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A Thread for Random Musings

Old Man

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


Saturday was a good day.

Went out and got scones early on before heading off to Dragonmeet. Met Steve Long there and got him to sign my rulebook. Introduced myself properly.

Got the last of the Scarred Lands books and it is a blast.

Also got Chez Goth which is nice. Gave friends their Christmas presents as I will not see them until the New Year now.

They gave me a game they saw there called Hentacle. It involves Japanese Anime style babes and rather naughty tentacles. The game is marked 18+.

Sick but very funny.

Also had some of the Black Mountain liquor which is Apple and Blackcurrent. It is sweet but nice.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


'Tis the season to be jolly.


A friend of the Tribble had some baked goodies consisting in part of Galaxy chocolate, White Chocolate, Rice Krispies and treacle entered into the Dorkstock Igor Bars bake off. Said things are dreadfully moorish. They won. And got a prize.

John Kavolic is the person behind this and was a guest there as well as Steve.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


There is a TV programme called Top Gear on BBC. It is to do with cars. Now they do a feature called Star in a Reasonably Priced Car in which someone well known goes round a race track in an ordinary production car. Last week was Christian Slater and a previous driver was Patrick Stewart. Most are people known to the British public.

People write into the show saying that they'd like a go and that they'd be faster than such and such a person. Most of these requests get tossed into the bin. This week they highlighted a letter from a guy who said he could get around the circuit faster than the bottom placed guy, ie the slowest. So what ? So the guy making the claim is blind. Completely blind.

They decided to have him on the show. He had learned to drive and was in the army but contracted a rare disease which destroyed both optic nerves.

Into the car he went and was navigated Rally style by Jeremy Clarkson one of the presenters. He got all the way around in 2:02. Faster than the bottom two on the list.

Remarkable and heartwarming.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


My son somehow managed to get some kind of specialty cooking sifter over his head and stuck around his neck. My wife, in between laughing her ass off, told me that they're waiting for our mechanicly inclined family friend to bring over the bolt cutters. Of course, Mrs Mightybec took pictures.

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Guest Skaramine

Re: A Thread for Random Musings


So... here's the deal.


226 is my number. It pops up like clockwork - and I'm usually looking at the clock when it flips to 2:26 or 12:26.


So, the SIG Sauer P226 has always been a consideration for Peter Leskow's gun, but then I found these neat Stainless Steel 1:6 scale Berettas with wood grips. So I always flop back to something else.


And then yesterday, it hit me.


SIG Sauer makes a Stainless SIG Sauer P226, and the stainless Beretta with wood grips could be its 1:6 stand-in.


I hate being so slow and stupid. :stupid::idjit::doi:

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


A co-worker and I were just discussing snow. I hate the way snow shuts down the DC area. As I grew up in New Jersey, I know how to drive in the snow, only 90% of the rest of the folks who live in the DC Metro area do not. A simple 3" of snow will bring traffic in this town to a halt, and that is not hyperbole. The last time I had to drive home in the snow, a simple 20 minute drive took 4.5 hours.

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Re: A Thread for Random Musings


By chance, I saw an old freind of mine online today and we were able to chat and catch up a bit. She told me "Be right back. I'm freezing and filthy: just shot a bunch of photos in a bath full of wine and pills." She also reported that she just got back from the UK, where she went to the wedding of an old friend of hers... a Scottish-Jewish-Socialist wedding. None of this even made me blink... this sort of thing is the norm for her.

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