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GADGETS & GEAR -- What Do *You* Want To See?

Steve Long

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Originally posted by Steve Long

After all, just trying to think up and prepare game write-ups for a slew of comic book gadgets is work enough -- if I tried to cover all the genres at once, the book would end up being 600 pages long and I'd give myself a mental breakdown creating it! ;)



I thought you had already had that? You do know that you really are not an owner of a gaming company, you are a lawyer who had a nervous breakdown...


And your recovery seemed to be going SO Well


Ohh well :D


Another section I want to see is a Psi Gadgets section

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Probably more appropriate for the ultimate gadgeteer - rules for figuring out foriegn or alien gadgets so they can be used. Rules about invention time. Discussion of the impact of super tech on the "real world". Dealing with professional skills and knowledge skills and how they interact with gadgets. repair and alteration of gadgets.


- actual gadget thingys - items to be used by shrunk or super shrunk characters. time travel devices (cosmic treadmill etc). sword gadgets (like the booby trap in blade's sword in the movie but more stuff). chemical weapons / biological weapons / radiological weapons and the basics on the stuff that is needed for cleanup? Spy satellites. spy stuff. nano machines (and things that can go wrong). a things that can go wrong table of events? medical equipment to use on super types? - ultra strong needles, energy scalpels etc?

Mirror gadgets ala Mirror Master. Cold and Heat guns etc. Encryption stuff for secure data transfer. hologram projectors.

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Okay, here's my two cents' worth....


First -- and you're probably way ahead of me on this -- go light on any new gadget rules. Despite what others are requesting here, I'm with you in that such things are more appropriate for The Ultimate Gadgeteer. A couple of new aspects of the Focus Limitation would be okay, but the rest can wait until later.


Second, despite the slew of weapons-based suggestions here, I'd really like to see lots of movement devices. Jet-packs, flight-rings, glider-capes, teleportation belts, and others of their kind would be great to see. For that matter, while I know other fans hated them, I rather liked the "panic rings" used by PSI in their original appearance.


And on a similar note (call it 2A), please bend just a little on the "no Vehicles" rule. One or two would be good (though no more than three).


Third, please try to get as many gizmos from existing Champions characters into the book as you can manage.


That's it for now; I'll probably come up with more at a later time. :D

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Originally posted by Steve Long

That sort of thing is gonna have to wait for The Ultimate Gadgeteer. I definitely want to create a set of optional rules such as you're describing, but I can't cover it in sufficient detail in G&G, and I don't want to do a halfway job on it.


I'm not so sure I see the reason to have these as two separate books. Once you have a huge list of various gadgets a character can use (in G&G), what are you going to put in Ultimate Gadgeteer? Some rules on how to make them, and a bunch of 'See G&G page x' references?


Don't get me wrong... I love the new direction that you have sent Hero Games. However, I'm a little concerned that you might be contracting the dreaded game company disease of splat-bookitis. Is there really enough material here to justify these being two separate books? Ultimate Vehicle and the Champions specific vehicle you mentioned? An Ultimate Automaton book?



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Originally posted by Dr. Confoundo

I'm not so sure I see the reason to have these as two separate books. Once you have a huge list of various gadgets a character can use (in G&G), what are you going to put in Ultimate Gadgeteer? Some rules on how to make them, and a bunch of 'See G&G page x' references?

The only thing that concerns me about this is the potential of having the proverbial cart before the horse -- in other words, first The Ultimate Gadgeteer for rules on building gadgets, and then a book or two of them (or perhaps as many as four -- one each for superhero, sci-fi, fantasy, and action-adventure) using those rules.


But I fear it's too late to change the schedule at this point. Spacer's Toolkit is already out, and Gadgets & Gear is under way.


Really, the books do very much deserve separate tretment. G&G is to be a book of gadgets centered on the superhero genre, just as STK is a book of gadgets (and, as it happens, Vehicles) centered on the science-fiction genre. TUG would be a book of rules for making gadgets in any genre.


Does that help? :)

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Random ideas


A rail gun.


Various sensor suites, to include a satellite targeting system.


A couple gag devices? (jokes, not verbal restraining devices, heh)


A paint bomb.


Weather controlling device.


Technology based "Gate" system (teleport, mega, gated, etc)




A computer virus generator?


Powered armor mine? (deactivates or interferes with armor powers)


Some gadget twists on nets, whips, manacles, etc.


That's it for now.


- Ernie

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Originally posted by BobGreenwade

Does that help? :)


A little, but not much. Then again, I've been in the Hero Games world for a lot longer than my measly threadcount would imply, and I've often seen you put forth ideas on products that seem awfully narrow in scope. Not bad, mind you, just too narrow in scope for me to want.



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Originally posted by Lord Liaden

Since this is for a role-playing game, I'd expect "Weapons" to have a lot of entries. ;) I would suggest dividing them into "Lethal Weapons" and "Non-Lethal Weapons." Not just by whether or not they're built with Killing Attacks, but whether they're intended to or could seriously injure or kill an opponent (normal or super, by either the type or magnitude of the damage they do), or merely incapacitate them in some way.



What LL said. I'd just to second the idea of the lethal/nonlethal/subdual organization..



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Is there really enough material here to justify these being two separate books? Ultimate Vehicle and the Champions specific vehicle you mentioned?


