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Everything posted by HeroGM

  1. HeroGM

    I Got It!!

    Re: I Got It!! I bleive I boughty my copy of Wings for $25 or so, know it was under $30. Strike Force I bought when it was new, sooo many years ago.
  2. Re: Galactic Champions I asked my comic shop about it (I hate hate hate the local gaming shop) and the guy replied "Well, it's on Order" which means Atlantic(?) actually shows as it being out now, odds are it'll be there Weds when I pick up comics. Wish it had come in this week (very light week, only 3 comics (4 if you count my Son's copy of Teen Titan's).
  3. Re: Furry Champion's I have the RPG...Crunchy Frog. Several friends and I have played it so I woudln't call it a total bomb It is a pretty small niche group unless you counted the TMNT crowd. And the idea of using furry's as heroes is such a small sub-genre it'd be more use as an article in Digital Hero (and yes, I know it was one in Adventurer's Club). It was a suggestion. If it was a book on Silver/Golden Age hereos I might suggest conning Byrn into doing a cover (though I do honestly miss the Perez ones). Hm....they do commissions...wonder if I should send in some pics of the new Champion's...(laugh)...be intreasting to say the least.
  4. While visiting Supermegatopia I came across these. Only of intreast to people who are into Furry super-heroes or anything close. (Note to Steve, if Hero Games ever decides to create a furry hero book I highly suggest the artists here for interior work and the cover) All art belongs to Supermegatopia
  5. Re: Doom Patrol Champions yeah, byrnerobitics.com has some sneak shots for the series. Looks like it'll be intreasting. Wonderful or not is debateable until the issues come out.
  6. Re: Champions: NM HERO Files? I thought I had sent them to you a year or so ago? I can probably dig them up, matter of finding the Hero CD they're on. Herogm@cbrmail.com, make note in subject about files. Been getting a LOT of spam lately
  7. Re: Doom Patrol Champions Yet no-one seems to have a problem with it being done to Superman, Catwoman, Flash, X-Men, Fantastic Four, Avengers or anyone else.
  8. Re: Campaign idea: Kirby's Fourth World homage You may want to take a look at Galactic Champion's when it comes out. Not only does it handle the nromal "cosmic" type heroes (Legion, Avengers, etc) it also gives ideas and tips on doing Gods or other similar powered beings.
  9. Re: Campaign idea: Kirby's Fourth World homage to paraphrase a line from a star trek book One man's technology is another man's magics and a third man's gobble-de-gook. The thing with Kirby is that rather it's magic or technology who cares. It works, it moves the story along and it's fun to look at with all the "kirby krackle" around it. In the Ragnorak that came not just the Norse gods were involved. All the Earth mythologies were involved in one form or another. This massive energy instead of being destroyed or lost was converted into something..else...Now in the 21st Century a new brand of God has emerged, a mythology that's mixed all the different types as well as adapted aspects of the modern world. The Gods are trying to understand base humans while the humans are trying to cope with things that are beyond their understanding. Magic? Technology? The Gods simply know it works and they understand it. To the humans it appears as whatever seems best at the time.
  10. Re: Green Lantern Originally yes. They've played a few times with the fact she migh have some mild plant control though due to her mom being the original Thorn (as in Rose &). Don't know how far they've taken it though or if it's even stilli n discussion. Kinda like Arrowette being Oliver Queen's daughter (sigh). They tease you in one book but don't discuss it in the character's main book, and 3 writers later no-one knows what's going on.
  11. Re: Green Lantern Oh almost forgot. Don't know if some of these have been bought up. Kyle's ring doesn' have the impurity in it, so yellow obejcts can be affected by it. Because of one storyline where Kyle was getting God-Like power through the ring (and calling himself Ion) he restarted the main battery and "re-created" the Guardians (as babies). Bringing the ring back down to "normal-levels" Kyle has redone the ring so that it holds a small (20%?) reserve of energy before it's fully depleted. The ring he was given currently only works for him and his decendents.. During one storyline Hal Jorden left a copy of his ring behind, was used by Jade for awhile. This ring has the ability to create duplicates of itself. Belive it was given to someone else after awhile in order to re-start the Green Lanter Corps. John Byrne's Generations II gives an alterante way of looking at the ring, and to be honest, makes sense to me considering the powers and attitude of the Guardians.
  12. Re: Green Lantern If you like the Green Lantern Corp pick up Another Nail that's currently out. The thing they do with one of the rings is amazing.
  13. Re: Green Lantern Hal has been the Spectre for the last 4-5 years (real time) I belive...Since the Underworld crossovers. Most people don't know who he is, but that may have changed as well. He's appeared in JSA and on again/off again in Green Lantern. Also doing guest shots (Supergirl & Young Justice comes to mind) As for bringing him back, I have mixed feelings about it. He seemed to be doing pretty well as the Spectre. Villians coming back is one thing, it's always been done and expected. To keep bringing the hero back smacks of Marvel's Phoenix and Spider-Clone stories. That's just me though
  14. HeroGM

    Which comic?

    Re: Which comic? Soldiers of Liberty = Cross between Marvel's Invaders & Danger Unlimited
  15. HeroGM

    Which comic?

    Re: Which comic? Sorry, have to quible here. GEORGE PEREZ George Lopez is the comedian on ABC
  16. Re: League of Extraordinary Gentlemen question
  17. Re: Champions Comic Book?
  18. Re: Champions Comic Book? The original left a bad taste in my mouth so I'd rather not seen it happen.
  19. Re: THE TURAKIAN AGE Reviewed On RPG.Net "God Awful poser-style art imagining programs" I take offense at that. Apprently the writer hasn't kept up with what Poser can do.
  20. Re: Galactic Champions Word Very good. Or at least the playtest copy is. Wait until you see Mechanon's final points, you'll s**t your pants (well, when I told Tobascojunkie he did..but that could be all the mexican food he eats too)
  21. HeroGM

    Build this!

    Re: Build this! There are no details for them, They're sketches. What they do or don't do is up to your imagination. LIke I said, I liked the designs and thought I'd share in case anyone liked them as well and wanted to put them into their game.
  22. HeroGM

    Build this!

    Ok...Not really. I scanned these the Art of John Byrne (NO byrne bashing please). I thought someone here might like the design and draw it up for their game.
  23. Re: Nothing personal Ben, but I killed you last night. I'm just glad he wasnt thinking of ME while he was playing! "Daniel is dead "
  24. Re: Anyone remeber these My Day of the Destroyer is autographed by Ben Dunn Not really important but I thought I'd brag (laugh). Seeker always seemed to get the worst of it on the covers. Even when he poses for street signs! You always had Seeker getting his @$$ kicked and Jaguar was the invisible Champion. You hardly ever saw him on the cover or in the books. Best Defender cover had to be Champion's 3-D..coming out the warp looking like he was about to kick his evil counterpart's butt. Plus the painted look of the cover (sigh).
  25. Re: Turakian Age PDF It pays to flip through the Free Stuff section sometimes
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