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Create a Villain Theme Team!


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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!




Another mystery is the person named only Seven. NumberSix says that Seven was here before him, and that when he was there Seven was a man...now Seven is a woman. To make maters worse, the Castle overlords forced Seven by starvation to canablisem...eating a prisinor known only as Nine.


Seven ate Nine? Really?


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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


Wrong ! Felix.


MegaKiller1991 is one of the best computer gamers in the world and the screen name of Josh Hawkins. The Dark Illuminati stuck him in the prison as a way of recruiting him and a means of testing his will to escape. So far so good but MegaKiller1991 did not become one of the best by giving up easily. You don't play World Of Warcraft and My Little Pony: Search for Crimson Sunshine without learning the true meanuing of courage, sacrifice and frequent saves.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


Aleph is a master of disguise -- the ultimate changeling. Her skills of deception are so great she can get past the most hardened psychic probe. The Dark Illuminati have caught her and imprisoned her in the ultimate field of dreams and nightmares, working one breaking her very psyche. No matter how hard she claims she's not the one they want, one day, they WILL bend her soul to theirs...



Aleph however, has put one over on the DI. Though she wasn't certain who exactly was hunting her down, Aleph has managed to deceive her pursuers into thinking an innocent woman was her all along and that poor soul's the one who's been captured in her place instead.



New Team: The EgoManiacs!

Number: 7

Theme: You all think YOU are the one in charge of the team and the other six are your loyal lackeys in the pursuit of World Domination. Nothing will convince you otherwise. Also, Posters, you are only permitted to put up ONE member of the team. Not three, not 2 -- ONE.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


Tonight's entery is Monolith Prime. Monolith Prime is the team's brick. But not just any brick. You see, he knows all the so called 'brick tricks', and says he is stronger than anyone except for Grond, and states that it would make no difrence cause he can easly outsmart Grond. He beleves that eveyone obays him because nobody is stronger and smarter than he. Of course, he IS smart enougth to listen to the 'sergestions' of others and decide for himself how it would help himself and his gole for world domination.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


New Team: The EgoManiacs!

Number: 7

Theme: You all think YOU are the one in charge of the team and the other six are your loyal lackeys in the pursuit of World Domination. Nothing will convince you otherwise. Also, Posters, you are only permitted to put up ONE member of the team. Not three, not 2 -- ONE.


OOOOHHHH, I love it when she gets so masterly !.




He looks normal and acts normal but don't she his hand or KA-BOOM !. He's the anti-matter man for the 21st Century. He's hip ! He's cool ! He's KA-BOOM ! Don't like the fact that he is in charge well then KA-BOOM !

Being anti-matter means it doesn't matter (I apologise for that) what anyone else thinks.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


Of course, the real leader of the group must be Doctor DeMental, for several obvious reasons:

  • He's a Doctor.
  • He's a mentalist. The team is called the EgoManiacs, after all.
  • He's tall, handsome, and has great silvery hair. So he looks the part.


He has mentally eavesdropped on his teammates enought to know that all of them think they're really in charge. Well, Dr. DM doesn't mind. They can keep thinking that, since it makes *them* targets for any hero group that happens along.


Beyond his DeMental Snooping (which is actually powerful enough telepathy that his targets rarely know he's tapping into their minds), he can DeMental Blast and create DeMental Illusions. He's working on DeMental Surgery to modify memories (ref: He's a Doctor) but he lacks subtlety and most mentalists will immediately notice the mental scar tissue. (Or should that be DeMental scar tissue?)

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


Mama Oya claims she is a high priestess of Santeria and Vodoun, but the faith she practices is a deadly perversion. Her curses can cause misfortunes ranging from boils across the flesh to lost love to financial ruin and even death. She is also a damn good chef. She is amused by the fact her minions think they actually have any free will.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


The mundanes and muggles can't possibly conceive the mind that could actually control such a group. I give you --


Professor(1) Arcane(2), master of the lost mysteries of the ages!(3) He can fly! And fire magic bolts! And raise magic shields!(4) And he has a cunning plan, which is to bring back magic and stuff.(5) Which he totally can.(6) He woofs the warf of destiny!(7) He is the master of the fates of all mankind!(8) His minions are so entangled in the mystic web of destiny that they cannot even see that they are bound!(9) He uses lots of exclamation marks!(10)


Professor Arcane is 15. And already he knows more about everything than any stupid grownup. That's why he's in charge. Just knock before you go into his room. And would it kill you to wait for a few minutes before you barge in?


