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Super "Chi" powers?


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I have a new player entering Epic City who has requested some character creation help from me (and by "me" I obviously mean all of you too) :)


He's creating a martial artist in the Daredevil or Iron Fist mold. The character is to have access to conventional and unconventional Chi powers...


Of course, he came up with the standards like Healing, Increased Statistics, etc... But fell short when it came to the more creative manifestations of Chi.


Can anyone out there help us by contributing some cool Chi powers? The more interesting the better!!!


(Pointing them out would really help too) :thumbup:

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Re: Super "Chi" powers?


Super-Jumping. Standard in Japanese cartoons. Chinese Wire Fu tends to use a kind of flight, requiring the jumpers to touch the ground at the end of every move.


Chi Balls: Standard for Shotoclones, but Ranma Saotome and Ryoga Hibiki have their own kind. Alternately, air shockwaves attacks.


Fabric Blades: Use your chi to stiffen and sharpen objects made out of cloth or paper, turning them into throwing or melee weapons. Cards have been used that way.


Pressure Points: Pressure points and chi can be used to justify any kind of Power Defense attack you can think of. Also NNDs and Killing Attacks.


Clinging: Naruto martial artists use it to walk up walls.


Presence Attacks: A chi battle aura or chunky updraft can be very intimidating.

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Re: Super "Chi" powers?


"Faster then the Eye can See": Vanishing Teleport from Dark Champions or a less limited version that allows to seemingly "blink" from location to location assuming he could reach it normally.


Chi Awareness: The character supernatural perception of the chi flows in the area give him insights anything from Combat Sense to Dangersense to more mystic forms of perception like ESP, Aura reading and evaluating an target health and skill.


Ghost Striking: chi empowered blows that can harm ghosts and other incorporeal magical beings.

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Re: Super "Chi" powers?


Pretty much anything you see in the Naruto anime series. Here the energy's called Chakra, but it's basically the same.


Elemental blasts (normal, AoE, Indirect, etc.) are popular. The ultimate example is the Rasengan, a whirling ball of chi in the ninja's hand (HtH attack, extra END.) The Chidoro, Sasuke's signature attack, is basically the same, only it takes Charges instead of extra END (2 attacks/day for Sasuke, 3 attacks when he's given an AID by the Cursed Seal, 4 attacks/day for his teacher...can't remember his name.)


Then there are all the medical jutsu: healing, transform (from crippled to good health, LOTS of extra time & gestures & foci), direct attacks on the opponent's chi, entangles made of chi -- unbreakable to physical attacks, they must be cut by chi.


Then there's the family bloodline stuff: Shadow Possession Jutsu (Mind Control [is that the right power?] with the limitation, must be touched by ninja's shadow), the Sharingan eye (VPP, only techniques the ninja has watched with the Sharigan eye), can't think of much else....


Then there's the outrageous Summoning Jutsu (Summon, varying degrees of friendliness) made by a pact with extradimensional beings. Some of these can also be used as jutsu -- the Mountain Toad AoE Entangle, frex.


Hope that helps.

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Re: Super "Chi" powers?


There's already a wide range of ideas here so I'll float some build concepts for the Chi Master.


Stretching with invisible power effects and gestures to represent the martial artists ability to strike at range with just his Chi. This is a variation on the normal energy blast since the character is actually projecting themselves at the target.


The Technique multi-power this is a multi-power for Naked Advantages that can be applied to strength. Examples include the Spear Hand (Armor Piercing) , Vibrating Palm (Penetrating), Atemi Strike (AVLD versus Hardened Armor), Combos (Auto-Fire), Lingering Strike (Continuous possibly with Reduced End) and Death Touch (A killing attack equal to strength with NND: Requires nervous system and does body). The Death Touch would likely be the most expressive power in the framework, likely twice that of any other, allow the character to combined two of the other strikes when attacking or use the extremely deadly attack.


Hope these ideas help.

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Re: Super "Chi" powers?


The Technique multi-power this is a multi-power for Naked Advantages that can be applied to strength. Examples include the Spear Hand (Armor Piercing) , Vibrating Palm (Penetrating), Atemi Strike (AVLD versus Hardened Armor), Combos (Auto-Fire), Lingering Strike (Continuous possibly with Reduced End) and Death Touch (A killing attack equal to strength with NND: Requires nervous system and does body). The Death Touch would likely be the most expressive power in the framework, likely twice that of any other, allow the character to combined two of the other strikes when attacking or use the extremely deadly attack.


Hope these ideas help.


This is unique! Thanks!!! Anyone else?


More on the character...


I've come up with a concept where the actual character is an ancient wizened old man. He spent his youth scouring the globe searching for new chi techniques. However, time slipped past quickly and before his trek was complete he became too infirm to continue...


One of the last chi techniques he mastered was a form of astral projection. Realizing that he was nearing the end of his life he focussed on that skill and perfected the materialization of a youthful and fully corporeal version of himself. He could live on and continue his quest as sentient chi. He would become a living ghost.


The master's original (real) body remains in a catatonic state while focussing of the projection of his youthful self. While in this trance he is immune to aging. To come out of the chi-torpor is very dangerous for the old master as it would subtract from the few precious moments of life he has remaining.


