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D'oh! I am so sorry. Forgive me Denmark!


You are forgiven (waves munificently).

Happens all the time, actually.


As for the guy who was arrested, he was originally arrested for public disorder He was at a concert and climbed into the orchestra and then up onto the stage to do his rant. The orchestra walked out until he was taken away by security. He does this kind of thing on a regular basis, apparently. The article seems to have mashed up multiple incidents which is why it originally says he was filmed at a demonstration and later says he was removed from the stage..


The charge of lèse-majesté is pretty bizarre though - the Netherlands is one of the last places I would have thought still had one of those on the books.


cheers, Mark

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An Australian-based PhD student has cracked an international mystery that had some of the best minds in astrophysics stumped. Working at the Parkes radio telescope in NSW, Emily Petroff has identified the source of mysterious radio bursts of terrestrial origin that mimic signals from outside our own galaxy. 


The strange radio signals being detected on Earth, known as "perytons", are very similar in frequency and duration to deep space signals that some astronomers thought could be caused by neutron stars becoming black holes. However, Ms Petroff and her colleagues identified a far more mundane source for perytons – microwave ovens used by astronomers to heat up their pot noodles. 


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yeesh, I'm glad he didn't die.  I hope he gets help for what appear to be substantial issues.  From before he ever shot martin? From shooting martin? From being cast as the devil by half the country?  Whatever the case, that timeline of gun related incidents is not encouraging.

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