1. Professors use lots of footnotes. And professors are totally better than stupid doctors any day.

2. Magic professors use awesome fonts!

3. But if the Professor Arcane knows about them, they're not lost mysteries. Hmm. He guesses they're mostly lost. And he talks about himself in the third person! With lots of pronouns, because all those font changes get boring after a while!

4. And lots of other stuff that could go into his 50AP VP. If he could only research the spells.

5. Stupid Demonologist with his "Dark Renaissance." The Professor Arcane's plan is way cooler! You'd crap yourself if you heard his plan, it's so cool. What's that you said about using a consistent authorial voice? That's how they talk at Cracked! Cracked is awesome!

6. Yes, he totally can! No, you're stupid!

7. It's weaving talk. You know, because all those Fate-girls are, like, weaving destiny and stuff. The Professor read it in in a Discworld novel.

8. Soon, he will have an entire harem of K-Pop girls! Oh, Girl's Generation, why won't you answer the Professor's emails?

9. They only seem to ignore him. Actually, he's a puppet master, who controls everything! Everything! Even Girl's Generation. Professor Arcane has to go lie down now, but he'll be back to finish this post later.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!




The other talk and plan and think they are the leader. But Halcyon knows that he is the one, for he is hardest, toughest there is.

He needs no "smooth tongue", "arcane power", "cunning plans" or "powerfull gizmos". He simply jumps into the fray beating people up, ignoring the enemies attacks and let's his healing handle whatever they dish out.


He shows a shocking ability to heal damage. Even sword cuts are often healed before the attacker is in position for a follow up swing. He can't be affected by any drug, poision, Disease or similar Biological thing either. He also posesses a "peak human capacity" body. Unfortunately that does not includes his mind. He is easily manipulated to do whatever the others want him to do and generally easy to mind controll.

However deeper forrays into his mind or tries to figure out his power are met by resistance from...something inside his body/mind (as DeMental felt firsthand when trying to perform his mental surgery. Now he stays out of Halcyons mind on priciple).

Recently he developed a power that Destroys technolgy with a mere touch, quite deadly against machines. It is that power attacking anything probing to deep.



They haven't met yet, but the current wielders of Azranel and Urzanel could easily identify him as wielder of the last weapon in the Trinity of Destruction: Enranel. From what little the two swords communicate aside from "Desrtoy all Live" and "Destroy all Powers", this one is a foe of technology and has a superior ability to heal it's user.

It would also clear that something is off: The weapon does not appears as sword, but instead somehow "merged" with it's wielders mind/body.

That he only recently developed offensive abilities is also weird (after all their main aim is destruction).

Neither is his mind on peak human capacity (as it should be), nor does he seems to suffer any side effects from using the power or even seems arware of them.

Really troubling is that it attacks anything trying to analyze it - even things that are not technological in nature, wich was never the chase with the other two.


(more maybe later in the Interlude or Link Thread)



I think this might be the last one. If it is, I leave the next team to Lawnmower Boy

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!




Chistopher, Badger, JackValhalla....I know you guys have contributed to these threads before... ;)


I didnt really have a good idea for it. Though, I was thinking about using a concept I have mentioned in another thread, that I dont think I have used before in this thread. Seeing as we got the final 2 members now anyway, I'll just file it away for later. (though I do have to go through the Hero/villain link to make sure I havent used it, as it might be a bit too unique to use more than once)

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


Okay, then, I haven't followed the thread, so maybe you've done this before.


The Seniors


There's five members, and they're all former supervillains who retired and left the life to enjoy the golden years of retirement doing whatever. But now they're mad as hell and they're back.


Now, I don't know what they're mad about. In fact, that's the secret hook, but it's not an obvious hook, because they're the kind of seniors who've aged into being bitter and angry about pretty much everything. So, ostensibly, the Seniors are about teaching those kids today some manners, and making some money while they're doing it.


My contribution is Doctor Maynard. He used to be a mad scientist. Well, they called him mad, when his secret identity was finally revealed and the university closed his research lab and quietly paid him to go away. (Much better than the publicity that would follow from revealing that the Assistant Dean of Science was trying to take over the world with giant, telepathic monkeys.)


