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What's the point? They're gonna escape anyways


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Re: What's the point? They're gonna escape anyways


This is a common failing of Comic Book Writers and some Game Masters, but not in my Campaigns. Unless the GM comes up with a good explanation.


Improvisation is a learned skill and one supremely important for any GM. Cause' no planned adventure survives contact with the players or dice.



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Re: What's the point? They're gonna escape anyways


It's a Campaign level decision that a villain escapes. By adding the information it allows a GM who does want them to escape information - if you don't want them to escape remove that element.


It is easier, in my experience, to remove aspects of source material than to reliably add it in.

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Re: What's the point? They're gonna escape anyways


Because foiling them is fun and makes you a stallion in the sack that night.


And come on. Destroyer's gonna choke soon and he'll go knowing that "no prison could hold him" but he never won either.


And Mechanon is going down in a few years to Negerian Email spammers.

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Re: What's the point? They're gonna escape anyways


In the words of my PCs:


Junkyard Dog: "Pardon me? This is our city. Let them escape. We'll destroy them any time they care to arrive here."


U.S. Steel: "Would you rather they served their time, made the world believe they were rehabilitated and started plans in secret behind a face of respectability? Because that works too."

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Re: What's the point? They're gonna escape anyways


It's all mindset. You want to leave these nuballs running around spoiling your Monday Night Football or canceling the Baseball World Series. FIFA World Cup / Olympic games/ WWF Takedown etc whenever they feel like it?


For silver age games you have to jail them as it gets them off the street and leaves you time to get it on with that female reporter who is amazingly dense when it comes to a pair of glasses and an Italian neck tie.


For Iron/Rust age games, you have to gut them like fishes and leave the remains in a spot where other crooks get the message that nobody pulls crime in YOUR town. Then you can get it on with that trisexual alien real estate developer who is amazingly dense when it comes to a pair of glasses and an Italian cod piece.

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Re: What's the point? They're gonna escape anyways


Dr. Destroyer has multiple escape plans. Mechanon has multiple bodies.


I even have villains that seem to escape at the last minute.


So what's the point? They're gonna escape anyways. Right?


(For this post, my part will be played by Patrick Warburton)

Good Gravy, Man! What's HAPPENED to you?

What about JUSTICE, Man!? What about TRUTH!?

Fighting the GOOD FIGHT!?


We're Superheroes! We don't do it for the Money! The Prestige! The Respect! We do it because in this crazy, mixed-up place, SOMEBODY's GOTTA SAVE THE WORLD!

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Re: What's the point? They're gonna escape anyways


I would do it to stay out all night, get my face on a gum card, play with ray guns, amaze pets and strangers, and did I say stay out all night?


Besides, if you are a teenager and you're snooping around and you see a superhero changing into his trunks, then you have to be his sidekick. If you didn't just think of what a disappointment it would be to your family.

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Re: What's the point? They're gonna escape anyways


Why bother?


Because somebody has to stop them from doing what they are trying. I don't know about yoyu but I'm not ready to live under Dr. D's rule or have myself and my loved-ones replaced by machines or ... whatever that plan is they are hatching this time.


Sure they escape, but that's not the point. The point is that your country is still free, your friends aren't toasters, and ... well you've foiled their plans.


Plus it's always fun to turn it back on them when they inevitably come back: "Oh please! This is how many times we've foiled your plans? Why do you even try? You know you'll loose. Yes you'll escape and come up with another scheme to take over the world/destroy organic life/whatever, but that's not the point. The point is that going on past experience your going to loose. Again! I mean, really, what's the point?


It's not Heroes that should be asking 'what's the point?' it's villians. Heroes get what they want (adoration, the girl, the warm feeling that comes with a job well done) Villians get beaten up, made to look like fools (even when they are Megavillians) and have to run away with their tails between their legs. Even when they score a victory it never lasts, the world doesn't work like that.


It's better to be a hero, that way you'll know that eventually you'll win (even if you must sacrifice everything to do it). Which is why so many of my villians think they are 'heroes'. "I'm only taking over the world for it's own good", "Humanity is the greatest threat this planet has ever faced it must be eradicated for the good of all life", "machine life is the next step in evolution and I am it's champion", etc...

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Re: What's the point? They're gonna escape anyways


As the English philosopher, Edmund Burke said; "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil, is for good men to do nothing."


The heroes are out there to protect those who would fall prey to the human predators, make the world a safer place to live, and minimize the impact these crazed villains have on the world.

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