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Create a Villain Theme Team!


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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


Perhaps the most "normal" of the Nocturnals is Urban Hunter. He is a specialst merecenary for fighting in urban environments (espeically night and cover operations) and hanging out with the Nocturnals is his training (the same way a jungle specialist would live in the jungle).


He has no natural adaption to the environment, but instead relies on technical vision aids to seen in darkness. Luckily for most who might face his group, he is equally often on missions as he is with the Nocturnals.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!




Often simply described as "albino hotty, wearing a red version of Trinities leather outfit form Matrix" she is a very good shooter. Her prefered weapons are two pistols whose amunition never runs out and who always work perfectly. She also has some abilites as hacker, but hardly any chance to use it.


She has some simple organic Nightvision and no sense of smell, wich both works quite nice for her choice of team. At least the Notrucnals know that Argent is after her - if they are after her, the weapons or both is something she does not tell even them.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


Star Strider is a psychic vampire who feeds off of the fear he produces from hallucinations caused by the Star Stone which receives its power from direct exposure to star light.


New Team: Days of Destruction

Team Number: 7


A thematic villain team with each member symobolizing a different day of the week.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


Monday or Moonday


Selene is the moon. She is very pale of face and hands which is offset by her raven black hair and her garb which tends towards the gothic. She defers to the others rarely speaking but woe betide the fool that tries to take her on in hand to hand contact for she has been known to summon Werewolves to her side or turn other into Werewolves. This is quite a feat in broad daylight and in particular in the afternoon. She can also induce madness or lunacy. Although she has been arrested or captured she somehow eludes her captors and returns to the side of her comrades.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


Fryday is classical heat/Fire Projector. How did he got his name? Because "Today is a good day to Fry [someone]".


Yes, he picked it himself and yes he says this alsmost every battle. that is one reason why others call him the "unofficial Monday" - because all people hate monday...

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


Saturday's Child appears as an innocent 6 year old girl (it is unknown if this is her actual form or not). She "stumbles" into fights, usually towards where the most collateral damage will occur and causing any (decent) heroes to divert their actions into getting her out of the way. She then induces feelings of overprotectiveness, where a victim will do anything to defend her (she works in tandem with Selene, targetting those who aren't affected by her lunacy). Lastly, she can turn invisible.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


I'd better do this before Lucius does!


Dromedan, the team brick, is a hunchback mostly covered in fine tan-colored hair. He feels considerable lower back discomfort standing erect, so he usually moves on hands and feet, where he resembles a camel (hence his name). He's not the strongest or the toughest one around, but he's strong enough and tough enough to handle most foes, and he certainly has considerable staying power.


In the Days of Destruction, he represents Wednesday (aka Hump Day).

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


Harris Yulin studied archaeology in college, but was mostly interested in the monetary value of cultural artifacts. He became a relic hunter, plundering ruins and tombs in search of profitable items. Sneaking into a newly discovered burial mound in Norway, he found a stone door marked with the two-headed hammer that was the sign of the god Thor. When he placed his hand on it there was a burst of light and sound like a lightning strike, and Harris was hurled yards away. He regained consciousness a few moments later to find the mark of the hammer branded on his palm. Fearful that the disturbance would attract attention to the site, Harris fled.


He later discovered that he could project various electrical discharges from his palm. Now having the power to take what he wants by force instead of stealth, Harris Yulin adopted the identity of Blazon. In the Days of Destruction he represents Thursday, or "Thor's day."

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


Apollo takes Sunday. He has the power of light and heat. Unfortunately, he has a 2 nasty habits. 1-he has a strong desire for people to worship his awesomeness. 2-He has a habit of wearing a costume that leaves little to the imagination.



Note: Yeah, I was thinking of some old Star Trek.


I've taken every other team the lat little bit, so I'll skip this turn.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


So' date=' what does the Lord (Liaden) declare?[/quote']


Okay, if it falls to me, then I declare:


New Team: The Table


Members: 9


The Table is an alliance of criminal masterminds who have joined forces to increase their power in the underworld. Each member of the Table is named for one of the elements of the periodic table (names in other than English, or a common name for an element, are acceptable), and has either powers, skills, resources, background, or motif evocative of that element.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


Otis Oliver never thought he'd be popular as a teen, but one day all that changed. He was on a high school field trip with the chemistry club (His best subject) when a supervillain came into steal rare chemicals from the very place the studdents were visiting. Some cop wanting to play superhero fired at the villain rather than standing down, the bullet missed .. and Otis found himself bathed in a very unique mixture of highly oxidized chemicals. He woke up in the hospital only to find that his skin had turned sky blue and his hair had gone stark white. He was sure he'd be a freak forever, but then he found out the BIG bio-chemical change. It turned out people who were around him wanted to stay near him, NEEDED to. They'd do anything for the litteral touch of his hand.


He now put out some natural chemical that, with skin to skin contact, caused folks to become addicted to him. He could even alter his secretions to the point where if he didn't touch someone again, they'd go through immense pain and then kill themselves unless restrained. People needed him just to live! It took awhile, but eventually, he arrogantly began to call himself Oxygen.


Now, he's in his late 20s, and using his own blood as a baseline for his creations, is a very big player in the sale and production of illegal drugs. While he also has some measure of super strength and toughness, he avoids fighting superheroes directly when he can. But if he can get his hands on one of their loved ones? Well, he's got a trojan horse in the making right there.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


Iridia (from Iridium, second densest material) has some desnity increase powers and the ability to fire stellar energy/matter from her hand. Don't ever mention words like "Osmium", "sun", "Neutron Star", black hole or other stellar bodies when she is around - she will asume you propose it as her name and loudly excalaim "I am not that fat!". Before punching you to make certain you get her point.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


Kendra MacKinnon is a psychiatrist by day, specializing in helping the emotionally unstable of the rich and famous. Little do her clients know that's she's making matters worse, secretly psychically manipulating their emotions as Doctor Lithium!

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


Silver and Gold were a duo specializing in hunting down fey and monsters for their bounties. Eventually, they got bored and joined the Tables for the promise of greed and fun.



Silver Bullet was a a former commando who tended to like hunting down werewolves (dude wears a werewolf tooth necklace!)


Leprechaun's Gold was a changeling who wished for revenge against his fey kind. He especially likes taking the gold of leprechauns. (has various fey-like powers)


Note: This is what happens when you watch the Leprechaun movie marathon.


2nd Note: A bit more of the "mythical" properties of these elements than actual. I hope no one minds.

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