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Low-End/Less Flashy Superpowers suggestions needed...


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Hey, working on a background element of a potential gameworld and could use some inspiration/suggestions. The team that I am working on is the CMRT- Canadian Metahuman Response Team, a government group along the lines of the team in Alphas or the old Painkiller Jane tv show- they deal with metahumans and most of them (all but one, most likely) are metahumans with less flashy and/or low-end powers- so far I have one character who is a universal translator, but this extends to body language, mathematics, and even music as well as normal languages; the other character I currently have finished is a Force Enhancer- he can generate a large deal of physical force but because F=MxA^2 he is able to do so by either increasing his density (mass) or speed/Running (acceleration) or by increasing both in varying proportions, but always to the same overall level of force generated (A MP with Density Increase and Running slots that are both variable slots).


The characters are built on 300-400 base with a resource pool and an 0 pt Normal Characteristic Maxima- if their power does not include stats that are over NCM and bought as powers then they are paying double over the NCM. What I need are powers ideas or even builds that will fall within these guidelines. Since most offensive capabilities will be via MA or weapons through resource pool, the damage cap is not as much of an issue but I don't forsee a high-grade energy projector as being a proper fit for the team unless their power is interesting and can inspire some way for me to make them fit. so, any suggestions or builds would be appreaciated- thanks in advance.

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Re: Low-End/Less Flashy Superpowers suggestions needed...


One of my Idea is Mnemos - someone with the ability to remember anything. Including all Backgroudn Skills, the abiltiy to use any weapon and any vehicle (even those of villanous organisations).

One of my idea to build him was a Mimic/Gadget VPP. Basically if he wants to use that Viper Tank, he has to create/mimik the vehicle in his VPP. same is with weapons. Martial Arts would be done simpy as STR, 0 END and CV#s inside the VPP.

At least for Backgroundskills I think of requiring them some tiem to change to one or some time to "activate" them after they have been slotted (around 10 Minutes). that would allow those who really paid for the Skills the advantage of always havign direct access.

And of coruse he needs to know wich skills to use. When there are some magical runes to read, he first needs to go to magic to know wich "group" uses them. Then he can go to the right BG skill.



Another idea I posted over in Hero Theme Team Thread (but can't find right now). Was a magician who tried to make her spells invisble. While it worked to some degree, now all her spell sound and smell like Farts (and there is enough acustic and olfactoric diversity to identify her spells). Basically a +0 Trade of Inobviousness (+1/4) to Sight against obviousness to smell (-1/4). And her "magic word" to cast is "Bombulum".

Naturally she is very reluctant to use her magic and instead focusses on knowledge and items.

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Re: Low-End/Less Flashy Superpowers suggestions needed...


Thanks for the response so far- I might be able to use some variation 0f these powers but I'm not sure yet, they are similar to ideas that I had and rejected already for various reasons or they don't fit the feel of the team that I'm going for. As it is, the TK is the most likely one that I'll use but had hesitated earlier because even low-mass TK can be extremely lethal if used intelligently. Kahuna's bro- I had originally thought of the force enhancer having adrenaline boost but decided my ideas for him were naturally too derivative of the character of Bill on Alphas, so I went with another way to increase his strength or speed or both together in a se-saw sort of way.

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Re: Low-End/Less Flashy Superpowers suggestions needed...


How about "The Conduit". He is a Energy Blaster with the electric special effect. But he, like Pyro from X-Men must have a source of Electricity to work with. So, he grabs power cables or something similar and can channel out the energy as a high power attack. To help compensate for the times he doesn't have access to such cables, he brings his own mobile defibrillator so he can do it a couple times 'on battery'.


How about "The Archivist". She is a recog that can see/feel/hear/ sense the past of objects she touches. It can take time to pin down any particular moment in time, but she can pick up high emotion moments.


How about "Sympathy". She is a emotion manipulator. It works via the transfer of various hormones, and chemicals into her victim's blood stream via physical contact. They fall susceptible to suggestion from her. Or she can even release air borne pathogens that fiddle with the senses and emotions of near by individuals (Adrenaline spikes, serotonin spikes, etc). These make people feel tough, angry, depressed, happy, etc. But they are non-discriminating, so her team may have to wear protection lest they fall prey, too.

