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A REAL reboot of the JL


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Re: A REAL reboot of the JL


A few more observations:


Colu can't help but see all these things going on on Earth -- and I doubt they'd be happy. Since they can exterminate entire species without breaking a sweat, keeping them at bay or convincing them to somehow leave Earth alone would be a major challenge. The Brainiac of this world would be really, really nasty.


Lexcorp trying to build their own stable of superheroes? If one of the major thorns in your side is a superhero that makes some sense. But they'd have to work really hard to keep the experiments that don't work (which appear to be most of them) quiet, especially when people die. And somehow I just don't see Lex Luthor experimenting on himself. Build a supersuit down the road, perhaps -- a long way down the road. But he doesn't really need to compete physically with Superman because he holds all the other cards. The people love Superman -- their leaders? Not so much.


Given the way secrets tend to come out even in a world without supers digging around, it's clear that eventually a lot of what Lexcorp is doing will come out, if only on the fringes, and a lot of people will come to hate the company. How does Luthor maintain his company's image while trying to bring down the people's beloved champion?

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Re: A REAL reboot of the JL


And here come the bad guys.


Luthor as an evil Steve Jobs or Bill Gates is a nice take. But given some of the things he does sooner or later he's asking for trouble. BIG trouble. It seems that every member of his team of villains has one reason or another to betray him -- and that he knows it and is preparing for that contingency. Two words: David Xanatos....

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Re: A REAL reboot of the JL


She did a version of Batman in an earlier post that basically described him as very mature and experienced but more than a little crazy. He's apparently gone through a whole succession of teenage Robins because eventually they always get fed up with him and go their own way (kind of what happened with Robin/Nightwing in B:TAS). I'm curious to see what she would do with the Joker.

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