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Omlevex by Z-Man Games, Inc. - Who else has purchased it?


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Omlevex by Z-Man Games, Inc.



The folks at Z-ManGames/Spectrum Games were kind enough to let us know when this product came out and included Hero, SAS, and M&M Stats, but has anyone one done anything with it since?


Have anyone done a review? (Yes, I am looking at you Ghost Angel)


The major heroes of the Omlevex universe consist of:

Drake Einstein - An actor who became a superhero to get movie roles

The American Gargoyle - A patriotic mutant who resembles a gargoyle

Cliffhanger - A former spy turned superhero

Lacie Delmont - A heroine who fights the supernatural

Freedom's Trio - A superhero team that banded together to protect the universe





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Re: Omlevex by Z-Man Games, Inc. - Who else has purchased it?


I've used a little of it for back history in my M&M campaign. Omlevex has a very early silver age feel that isn't my cup of tea. It's a fun book for reminiscing about one particular point of time in comics [some of the art really takes me back to Ditko and Kirby] but I'm more of a late silver to early bronze guy.


I also didn't care for the Hero write ups. They had a very converted feel to them [guys with 19 strengths or 17 intelligence] that seemed to take away from the soul of what the character was about.

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Re: Omlevex by Z-Man Games, Inc. - Who else has purchased it?


I've read Omlevex but decided not to buy it. I very much admire the style and creativity of the book, but ultimately the flavor it's going for just didn't float my boat.


I do know of a couple of reviews for it on RPGnet:





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Re: Omlevex by Z-Man Games, Inc. - Who else has purchased it?


I've read it a few times (at Half Price Books, when thay had a used copy), but while it looked good, it was not exactly my cup of tea. I could prehaps update a few villains in the book (I especaly like Skulldugery and the assasion guy who will not kill kids...what was his name again?), but beyond that...again, to Silver Ageish for me.

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Re: Omlevex by Z-Man Games, Inc. - Who else has purchased it?


If I saw it in a store Id probably have bought it back when I was regularly running Champions games. I like Silver Age, and everything Ive read about it seems like something I'd get a good chuckle out of.


However, my compulsive shopping seems to be constrained to physical product I hold in my hot little hands; I rarely ever buy something compulsively via the web. And thus, since I never saw it at the local store, I don't own it.

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Re: Omlevex by Z-Man Games, Inc. - Who else has purchased it?


I bought it and read it so long ago that I remember very little. I enjoyed the silver age feel, but knew it was incongruous with my own campaign. They're rust if I put them into my game. I'd need to run a different campaign if I were going to use them, and I'm not that ambitious.


So it sits on a shelf, like many other sourcebooks.

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Re: Omlevex by Z-Man Games, Inc. - Who else has purchased it?


I really liked the way it was presented, as if it were a licensed book for the made up comic company. I enjoyed the writing and most of the characters.

The writeups were pretty much garbage though. I rewrote every character out of it I used.


A really nice read, not so much so in use. Althought I don't feel I wasted my money by any means, and I'd buy another book if they released one.

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Re: Omlevex by Z-Man Games, Inc. - Who else has purchased it?


I thought it was a neat idea, but poorly executed. In particular, the notion that the main part of the campaign setting was, essentially, a modern, unreconstructed Confederacy just sets my teeth on edge in a half-dozen bad ways.


Also, the actual write-ups of the setting felt like the authors had knowledge of Silver-Age tropes, but not a very deep understanding of them. As such, it felt thrown-together by laundry list.



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Re: Omlevex by Z-Man Games, Inc. - Who else has purchased it?


I thought it was a neat idea, but poorly executed. In particular, the notion that the main part of the campaign setting was, essentially, a modern, unreconstructed Confederacy just sets my teeth on edge in a half-dozen bad ways.


Also, the actual write-ups of the setting felt like the authors had knowledge of Silver-Age tropes, but not a very deep understanding of them. As such, it felt thrown-together by laundry list.









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Re: Omlevex by Z-Man Games, Inc. - Who else has purchased it?


Omlevex by Z-Man Games, Inc.


The major heroes of the Omlevex universe consist of:

Drake Einstein - An actor who became a superhero to get movie roles

The American Gargoyle - A patriotic mutant who resembles a gargoyle

Cliffhanger - A former spy turned superhero

Lacie Delmont - A heroine who fights the supernatural

Freedom's Trio - A superhero team that banded together to protect the universe


I got a copy of Omlevex as part of the "buy $50 worth of Hero stuff, get

something from the vault" deal at the online store. My $.02US:


I like the basic feel of how the book is constructed, with it playing out

the textural conceit of being a history of the Omlevex comic label, as

well as a look at the effects of omlevex on the world at large. Definately

a "silver age" feel to all of the scenarios, characters, etc and as something

of a silver age style player I liked that too. However.....


I'm not as fond of how the characters seem to be locked in to the single

geographic location of the "omlevex islands" (the actual names escape

me and, as I am at work right now, I can't look them up...). When I look

at a sourcebook, one of the key things I look for is modifiability (eg: the

fairly open nature of "San Angelo", etc...). Also, while I admit it is very

silver age, the fact that the islands in question have such a wide variety

of cultural and topographic features seems forced.....


Given these points, would I have bought a copy if I hadn't gotten a free

one ? Probably not. I'd have gone with something like "San Angelo" instead. :D


Agin, just my $.02US. YMMV.



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Re: Omlevex by Z-Man Games, Inc. - Who else has purchased it?


Omlevex by Z-Man Games, Inc.



The folks at Z-ManGames/Spectrum Games were kind enough to let us know when this product came out and included Hero, SAS, and M&M Stats, but has anyone one done anything with it since?


Have anyone done a review? (Yes, I am looking at you Ghost Angel)


Er, just learned of its existance. I'll add it to The List though.

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Re: Omlevex by Z-Man Games, Inc. - Who else has purchased it?


Yeah, I got it as my free gift, too... wasn't really impressed, not my cup of tea, really. Neat that they'd have a cross-over book like that, though... had some neat stuff, if I remember right, but I kind of lost interest.


S'long as I don't get any repeats with my freebies (I tend to buy bundle deals or several at once), its always interesting to see what comes out of the vault. Obviously, as a free item, its not going to be a huge gem unless it just so happens to fit what you're doing. So far, I've gotten all cross-over stuff, oddly enough... but after buying a computer, books are gonna have to wait awhile... *sigh*

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Guest Goradin

Re: Omlevex by Z-Man Games, Inc. - Who else has purchased it?


I liked the book but agree that its very Silver Age in feel and some were in Pulpy or Golden Age. American Gargoyle was my favorite character in this book.


Its very useful as maybe an alternate dimension Silver Age if you look at it that way.

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Re: Omlevex by Z-Man Games, Inc. - Who else has purchased it?


I bought it and enjoyed reading it, but doubt I'll ever use it. Mostly because my group thinks the silver age was too goofy, not because of any personal dislike.


My favorite was the Man-Cactus.

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Re: Omlevex by Z-Man Games, Inc. - Who else has purchased it?


It comes in handy in certain circumstances.


For silver age campaigns or people new to comics eras, the reprint of the actual comics code is really useful. It is also brief and entertaining enough to make a good pre chr generation hand out.


The characters are quircky and you'll either love the eccentricites or loathe them. Personally It worked for me but I tend to use it as a piecemeal supplement, taking a bit here and there.


At one time, the plan from Z-Man games was to bring out later versions of the characters in different comic eras so that say American Gargoyle would get more angsty in the Bronze age book and so on.

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