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Re: Low-End/Less Flashy Superpowers suggestions needed...


Invisibility would certainly fit here--perhaps the character is permanently invisible, and is working for the CMRT until a cure can be found for his condition. The same could said for intangible characters.


Just about any of the characters' powersets from Alphas would work well with this campaign.


Hope that helps.

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Re: Low-End/Less Flashy Superpowers suggestions needed...


How about "The Conduit". He is a Energy Blaster with the electric special effect. But he, like Pyro from X-Men must have a source of Electricity to work with. So, he grabs power cables or something similar and can channel out the energy as a high power attack. To help compensate for the times he doesn't have access to such cables, he brings his own mobile defibrillator so he can do it a couple times 'on battery'.


Interestingly enough, this is similar to the powerset Jenny Sparks possessed in Warren Ellis' initial issues of The Authority. (Of course, she was able to channel the entire Los Angeles power grid to generate a mile-high electrical hologram of herself that was shorting out fighters and zeppelin-sized flying warships as they passed through it.)

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Re: Low-End/Less Flashy Superpowers suggestions needed...


You could have a character who could reduce the gravitational effect on a 100kg object by 95%, on a 200 kg object by 90%, 400kg object by 80%, 800 kg by 60%, 1.6 ton object by 20% and 3 ton object by 10%(or so). They could reduce gravity on themselves to allow them to leap further and run faster, reduce it on others to make them easier to move around, and also to slow their fall. Maybe with practice they could increase gravity by similar amounts, making it hard for normal people to move, or even making weapons to heavy to hold on to.

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Re: Low-End/Less Flashy Superpowers suggestions needed...


Another possibility would be a character with the power to alter reality, but only in a 10 centimeter radius. Thus far they're fairly limited in what they can do, but eventually they could become really powerful(hint: the human brain occupies an area that's about 20cm in diameter). Might even have master villain potential.

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Re: Low-End/Less Flashy Superpowers suggestions needed...


Another possibility would be a character with the power to alter reality' date=' but only in a 10 centimeter radius. Thus far they're fairly limited in what they can do, but eventually they could become really powerful(hint: the human brain occupies an area that's about 20cm in diameter). Might even have master villain potential.[/quote']


Interesting idea...care to give any practical examples of what one might be able to do with such a power?

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Re: Low-End/Less Flashy Superpowers suggestions needed...


Interesting idea...care to give any practical examples of what one might be able to do with such a power?


1. Disable guns...or turn a toy gun into a real one.

2. Win at gambling(by centering the power on a pair of dice or deck of cards or a ball on a roulette wheel)

3. Make someone trip over something that was just suddenly in their path.

4. convert the air around someone's head(or in their lungs) into anesthetic gas

5. Make one's fist as hard as steel for a moment

6. Change someone's mind(this is the ultra-powerful application)

7. access a restricted computer

8. Change what someone says(turn one uttered set of sounds into another)



I'm sure there's some fairly obvious uses I'm missing. It's basically about having a power you have to get creative with to make useful.

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Re: Low-End/Less Flashy Superpowers suggestions needed...


I just read the story of the Variable Man from Philip K. Dick. The hero is brought to the future accidently. His "power", as he was a fixit man, could build or repair anything. His genius was in his hands. He didn't understand the technical stuff, he just knew. Also he fixed things as they should be. I.e. he fixed a kids broken vidsender that should only work a couple of blocks, and it reached a space ship.

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Re: Low-End/Less Flashy Superpowers suggestions needed...


1. Disable guns...or turn a toy gun into a real one.

2. Win at gambling(by centering the power on a pair of dice or deck of cards or a ball on a roulette wheel)

3. Make someone trip over something that was just suddenly in their path.

4. convert the air around someone's head(or in their lungs) into anesthetic gas

5. Make one's fist as hard as steel for a moment

6. Change someone's mind(this is the ultra-powerful application)

7. access a restricted computer

8. Change what someone says(turn one uttered set of sounds into another)



I'm sure there's some fairly obvious uses I'm missing. It's basically about having a power you have to get creative with to make useful.


