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CHAMPIONS REVISED -- If We Do It, What Would You Like To See?

Steve Long

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Re: CHAMPIONS REVISED -- If We Do It, What Would You Like To See?


I concur resolutely. Maps, maps, maps!


Things like the aforementioned Homestead (and perhaps the other sample bases too), and useful things like city streets, a skyscraper or two, or some common buildings (eg. a bar, a parking garage, a university etc.) would all be mighty cool.

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Re: CHAMPIONS REVISED -- If We Do It, What Would You Like To See?


I think the current version is fine. When WOC did 3.5 it fixed some glaring errors but it was still cheesy as all heck. That being said I hope you don't do it.


I'd rather see new material than rehashing old stuff. New material is a lot more attractive to me as a consumer, GM and player. If you do it, make me want to buy it by offering me some characters and places I 've never seen before.

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Re: CHAMPIONS REVISED -- If We Do It, What Would You Like To See?




Witchcraft's cat, Nighthawk's hawk, Defender's dog, Ironclad's monkey and Sapphire's horse!


I keep getting this frightening image of a hawk with a human head-shaped cowl. I mean, he'd have to right? A hawk with a hawk with a hawk's head cowl would just look ridiculous.

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Re: CHAMPIONS REVISED -- If We Do It, What Would You Like To See?


I keep getting this frightening image of a hawk with a human head-shaped cowl. I mean' date=' he'd have to right? A hawk with a hawk with a hawk's head cowl would just look ridiculous.[/quote']Even a human with a hawkhead covering looks rediculous, whether it's Buck Rogers, a cartoon series or an angst ridden "dark avenger." The only characters I've seen with hawk masks that haven't looked silly are Hawkman and Hawkwoman.
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Re: CHAMPIONS REVISED -- If We Do It, What Would You Like To See?




Witchcraft's cat, Nighthawk's hawk, Defender's dog, Ironclad's monkey and Sapphire's horse!








Umm, sorry, I'll go away and stop bothering you now...





Witchcraft's cat is written up in Everyman (p79). The cat's name is Sunshine.

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Re: CHAMPIONS REVISED -- If We Do It, What Would You Like To See?


Alright...I'll give my $0.02 in.


1) A short adventure of some sort, even if it is a generic "Stop the bank robbers".


2) Some more sample heros and villians.


3) Turtle Armor, 5th edition.


4) A short "Who's Who In The Champions Universe", with a short paragraph of text about the subject (like Dr. Silverback or Dr. Destroyer), and a "First Apperance" or "First 5th Edition Apperance" with the name of the product where the write-up can be found.


5) A lovly lady bound to the train tracks. No...seresly...not.

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Re: CHAMPIONS REVISED -- If We Do It, What Would You Like To See?



3) Turtle Armor, 5th edition.



OK, we probably need less insider been-playing-since-1980 type stuff and more stuff of the getting new players hooked variety, but this is a cool idea. :D

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Re: CHAMPIONS REVISED -- If We Do It, What Would You Like To See?


Tutorial: How do I explain this to my gaming group and teach them the system.


Or just a tutorial walk through of setting up a simple adventure or rather than a combat example a tutorial style combat thing to step a newby through the process of running a few phases of combat.


Maps are always good - especially if availble pdf so they can be printed to an appropriate scale. Discussion on the use of minatures and other props (handouts, newspaper articles, cardstock terrain and vehicles)? A discussion on how to make a game more immersive and draw the players into the setting.


A starter scenario would be good.


A discussion of conspiracy based opponents (actually that may be in the villainy section already) or opponent organizations in general and how to use them.


Maybe a discussion of how to break the mold on a superhero game the way books like astro city break away from the traditional superhero comic.



It's a shame you can't add a tie in to the NBC Heroes series somehow. - off topic but if you can talk NBC into posting a Heroes scenario written using hero system rules (provided by hero games) into a web freeby that would have to bring in more customers.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: CHAMPIONS REVISED -- If We Do It, What Would You Like To See?