Now, unfortunately, the bank has repossessed Doctor Maynard's retirement home in sunny Yuma. Doctor Maynard loves Yuma. Sure, it's hot, but it's a dry heat, but the bank has made him move in with his grand-daughter in wet, cold, rainy Minneapolis, and now he has to babysit her brats! There will be a reckoning! Notice will be taken!



Doctor Maynard loves little Lexie and Crystal. Not only did he engineer the foreclosure, but he got his granddaughter her new job. The reason for all of this clever scheming that no-one will ever figure out until it's too late (bwa-ha-ha) is that a biography of his old enemy, the Scarlet Sentinel, has just come out, and it makes some disparaging remarks about him. He's learned through various sources that the long-retired Sentinel is living in Minneapolis with his family, and he's engineering cunning revenge against him and all his ilk!


Also, this way he gets to spend more time with Lexie and Crystal. He's even bought them chemistry sets. Unfortunately, he doesn't know the Scarlet Sentinel's true identity, and his granddaughter is a single mom who has just run into a very tall, handsome young man at her new workplace. Boy, I'll bet his Dad was something back in the day....


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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


Doctor Mayards rival and friend in the mad sciences is Profesor DePower. A man without famaly, DePower was obsessed with removing the powers of golden aged superheros. Sometimes it is a steight power thieth...other times it is a gift to others the powers he snatches or even a power mixup. He came out of retierment to prove he can be just as strong a force now as he was then.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


What was that villain that looked like a building ? That's it ! The Cathedral. Unusual to say the least this villain was a brick and could take an awful lot of punishment but was usually thwarted by the old Quicksand trap, rotten beams in the house etc, etc. A villain in the Giolden Age and through the Silver Age, he was imprisoned during the Reagan era. As he was quiet people thought that being docile meant being stupid. Until the day he decided he was really bored, turned on full power and marched straight out through the walls and into history. Most of the old folks thought he was just a quiet old man until a charge nurse tried to abuse one inmate and then The Cathedral manifested and squashed his head. When Doctor Maynard said 'I remember you, I was..' he cut him off and said 'I know. I was just waiting for one of you to figure it out'. The Cathedral does not like how society has changed and is particularly aggrieved that the legacy of Dr King and alcolm X seems to have been wasted. He has no problem with desegragation, equal votes or women voting. But he hates the coarseness of society. Don't be rude near him. You won't get a chance to apologise. He's smarter than he appears and acts. And with his strength, that is dangerous.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


Burnout the villainous speedster from the 50s is back. He might need a walker now. But, he can still hit 110 MPH (he must know how to use that walker, well it does give him an extra weapon). If he can only remember what made him mad enough to come out of retirement, it'll come to him eventually.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


My Pet Dinosaur


This just over human sized raptor likes to stalk prey and play with them. He's even gone so far as to do the old hands over the yes trick and say 'Guess Who ?' He's been described as a man sized Tyrannosaur or an over sized Velicoraptor but his arms are larger than the ones a dinosaur of his size should be. He can stalk people and likes them to run in fear so he can chase them rather like a cat playing with mice. Although he can deliver death dealing bites and is alleged to eat his victims he thrives by feeding on fear which is why he likes people to run. It is for this reason he is not fond of superheroes, the US Marine Corps and the IRS.

The name came about as he was originally a 'pet' that got loose in a TV series. Only the series was saccharine coated and full of scmaltz and life lessons which is a far cry from the being who breaks into kindergartens to terrify small children and rampages through a supermarket on a full Saturday afternoon trying to eat people.

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Re: Create a Villain Theme Team!


The Mad Monk of the Moors


They say on certain nights of the year you should not be abroad whether you are alone or not. For there are far more deadlier things that exist than Grizzly Bears and Great White Sharks. There are things that science cannot explain. Ghosts are one such thing. And it is theorized that The Mad Monk of the Moors is one such. This floating apparition has no face inside a dark as night cowl or visible hands or body. But it floats through the air towards people. No noise is heard except the scream of a victim as it engulfs its prey. Sometimes the prey vanishes entirely, sometimes an old wizened being drained of all life is left where a vibrant young man had once been. So beware of Lammas Night, Beltain and Halloween for these nights The Mad Monk of the Moors is abroad and terror comes in his wake.

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