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Foods for those that just don't care anymore


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Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore




Let's see... I spot a pizza, topped with personal pizzas, topped with mini-bagel pizzas, topped with pizza rolls. Don't think I missed anything...


Don't forget to save up for the triple bypass.


This is Man vs. Food territory here.

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Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore


OK, I have a question that is oddly appropriate to this topic:


It's a grey, dreary day here, looks to be that way for the week, and I was grocery shopping. I'm thinking old fashioned comfort food. I see cubed steak on sale and think to myself "Chicken fried steak!" something I've always wanted to try to make. Now, ~10 years of living in Louisville KY have instilled a good love of southern cooking in me, but my grandmothers were from Boston and Connecticut, so I've got no southern family recipes to speak off. And the guys in the meat department here in upstate New York just had a good laugh with me for even asking.


Now I could just to a random internet search, or check an Alton Brown cookbook, but I figured I'd ask my foodie friends here in this thread to see if anyone had a good recipe to share.


What I picked up at the store thinking it might help:

Cubed steak

Sausage (was thinking sawmill gravy)

Buttermilk (dredge/biscuts)


Butter/flour/most spices are also on hand, and I'll go back to the store if something sounds really yummy. I've also got The Wife's grandfather's cast iron skillet which could be put to task, and most other mundane kitchen hardware.


Thanks in advance for the help.

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Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore




Waitress: Yeah, we think we know why it tasted funny. You know how you defrost, then refreeze, the defrost and then cook seafood?

Group of diners: (blank stare)

Waitress: Yeah, we think it was that.

Group of diners: What?





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Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore


It's a grey, dreary day here, looks to be that way for the week, and I was grocery shopping. I'm thinking old fashioned comfort food. I see cubed steak on sale and think to myself "Chicken fried steak!" something I've always wanted to try to make. Now, ~10 years of living in Louisville KY have instilled a good love of southern cooking in me, but my grandmothers were from Boston and Connecticut, so I've got no southern family recipes to speak off. And the guys in the meat department here in upstate New York just had a good laugh with me for even asking.


Chicken fried steak is a cultural touchstone around here. I've semi-jokingly said that any restaurant that doesn't serve it isn't worth eating at. Haven't found a Chinese place that makes it yet, but just about all the Mexican places do. We cook it regularly at the house.


Wife's instructions are: beat a couple eggs and get some flour out. Dredge the steak in the eggs, then dredge through flour. Repeat on eggs and flour once more. Fry till done. Serve with cream gravy, and choice of mashed or fried taters. She might put some salt and pepper in the flour, but there's enough of that in the gravy it isn't really needed in my opinion. The gravy always has some garlic powder in it, and it is preferable that bacon grease is used as the base, not butter or veggie oil. Really good CFS uses ribeye instead of chopped steak, although my preference is venison backstrap.

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Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore


Remember that amount shown is per serving. That can probably has 3-4 servings in it.


if you look closely, it does say "Serving: 1 Can" on the left side at the curve. The can is 5.5 oz, not a very large can for all that evil.

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Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore


OK, I have a question that is oddly appropriate to this topic:


It's a grey, dreary day here, looks to be that way for the week, and I was grocery shopping. I'm thinking old fashioned comfort food. I see cubed steak on sale and think to myself "Chicken fried steak!" something I've always wanted to try to make. Now, ~10 years of living in Louisville KY have instilled a good love of southern cooking in me, but my grandmothers were from Boston and Connecticut, so I've got no southern family recipes to speak off. And the guys in the meat department here in upstate New York just had a good laugh with me for even asking.


Now I could just to a random internet search, or check an Alton Brown cookbook, but I figured I'd ask my foodie friends here in this thread to see if anyone had a good recipe to share.


What I picked up at the store thinking it might help:

Cubed steak

Sausage (was thinking sawmill gravy)

Buttermilk (dredge/biscuts)


Butter/flour/most spices are also on hand, and I'll go back to the store if something sounds really yummy. I've also got The Wife's grandfather's cast iron skillet which could be put to task, and most other mundane kitchen hardware.


Thanks in advance for the help.


When I make chicken-fried steak, I dump some flour on a plate, season it (salt and pepper work fine by themselves, but sometimes I throw in some Prudhomme's Meat Magic), dip the steaks in milk, roll them in the flour and put them in the hot oil. Once all the steaks are fried up, scrape up all the bits from the pan and use the leftover flour and milk to make gravy (gravy making is a skill not easily described in writing though...more of a hands-on learning).

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Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore


(gravy making is a skill not easily described in writing though...more of a hands-on learning).


So true. My Mom did it effortlessly, and I watched many times. Same with my wife. But if I thy anything but gravy from a box, it's worthless. Either thick as Jello, or thin as water. It looks easy, but it ain't.

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Re: Foods for those that just don't care anymore




Well, two out of three ain't bad.


I started by cooking up some sausage in the skillet, hoping to use the fat to cook the meat and as a base of the gravy. Stupid healthy low fat sausage, not nearly enough fat rendered out, so I had to add oil to cook with. I used an egg/buttermilk mix as the wet for the breading, and just flour with salt/pepper/cyanne seasoning for the dry. Should have seasoned the flour more, but it didn't help that I had to add more flour while in the middle of cooking and didn't re-season it. I don't know if it was the temperature, or the amount of oil, cook time, or something else, but the steaks were a little on the soggy side. And the first out of the skillet was a little burnt. Eatable, but nothing to write home about.


Once the steaks were done and on a rack in the oven to keep warm I moved on to the next step: gravy. I deglazed the pan with a splash of white wine to help get the bits up. Added a lump of butter and flour to make a roux. Added milk, pepper and thyme. Done, and done well; good flavor and consistency.


The buttermilk biscuits I made before starting cooking everything else. It would have been nice to have them fresh out of the oven when everything else was finished, but I didn't feel like juggling everything at once. Light and fluffy. I wasn't worried about these turning out, they are well within my skill set/comfort zone.


Dinner was rounded out with mashed potatoes and broccoli.


So my chicken fried steak was "meh." I chalk most of that up to poor technique. I don't do a lot of pan frying. But the biscuits and gravy were good. And I had all the sausage I cooked up at the start of this, which I tossed into the leftover gravy. Which brings us back to "Food for those that just don't care anymore." Breakfast this morning was biscuits and gravy. A more unhealthy breakfast is hard to find, but it was quite yummy.

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