9. Heal someone who is sick or injured--even make someone physically or mentally challenged to become able-bodied or able minded.

10. Change a pile of paper pieces into currency.

11. Make spoiled food fresh & edible--or even transform dirt into food.

12. Restore a damaged item, no matter how severe, to its original state.

13. Manipulate gravity so he can pin someone's foot to the floor, or launch an item into space.


Hope that helps.

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Re: Low-End/Less Flashy Superpowers suggestions needed...


I had an idea for a super-mechanic multipower:


Slot 1: "I can fix that in a jiffy." Healing, only for Technological SFX, extra time. Super-repair skill, basically.

Slot 2: "Let me tune that up for you." Aid to any one power with Tech SFX.

Slot 3: "Ok, I need a toaster, a cell phone, some bubble-gum, and..." Transform: Stuff of opportunity to Tech SFX gadget. Might limit to mundane items, but perhaps in some way better. The McGuyver power.


Can make all of these require a tool kit, or not, depending on preference.


Precognition can make an interesting low level build with some defensive capabilities. Perhaps the Precognition can be Uncontrolled, for GM plot inducement. The character can buy almost any defense with the "saw that coming" SFX, particularly DCV levels and Combat Luck. Heck, just plain luck for that matter. For offense, some indirect attacks to simulate steering an opponent toward an environmental hazzard, such as an oncoming car, or an open manhole, etc.

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Re: Low-End/Less Flashy Superpowers suggestions needed...


Slot 3: "Ok' date=' I need a toaster, a cell phone, some bubble-gum, and..." Transform: Stuff of opportunity to Tech SF gadget. Might limit to mundane items, but perhaps in some way better. The McGuyver power.[/quote']

Transform is not really the answer to create times. I would build this as a VPP (after all, you can "McGyver" anything).

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Re: Low-End/Less Flashy Superpowers suggestions needed...


I had been wanting to do a cyborg character but wanted to stay with the Metagene orgin type so what I was thinking is that the character was injected with metagenetically engineered cells that act like nano-bots, allowing them to temporarily strengthen the bones and musculature of the character as well as enhance reaction time through the speeding up of nerve impulses through the CNS and PNS, possibly even generate hardened bone spurs or transform the knuckles into super-dense material to act as organic brass knuckles- does anyone think this would work well?

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Re: Low-End/Less Flashy Superpowers suggestions needed...


Transform is not really the answer to create times. I would build this as a VPP (after all' date=' you can "McGyver" anything).[/quote']


I don't think you meant "times"? What can't you create with a transform? This is for mundane equipment more than anything else. A VPP is too much for the character concept.

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Re: Low-End/Less Flashy Superpowers suggestions needed...


I think Chris's point was that there are better ways to create equipment than with transform. Fixing something so that it works as designed or editing it in some small way seems like a good use of transform. Creating new pieces of equipment base base parts or widely altering an existing piece of equipment does seem more suited to a VPP.

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Re: Low-End/Less Flashy Superpowers suggestions needed...


I had been wanting to do a cyborg character but wanted to stay with the Metagene orgin type so what I was thinking is that the character was injected with metagenetically engineered cells that act like nano-bots' date=' allowing them to temporarily strengthen the bones and musculature of the character as well as enhance reaction time through the speeding up of nerve impulses through the CNS and PNS, possibly even generate hardened bone spurs or transform the knuckles into super-dense material to act as organic brass knuckles- does anyone think this would work well?[/quote']


it worked in the tv series jake2.0

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Re: Low-End/Less Flashy Superpowers suggestions needed...


How about someone who has the power to make people forget? I made such a mentalist named Lethe as a plot device originally (to erase peoples' memories when it was convenient), but she ended up being quite versatile although no combat monster. Some of her powers were:


Forget I'm Here: Invisibility, only vs. sentient

Forget You Are Trying to Hit Me: extra DCV

Mental Derail: Mental Paralysis, no DEF

How Did I Do That Again?: Dispel vs. any one Power, Triggered when target attempts to activate power

Amnesia: Mental Transform, only to erase memories


Eventually she gained the ability to read and recall memories, giving her Telepathy only for memories and a mental attack Recall Pain.

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