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A Thread for Random Musings

Old Man

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Last night, I had a flashback of sorts. I was dozing off while watching TV. Something made me think of a house I lived in as a kid. For a moment, I could swear I was looking outside the gate. I vaguely remember my aunt also being there.


Okay, it was just a dream. But I woke up early in the morning with a song I hadn't remembered for 30 years playing in my head. Remember the cartoon The Amazing Chan and the Chan Clan? It was one of the songs they sang there.


In case you're curious about song I suddenly remembered, I just did some digging and found this site. It's the second track.


It's not bad by any stretch of the imagination, but what a weird way to wake up!

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Are there really people out there than honestly think that someone is somehow more dead if they are killed by a gun than if they are killed some other way? The terms "Gun Crime" and "Gun Violence" are useless terms. Separating out "Gun Violence" from violence in general would be like setting up a separate category for violence committed while wearing denim jeans.


The problems are the crime and violence, not that the person committing the crime or violence happened to have a gun.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


I don't know if this counts as random, given there was an inspiration, but it's not a direct reply, so....


This is interesting:


"In general, guns are most often used in intimate homicide but weapon type varies by relationship. From 1990 to 2005 --


Over two-thirds of the spouse and ex-spouse victims were killed by guns.

Boyfriends were more likely to be killed by knives than any other group of intimates.

Girlfriends were more likely to be killed by force than any other group of intimates. "


This and lots of interesting homicide tidbits at http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/homicide/intimates.htm

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


http://www.allcountries.org/uscensus/333_murder_victims_circumstances_and_weapons_used.html is neat, there's stats on guns (with handguns as a subcategory), cutting or stabbing, blunt objects, personal weapons (Hands, fists, feet, etc.), strangulations or asphyxiations, and fire.


Hmm, from 1980 to 1999, cutting or stabbing fell out of favor since their heyday in the '80s. One could roughly say that guns went up as cutting/stabbing went down, I guess murderers got more efficient. I wonder what leading indicators there are for weapon types for homicides? Price of guns adjusted for inflation?


I like that this page has "circumstances" as well. But I wonder if they changed methodologies? Arguments declined from fairly significantly from 1985 to 1991 and have stayed near that level since. Unknown causes have increased significantly. Ah, maybe a population more aware of their rights and remaining silent, so as not to give motive?

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Having a cold is bad.


Having a cold when you talk to people for a living is worse.


Can't work. Can't exercise. Can't write. Not enjoying reading or DVDs.


I am comforted only by the knowledge that, despite my illness, I remain one remarkably sexy man.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Having a cold is bad.


Having a cold when you talk to people for a living is worse.


Can't work. Can't exercise. Can't write. Not enjoying reading or DVDs.


I am comforted only by the knowledge that, despite my illness, I remain one remarkably sexy man.

Oh no, the cold has made him delirious!








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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Watching grass grow?:

Bamboo is the fastest-growing plant on Earth. It has been clocked surging skyward as fast as 121 cm (47.6 inches) in a 24-hour period.[10] It can also reach maximal growth rate which exceed 1 metre (40 inches) per hour for short periods of time.
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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Sounds like the live Cute with Chris show in LA went really well, and as hoped it was filmed and should be available soon, YEAH! We wanted to get tickets and fly down to LA for the evening, but the show sold out so fast!


On a completely different note, in the course of a routine search, I came across this guy's site, and as I was perusing for contact info to find something out (long story, not relevant), I saw this, http://adam.legendary.org/index.php/Main_Page , which isn't remarkable to anyone necessarily except here's the semi-weird (and obviously nonetheless certainly also explicable) coincidence that he and I both have the exact same job (Enterprise Architect), we're both world building RPGers, and we're both composer/musician types - egad! Although he's INTP and I'm INTJ.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Been watching Fight Science, an excellent series on the National Geographic Chanel.


Two musings:


1) What goes on in the body of a highly trained human can be vastly different from what goes on in the body of an untrained human. That doctors, nutritionists, martial arts instructors and exercise gurus so often fail to realize this is the cause of much pointless pain and suffering. Related Note: Nutritionists who refuse to look at the research on protein needs and activity types and levels are harming people through willful ignorance.


2) Scientists talking about subjects outside of their area of specialization can be just as uninformed as anyone else; smug as well. However, at least a scientist will generally admit he's wrong when faced with the evidence, especially when he conducts the tests himself; that's not the case with the average Joe in an Internet argument.

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