If I didn't think there was enough material, I wouldn't separate them. But trust me, there's enough material to fill The Ultimate Gadgeteer when its time comes. ;)


The HSVS, just to be clear, is not a Champions-specific vehicle book; that would be far too narrow in scope for a book at this stage of the product lines of the company. It's a book of all sorts of vehicles, usable in just about any genre -- sort of like the HSB, but for vehicles instead of critters and monsters. ;) One of the chapters will focus specifically on "super-vehicles," but there'll be lots of other vehicles in there that would work fine in a Champions game as well.

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Stuff that I saw come up that I second..


Some nice "usable as attack" gadgets that aren't too cheesy. :-)


A number of sample multpower gadgets (swingling gun, utility belt type things).


A lot of non-combat gadgets. Sensory stuff, a lot of movement gadgets, investigation helping gadgets. Load those on.


I also like the ammo suggetsion to make building multiguns or archers a snap.

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Originally posted by Lord Mhoram

A number of sample multpower gadgets (swingling gun, utility belt type things).


Yes. This is something I would like, too.


I've been working on a Batman-like character over the last couple of days. The Dark Champions utility belt has a lot of modifiers on its slots that are more suited for that subgenre than for general Champions. Stuff like: must hit an unarmoured location, or range based on strength.


A more general (simpler) utility belt would be nice. It would be handy if there were suggestions on varying the size of it's pool, too. That way, for example, your gas grenades could be more or less powerful, depending on the campaign's limits.


(Batman-like characters really really need nice big ranged attacks. Otherwise they suck and die in higher end games.)



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Offensive Gadgets

Defensive Gadgets

Sensory Gadgets

Movement Gadgets

Multipurpose Gadgets


Combat Armors

Communications Gear

Sensory Gear.

5th Ed really changed the Enhanced senses. I'd like to see several gadgets that explain the subtle nuances and unusual Sensory abilities like

Concealed, Transmit, and Rapid.

I'd like to see a couple of ways to do similar weapons.


Powered armors would be nice (Turtle Armor!) but I suspect there might be an "Ultimate Powered Armor" somewhere down the road.


High Tech Melee weapons.


Magic Seeming Tech?

Since its Champions, perhaps some Champions Specific Weapons? Like What tricks would Binder or Foxbat come up with after fighting the same heroes again and again.


Some ARGENT tech.

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My ideas. Just brain storming


1) Closer look and explanation on limitations and advantages related to foci. (Charges, OAF, OIF..., Activation, ECT)


2) Ammo: broken down to or grouped in Bullets, Arrows, Ect.


3) Utility Bults (MP and VPP versions)


4) Weapo.... Well. that is an automatic given.


5) Computers (Wrist, Battlearmor control computer, Hero-Base computer)


6) Character as computer (Cameras to see. Microphones to hear, speakers to speak, holograms to be seen)


7) Q's toy-chest (ala James Bond)

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I like the suggestion of "super-drugs," especially stuff like knock-out darts, temporary stat-boosters, etc.


Don't completely discount real-world tech--I think one of the best resources for anyone running a superhero/modern-world campaign are magazines like Popular Mechanics and Popular Science you'll find all sorts of items that fall into the cutting-edge realm of technology and beyond. And if a particular device or technology is featured in a magazine like those, that means it's actually possible to build something like it, that it doesn't stretch the laws of physics or credibility the way certain bits of comic-book tech have been known to do.


I'd also go through all the back issues of Adventurer's Club and see what gadgets could be updated to 5th Edition.


I don't suppose you're accepting outside submissons for gadgets, are you? :):):)


Also, considering all the gadgeteering supervillains--Binder, Laser, Cyclone, Brainchild, etc.--it's a wonder that some bright group of minds at PRIMUS or UNTIL (or VIPER or ARGENT) haven't been able to duplicate their technology for more widespread use. Granted, PRIMUS may not admit that their new multi-function assault rifle was reverse-engineered from Foxbat's ping-pong gun, but they'd be glad to have the technology anyway.

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Originally posted by ParitySoul

T-Sphere: Small flying remote controlled camera/scanners. Think the spheres from phantasmagoria but make them 'good'. They're a combo of spy camra and micro tools. Makes Mr. Terrific a good tactical leader. Hell he used one to ram someone once. (If I remember.)


I seem to recall them having the ability to make holigrams as well, as you say they have been used for a ramming attack, pick up any of the collections of JSA that have a Black Man with a T on his face and the words "Fair Play" on his jacket for more information

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Some oddball items with oddball powers might be nice.


Blue Beetle's BB gun either had a bright strobe (Flash) or compressed air (knockback only). "Knockback only" has been a bit of a problem in the past, typically winding up with very high AP and lots of limitations.


Trick boomerangs. I haven't seen trick boomerangs published in a while.


Teleport suppression or extradimensional movement suppression is a neat one, and there's a nice writeup in Battlegrounds. For a trickier one, how about the classic attack which doesn't prevent EDM, but scatters the group that's trying to travel together ?


Maybe a writeup illustrating the paralyzing effect of electric current.


Perhaps a writeup of an 'Inobvious until activated' weapon, like a walking stick that becomes a big hammer when struck on the ground.


Deadly squirting flowers, joybuzzers, jack in the boxes.

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