I'll put in a vote for a short adventure. Having it illustrated with a comic-book combat example would be nice, but the art fees would probably be prohibitive.


Also, I really like the Turtle Armor 5.0 idea. It's versatile, and usable by bad guys everywhere.

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Re: CHAMPIONS REVISED -- If We Do It, What Would You Like To See?


Also' date=' I [b']really[/b] like the Turtle Armor 5.0 idea. It's versatile, and usable by bad guys everywhere.
Somehow I missed this suggestion until now. (Or did I? Pages have turned, and I've missed a lot of sleep this week....) Anyway, I'm totally in favor of the return of Turtle Armor. And if this is a repeat seconding, just treat it as an illustration of how pumped I am at the idea. :D
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Re: CHAMPIONS REVISED -- If We Do It, What Would You Like To See?


Somehow I missed this suggestion until now. (Or did I? Pages have turned' date=' and I've missed a lot of sleep this week....) Anyway, I'm [b']totally[/b] in favor of the return of Turtle Armor. And if this is a repeat seconding, just treat it as an illustration of how pumped I am at the idea. :D


As the guy who first sergested this ideal, I am flatered that there are people who like it. I mean, it could easly be a way to spice up mundain senerios without bringing in more supervillians. Simply have some thugs pay massive amounts of cash to Argent for the Turtle Armor and atachments, and your off and running.


Of course, this would be more aproprate for the Argent orginzation book...but hay, whatch going ta do?


(Oh, and I only guessed that Argent is behind the Turtle Armor...I mean, it does seem to fit in with what thay seem to be about)

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Re: CHAMPIONS REVISED -- If We Do It, What Would You Like To See?


OK' date=' now you're getting right back to the very heart of my original post: given the constraints I specified on what we can do in terms of adding things to the book, what [i']could[/i] be added to the book that would make it an attractive purchase for you?

I would love to see an appendix that basically takes all of the existing info the reader has just digested and provides an extended example of how to implement it.


"Darren, Steve, Ben, Tina, and Buzz have decided to start a Champions campaign. Darren offers to GM, and suggests the group start with standard, 350 point supers. Millennium City is bandied about as a setting for the campaign, but then Tina offers up the idea of paying in a superpowered version of their home city, [insert name here]. Steve likes the idea of not competing for space with the Champions. So, they grab their books and start making characters..."


Basically, a crash course on using a HERO genre book to build a campaign, design adventures, build PCs, etc.

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Re: CHAMPIONS REVISED -- If We Do It, What Would You Like To See?


I realized a bigger problem with Champions Revised than I thought, and it all goes back to Dennis Malonee again.


I realize that Steve TRIED to fix this in the first edition of the champions sourcebook, but the truth is, that I was probably as frustrated as the rest of you.




Thanks to Dennis Malonee...




That's right! Mechanon has no origin because in First, Second, and Third editions, he was the League of Champions Robot Butler....


Only now, he CAN'T be.

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Re: CHAMPIONS REVISED -- If We Do It, What Would You Like To See?


Well, to tell you the truth, I like Mechanon better this way.


The earlier origins for Mechanon made him an even more obvious Ultron riff, and tied him to the continuity of a superteam, either the Champions or whatever superteam from a particular GM's world that he might decide to substitute for the Champions. The wide-open origin allows the GM more freedom to fit Mech into his campaign, and can provide a mystery for PCs to unravel.


The 5E Champions Universe has a few other villains whose backgrounds are left undefined, including the Monster and the Lamplighter, and IMHO a few such characters add to a campaign world.

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Re: CHAMPIONS REVISED -- If We Do It, What Would You Like To See?


I suppose I'm in the vocal minority when I say "who cares?" :rolleyes:


Like Dr. Destroyer, Mechanon is one of those villains whose write-up I just can't stand. Even if you're victorious over him, HERO has designed him to get away. Even if you destroy him, HERO has designed him to get away. Even when your character dies of old age, Mechanon goes on to become 'super battle head' in Galactic Champions and damn near invincible. Big whoop if I don't know his origin. :straight: YMMV.

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