The master's "projection" is a youthful representation of himself that retains his knowledge and skill. The two exist as 2 real people simultaneously. The "projection" is in all ways corporal and interacts with the world as any other person might. It is through this manifestation that the master lives on as a somatic specter...


I'm now considering the actual construction of this character. My first thoughts drift toward Multiform...



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Re: Super "Chi" powers?


This is unique! Thanks!!! Anyone else?


More on the character...


I've come up with a concept where the actual character is an ancient wizened old man. He spent his youth scouring the globe searching for new chi techniques. However, time slipped past quickly and before his trek was complete he became too infirm to continue...


One of the last chi techniques he mastered was a form of astral projection. Realizing that he was nearing the end of his life he focussed on that skill and perfected the materialization of a youthful and fully corporeal version of himself. He could live on and continue his quest as sentient chi. He would become a living ghost.


The master's original (real) body remains in a catatonic state while focussing of the projection of his youthful self. While in this trance he is immune to aging. To come out of the chi-torpor is very dangerous for the old master as it would subtract from the few precious moments of life he has remaining.


The master's "projection" is a youthful representation of himself that retains his knowledge and skill. The two exist as 2 real people simultaneously. The "projection" is in all ways corporal and interacts with the world as any other person might. It is through this manifestation that the master lives on as a somatic specter...


I'm now considering the actual construction of this character. My first thoughts drift toward Multiform...




From this background it seems like a very powerful Desolid would be in order. Perhaps going so far as to have it always on and purchasing his other powers affects physical world. Although that may be cost prohibitive.

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Re: Super "Chi" powers?




Wonderful idea for an NPC where you don't have to worry about the points. PITA for a PC where you really do have to worry about the points.


Multiform with the Astral Project having a Disad reflecting the catatonic master that could be killed and hurt him is a good possibility, but you'd have to make it clear that the projection would have to travel back to where the catatonic body is using its movement power in order to "wake up."


Duplication is of course possible, but clunky for the effect wanted.

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Re: Super "Chi" powers?


Chi-Push : HA with Double knockback and Reduced Penetration

Atemi Attack : Entangle, transparent to attacks (probably some other good disadvantages to throw onto this one)


I used those extensively on my old martial artist PC.

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Re: Super "Chi" powers?


Multiform is unnecessary when your original body is comatose. That's a disadvantage or a limitation' date=' not a power.[/quote']


OK, so how would you handle the build? Stats and powers that are OIHID? How do you handle the comatose body as a Disad?


Edit - mind you if the body were always commatose and either not able to "wake up" or there was an agreement that it wouldn't wake up, than I agree there is no need for anything more than the Disad. The fact that there seems to be an assumption that the character can and will "wake up" at some point, is why I think there is a need for the more complex build (and why I prefer it for an NPC over a PC).

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Re: Super "Chi" powers?


Multiform with the Astral Project having a Disad reflecting the catatonic master that could be killed and hurt him is a good possibility, but you'd have to make it clear that the projection would have to travel back to where the catatonic body is using its movement power in order to "wake up."


Duplication is of course possible, but clunky for the effect wanted.


I actually think I'll build it as Multiform. The main character will be the "master" who will project a youthful version of himself (whom, if I didn't make it clear will NOT be an actual ghost but rather an actual physical being). I plan on buying the master's real form as a simple normal (with reduced statistics due to extreme age/multiform and life support (linked to meditation that creates the "ghost" multiform) and the "ghost" as a 400 point superhero (complete with chi powers and martial arts skills).


The two will be able to interact but breaking the "master's" meditation torpor will cancel his multiform power (causing the "ghost" to fade away).


The main questions I have (thus far) are:


1. How do I represent injuries being suffered by both entities simultaneously?

2. Can I (should I) transfer skills from one to another (representing the "master" retaining all of his skills once the ghost disincorporates)? Di I really have to buy the skills for each multiform (especially since it will be impossible for both to function at the same time)?

3. What kind of limitation is "Only While Completely Incapacitated During Meditation"? (which would reflect the "master's" meditation torpor.

4. How do I write up "The death or incapacitation of the "master" immediately disrupts the "ghost" projection? Is this simply a function of the "Only While Completely Incapacitated During Meditation" noted above?






This is getting to be a fun character concept. Thanks for the help thus far. :thumbup:

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Re: Super "Chi" powers?


I actually think I'll build it as Multiform. The main character will be the "master" who will project a youthful version of himself (whom, if I didn't make it clear will NOT be an actual ghost but rather an actual physical being). I plan on buying the master's real form as a simple normal (with reduced statistics due to extreme age/multiform and life support (linked to meditation that creates the "ghost" multiform) and the "ghost" as a 400 point superhero (complete with chi powers and martial arts skills).


The two will be able to interact but breaking the "master's" meditation torpor will cancel his multiform power (causing the "ghost" to fade away).


The main questions I have (thus far) are:


1. How do I represent injuries being suffered by both entities simultaneously?

2. Can I (should I) transfer skills from one to another (representing the "master" retaining all of his skills once the ghost disincorporates)? Di I really have to buy the skills for each multiform (especially since it will be impossible for both to function at the same time)?

