shown himself to be a rather petty and vainglorious individual, and generally speaking, without amps from something like the power gem, isn't in, say, the Silver Surfer's weight class. After killing a world full of people for sport and being amped by an artifact they gave him, he could still only stalemate a Surfer that was said to be holding back not to hurt him too badly. He's about as powerful as a decently angry Hulk, it would seem.



So yeah, anyone as powerful as, say, Thor or the Surfer bothering to use their powers should just beat him and his entire entourage up, I don't see him taking well to superhero dogpile as long as the people in it are potent enough and, really.. the guy's just a jerk. Oh, and I tend to think that, say, Namor fresh out of water could have taken him solo after a moderately tough fight.


Based on that assessment, I'd say that T'Shenk might actually stand a chance simply because he's so hard to put down for the full count, that Saviel would beat him on skill and ruthlessness, and that Omega Girl would trash his entire entourage in a turn or so, and slap Champo around like a pro heavyweight working the heavy bag.

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Re: WWYCD: The True Champion has Arrived!


Dolphin believes he's invulnerable. Would gladly go up against this guy' date=' but relizes that unless he's able to taunt him into burning enough END he knocks himself out it will probably be a draw (his offense is not nearly as good as his defense).[/quote']


I'm not sure the burning-END would work:


Aside from his vast strength' date=' his body does not tire from physical exertion, since his musculature generates no lactic acids.
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Re: WWYCD: The True Champion has Arrived!


Vitus would look him up and down in contempt, tell him exactly was a gonad-driven moron he is, and henceforth ignore him completely.



Unless he threatened 3, in which case it would become a rabid fight to the death, starting off with SPD drains and finishing with a Promethean Spear thru the roof of the mouth.

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