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Signs your Champions GM is now (fill in the blank)


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Re: Signs your Champions GM is now (fill in the blank)


Signs your GM is now Laurel K Hamilton:


1) The campaign world sounds rather interesting, if super-natural heavy, but hey, it could be fun!


2) Then the GM introduces the GMPC, a shorter-than-average woman with far-better-than-average looks.


3) After 2-3 sessions, you're pretty sure the GMPC is built on far more points than the PCs are.


4) Despite your best efforts, this woman's sex life slowly becomes the campaign's central plot.


5) Also despite your best efforts, the PCs slowly get shoved aside in favor of all of the GM's various NPCs, most of whom are sleeping with the GMPC.


6) The last straw is when a single session is devoted the the GMPC having sex with several major NPCs. Possibly all at the same time.

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Re: Signs your Champions GM is now (fill in the blank)


Signs your Champions GM is now Rumiko Takahashi:


1) The PCs will be involved in romantic subplots.

2) The triangle is the least complicated romantic subplot you can hope for.

3) Frustration is funny. Especially in romance.

4) Female PCs and NPCs can inflict astonishing amounts of damage on males, even the uber martial artist sorts, but it's often gone by the next scene.

5) Knockback reaches Megascale levels, even if the advantage is not bought, especially if a female strikes a male.

6) One female in the cast will cross-dress as a male.

7) Magical gender changes are not unheard of. Beware of water.

8) Males are commonly afflicted with "Stupid Male Syndrome" and will say the wrong thing at the worst possible time.

9) Campaigns will last a long time, usually several years of real time.

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Re: Signs your Champions GM is now (fill in the blank)


Signs your GM is now Laurel K Hamilton:


1) The campaign world sounds rather interesting, if super-natural heavy, but hey, it could be fun!


2) Then the GM introduces the GMPC, a shorter-than-average woman with far-better-than-average looks.


3) After 2-3 sessions, you're pretty sure the GMPC is built on far more points than the PCs are.


4) Despite your best efforts, this woman's sex life slowly becomes the campaign's central plot.


5) Also despite your best efforts, the PCs slowly get shoved aside in favor of all of the GM's various NPCs, most of whom are sleeping with the GMPC.


6) The last straw is when a single session is devoted the the GMPC having sex with several major NPCs. Possibly all at the same time.

7) Every entrance of the GMPC will involve a five-minute description of what she's wearing.




(That's why I couldn't get through a single one of those books, and quit while I was ahead.)

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Re: Signs your Champions GM is now (fill in the blank)


7) Every entrance of the GMPC will involve a five-minute description of what she's wearing.




(That's why I couldn't get through a single one of those books, and quit while I was ahead.)


I lasted to around book 8 with Anita Blake and barely finished book one of Mary Sue the fairy princess.

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Re: Signs your Champions GM is now (fill in the blank)


Reading Ayn Rand is bad enough. Reading a fantasy imitation of it? Uck...uck...uck...


The trick is to remember that the Rand-ites are the Bad Guys. ;)


I deleted a rather snappy one-liner that would have taken this into NGD territory.

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Re: Signs your Champions GM is now (fill in the blank)


Signs your Champions GM is now Arnold Schwartzenegger


10) Your char-ak-tah is too weeeek! We will pump him up with our exercise pro-graaam!


9) If your STR wasn't 20 after 4 sessions, it is now!


8) You can beat up all the mook bad guys you want, and STILL marry a Kennedy!


7) Do not ask these questions! I am the Champinator! I will govern you like I govern California!


6) If your STR is higher than 20, you may be required to give Arnold a workout.


5) Fights are exceptionally heroic, although the pithy quips after major enemies die seem just a little too scripted...


4) He didn't start running the game himself! He took it over from someone who was doing such a bad job, that his performance MUST be better.


3) Games are always episodic. No bad guy seems to survive longer than a few sessions.


2) The most sinister villain is always "The Evil Buddy."


1) If you tell him you got a Raw Deal, you have to find a way to get rid of him and replace him as GM before he gets rid of you.

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Re: Signs your Champions GM is now (fill in the blank)


Signs your Champions GM is now Raymond E. Feist:

1) All of the PCs are from different cultures.

2) Every member of a culture is practically the same, so much so that they may as well be clones.

3) Every race is 'the best' at everything.

4) The initial villains are from a culture who are also the best, even more best than the PCs.

5) The PCs become better than best, and manage to defeat the first villains.

6) A new villain culture appears, and they are even betterer than the best villains that were first more best than the PCs.

7) You quit the campaign, because it is getting a bit silly at this stage. How many bests can there be?


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Re: Signs your Champions GM is now (fill in the blank)


OK, I realize I'm late to the game, but someone did ask, so here's my humble submission:


Signs Your Champions GM is now Joss Whedon:


1. Everybody (PC and NPC) has complex backgrounds with very quirky elements. The guy who delivers the mail? He's secretly an Elvis impersonator trying to summon the King for his daughter's sixteenth birthday.


2. You get extra XP for snappy dialog.


3. At least one member of the group (most likely a female) will be able to kick everyone's butt yet have some emotional vulnerabilty or hang-up that will allow the GM to mess with her brain.


4. Another member of the group (most likely a male) will be selected to be the comedy relief, so he will have PhysLim: Weirdness Magnet whether he has it written down or not.


5. Any attempt at romance by a PC will end in disaster. Count on it. Nevertheless, every run will involve romantic (read sexual) tension of some sort.


6. The PC's will deal with six totally weird things before breakfast. Don't even ask what they'll find in their cereal.


And finally,


7. The campaign will either last a handful of runs and then get dropped like a hot potato, leaving you frustrated, or run for a long while, leading up to some big climactic scene then petering out to a series of lame boring runs that don't seem worth it.


Oh, and I forgot...


8. Pray to your personal deity that everyone in your group has a good singing voice because no matter what you're playing, at some point you will have to sing. In front of everyone else. And they'll have to listen.



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Re: Signs your Champions GM is now (fill in the blank)


Because unlike running Hero' date=' the Forgotten Realms has a ridiculously complicated timeline, so I need to know what exists and what doesn't, especially when you have different groups at different points in the timeline.[/quote']


This is OT, but I like the Realms too, and I don't think you should feel compelled to use everything that ever happened in the official timeline. Some of it I wouldn't touch for either love nor money!

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