3. What kind of limitation is "Only While Completely Incapacitated During Meditation"? (which would reflect the "master's" meditation torpor.

4. How do I write up "The death or incapacitation of the "master" immediately disrupts the "ghost" projection? Is this simply a function of the "Only While Completely Incapacitated During Meditation" noted above?






This is getting to be a fun character concept. Thanks for the help thus far. :thumbup:


Ok, you are starting to see why I call this concept a PITA. So much easier when you can handwave.


I repeat make it that the Master can only wake up if the Projection can physically touch him. You will cut off a lot of potential hassles with people trying to rescue or get the Projection out of a problem by waking up the Master. (I appologise, I should have phrased this much more as "I suggest".)


1. Doesn't Multiform already have rules governing transferring damage across forms? A Phys. Disad on the Projection should cover injuring the comatose Master and hurting the Projection for me.


2. I would rule that anything that both the Projection and the Master can do should be paid for by both forms. Nothing carries across from one to the other except information gained in play. This should mean that the base for the Projection's character sheet is the Master's sheet.


3. I wouldn't be using that Limitation much at all. It would really apply to the LS: Does not Age even that I would only give a very small Limitation (if any) on the Master's version to indicate that it does not provide protection against NND attacks for aging. Though, I might not require the Master to buy LS: Does not Age at all, unless I thought there was a strong chance that it would show up in the game. It definitely would not apply to the Multiform as a Limitation. I would represent this by an Accidental Change Disad and a Phys. Disad. on the Projection, with my caveat about that I would not allow "waking up" the Master unless the Projection was in physical contact above.


4. Would be part of the Phys. Disad. of the Projection for me.

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Re: Super "Chi" powers?


One of my own creations for a superpowered martial artist I played.


Blood Bomb, this technique allows the user to cause his Chi to explode like a bomb the most common form of this is making any blood lost because of wounds explode (making a swordsman his own worst enemy). Naturally pool are more dangerous than just drops but the draw back is that after a point death from blood loss becomes a problem. Also in the event of a no win situation all the Chi the body can be detonated at once in a last ditch attack.

Don't remember exactly how I built it but I think it was something like.

RKA, OAF Fragile, Only where character's blood is, damage based on amount of blood, and maybe trigger to make it more like landmines.

The last ditch move was just a RKA area of effect


Hope this helps, I have more moves like this if I can find the character again, I'll post them.

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Re: Super "Chi" powers?


Have you ever seen Kung Fu Hustle? Or Kung Fu Cult Master? Maybe A Chinese Odyssey I & II?


How about playing instruments and shooting sword shaped Chi blasts out of them?


Or playing music that summons ghosts?


Spinning thread that gives you effective TK, Entangle, NND chokes, and RKA's?


Shrinking down and entering the body of your enemy to destroy his organs from the inside?


Shrinking down and entering the body of your target to take it over, or to read his mind by speaking with his heart?


Almost any power you can think of can be a Chi power, and has been in one myth or another.

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Re: Super "Chi" powers?


The Ultimate Martial Artist



Surbrook's Stuff - Character Archives



Anime and Manga Character Adaptations



Hero A Day...Sorta... by Enforcer84 & Archived by Zornwil








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Re: Super "Chi" powers?


I have to admit... (and I apologize to fans in advance)... I loathe DBZ and all that it represents!


Luckily, though this player did get the idea of chi powers from DBZ he was much more interested in translating them into a Daredevil type character. Whew! :)


The game is tonight. Any last ideas on how to make this "master"/"ghost" character work?

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Re: Super "Chi" powers?


I have to admit... (and I apologize to fans in advance)... I loathe DBZ and all that it represents!


Luckily, though this player did get the idea of chi powers from DBZ he was much more interested in translating them into a Daredevil type character. Whew! :)


The game is tonight. Any last ideas on how to make this "master"/"ghost" character work?


Could the true master be a DNPC of the projection? Also, will the Master possess all the skills and powers of the projection just with lowered physical attributes?

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Re: Super "Chi" powers?


Easy way to do the projection is have the projected copy as the real character, and the master represented by a couple powers and disads:


1) DNPC: Physical Body

2) Physical Limitation: Disappears when physical body is awake, dies if physical body dies.

3) Regeneration w/ Resurrection, method to stop it is killing the physical body.

4) Megascale Teleportation - the physical body stops projecting for a second and starts projecting in a new place.


Of course, this assumes the master is either sufficiently decrepit to be a DNPC, or will not be awake in actual gameplay.


Multiform is the other alternative, and it's not actually too bad - the master can use the points lost from physical stats to get the Multiform, and the projection doesn't need to be built in any special way. You'll probably want some increased range on the Multiform so that the projection doesn't have to walk all the way back every time the master gets woken up. If you want to be able to re-project the copy if it dies, then either get Regeneration (on the projections only), or buy a large quantity of duplicates with "Only One At A Time" as a limitation. Since you're only spending 1/5 XP or so on the copy, it should be easy enough to buy more duplicates when you run low.

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